LTC 142-2021 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) 1-395 SIGNATURE BRIDGE PROJECT UPDATEDocuSign Envelop e ID: C35DB 3A0-CCFF-4B8C-A72A-3BE 51801BF 27 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THF C ITY MANAGFR NO. LTC # 142-2021 LETT ER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor uan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Raul J. Aguila, Interim City Manager~s;;~ April 1, 2021 -2sos24ors2s4so SUBJECT: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) 1-395 SIGNATURE BRIDGE PROJECT UPDATE The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to transmit the attached presentation from the Florida Department of Transportation on the status of the 1-395 Signature Bridge project. Page 20 of the presentation contains a link to view a video on the permanent closure of the North Bayshore Drive ramp to eastbound MacArthur Causeway to continue foundation work for the new 1-395 Signature Bridge and the construction of the new permanent ramp. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Attachment : r RJA/ATH/JRG/JFD -u DocuSign Envelope ID: C35DB3A0-CCFF-4B8C-A72A-3BE51801 BF27 nul ' t .- ses =," . t:.." i a I l □HE! 1111 #G - - ,,.· l:~ . ·. ~~,-~-. ff¡)' I .a mil [ill#] - f" . _Ast i" . -- .J • £ 9c" -r _ - . "«- \.. /· . --·-.,, .... g. \ \MIAMI ° ta DocuSign Envelope ID: C35D83A0-CCFF-488C-A72A-3BE51801 BF27 @iii±i HM#&l#I4% 2E5IME5 This PowerPoint presentation was prepared by the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT} staff and has been made available to the public as part of public records access. Any dissemination of this presentation by anyone or entity other than FOOT staff is not official. Any questions can be sent to FDOT- D6PIO@dot.state.f/.us. This presentation may not be altered. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 2 tuie#t i i#E#E#H # 7EN E3 e O N G O IN G C O N S T R U C T IO N A C T IV IT IE S ~J,ii .O • Ongoing nighttime closure of 1-95 from NW 8 Street to NW 29 Street for concrete replacement on southbound lanes • Ongoing bridge approach slab replacement • Ongoing diamond grinding • Concrete pavement replacement over 90% complete . I ·•. . "4 ' .. I . 24scl d [' "" , i .. ·'-• ""..., ...-:-..... I , ,{• , ' !'. t . ~-.. . ~ ; ¡/ .... ~-. ' •' ·.,/ 4,~ • , • ,; .. ,, - ~ . . ' . ; .. 4 T e l" .i ,-_- -'- Ip2py. hi±,a, lg.=ti"" tt--' ! E \ E«F»- •~4f -- I . . ···:__ ·-- 'i :i > d $774..° i li. aF lt e ".' rnl ··» as.a.ar.di [f e - <si • ,,., I «. ' .!,i .. .. (' ~ • , .. ,. '' i. '' " . I ;:- ("~ '_: ¡ I 4,. . .. : '• •.' ••• o p- "}_· g{ ".-- . -~ ·J_'' ~--~ Cw ?j l,, }}] 1, ), ~ . ' - ' ' ' - . . . .,. . '- - ·_'-·_· . ~ . . ./ ' i le íf > i ;}j .hg - ¡hl i i3; • - • " r ·~•~b'• ,'('<, ~ 4 lee e "U22 Z <, · se". eu.r COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 3 é@ r O N G OIN G C ON STRU C TION AC TIV ITIES "g • W idening of the SR 836/1-395 ramp lanes to northbound 1-95 over NW 17 Street 2. 2 , { .i ¿5, '·,·. ·e %% % • ?%, "&? 