2020/12/10 - AgendaM IA M I B E A C H , F L O R ID A V IR T U A L S P E C IA L M A S T E R H E A R IN G M E E T IN G N O T IC E D E C E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 0 Y o u m a y pa rt icip a te and te stify live via Zoo m TM by visiting https ://us0 2w e b.zo o m .u s/j/865 7693 78 03 or by telephone U S: +1 (312) 626-6799 or (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free)/ Webinar ID: 865 7693 7803 A ll exhib its, pho to g ra p hs, and evidence that yo u w ant the Special M aster to consider m ust be em a ile d to cynthianeves@miamibeachfl.gov no later than 5:00 p.m . on November 23, 2020. A cce p ta b le fo rm ats fo r electro nic sub m ission are .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .w m v, .a vi, an d .m o v. (N o te that .p df is the preferred fo rm at.) If a fo re ig n la n g u a g e tra n slator is nee de d , it sha ll be the responsibility of the persons ne e d ing a tra n sla to r to ob ta in a qua lifie d translator and provide these access instructions. If yo u ha ve a ny qu e stion s or re qu ire add itional info rm ation regarding the virt ual m eeting, ple a s e ca ll Cynthia Neves, C o de V io la tio n C lerk, at 305.673. 7000 Extension 26228 or e m ail he r at cynthianeves@miamibeachfl.gov T o re q u e st this m a te rial in altern ate fo rm a t, sign language interpreter (five-day notice re q u ire d ), info rm a tion on acce ss fo r pe rso ns w ith disabilities, and/or any accom m odation to rev ie w any docum en t or pa rt icipate in any city-sponsored pro ceedings, call 30 5 .60 4 .24 8 9 and sel ect 1 for E ng lish or 2 fo r S pa nish, then option 6; TT Y users m ay call vi a 711 (Fl orid a R e la y Se rvice ). 'V A/uV M lL 'i..m 4 I Special Master Agenda for: Thursday, December 10, 2020 10:00AM A R EA Middle Beach, Zone 3 inspector Adrian Avaios Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2018-00255 BVB18000001 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2444 PRAIRIE AVE THE FIFTH ESTATE LLC C/O NICOLE ZIFO Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master RESET F/PROPER SERVICE -PR FROM 9-24-2020 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Work was completed at the property and permits are in VOID and EXPIRED status. Need to hire a contractor able to renew all permits to obtain final inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. PERMIT HAS EXPIRED WITHOUT OBTAINING THE REQUIRED MANDATORY INSPECTIONS. 10:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos 4 Comments: @ Violation Type: SMB2019-00448 US2017-01785 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 68 LA GORCE CIR 68 LA GORCE CIRCLE, LLC Status: Open • PROGRESS REPORT 6%7cE or VIOLATION ISSUED. Work done without approved permit. '1stallation of boat lift and relocation of jet sky lift without evidence of approved permit. Need fo submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. e Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing uporÍ request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. I, BV-9165 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF T HE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHAL L NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. " D a vie a l . 44/4ç/9 n 9.An·n7 D I Das 1 47 1 0 :0 0 A M AREA Middle Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00473 BVB 18000223 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5313 COLLINS AVE JHONY 1 LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 5313 COLLINS AVE #301. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Interior renovation of bathroom and kitchen as well as water heater replacement . Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. : . . THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE "REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 10:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00580 US2017-02159 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1667 MICHIGAN AVE 947 LINCOLN ROAD HOLDINGS, LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Evidence of spalling concrete, need to submit engineer report to evaluate the structure together with methods of repairs. Need to obtain required permit and inspections. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. D v ie l . 4 4 /4 /0 9 n1 9·An·n7 DI Daro ) f 47 1 0 :0 0 A M A R EA South Beach, Zone 7 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00585 BV16000153 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1657 MICHIGAN AV 947 LINCOLN ROAD HOLDINGDS, LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED.BR150242(40YR2016-00443) not in compliance, therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6) the property is deemed unsafe if a 40 Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40 Year Rec. processes completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures(6) Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished (Building Violation) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEAL TH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 11:00AM A R EA South Beach, Zone 6 Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00395 BV15000525 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1100 WEST AV 1100 WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC (1100 WEST) Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUESTING EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY REQUEST PRIOR TO 9-30-20 NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Work done without approved permit. Basemen office built, chain link fence installed, A/C unit installation. