LTC 217-2020 Miami Beach Retains Class 5 Rating from FEMAMIAMI BEA CH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 217-2020 NO. LTC # LET.TER TO COMMISSION TO : M ayor D an G elber and M embers of the FRO M : Jim my l. M ora les, City M anager DATE: June 23, 2020 SU BJECT: M iam i Beach Retains Class 5 Rating from FEM A I'm pleased to announce that pro perty ow ners w ill continue to enjoy a 25 percent savings in Rood insura nce premiums due to FEMA recerti fyi ng the city 's Class 5 Community Roting System (CRS) score. The city is only one of tw o com munities in M iami-Dade County to achieve the CRS Class 5 rating, w hich equates to on estimated $8.2 mi llion in savings. M iom i Beach participates in the Community Roting System of the National Flood Insurance Pro gra m (NFIP). The C om m unity Rating System is a voluntary pro gram under FEMA allow ing communities to earn Rood insurance discounts. Under FEM A's National Flood Insura nce Progra m, cities can earn points for conduct ing activities promoting flood insura nce and reducing flood risk. The city has been part of the CRS prog ra m fo r many years and has gra dually increased flood insura nce savings w ith each score im provement fo r th e community . In M oy of 2019, #he city improved its CRS score from Class 6 to 5. This accomplishment increas ed flood insura nce premiums savings from 20 percent to 25 percen t citywi de for m ost pol icies. Helping ottset any inc reasing federal rates, the new estimated savings increased from $6.6 m illion to $8.2 m illion annually. The CRS progra m ra ting is reflect ive of stronger resilience efforts ranging from stormw ater management planning, review of elevation certificates, higher regulatory standards, land use amendments, com m unicating flood aw areness messages, creating a Pro gram fo r Public Info rm ation Committee, conduct o flood insura nce analysis, and open space preservation to name a few . M aintaining this score is a direct result of staff collaboration and dedication of Building, Emergency M anagement, Environmental and Sustainability , M arketing and Communications, Planning and Zoning, and Public W orks. This is a team effort led by the Building Fl oodplain M anager and Chief Resilience O fficer. I look fo rw ard to sharing this exciting new s with residents and business and continuing our commitment to reducing flood risk and rising above. JM /AK