24, it, 02 C O M M UN ITY MO BILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: C35DB3A0-CCFF-4B8C-A72A-3BE51801BF2I ri e;I ONGOING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ♦ : e? t. • Ongoing construction of piers for the new westbound 1-395 ramp to southbound 1-95 C O M M U N IT Y M O BILIT Y SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 5 tit2t5ii##RI HEIEEA EANE,E3 9 ONGOING LANE CLOSURES ALLIA ¡. ■■ ■■ ••••• ••••• • • • • THREE MONTH LOOK AHEAD ANTICIPATED NIGHTTIME LANE CLOSURES ON THE I-95 CORRIDOR: • Nighttime lane closure along 1-95 between NW 8 Street and NW 29 Street • Closure of 1-95 entrance/exit ramps at NW 8 Street • 1-95 ramps to 1-395 and SR 836 • Lane closure hours - 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. weeknights, and 11 p.m. to 11 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 6 FE ONGOING AND UPCOMING 836)/ CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES [ 'la L, t 1l • O ngoing wid ening of th e e astb ound SR 836 ramp to northbound 1-95 for an additional lane • Piers and bridge caps completed • Ongoing erection of steel beams SAFETY MOBILITY INNOVATION FOSTER TALENT 7 @iet ia ##±#MM'Y Dir) bx ? O NGOING AND UPCOMING C O N S T RUCTION ACTIVITIES ire • / • Ongoing widening of eastbound SR 836 between NW 12 Avenue and 1-95 « • r ad «. é@ .t llE 7 Me I.- s \ / id „ggegg v \ .\ E» / dr M fl hdie..lall -~ .AL.i SAFETY MOBILITY INNOVATION FOSTER TALENT 8 GFEF EES 95/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT EEa7E E3 ~ ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES - ~ ---~~~- -.' „ nt [; ~ ., Ga .SC e -si f lie.. 92e344 h...- gEEEESEEE#El ]'#j s f#kl ~-~ -L.. 1-· . I 1IM IL 'ör:1:im .~ . •,h~~ y ".lE ..„llz ?h ]-7 ? ¡1- -~ ~ r,rn~,- J. n 11- • 1- t . - .--~----:. ,, ' i '.["¿" ''te h s l1 ,±e dii I' ~ ,,, ... , ., 1,,~•-..-..:11~ ... 11•„ $ {{¿:" é@iii"flt] pt"± f.: = p¡gei ha. !h ld fi ,_sis, lit , rfi.delle +.- a e a"o- 7! 279"7TI "" ls, Ele7." E.A $.- • Removal of median area on SR 836 from NW 12 Avenue to NW 17 Avenue completed • Ongoing construction of footers and piers in the court parking area • 1;1 .- .• / ·,;· ~ ,,- '~- i -gs ,7 h -airs , 'q i t .t , l I - 3-25-2021 SAFETY MOBILITY INNOVATION FOSTER TALENT 9 KEES HM#MK#H#" E a1 VE E3 8 ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES i ~ 6 t - • .i tl « i a. '± nu )I . , - is g hé v y l 7 ;~ .. -· an' r ' à re o i,, E '- d ,, ·- • Nighttime bridge beam installation over NW 17 Avenue completed • Additional nighttime closures needed for the installation of stay in place forms for the roadway deck concrete pour ££• ±-5& - ., ,.,,.' • "I;'. . I tu PU SAFETY MOBILITY INNOVATION FOSTER TALENT 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: C35DB3A0-CCFF-4B8C-A72A-3BE51801 BF27 FEE ONGOING AND UPCOMING 836)/ CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES l #; i . ' .i e° ii è el .# h e I" • Total of 507 Auger Cast Piles (ACP) will be used for viaduct foundations. 261 installed to date. • Ongoing pier construction on SR 836 median between the toll gantry and NW 17 Avenue et» 2%° ,-./, _, I ' , ' fr:¿ ±; dg. - .-- i?" -!-::-•~· ~~-- ~ • f 'l _g- ••-.4! ·º· ..... :,_ SAFETY MOBILITY INNOVATION FOSTER TALENT 11 tritt ± EIE RE 4$%3£2, roof) bx -,._"_.••••_-!.'•:'.>.~r:, (O) ONGOING LANE / CLO SURE S I I ..... THREE MONTH LOOK ::::· AHEAD ANTICIPATED NIGHTTIME LANE CLOSURES ON SR 836 CORRIDOR: • Single and double lane closures along eastbound and westbound SR 836 • S R 836 ramps to northbound and southbound 1-95 • A rterial ro a ds u n d e r S R 83 6 • NW 17 A venu e and N W 12 A venue ram ps to S R 83 6 • Lane clo sure ho urs - 9 p.m . to 5:30 a.m . w eeknights, and 11 p.m . to 7 a.m . on Frid ays and S a turdays COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 12 D o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID : C 3 5 D B 3 A 0 -C C F F -4 B 8 C -A 7 2 A -3 B E 5 1 8 0 1 B F 2 7 FE HE2ES 95/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT E3 ie ONGOING AN D UPCOMING U' covsrR uco acr e s ARCH FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION Arches 4 and 5 ACPs completed Ongoing dewatering and ACP chipping i<. 