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double fees apply.As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit within 30 days. If permit is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 fine will be imposed. (Building Violation) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (a) GENERAL (3) INCOMPLETE BUILDINGS COMMENCED WITHOUT A PERMIT OR FOR WHICH THE PERMIT HAS EXPIRED, OR COMPLETED 9$ BUILDINGS COMMENCED WITHOUT A PERMIT OR FOR WHICH THE PERM I T HAS EXPIRED, PRIOR TO COMPLETION AND NO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED, SHALL BE PRESUMED AND DEEMED UNSAFE AND A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED TO DEMOLISH THE STRUCTURE OR BRING THE BUILDING INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE CODES AS PROVIDED HEREIN. 11:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00396 BV15000973 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1100 WEST AVE 1100 WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC (1100 WEST) Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUESTING EXTENSION OF TIME (TIMELY REQUEST PRIOR TO NONCOMPLIANCE OF 9- 30-20 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Work done without approved permit. Concrete repair done without permit. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections, Double fees apply.As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit within 30 days. If permit is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 fine will be imposed. (Building Violation) D r ie s t . 4A /4/9n 9n 9An1.n7 D I Dar 2 f 47 IV \4/\/V M 1L/1./ ./I I BV-9015 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (a) GENERAL (3) INCOMPLETE BUILDINGS COMMENCED WITHOUT A PERMIT OR FOR WHICH THE PERMIT HAS EXPIRED, OR COMPLETED BUILDINGS COMMENCED WITHOUT A PERMIT OR FOR WHICH THE PERMIT HAS EXPIRED, PRIOR TO COMPLETION AND NO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED, SHALL BE PRESUMED AND DEEMED UNSAFE AND A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED TO DEMOLISH THE STRUCTURE OR BRING THE BUILDING INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE CODES AS PROVIDED HEREIN. 11:00AM A R E A South Beach, Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00417 BVC18000217 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 660 WASHINGTON AVE ANGLER'S BOUTIQUE RESORT, LLC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 660 WASHINGTON AVE. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Installation of N C towards electrical work. Renovation of office space at first floor. New electrical connections. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permits and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS RE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPE C PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PER FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FRO 11:00AM A R E A South Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00431 BVB19000351 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 336 MERIDIAN AVE PETER LORANT Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master MITIGATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 336 MERIDIAN AVE. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Notice of violation is in reference to the installation of the new walkway and the fence. Double permit fees apply. Need to submit required documents to obtain a permit and request the final inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed rie. 44/4/9n91 9·4n1.n17 DI Davo A f 47 unsafe and a perm it shall be obtained to dem olish the structure or bring the building into com pliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concern ing the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Departm ent Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the M iam i-Dade County Code. Failure to com ply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structure s Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be dem olished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related perm its to close the case. B V-9165 'THE CITY OF MIAM I BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b} UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IM POSED W HEN NO PERM IT IS OBTAINED ON W ORK FOR W HICH A PERM IT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLI CANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERM IT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERM IT. THE PAYM ENT OF A PERM IT FEE SHALL NOT RELI EVE ANY PERSON, FIRM , OR CORPORATI ON FROM FULL Y COM PLYING W ITH THE REQUIREM ENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THER EIN. 11:00AM AREA Middle Beach, Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00499 US2016-00407 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5445 COLLINS AVE CASTLE BEACH #M2 Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT FAILURE TO CLOSE BUILDING VIOLATION(S) BV05000944. NEED TO CLOSE OPEN