201118 R7 I- Private Property Flooding and Sea Level Rise Adaptation- KnowlesResiliency Fund and Private Property Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience Program Concept City Commission November 18, 2020 Item R7 I 1 Resiliency Fund Overview 1.Create a Resiliency Fund from the earmarked Miami-Dade ILA fund for stormwater capital projects 2.Allocate funding from the Resiliency Fund for the private property program until the future Convention Center Hotel is built. ($666,666 annually until rent is received) 3.Private Property Adaptation would be a new grant program and staff resources needed to implement grant program in the FY 2021-2022 Budget 2 Inform, Prepare, Adapt •Miami Beach is low-lying, and 93% of all buildings are in the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area. 43% of residents are satisfied with their buildings’ flood risk protections (2019 Community Survey). •The Unified Regional Sea Level Rise Projection 2019 developed by the Southeast Florida Climate Change Compact highlights the need to prepare for increased flooding (NOAA, IPCC) •Being proactive makes financial sense o Every dollar invested saves three dollars in individual building level adaptations (ICF Miami Beach analysis) o Every dollar invested saves five dollars in individual building level adaptations (Southeast Florida Climate Change Compact and Urban Land Institute Miami-Dade Analysis) o Every dollar invested saves society six dollars disaster mitigation by three federal agencies (NIBS) 3 Land Use and Sustainability Committee: Direction to staff to develop a Private Property Adaptation Program How was the program concept developed? 1.Best practice research from other cities 2.Interdisciplinary staff approach: expertise, grant program resource requirements, preliminary criteria 3.Market research: 10 companies interviewed to understand the options available for private properties. 4.Questionnaire: Options included in a questionnaire distributed through city communications channels: 416 responses •50% indicated they have observed flooding on the lawn (27%), in the garage (27%) and habitable areas (13%) •77% responded they would apply for a 50/50 matching grant if offered 4 Program Concept Summary Goal: Prevent damage from flooding now and in the future. •Incentivize property owners to make flood resilience improvements to their properties through a 50/50 matching grant between the city and grantee. •Reimbursement based, up to $20,000 per property •Menu of potential practical and implementable flooding resilience improvements. •Expert professional staff panel, points based on criteria. 5 Preliminary Practical and Implementable Options 1.Flood mitigation engineering assessment (49%) 2.Green infrastructure such as bioswales, retention areas, rain gardens (46%) 3.Yard/driveway grading (32%) 4.Dry floodproofing (29%) 5.Garage floor/ yard elevation (28%) 6.Replacing impermeable with permeable materials (26%) 6 Preliminary Practical and Implementable Options 7.Elevate interior first finished floor 8.Wet flood proofing 9.Appliance and equipment elevation 10.Cisterns and rain barrels 11.Blue roofs 12.Garage floor and/or yard elevation 13.Blue roofs 14.Green roofs 15.Flood barriers 7 Questions and Discussion Thank you! 8