052-1999 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us L.T.C. No. 52-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION February 24, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: 16TH STREET GARAGE Attached, please find correspondence from St. Moritz Hotel Corp. (Developer) regarding the 16th Street Garage. Craig Schaffer, the Project Manager, has been relieved of his duties effective March 8, 1999. Eric Nesse will assume responsibility and oversight for completion of the project. Staff is meeting with the project team on March 1, 1999 to discuss the pending completion of items and to address the ongoing areas of concern that you have articulated on many occasions to me, To that end (refer to letter dated February 18, 1999 to Eric Nesse), we have requested plans of action to address the inoperable elevator, enhanced lighting and improved signage, Please feel free to provide me with any additional comments or suggestions you feel must be addressed, I will provide you with an update with the results of said meeting, SR:C~/jph Attachments c: Christina M, Cuervo, Assistant City Manager F:\CMGR\$ALL\L TC. 99\16-ST -GA. WPD ~EB . 23, 1 '3'3'3 '3: 01 RM 5T MOR HZ HOTEL CORP TO:CMBCCITY HRLL) HRRRY NO. 548 P,l ST. MORin HOTEL CORP. ~ 407 LINCOLN ROAD SUITE 6-K MIAMI BEACH. Fl.OtllDA33139 T 305-535-8077 F 305-535-6161 MEMORANDUM ~ Via FacsimilelHand- Delivery DATE: Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager/City of Miami Beach Eric NeS8~ February 22, 1999 TO: FROM: RE: Anchor Place - Mem.o from C. Schaffer As discussed with you, the attached memo of February 18 from Mr. Schaffer was not requested nor authorized by myself on behalf of St. Mortiz Hotel Corp. While Mr. Schaffer's position has been terminated effective March 9 in consideration of our remaining hotel/garage close-out obligations, St. Moritz Hotel Corp. fully acknowledges its residual responsibilities with respect to the garage project. In lieu ofMr, Schaffer, I will now serve as {he City's contact person. To confIrm our conversation, we will meet on Mondav. March 1 (2~3 P.M.J at your office. I suggest we discuss the following open matters: 1. Beauchamp (scope completion and punch-list) 2. Status of Open Change Orders. 3. Completion - Allchor Restoration Drawings 4. Completion of Washington Avenue Scope. 5. Tenant Construction, 6. Overall project Close-Out. Thank you. cc: Jack Adler, Marc Shapiro, Alan Rose, John Malina, Harry TalbotILoews Kent Bonde, David Cates William Cary, Phil AzanlCity af Miami Beach Michael Meyer, Pat D' Addio, Chuck MoscatofI'ishman Construction Bernard ZyscovichlZyscovich, Inc. Steven Feller, Bob Raynor/Steven Feller, Inc. Pedro DuquesnelDonnell Duquesne Albasia Marco Osorio/Consul-lech Engineering Don Crissey, Dean Thomas, Frank WhitelBeauchamp Construction File: 1500.01 Read r.'r;It'f\Cl::....nll"30f\'l~I'C~dlaffoll" LOEWS HOTELS CODlNA GR.OUP , FOREST CliY RATNER COMPANIES -:---FEB. 23. 1999:" ~:: 02RMl 5T MO~ITZ ~O~~L CORP , ~ I, \~. , .: l. .,' . NO,548 P.4 /\ ~., l' .! ~ , . , I' " . '. I _ " ,;.. ": '.':"::::'.:,:i .~. SfMoRlU HOTEL tORr .;:,: r{~~' ,~Il' ., I 407. LINCOLJ':I,IlOAD .. . . " w. 1" . :.' ~\, SUI1;E'~'K ~. l' M1A.MI F.EACH, FLOR.lOA 3:m~' T 30S.SW8077 F JOS'S:!S-6161 '~I, .', , . . ~ i, .' , I ;~'!~.\ ," ':)' 'i,:-( '- ~ ~ I I ,.,!.~II.1:';,~II)~) Ii .\I\~ly,j'I".;'" ,~.. {\ .ar,~ I.Jt'S >, 'I r): ( ,",:;l,i~ '; n' \; ",;' J.' ,"\., MEMORANDUM TO: Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager FROM: . @~'cral'g ~chaffer, Assistan~ Director ~f Constl:\l,~ol) 'I, ) City of Miami Beach ~t. Mori~ Hotel Corp, DATB: February'I&-, 1999 . ~ .' I , . .. . .' . , .,l. ' RE: I ~,,'~ ./tll "'I 'j "I;.~''"\r ~"'/l(.,:. Dear Cbristina:i",ir"'~,~~'l '~:"""l ,.,,' '. -. {'\: ' ":,;. , f:}-o ' "',:("':: .