LTC 062-2021 Motions Made by the Disability Access Committee on November 17, 2020DocuSign Envelope ID: BC26C5FE-DD86-44BE-8802-295B480F2F0C MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# 062-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: sos.A.vs«-cw „G, February 8, 2021 ·2s624or924so. 2/10/2021 I 10:50 AM EST Motions Made by the Disability Access Committee on November 17, 2020 On November 17, 2020, the Disability Access Committee (DAC) approved the following motion (after October discussion without quorum): Motion: The members request the City to create a line item in the budget and provide funding in the amount of $150,000 for the ADA Beach Access Program Facility that will continue to provide and expand the beach adaptive programs. The budget line item to be continued through the years to support ADA programs. Motion made by: Eddie Sierra Seconded by: Jessica Rechani. Member Sabrina Cohen recused herself from discussion and motion due to conflict. Adopted 8-0 by voice vote RJA/AH/RC/NPJNM ?ta.@