VIOLATION(S) WITHIN 30 DAYS. VIOLATION BV05000944 DESCRIPTION IS AS FOLLOWS - "Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical Violations." UNIT M2 As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit within 30 days. Penalty of $500.00 is imposed if compliance is not obtained by the due date. BV-9165 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (C) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. a 11:00AM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA South Beach, Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00536 BVC19000286 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: ANO LLC -F9 PROPERTIES, LLC Status: Open RESET FOR PROPER SERVICE FROM 9-24-2020 STOP WORK ORDER/NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Commenced Construction work at area identified as Suite #1, without approved permit(s). Needs to stop work until permit(s) is/are issued. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Case will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related Dorico· 44/4/9n9n 9·4n0.47 DI Dar K f 47 p er mi t(s ). M u s t o b ta in C o m p lia n c e by Fe b ru a ry 18 th 20 19 . T H E C IT Y O F M IA M I B E A C H M U N IC IP A L C OD E 14 -6 1(b ) U N S AF E S T R U C T U R E S - F E E S (e ) P E N A LT Y IS IM P O S E D W H E N N O P E R M IT IS O B T A IN E D O N W O R K FO R W H IC H A P E R M IT IS R E Q U IR ED . T H E A P P LI C A N T S H A LL B E R E Q U IR E D T O P A Y $5 0 0 .0 0 P L U S D O U B L E F E E S FO R A P E R M IT , A S S P E C IF IE D H E R E IN A S T H E C O S T O F T H E P E R M IT . T H E P A Y M E N T O F A P E R M IT FE E S H A L L N O T R E LI E V E A N Y P E R S O N , F IR M , O R C O R P O R A T IO N FR O M F U L L Y C O M P L Y IN G W IT H T H E R E Q U IR E M E N T S O F T H IS C O D E , N O R F R O M A N Y O T H ER P E N A L T IE S P R E S C R IB E D TH E R E IN . 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00331 BVC19000276 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1470 LINCOLN TER GUSTAF ARNOLDSSON Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 1470 LINCOLN RD. Evidence of work done without approved permit. In reference to installation of central air conditioning unit and mini split units, new electrical connections, awning installation, new metal fence and new railing. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FRO FULLY COMPLYING /ITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIB THEREIN. " eo 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00336 US2018-02500 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1611 MICHIGAN AVE MONTERREY CONDO PROPERTY Status: Lien REQUESTING TO STOP FINES NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED TO PROPERTY OWNER BECAUSE PERMIT BC1702908 IS IN SUSPENDED STATUS. NEED TO DO A CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR AND OBTAIN A NEW PERMIT. DO NOT CONTINUE WITH ANY FURTHER WORK UNTIL THE CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR, CHANGE OF ARCHITECT OR CHANGE OF ENGINEER PAPERWORK HAS BEEN SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Da vi ol. 41/1/9 9n1 9A n0.n17 DI Daso f 47 1 :3 0 P M Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00341 US2018-02876 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1611 MICHIGAN AVE MONTEREY CONDO PROPERTY Status: Lien REQUESTING TO STOP FINES NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 1611 Michigan Avenue. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Sliding glass door installed at balcony without a permit. Evidence of spalling concrete. Electrical connections done without a permit. Water heater installation without a permit. Need to submit signed and sealed report from a structural engineer to evaluate the structural damage together with the method of repair. As well as obtain an approved permit and inspection for the required repairs. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 2 inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00360 US2018-02574 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 865 COLLINS AVE THE SKYLARK CONDO ASSOCIATION INC. Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQ. EXT. TIME-TIMELY REQ. PRIOR TO COMPLY DATE 10-14-2020 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. As per report dated on 04/24/2018 deficiencies throughout the common elements, roof drains, stucco cracks, lack of waterproof in exterior elements, the violation was assigned to the common elements parcel number. 30 days period to obtain approved permit for repairs are granted from 05/02/2018. Evidence of water intrusion observed at unit 308, Need to submit a report signed and sealed by an engineer to identify the source of the water intrusion together with methods of repairs. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. BV-9005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND Da vieol 44/4/9 9n0 9·An1·7 DI Daro 7 f 47 IV A 1//V M41/1.m .t I UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00534 BVC19000337 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 323 WASHINGTON AVE ERIC SEDER Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION UNIT #9 Interior renovation, new shower, kitchen updated, floor installation, new electrical panel done without approved permits. