060-1999 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us m L.T.C. No, 60-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION March 9, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen Kasdin Members of the City Comm' FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: Attendance Statistics for Miami Beach Public Schools At the December 16,1998 City Commission meeting, the City Commission requested the following information from Miami-Dade County Public Schools: . The number of students attending Miami Beach public schools; . The number of students attending Miami Beach public schools who are not residents of Miami Beach; and . The attendance boundaries for Miami Beach public schools. In addition to the response provided by F. Craig Sturgeon, Region II Superintendent for Miami- Dade County Public Schools, attached you will find a chart delineating the figures provided and comparing them to additional factors of interest. Of specific interest: ~~ Thirteen percent of the student population at North Beach Elementary is attending the school on a transfer. ~~ Twenty-one percent of the student population at South Pointe Elementary is attending the school on a transfer. ~~ Biscayne Elementary's Percentage of Permanent Capacity Utilization is 162.35%, the highest among schools in the Miami Beach feeder pattern ~~ The addition of the proposed Primary Learning Center (PLC) at Biscayne Elementary is intended to replace 10 portable classrooms. While Miami Beach feeder pattern schools are overcrowded, it is worth noting that other schools in the Region are far worse: ~~ The average Percentage of Permanent Capacity Utilization for Miami Beach feeder elementary schools is 126.63 compared to 143.69 for the remainder of the Region. ~~ The average Percentage of Permanent Capacity Utilization for Nautilus Middle is 112.42 compared to 128.36 for the remaining middle schools in the Region. ~~ The average Percentage of Permanent Capacity Utilization for Miami Beach Senior High is 106 compared to 109.75 for the remaining high schools in the Region. Public schools to our west are experiencing far greater overcrowding in their schools than Miami Beach. As Miami-Dade County Public Schools evaluates its resources, a boundary change to the west can be a possibility for Miami Beach feeder pattern schools, As a means of alleviating current overcrowding, the Administration recommends a reconfiguration of attendance boundaries within existing feeder pattern boundaries. The student overages being experienced at North Beach Elementary may shift to Fienberg Fisher Elementary which is currently under capacity. In addition, it is worth noting that the bilingual program at North Beach Elementary has proven to be a huge success and is believed to impact the number of Best Interest Transfers to that school. The Administration recommends that a review of available programming be made to ensure that all Miami Beach feeder pattern schools offer comparable programming and therefore encourage more students to attend the school closest to their home. s::: 0 ~ ns .~ ~ ::) ~ tn 0 ns - c.. 0 ns LO 0 (.) 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Cuevas Superintendent of Schools January 21, 1999 Miami-Dade County School Board Dr. Solomon C. Stinson, Chair Dr. Michael M. Krop, Vice Chair Mr. G. Holmes Braddock Ms. Perla Tabares Hantman Dr, Robert B. Ingram Ms, Betsy H. Kaplan Mrs. Manty Sabates Morse Mr. Demetrio Perez Jr., M.S. Dr. Marta Perez F, Craig Sturgeon Region Superintendent Mrs. Margarita M. Alemany-Moreno Mr. John F. Gilbert Dr. Ruby Johnson Ms. Susan Renick-Blount Region Directors Mr. Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager City Hall City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mr. Rodriguez: This letter is intended to respond to your recent request regarding statistical information about the Miami Beach feeder pattern schools. Attached to this letter is a chart reflecting the statistics that were requested, as well as, maps showing the attendance boundaries for each school. You should note that these figures reflect transfers from outside of the identified schools and attendance boundary. Some of these students live on Miami Beach while others may reside on the mainland. I want to thank you for your interest in our schools in the Miami Beach feeder pattern, As we continue to explore various options needed to expand student stations on the Beach, I am pleased to be able to work with you on this important matter. ~" ~. Sincerely, I.C)~ F. Craig Sturgeon FCS:t Attachments z zO 0::- LU~ ~:E <" c.O ex::u.. LU! Qa: u.lLU Wu. LJ..cn :I:Z U~ ~r- co.... ~~ <tex:: -0:: ~::) U (J) 0: LU U. 0 CO 0 C') L() o::t 0') ..J(/) l!) Ln o::t N CO <(z 0') (0 (0 ..... ....... ('I') ....... C') 1-<( 00: 1-1- - I- -2 -w t-U; ffi< a::C- ('I') CO N ('l') 0') Ln ....... 0 LU~ (0 CO In o::t l""- N cY') (0 I-Z ..- 2_ -::.::: J-a:: (/)0 ~~ CJ) a: w l""- cY') o::t 0 cY') 0') u. 0 l""- N :5~ N ..... CO ....... 0') C") ~< :E~ I- 2 W ~ co In M CO r-.. N r-.. LO ..J..J 0 cc 0') co 0') .q- I'-- ....... <(..J cY') ....... co ....... (0 0 o::t CO ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 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