LTC 444-2020 Town of Surfside Resolution No. 2020-2748M IA M I B EA C H O F F IC E O F T H E C IT Y C L E R K No. 444-2020 LE T T ER T O CO M M IS S IO N T O : M ayo r D a n G e lbe r and M em bers of the C ity C om m ission F R O M : R afael E. G rana do, C ity C le rk D A T E : D ecem b e r 9, 2020 S U B JE C T: TOWN OF SURFSIDE RESOLUTION NO. 2020-2748 A tt a c he d fo r yo u r info rm a tio n is R eso lution N o. 2020-2748, adopted by the M ayor and C om m ission of the T ow n of S u rf sid e on D e cem ber 8, 202 0. A R E S O L U T IO N O F T H E T O W N C O M M IS S IO N O F T HE T O W N O F SU R FS ID E, F L O R ID A, U R G IN G T H E BA H A M IA N G O V E R N M E NT T O REV O K E O FFS H O R E O IL D R ILLI N G EX P LO RA T IO N LI C E N S E S A N D PE R M A NE NTLY BA N O F FS H O R E O IL D R IL LI N G A C T IV IT IE S IN T H E BA H A M A S ; PR O V ID IN G FO R T RA N S M IT T A L ; A N D P R O V ID IN G FO R A N EF FE C T IV E D A T E . T h e T ow n C lerk of S u rf side has req ue sted that a copy of this R esolution be pro vided to the M iam i Be a c h M a y o r an d C o m m issio ne rs. If yo u ha v e an y qu e stions, ple ase contact the O ffi ce of the C ity C lerk at 305.673. 7 411. R E G /le A tt a c hm ent F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Surfside\Resolution 2020-2748 Town of Surfside.docx R E S O L U T IO N N O . 2020 - 2748 A R E S O L U T IO N O F T H E T O W N C O M M IS S IO N O F T H E T O WN O F S U RF S I D E , F L O R I D A , U R G I N G T H E B A H A M IA N G O V E RN M E N T T O R E V O KE O F F S H O R E O I L D R I L L I N G E X P L O RA T I O N L I C E N S E S A N D P E RM A N E N T L Y B A N O F F S H O RE O I L D R I L LI N G A C T I V I T I E S I N T H E B A H A M A S ; P R O V I D I N G F O R T R A N S M I T T A L ; A N D P R O V I D I N G F O R A N E F F E C T I V E D A T E . W H E R E A S , the Bahamas Petroleum Company ("BPC") has been granted an offshore oil drilling exploration license by the Bahamian government that allows them to construct exploratory offshore oil drilling wells 150 miles off the coast of Florida; and WHEREAS, exploratory and commercial drilling, extraction, and transportation of offshore oil and gas resources by BPC poses a significant risk of oil spills and chronic leakage that impact the Bahamas and coastal communities in the Caribbean and Florida; and WHEREAS, offshore drilling activities pose threats to treasured vacation destinations in the Caribbean and along Florida's Coasts, which are of intrinsic economic value for numerous industries and countries, provide essential nursery habitats for recreational and commercially important fisheries, and act as natural buffers from storm surge and hurricanes; and WHEREAS, the Town of Surfside ("Town") is one of numerous coastal communities in Florida and in the Caribbean whose marine habitats, industries, and public health could be devastated by offshore drilling oil spills originating in the Bahamas; and WHEREAS, the Town endeavors to protect the environmental health of all marine habitats in the Caribbean and the Atlantic, and, particularly, off the coast of the Town and Biscayne Bay; and WHEREAS, exploration and development of oil and gas resources off the coast of Florida may not effectively address the long-term economic diversification goals of the Bahamas, and would likely substantially damage the tourism sector of the Bahamian economy, which makes up sixty percent of the country's economy; and WHEREAS, the Town urges the Bahamian government to revoke BPC's offshore oil drilling exploration license and permanently ban offshore oil drilling activities in the Bahamas, and further urges Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida to oppose such offshore oil drilling and work with the Bahamian government in such efforts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF SURFSIDE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals Adopted. The above referenced "Whereas" clauses are true and correct and made a part hereof. Section 2. Urging the Bahamian Government to Ban Offshore Oil Drilling. The Town Commission urges the Bahamian government to revoke offshore oil drilling exploration licenses issued to BPC and further urges the Bahamian government to pennanently ban all offshore oil drilling activities in the Bahamas. The Town Commission further urges Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida to oppose such offshore oil drilling and work with the Bahamian government in such efforts. Section 3. Transmittal. That the Town Commission hereby directs the Town Clerk to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis and Bahamian Ambassador to the U.S. Sidney S. Collie, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners, Governor Ron DeSantis on behalf of the State of Florida, and to all municipalities in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of December, 2020. %é22-eroso Second By: 'o, L le FINAL VOTE ON ADOPTION: Commissioner Charles Kesl Commissioner Eliana R. Salzhauer Commissioner Nelly Velasquez Vice Mayor Tina Paul Mayor Charles W. Burkett c 2 A P P R O V E D A S T O F O RM A N D L E G A L IT Y F O R T H E USE AND BENEFIT OF THE TOWN OF SURFSIDE ONLY: Weiss ierman, P.L. Town Attorney 3