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and lnspection(s). Double fee apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). Must obtain Compliance by April 17th, 2019. - RMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE MIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE VE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM E, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESC 1:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 inspector drian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00576 BV11000302 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: GEORGE WALLNER 17 HIBISCUS DR Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master REQUEST EXTEN. TO COMPLY-REO. MADE PRIOR COMPLY DATE OF 10/14 Generator installed in garage without any permits. must apply for generator permit (BG) to include all trades. A complete set of plans must be submitted at time of application. (Building Violation) Dsuiel. 4 4 /4 /9 n 9 n A4 n .n 7 DIA Dar $ f A7 2 :3 0 P M Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fine Inspection Description: Zone 4 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00407 BVB 18000221 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5313 COLLINS AVE NICOLA ANTONUCCI Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master MITIGATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 5313 COLLINS AVE #211. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Interior renovation of bathrooms and kitchen. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SH AL L BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 2:30PM A R E A Middle Beach, Zone 1 Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00472 BVP 18000020 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 5601 COLLINS AVE THE PAVILION CONDO ASSOC Status: Open FINAL AND LAST CONTINUANCE FROM 10-08-2020 STOP WORK ORDER. 5601 COLLINS AVE. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Plumbing work done with permit PLC1702303 in applied status. Need to obtain approved permits and inspections. Double permit fees apply. Need to renew permit to be able to obtain the final inspection. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, Or h» completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED Dovie. 44/4/9n9n 94n1·n7 DI Dar 0 f A7 • THEREIN. l t _____ ¡ 2:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian vatos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00480 US2018-02829 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7120 INDIAN CREEK DR DELMAR INVESTMENTS, LLC C/0 ROSELYN YUKEN Status: Fine Imposed by Special Master MITIGATION NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1700664 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPAR TM ENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. 2:30PM AREA North Beach, Zone 1 Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00594 BV16000080 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 7750 TATUM WATERWAY DR Y-TECH-180 UNITS MIAMI BEACH INVESTMENT LLC Status: Open RESET FROM 10/08/2020 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Work done without permit in different buildings under the same parcel number. New doors installation, central A/C, evidence of spalling concrete at 7730 Tatum W. interior renovation at unit #7 at 7730 T.W. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Need to submit an engineer report to evaluate the structure together with methods of repairs. Double feeds apply.As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and remove the kitchen within 30 days. Penalty of $500.00 is imposed if compliance is not obtained by the due date and property will be vacated. (Building Violation) Do uieol. 44/1/9n91 9.An.n7 DA Daro An1 f 47 2 :3 0 P M A R EA North Beach, Zone 2 Ins pector Adrian v alos Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00595 US2019-03237 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 730 71 ST 71 RETAIL LLC Status: Open RESET FROM 10/08/2020 - PROPER SERVICE NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 730 71 STREET. Certificate of Occupancy approved for property is not currently for a church. Need to submit a CIO application for a church. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER , SECTION 8-5 -UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (3) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (iV) BY REASON OF ILLEGAL OR IMPROPER USE, OCCUPANCY OR MAINTENANCE DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING CODE, OR THE CODE IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 2:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R E A Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: $MB2019-00621 BVC19000425 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: LES JARDINS OF SB CONDO ASSOC., INC Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 1620-1622 Pennsylvania Av. Evidence of work commenced without approved/issued permit(s). Central and mini-split air conditioner systems, carport, front gate and fence, irrigation system, exterior doors and windows, interior metal gates leading to 3rd floor level. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by 09/26/2019 an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED 'WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESC THEREIN. 