068-1999 LTCCITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http :\\ci. rn ia rn i-beach .fl. us j L.T.C. No. 68-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION March 10, 1999 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodri~ City Manager POLICE DEPARTMENT EFFORTS TO DETER SPEEDING VIOLATIONS ON COLLINS AVENUE This Letter to the Commission is to advise the Mayor and City Commission of the Police Department' s efforts to deter speeding on Collins Avenue between 51 st and 63rd Streets. During the months of January and February 1999, police officers worked ten separate details in the area of Collins Avenue between 51 st and 6Yd streets. Police officers issued 123 citations for moving violations during these details. The police supervisor in charge of the details has been in contact with Mr. Henry Kay throughout the course of these details and he has been kept fully informed. The Police Department will continue to monitor this area periodically Administration and the Mayor and Commission advised of any concerns. SR/ ~/_~S/JDDL F:\POLI\TECHSERV\POLICIES\COM_MEMO\traffic report on collins ave.ltc.wpd and will keep the