Neisen Kasdin/WCT Communities ------------ . wel TOWER D1VISION Fax:954-846-2292 ....- ..."'...,III.:....~_._ _ ~:tI;S,P.A. Nav 13 2003 15:34 P.02 141 002 to oty d Miamllleadl 0Ific;e of the Oty aerie 1700 CoIM!ntIon Cenb!t Drlue, M~ Be8ch, FL 33139 EnIitil: dlyclerIcCI!d.inIBmI-beadI.n,U$ LOBBYIST REGISTRAnON FORM (City of Miami Beach, CIty Code O1ap1E!r 2, DiYlsion 3, 5eClIOn 2""181) o CMck Box If an Amendment - Rasdi.n NAME Of LOB8YIST: ~ t..tt=.iRAn (First) ~ 11/14/03 ~M,I) DATI: ~ AS I.OB8'I'JST One Biscayne ~t 2 South Biscavne' B1vd.~ !';:I1H~ :14nn ilUSINESS ADDRESS.: (Number and SlrB!tJ (CIty) (Stale) (305) 376-6062 (305) 376-6010 taEPHONf NlJMflER: FAX NUMBER: M1~m.~ liT -=t~1-=-' P Code) nJc;:.~; ~mst-~ ~tYftt EMAIL: L l.OII8YlST IlEI'ADIED IIY: ~ 1.~~'.f-{lOC:tl Ttv'"' ./ ViMnr JJplJ~:=.c: ,. NAME OF PRlNCIPALla..IENTl 13451.rwest: . Sunrise Blvd.. 13400 Sl.1n..-i >'IF> 1"1' ~ n~L BUSINESS ADORESS: (Nvmber and Slre8t) (CIty) . (state) . (954)- 646-2227 (954) 846-2292 ~ NUMBER: FAX NUMI3ER: (OptIonal) (Zip Code) '*"'11-''' .ti EMA1l.: ( . I)' ~.ml as.cern Fin out this ~ if prtnclpaf ,.. CorpoAtIon; Partnership arTnlst [SlIlctlon ~ (c:)] . NAME OF OOEF OFfICER. PM1'NER. OR BENEFIcrAAv: IrI W /Irs fI",,1I\ . LIST ALL PERSONS HOLDING. DIREcn.Y OR lNOIRECl1..Y, A 5% OR ~ OWNmSHtP IN1'EREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, pARTNERSHIP OR"TRUST: t1) I I ..IfIV' III*...~V'\. 11. SPI!CIFlC I.DBBY" 155UE: Certificate ':of A}?propriateness before BP aJard anI re1a.tedmatters IS'<ualnbelobbled.(DesOibeinlletaIQi"or DeVelopnent at 38th Street and Collins Ave.,.Miimri. Beach III. Cl1Y AGENCIESJ1NDMDUALS 10 BE L08BlED: A) PuB Name ~ lIIdIlridual/Tide 8) ReIlItIonslIip Plarming IBp3.rt.ment Tom M::x:lney William Carev 11/13/03 THU 15:28 [TX/RX NO 7528] wel TOWER DIVISION Fax:954-846-2292 _~/13m,. TIlU 03:04 FAX 3053766010 . GY&S.P.A.. Nov 13 2003 15:34 P.03 IiZI003 "V.. UlZM lJ'~nceur .1CICIlCf""'..,,,...""'...:c.ur......_T..:=t1 .......----~....... \U.l~e. WftClnac.1tVUftLr, FLATRATEOR OTHER); A) LOBBYIST OISO-OSlJRf: $ 375. 00 per !bur B) PRlNClPAL'SOISQ.OSURE(OFLOBBYISTCOMPENSATlON): $ 37<; 00 ppr nnllr 1) ,t,:~~ Ord~:=M~O. =~::.:~~ MIami, ~ach otv Code Chanter 2 Attit1e VIt. DMslon 5 g;;:-;;f . eel Ian ~ The Addllion Of ("me SectIon 2-488 FntltIed "Prohibled ia~ Q;ntrlbulions BY Lobblllsl:5 On Procurement Is'" Ies"': 2) :"rea::~~="~ c:.~Q=nt .:u:.:- o:::\~~~ or~or 011 a DT---t Pu~uant ~ Ord~r;: No. ~~3-~:e~=J MIa.:~::;n r.Jlv Code ~Db!T 2. ArtiCle 1111 DIvi!;inn 5 th .