054-1999 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us Corrected L.T.C. No. 54-1999(a) LETTER TO COMMISSION March 4, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mmission SUBJECT: ALASKA P FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager At the February 17, 1999, City Commission Meeting, the Administration provided a status report to the City Commission on the City's efforts to acquire the Alaska Parcel. It was reported and recommended at that meeting that a final report be presented to the City Commission on March 17, 1999. This recommendation was based upon the assumption that Final Approvals, as defined in the Settlement Agreement, would have to be granted on or before February 17, 1999. We have just been notified that Final Approvals have been granted as of March 1, 1999. As a result, a revised timeline is attached, as Exhibit 1, that reflects the expiration of the Due Diligence period, based upon a March 10, 1999 "Effective Date," defined as the execution date ofthe Contract for Sale and Purchase, on April 24, 1999. Therefore, it is recommended that the Administration report back to the City Commission on April 1999 vs. March 17, 1999. The revised timeframe will: 1. Afford the residents in the area additional time to formulate a special assessment proposal to the City to contribute towards the purchase of the Alaska Parcel; and 2. Will not expose the City to any risk as the revised Due Diligence expiration date, as a result of the delays in Final Approvals, is April 24, 1999. Based on the foregoing, if you do not concur with the recommendation to delay the final report to April 1999, as opposed to March 17, 1999, please advise me prior to March 8, 1999. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. SR:cU/8;jph Attachment F:ICMGRI$ALLIL TC99IALAS-COR,WPD CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us L.T.C. No. 54-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION March 2, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: ALASKA PARCEL At the February 17, 1999, City Commission Meeting, the Administration provided a status report to the City Commission on the City's efforts to acquire the Alaska Parcel. It was reported and recommended at that meeting that a final report be presented to the City Commission on March 17, 1999. This recommendation was based upon the assumption that Final Approvals, as defined in the Settlement Agreement, would have to be granted on or before February 17, 1999. We have just been notified that Final Approvals have been granted as of March 1, 1999. As a result, a revised timeline is attached, as Exhibit 1, that reflects the expiration of the Due Diligence period, based upon a March 10, 1999 "Effective Date," defined as the execution date ofthe Contract for Sale and Purchase, on April 24, 1999. Therefore, it is recommended that the Administration report back to the City Commission on April 21, 1999 vs. March 17, 1999. The revised time frame will: 1. Afford the residents in the area additional time to formulate a special assessment proposal to the City to contribute towards the purchase of the Alaska Parcel; and 2. Will not expose the City to any risk as the revised Due Diligence expiration date, as a result of the delays in Final Approvals, is April 24, 1999. Based on the foregoing, if you do not concur with the recommendation to delay the final report to April 21, 1999, as opposed to March 17, 1999, please advise me prior to March 8, 1999. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. SR:CMC/jph (),)lL- Attachments F:ICMGRI$ALLIL TC99IALASKA WPD (9:9 >. ... c ...J ..c 0.E CD - CD <Ll ...- <Ll~Qj..c en CO c: ~Q).co ~ ~ .~ CD .e ... ... "0 C. .!:'1 ..c CO ai ... 00. E ea..~~ 0> CO E <LlCDO>O ..... c: E"O-- o 0 0 .- N eo ... .- 0 Q) C/) c: c: c: en ~ ... 0 ti= Q) .!!! - Z. Ol (f) "0 <( EEQ)o <(CDCD Q)Ee"O ...~-:;O goco<Ll c"OoO Q)Oa..SOlCDCQ)Ol . E .~ ~ "O:E ~ CO ~ .~ -g Ecoen~CDE~en~:J o 15 co u Q) <Ll'- co.Q en o 0 <( C/) ~ C/) N ~ eo .!!! ...J W U 0::: <( a.. ;2 tn :3 <( 0\ 0\_ '- fIl ...._~ '-=~ r.rJ~>0) ~~e..... Z Q.Q.tO - = Q...... ~"Cl<"" ~~-~ ~ ~ : 0 E=efi:8 e Q) E Q) Q) .... Ol <( e <Ll E CD :;::; ... CD C/) o ... .... <Ll ... (j) ...J Q) "0 Ci5 LU ~ o t- Z LU ~ LU o Z LU ~ ~ o o Q) 10 o eo en > .!::: e ~~ <(co z.'O 'c .... :J Q) E"E E 0 0- O~ ......i.t= o en .....Q) c: :J <Ll en E .!!! t::- co<( 0.0 Q)o 0_ e <Ll E CD u c: CD E E o o E o .... ..... en >. 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