~ "I ~ ":~ , ,'~ . ~ I am writmgt8 I:rtfam yoo., and the projeCt~t~ that the St,!Morltz Hotel Corporation haS notified me that my servi~s will no longer ,be requited 'after Marcil 8, 1999. It has been a distinct pleasure working closely with the Cityi and our team of skilled('professionals , OD this important project. Anth r PlAce -Noti~e ~~, l \ " 1 ... .. I , :. ~'\ In anticipation of.my departure.! Qiust pOlntout.~ a pulllber of critical issues remain which should be resolved, Ql' n'!inima.lly have a planned resolution, so as to ensure that the City can efficiently bring closure to. ith(S',proj 1}6t. t" I . , ., . .:. . :".- { .. - . ~ ''t ~ ~ ',', ~.. l i. ~ .. \ ..('~ ." L. "" . . . , COlllp1etlOtl. of ,the AMhptHotel ~~diationlrenov:atiOD. d.ocuments, and proCurement of a multi tiered pricing package with which toa)\'8Id this.,~itiooa1~. I .' .. Complotioncot work ~ tb W~.retai1~~rtiOJi~:L;~.;'r~~.t1m.nJ,.). ~l1mIll1Y uOOerway, ~.in~t~~v.eoftbase:contract and:extra work:saopes.' , ~ .'. .-.....' . ~.."l.{. ' . ~;- ~;, /, . 1',' ~ ' ~ '; .' ,ProCJ.lreJUent of.a formal ''PWlch1ist'', minimally on the garage proper, as well as a schedule from the conttador'for completi()n of these items,l i.' ....,. '. ~ . Procurement of all outstanding ~as and credits related. to the construction. and fmal analysis or 'negotiation on these contract cost issu~ . . ;: ~, t ". r, ~,,'/ \; I ~ . ;: . / : ' ;., r I ~ ~ .;: It:i~'~y f~g~~~,the p~ojcct team shou~d focus ~1\ aresQlutiott oftbe!le 1aBks in the coming weeks, 90 as to narrOW the quantity of decisions' which the City may need to make without the benefit of full background mt'ormatij)M! Id~lyltbi5 w~uld lea.'Ve!a:s~lerCjW~PfCs~nr.ative with:.. a: composite list in han~ and authoritylto releases. tin~ paym,ent upon fun ~omp1ia.11ce\ . . I wish you ~ y.~rCOll~~c;ont\nued~~~cess:ii1.'ybi1t~~~k~eVel~ the City'; of Miami Beach intoOJf~fltb~.~ortdsltap;.tQutist'~~i~, : .:,,','::' \1,;" . 00: \ . J~ Adl~: Mni:cl:fsbtp~o, A1eh RbAl:, John M"lllino, ~talbot 1l.Dllwi . Ertc:;N~!sc; l'Qui,:~ a~/~cqd. A1c1l!lJ\dra Roll~lt'~el!i / MBlU Kent Bond\!, Dll.vi4 c.ttra, Willlll1'll CIITcy, Phi\li~ Azlln I CMB Mlllhaol Meyer, Pat D' Addle, ctmlllc. Mosaato 1 TIshma.n. ConliU1SCltlon Bernard ZywoYich. AhmCd Alv~ Ariel GIlllan/ Z}'Ioov.ich, Ino.~ StllVet\ Fen~, BOb,Raynorl Slc~peuer, Jrn:r. ' \. . . . l'CldrO DWl.\ll:ane, Ibrahun Salib I Domdl IlNqeSne Alba$ill . . Marco 9iorio f COns~tllc EnpeennB .' ,J.. ~. ~-'my~~I~~"q~y!f!,e&"nl,~,Pmnk~~ito I ~~~ehamp CQ.,att\loUO!l,r Lk:i I: , It . :.~ ~, .' . ..l. .. J'. ~ ".\; ; ~ I ., \ ,'J -,' 11,~,', ',. "1\ \ ; . d :. ~ ,'~, Ii, ...: J \,' ~' \ ., , ~. \ ~ :! ~ :t '.< ~ . I ~!,: ':-~, .~~ r:~:,:t.I: l....::<.i I ;,. i ,>" 'LOEWS HOTtLt" ?, - ....'~.., rf'\nr..u. r.l'H"'\1.1P . J:Ollll~T CI:rv !l.\.TNE1l<.:COM.P:A.NIES . :':\' \ :\',,' ,,: , t" CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Telephone (305) 673.7010 Facsimile (305) 673-7782 February 18, 1999 Mr. Eric Nesse St. Moritz Hotel Corp. 407 Lincoln Road, Suite 6-K Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Eric: Attached, please find a letter from Quik Park addressing complaints regarding the 16th Street Garage. Quik Park identifies that two of the four issues, inoperative elevator and inadequate stairwell lighting, are items that need to be addressed by the developer and the contractor, To that end, I would like you to provide the Agency/City with proposed course of action that will be taken to correct the continual mechanical failures evidenced by the elevators in the facility. I would also request that you reassess the lighting in the stairwells and throughout the garage due to repeated complaints of poor illumination and provide recommendations for improvements. The Agency/City would also request that the architect revisit