Resolution 2020-31277RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31277 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDING AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO APPL Y FOR AND ACCEPT FUNDING (INCLUDING MATCHING FUNDS AND ANY RELATED CITY EXPENSES), AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS OR AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH A GRANT APPLICATION TO FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS, FISCAL YEAR 2021-2023 CULTURAL FACILITIES GRANT PROGRAM, IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $117,000, FOR PHASE 2 OF THE MIAMI CITY BALLET RENOVATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City Administration applies for grants and external funding from outside organizations; and WHEREAS, the City Administration requests approval to apply for funding for funds from the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, Fiscal Year 2021- 2023 Cultural Facilities Grant Program in the approximate amount of $117,000 for the Phase 2 of the Miami City Ballet Renovation Project; and WHEREAS, the Cultural Facilities Program (the "Program") of the Florida Department of State coordinates and guides the State of Florida's support and funding of renovation, new construction, or acquisition of cultural facilities; and WHEREAS, to qualify for Program funding, the applicant's mission must be to directly conduct arts and cultural programming; and WHEREAS, as defined by the Program, a cultural facility is a building, which is used for the programming, production, presentation, exhibition of any of the arts and cultural disciplines, such as music, dance, theatre, creative writing, literature, architecture, painting, sculpture, folk arts, photography, crafts, media arts, visual arts, and programs of museums; and WHEREAS, in addition, arts and cultural programming and must comprise at least 85% of building's use; and WHEREAS, the Program is intended for bricks and mortar construction or renovation, or facility acquisition; and WHEREAS, Miami City Ballet leases its facility from the City of Miami Beach located at 2200 Liberty Avenue, Miami Beach and intends to apply for funding for Phase 2 of the renovation of its facility; and W H E R E A S , proposed improvements include new flooring, security system drywall replacement, painting and furniture, fixtures and equipment; and WHEREAS, the Administration is requesting approval for the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, Cultural Facilities Program, in the approximate amount of $117,000 for Phase 2 of the Miami Beach City Ballet Project; and WHEREAS, the grant requires a $2:$1 match, with the applicant providing $2 for every $1 of State grant funding; and WHEREAS, $234,000 in matching funds has been identified as follows: 305-1720- 000511-00-406-555-00-00-00-65220-$1,000,305-1720-000342-00-413-555-00-00-00-652 20 - $139,000; and $94,000 from the Miami City Ballet special revenue fund (169) fund balance will be committed for matching funds; and WHEREAS, both the grant and matching funds may only be spent during the grant period; and WHEREAS, the grant and matching funds may only be spent during the grant period and the timeline for notification of grant award is anticipated to be during Quarter 4 Fiscal Year 2021. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to apply for, accept and appropriate funding (including matching funds and any related city expenses), and to execute any and all documents or agreements in connection with the grant application to Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Cultural Facilities Grant Program in the approximate amount of $117,000, for Phase 2 of the Miami City Ballet Renovation Project. PASSED and ADOPTED this 32 day or /7@q I 2020. Dan Gelber, Mayor ATTES7d 5hl Rafael E. Granado, City dêrk APPROVE AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR ç_ECUTION 3- „er City Attorney~ Date Resolution s -C7 A MIAM I BEAC H COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager May 22, 2020 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDING AND APPROVI NG AND AUTHORIZING MIAMI CITY BALLET AND THE CITY MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT FUNDING {INCLUDING MATCHING FUNDS AND ANY RELATED CITY EXPENSES), AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS OR AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH A GRANT APPLICATION TO FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS, FISCAL YEAR 2021-2023 CULTURAL FACILITIES GRANT PROGRAM, IN THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $117,000, FOR PHASE 2 OF THE MIAMI CITY BALLET RENOVATION PROJECT. RE COMM EN DAT ION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The City of Miami Beach applies for various grants and funding allocations from external agencies and organizations. Information regarding the project and funding agency is included in the Analysis Section of this Agenda Item. ANALYSIS The Cultural Facilities Program (Program) of the Florida Department of State coordinates and guides the State of Florida's support and funding of renovation, new construction, or acquisition of cultural facilities. To qualify for Program funding, the applicant's mission must be to directly conduct arts and cultural programming. As defined by the Program a cultural facility is a building, which is used for the programming, production, presentation, exhibition of any of the arts and cultural disciplines. These disciplines are music, dance, theatre, creative writing, literature, architecture, painting, sculpture, folk arts, photography, crafts, media arts, visual arts, and programs of museums. Arts and cultural programming and must comprise at least 85% of facility's use. The Program is intended for bricks and mortar construction or renovation, or facility acquisition. Miami Beach City Ballet intends to apply for funding for Phase 2 of the renovation of its facility Page 4 of 47 located at 2200 Li berty A venue, M iam i B e ach. P ro posed im provem ents incl ude new floo ring, security system drywa ll replacem ent, painting and furn iture, fixt ures and equipm ent. M iam i C ity B allet leases its fa ci lity fro m the C ity of M iam i B e ach. T he A dm inistration is requesting appro val for the subm ittal of a grant application to the Flo rida D epartm ent of State, D ivision of C ultural A ff airs , C ultural Facilities Pro gram , in the appro xi m ate am ount of $117 ,000 fo r Phase 2 of the M iam i B each C ity B allet P roject. T he grant requires a $2: $1 m atch, wi th the A pplicant pro viding $2 fo r every $1 of State grant fund ing. $2 34 ,000 in m at ching fund s has been iden tified as fol lows: 305-17 20-0005 11-00-4 06- 555-00-00-00-6 5220 - $1,000; 305-17 20-0 0034 2-0 0-4 13 -555-0 0-0 0-00-6 5220 - $139,0 00; and $94 ,000 from the M iam i C ity B allet special revenue fund (169) fund balance wi ll be com m itted as m atching funds. T he grant and m atching funds m ay only be spent during the grant period . T he tim eline fo r notification of grant award is antici pated to be during Q uarter 4 F iscal Year 202 1. CONCLUSION Based on the aforestated analysis, the Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the Resolution appropriating funding and approving and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to apply for and accept funds and execute all documents or agreements in connection with the aforementioned grant. Applicable Area Not Applicable ls this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? No Does this item utilize G.O, Bond Funds? No Legislative Tracking Grants and Intergovernmental Affairs ATTACHMENTS: Description Page 5 of 47