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA North Beach, Zone4 Inspector Armando Vega Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMA2020-02331 ZV2020-03088 SM Appeals Hearing Property Address: 7734 Hawthorne PEDRO DE URIARTE Status: Appealed NEW CODE APPEAL--11-16-20--AT THE REQUEST OF ADMINISTRATOR VILAR CODE COMPLIANCE THIS CASE WILL BE SCHEDULED. ZV2020-03088 APPEALED TO SM OFFICE ON 11-03-2020 Vehicles-0047 Sect.ion 142-1103 (2). Storing commercial vehicle on other th an a paved, permanent surface or wi thin the side or rear yard and/or visible from any right of way or adjoining property. coo " D r ie s · 4 4 /4 /9 n 9 1 9 A n1 -(1 7 D I Dar 11 f 47 3 :3 0 P M Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA North Beach, Zone 2 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00466 US2019-03088 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 6753 INDIAN CREEK DR RICHARD SKOLD Status: Open CONTINUANCE GRANTED FROM 10/08/2020 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR 1700681 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5(6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11 (f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 3 Inspe ctor Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00495 US2017-01357 SM Initial Hearing ) 3100 MARBLE TERRACE ASS. LP/ BEACH PROPERTIES ~ Property Address: 3100 COLLINS AVE Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Fire at electrical room in 4th floor. Need to disconnect the power in the affected areas. Need to submit report signed and sealed by an engineer to evaluate extend of the damages together with methods of repairs. Affected areas cannot be re-energized until report signed by engineer is submitted. Need to obtain approved permit for the required repair works. 3:30PM A R EA South Beach, Zone 1 Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00560 US2019-03287 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 401 OCEAN DR JOSEPH IACONO Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 1124 Evidence of work done without approved permit, as per Miami-Dade County records, unit is registered as one-bedroom unit; unit was reconfigured, there are two bedrooms, interior bedroom without window is not in compliance with the Florida Building Code. Kitchen renovation, new counters, new kitchen sink, new electrical installation, new LED lights, installat6ion of washer and dryer, kitchen hood, instant water heater, new A/C, bathroom was reconfigured, new shower, relocation of plumbing fixtures, new floors. Need to submit drawings to show actual unit layout. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections to legalize all work done without permit in all trades, building plumbing, electrical and mechanical, need to obtain approved building, electrical, ries. 44/4/3 9n1 9.An1.n7 DI Dar 13 £ 47 p lu m b in g a n d m e c h a n ic a l pe rm it a n d in s p e c tio n s in 30 da ys. T h is ne w ca s e is is s u e d fo llo w in g U S 2 0 17 -0 12 19 to co m p ly w ith du e pro cess. If co m p lia n c e is no t o b ta in e d by th e du e da te a n ad d itio n a l pe n a lty of $5 0 0 .0 0 sha ll apply . S e c . 8 -5 . - U n saf e S tru c tu re s . (a )G e n e ra l. (3 )In c o m p le te b u ild in g s co m m e n c e d w ith o u t a pe rm it o r fo r w h ic h the pe rm it ha s expire d, or co m p le te d b u ild in g s co m m e n c e d w ith o u t a p e rm it o r fo r w h ich th e pe rm it has exp ired , prior to co m p le tio n a n d no C e rtific a te of O c c u p a n c y ha s be e n issu e d , sh a ll be pre su m e d and deem ed un s a fe a n d a p e rm it sh a ll b e o b ta in e d to d e m o lis h th e stru ctu re or brin g th e build ing into co m p lia n c e w ith th e a p p lic a b le co d e s a s pro vid e d h e re in . A d d itio n a l sp e ci fi c d e ta ils co n c e rn in g th e vio la tio n to g e th e r w ith ph o to g ra p hs can be obtained fr om th e B u ild in g D e p a rtm e n t V io la tio n S e c tio n in w ritin g u p o n re q u e st. Y o u ha v e th e rig h t to a p p e a l th is de ci s io n of th e B u ild in g O ff ici a l to the U n safe S tructures B oard in a c c o rd a n c e w ith C h a p te r 8 , se c tio n 8 -5 o f th e M ia m i-D a d e C o u n ty C o d e . Failure to com ply by the d u e da te w ill re s u lt in th e B u ild in g O ff ic ia l re q u e stin g a he a rin g be fo re th e U nsa fe S tructures Board o n th e ne xt a v a ila b le ca le n d a r. U n le ss th e d e cisio n o f th e U n sa fe S tru ctu res B o ard is appealed, th e b u ild in g o r stru c tu re sh a ll be d e m o lis h e d w ith o u t fu rt h e r no tic e . V io la tio n w ill no t b e cl o s e d u n til fin a l in s p e c tio n is o b ta in e d in th e re la te d pe rm its to clo se the case . : . . THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00561 US2019-03286 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 401 OCEAN DR JOSEPH IACONO Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 1009 Evidence of work done without approved permit, as per Miami-Dade County records, unit is registered as one-bedroom unit; unit was reconfigured, there are two bedrooms, interior bedroom without window is not in compliance with the Florida Building Code. Kitchen renovation, new counters, new kitchen sink, new electrical installation, new LED lights, installat6ion of washer and dryer, kitchen hood, instant water heater, new A/C, bathroom was reconfigured, new shower, relocation of plumbing fixtures, new floors. Need to submit drawings to show actual unit layout. Need to obtain approved permit and inspections to legalize all work done without permit in all trades, building plumbing, electrical and mechanical, need to obtain approved building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permit and inspections in 30 days. This new case is issued following US2017-01221 to comply with due process. