LTC 431-2020 Miami Beach Race to Trace Launch in Partnership with the Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade and Funded by the Rockefeller FoundationMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 431-2020 LETTER O COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City Com DATE: December 1, 2020 SUBJECT: Miami Beach Race to Trace Launch n Partnership with the Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade and Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation An exciting new initiative is being launched today to help Miami Beach hospitality and tourism businesses. The Miami Beach Race to Trace Resource Team will help businesses by providing focused contact tracing and other health resources to keep employees and customers safe. The team is solely dedicated to Miami Beach hotels, restaurants, and arts and culture venues. The Race to Trace Resource Team is made up of seasoned Department of Health (Miami-Dade) contact tracers that will reach out to businesses and establish relationships to build effective contact tracing. In addition, the Race to Trace Resource Team will provide educational materials and Environmental Health Consulting Services, as well as other invaluable resources to help businesses navigate through these challenging times. To supplement these services, businesses will be encouraged to join Pledge to Protect for benefits that reflect their commitment to contact tracing, COVID-19 protocols, and employee testing consistent with medical guidelines. In support of the Race to Trace Team, The City of Miami Beach, in conjunction with the Florida Department of Health, will be launching a multilingual, multi-tiered marketing and communications campaign promoting the initiatives, and their services along with the COVID-19 safety guidelines. The campaign will encompass both traditional advertising platforms along with highly targeted digital and social outreach. Miami Beach has engaged industry leaders in the development of this program, and a survey will also be available to help capture business needs to address workforce COVI D-19 concerns. To learn more about the Race to Trace Resource Team, please visit www.Race2Tra ce.c om. Background Miami Beach was selected for a special grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to further the goals of the National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan (https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/national­ covid-19-testing-action-plan ) for the Miami Beach hospitality and tourism industry. This opportunity comes to us through the city's relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation, our participation in the Resilient Cities Network (https://resilientcitiesnetwork.org), and through implementation of the Resilient305 strategy (https://resilient305.com/). This pro gram developm ent has been a m ulti-disciplinary and inter-age ncy eff ort . I'd like to tha n k our C hief R esilience O fficer, M a rketing and C om m unications, E conom ic D e velo p m e nt, and Tourism and C ulture fo r their w ork bring ing this innovative pro gram to fr uitio n. T he D e pa rt m e nt of H ealth (M ia m i-D ade ) has been a fully com m itted part ner in this eff ort . I am pleased to share this exciting new s and continuing our com m itm e nt to red ucing the sp read of C O V ID -19 . Please contact m e or A m y Know les, C hief R esilie nce O ffi cer, am yk n owl es@m i am i be ach fl_goy, for any additional info rm ation about the pro gram . JLM /A LK