LTC 323-2020 Thank you letter from the Animal Welfare CommitteeDocuSign Envelope ID: 904ADE5B-C924-472B-A91 F-87CD0944B09C M IA M I B E A C H NO. LTC# 323-2020 LETT ER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission ao» sor-wea». o»{a. ida. ~28CA18194070496 ... DATE: September 17, 2020 SUBJECT: THANK YOU LETTER FROM THE ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide a copy of a thank you message submitted by the members of the Animal Welfare Committee to the members of the City Commission for expanding the budget for the Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, and Release (TNVR) Program during their July 17, 2020 Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee meeting. The City of Miami Beach (CMB) funded a TNVR Program via the PetSmart Charities grants from mid-year 2012 through 2019 which totaled $288,855. Since then PetSmart Charities has moved on and is working with other municipalities, in the hopes that the CMB program is strong enough to stand on its own. Miami Beach currently has a population or approximately 15,000 cats, and this grant allowed for the TNVR of approximately 1/3 of the cats (5,137). This assistance has been crucial as per the Humane Society, female cats can breed 3 times a year and have an average of 4 kittens per litter. In seven years, one unspayed female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats. Current costs associated with TNVR are $20 to trap and $80 for the surgery. In addition, the City also works with Soße Cats, an education-based organization that helps the City of Miami Beach residents care for and control the City's homeless community cat population, with the TNVR task. The City has supported Soße Cats in managing a Registered Cat Feeder Program since its inception in the Summer of 2017. The Registered Cat Feeder Program has helped educate, support, and organize those individuals that are kind enough to care for the homeless community cat population. This program counts on the Registered Feeders to not only feed and provide fresh water to the cats, but to also make the City/Sobe Cats aware of any cats that have not been spayed/neutered (noted by a snip in the cats left ear), so that they can work with that Registered Feeder to educate on TNVR options and techniques. Given all of these details, the Animal Welfare Committee would like to thank the Mayor and City Commission for expanding the budget for the TNVR program during their July 2020 meeting. While the current need is much higher, this increase will provide for approximately 1,000 cats to be spayed or neutered while the Committee works with City staff to identify potential programs to offset such costs." :~;WY questions or need additional information, please feel to contact me