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE. REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. p uieal. 44/4/9n19n1 9.An1-(17 DI Daro 42 f 47 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA South Beach, Zone 6 Inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00597 BVM19000086 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1236 AL TON RD EDUARDO ANDRES MOCARQUER SEMLER Status: Open RESET FROM 10-22-2020 - PROPER SERVICE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 503 Evidence of work commenced without approved/issued permit(s) Central Air conditioner system. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspections. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENAL TY IS IMPOSED i WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE i REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 3:30PM Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 1 Inspector Adrian Avalos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00607 US2017-00942 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 525 MERIDIAN AVE MERCEDES GONZALEZ Status: Open RESET FROM 10-22-20220 - PROPER SERVICE Notice of violation issued to Unit#203 Installation of doors without approved permits. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permits and inspections. Double fees shall apply and a penalty of $500.00 will be imposed if compliance is not achieved by the due date. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. BV-9165 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE-PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Dovie. 44/4/9nn 9·4n.7 DI Daro 1A f 47 3:30P M Special Master Case# Department Violation # AREA Middle Beach, Zone 3 inspector Adrian Avalos Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00608 BVE 18000008 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 2201 SUNSET DR DAVID GRUTMAN Status: Open RESET FROM 10-22-2020 -PROPER SERVICE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Evidence of work done without approved permit. Generator installation. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)1ncomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. : . . THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Diol. 11/4/99n1 9·An0n17 DI Da 4r 47 3:3 0P M Special Master Case# Department Violation # A R EA Fire Inspection Description: Zone 5 Inspector Adrian valos Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00622 BVB 190004 72 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 776 81 ST MOHAMMED ISAM Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 776 81 STREET. Notice of Violation is in reference to the installation of dry wall with no permit. Need to obtain approved permit(s) and call final inspections. Double fees and penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. 3:30PM A R EA South Beach, Zone 3 Inspector Adrian valos THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENAL TY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT JS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF TH E „@l PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM ] FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Special Master Case# Department Violation # Description: Comments: Violation Type: SMB2019-00624 BVC18000251 SM Initial Hearing Property Address: 1234 EUCLID AVE EAST BREEZE CONDO Status: Open PROGRESS REPORT Evidence of work done without approved permit. Installation of new doors, security bars, new water lines and valves. Also, installation of laundry area, new plumbing, electrical connections and new light fixtures. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULL Y COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENAL TIES PRESCRIBED pa vie l. 44/4/909n1 9A n1.(7 DI Dar 1£ f 47 T H ER E IN . 3:30PM AREA South Beach, Zone 5 Inspector Adrian Avalos S pe cial M aster C a se# D ep art m e n t V iolatio n # D e scrip tio n: C om m e n ts: V io la tio n Type: SMB2019-00628 BVB 18000153 SM Initial Hearing Pro perty A ddress: 900 6 ST ST E P H E N LA W R E N C E H O LD EN TR S Status: Open RESET P/SERVICE FROM 10/08/2020 NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Unit 31 Evidence of work done without approved permit. Interior demolition, Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections in all trades involve. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. HEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED.r.· .. _.APERMIT IS REQUI . REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED H PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FI FULLY id IS CODE, NOR FROM ANY D riest. 4 4 /4 /9 n 9 n1 94 n.n7 D A Daro 47 f 47