<'1 Entitled _ oal9n_ _nO! __' __ Jhe _____ Of (".ode S..mnn 2-"190 EntitiPrl"Prohlblted Cam~;I;' CorIributlons BY LobbYists On Real Estate Develooment I!iSUesw~ ~6P vou 10, bbvina on a ~ina aDDlicatlo~ for.~ De -..._t Aa.~ wid'lltIe Citv or ---=--..:.-.- _cha~.!!!!..OIIlna ,!!!!D .....'!!!!!~ or dlanae to the atv's Publ... ~d I'" MaD? Yo v. SIGNA'1UlU' UNDER 0A11t; ON OCTOBER 1ST OF l!Aat YEAR. EACH lOBBYt$T SHALL SUBMIT TO THE cnv CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH. usnNG LOBBYING EXPENDITURES IN TIlE crrv OF MIAMI BEACtt fOR THE PRECEDlNG CALENDAR YEAR. I do soll'!l11nly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am famlllar with the provisions contained in . 2-482 of the Miami Beach City COde CIS amended, and all reporting requirements. Signature of Lobbyist: Signature of Princlpall VI. a Produced ID Pel Wll~IIY Known Fonn rA Idmtlftcatlon VI1. SIGNA1URE AND srAMP Of NOTARY OR PEPUtY Q.BUC: State of Ronda, COUnty of Mlami-Dade Sworn to and subscri~d before me This /711, day of NlJVI"AJIu.2003. ~VALDES tfI( vOMM.II~' 11 DO ~781 IIlPftIlIII PtblUlIIY 2lI. ..., "'.....6ElO111011O... Print, stamp or type name of Notary Public Regi5trallOn: [~fJTID FORQ.SU('SUSEONLY 11f [ ) RElECTED DATE: 11 / ()~ [leash [~ HCR#OJhlf~~\l . 2003 EN1CIlED8Y~ hd.e~\HAl1.\LObbyfsts\n!gll;lrationllll3,doc If rejected. 5IiIle re3S101l: ~on fee paid: ~ [ ) No DATA ENlllV DATE: III J1fn ~ I 2nd Rsvlslon 3/18/03 11/13/03 THU 15:28 [TX/RX NO 7528] <-~ GunsterYoakley ATTORNEYS AT LAW Writer's Direct Dial Number: [305] 376-6062 Writer's e-mail address:nkasdinilill!Unster.com November 17, 2003 Via Hand Deliverv Maria Martinez Assistant City Clerk City of Miami Beach 1600 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: Lobbyist Registration Dear Maria: Enclosed please find the Lobbyist Registration for Neisen O. Kasdin with $25. The document contains Mr. Kasdin's original signature and it is notarized as an original as well. Please file the registration today, as Mr. Kasdin will be meeting with Mr. Tom Mooney this evening on this matter. We will forward you the registration with all of the original signatures before the end ofthis week. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. --- ~. ~- ~- -------. Very trol y yours, JtLA ~~ Gabriela Diaz Assistant to Neisen O. Kasdin (305) 376-6047 <:::-'-.,~ '- ------------- ~ ~ ~ MIAMI 377253.1 Gunster. Yoakley & Stewart, PA. One Biscayne Tower. 2 South Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 3400. Miami, FL 33131-1897 .1305) 376-6000' Fax: (3051376-6010' www.gunster.com FORT LAUDERDALE' MIAMI' PALM BEACH' STUART. VERO BEACH' WEST PALM BEACH