the signage in the garage. The vertical signage is difficult to read and perhaps the architect can reassess and recommend design enhancements to improve signage within the facility. Your attention to these matters is appreciated and please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, i~ Christina M. ervo Assistant City Manager CMC/jph cc: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Kent Bonde, Redevelopment Coordinator David Cates, Capital Projects Coordinator Beauchamp Construction Quik Park F:\CMG R\$ALL \CHRISTlN\HOTELS\NESSE. WPD I"~<)-I; .2J~~ ~:X~ QUIK PARK s ~ ~~: ~ ;. 42:5 ~EAp1 61 st STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10021 (212] 832-2066 - FAX (212] 832-3022 February 10,1999 Commissioner Nancy Liebman City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Re: 16th Street Garage Dear Commissioner Liebman: Mr. Shareef Malnik, our business associate, has kindly informed me of a recent conversation he had with you with respect to the complaints your friend expressed after she parked at the 16th Street Garage, Unfortunately, of the four complaints received, three are out of Quik Park's direct control- the inoperable elevators, the inadequate stairwell lighting and the homeless people. Quik Park has addressed the issue of cleanliness by hiring additional cleaning staff and by posting signs in each of the elevator landings which read "Please excuse our dust while we are under construction." Quik Park will continue to ensure that the parking areas of the facility are maintained to the satisfaction of the City. With respect to the other three issues, Quik Park has and continues to report maintenance problems and other concerns to the Redevelopment Agency, specifically: Inoperable Elevator: The elevators have been experiencing frequent technical malfunctions, which Quik Park has been reporting to the Redevelopment Agency and to Beauchamp Construction, the garage contractor. It is our understanding that since the garage is still under a temporary certificate of occupancy, that the contractor is responsible for mechanical and electrical problems that arise in the facility. It is our hope that this issue will be solved once and for all. Inadequate Stairwell Lighting: I share the same concern for the quality of lighting in the stairwells, and have recently brought this issue to the attention of Kent Bonde and David Cates. It is our understanding, that the lighting in the garage is being looked into by the City and the contractor. (- QUIK PARK February 10,1999 Page 2 Homeless People: Homeless people do tend to loiter occasionally outside of the garage and particularly around the exit area on the public sidewalks. Since Quik Park is not in a position to enforce security outside of the garage, any assistance from the City's Police Department would be greatly appreciated. Quik Park maintains 24-hour security inside the garage to ensure against unauthorized entry and other problem activity. Security needs to be addressed in external areas surrounding the garage, which include the retail spaces and the public sidewalks. Kent Bonde has informed me that the Police Department has conducted a survey of the garage to assess safety and security deficiencies. Please contact me if you have any suggestions or advice, and perhaps you can recommend the best way to proceed in getting the three unresolved issues addressed. Very truly yours, RL/ma cc: Kent O. Bonde, Redevelopment Coordinator David Cates, Capital Projects Coordinator .1 Simon Cruz, Commissioner Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager David Dermer, Commissioner Jackie Gonzalez, Parking Department Shareef Malnik Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Martin Shapiro, Commissioner Jose Smith, Commissioner Patricia Walker, Financial Director