3 at center pier foundation Footer construction at Arches 1 and 2; E A total of 785 Auger Cast Piles (ACP) have been installed to date for both the signature bridge and segmental bridges - ge t l 3-25-2021 COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 13 tbs±is@ii##AIH EI For) bx es ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Chipping of ACP at the center pier location COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 14 DocuSian Envelooe ID: C35DB3A0-CCFF-4B8C-A72A-3B IE EE 95/SR 836/1 -95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT Dor r,bx - -~ - llile ±s s ii i k- @ O N G O IN G A N D U P C O M IN G C O N S T R U C T IO N A C T IV IT IE S ±' je 3 «rh. £ -~. A «sg nit. iiiss t ~- .,·a l t ' ' /"<': _ .. _.·_ 1s . 9, É»;#f :P e¡ pe 4,lÀ] d u•~ ,. __ ~· ··J 1, h-,Jl,,i:ti. ~ ... ¡ è.'.'il ggggg t,3 ..[l!!!z -~ -· EE li o 'Ç' 4 -~ -~ --~ rem h 14 Bs a, "iii' l's i-.f#te ti "@z i:.·"'\ ~;t.':"". ·i . ·-' d S e g m en t al er e ct io n oper at ion s ea st of „o the N W 1 A ven u e ju st no rth of 1-3 9 5 Tota l s e g m e n ts e re cte d to d a te : 35 2 s s1 s COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 15 DocuSign Envelope ID: C35DB3A0-CCFF-4B8C-A72A-3BE51801 BF27 ri vs ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES an - I EE± ~ t ~¡;_\.., ~,,. 'i'.' :;:,i;;:.~_\'./< ., - T@44 "sé,t%%$$$ skif""±2t#l Assembly of the segment lifter that will erect segments over the FEC rail facilities COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 16 the#ä " #EE#HH#EI For) ,bx ts ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES um £ Total number of 1-395 piers: 94 Total number completed to date: 33 3 ;¡ i ' - • 2, - e =.· ·i « 3 . -t- a " s k• id .- a ,· i} I •¡- ! . I 5 i I I » = s il 4 ) • I I I■, ,. . ± l SIELEIEII AIII sa El @irta Ml#AH #MM" For) ,bx @ ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES s, il I t I @) /° ts '4 ° ,. ¡ ±k o • ___ :--"-.·-~-"11 ' ... ~\ . Ongoing nighttime segmental erection operations at NW 3 Avenue/NW 14 Street COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 18 fe@t es " 1dEEi HEMI aE2E 3 es ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES < «p z r z "' ii«Br l«BD NW17s CANVAS condominium ? 3 3 2 z :,¡ .. 5 ?;' • 4 ~W_l4St -r- I I z $ 3 2 Booker T. Washington Senior High School @»' 9 ....L..: ·\ -#r culmerE) NW11h st I t Overtown Optimist Club I 'oo, I 9 º'- NW1th Terrace NW 11 St « • SQUARE r-D-ls slag_""1s z - !1 7 es z r 9 a z D NE 14th St C-E--J ___, OVERTOWN ... ~ :2 z m £ ± 2 neve Muz9 z «. z » : « o NE 16th St ) NE 15th St z r N ::, o. ? rD ) z rr c a Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Scienc e 9 z a j ¡ g ~ ge í Maurice A. I Ongoing nighttime closure of the NW 3 Avenue and NW 14 Street intersection to install segments over the roadway LEGEND Closure --<K>- Detour for Eastbound and Westbound Drivers on NW 14 Street --t>- Detour for Drivers on Northbound NW 3 Avenue --t>- Detour for Drivers on Southbound NW 3 Avenue C O M M U N IT Y M O BILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 19 iineies@iE HRE or) bx es ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE RAMP CLOSURE a.-.+ I - rl~- ' .. in. -it. ;·e •3 o 4.q8 - - and the cansLuLan a! the ne permanenL IaIp. l 4) 1 t 5rs ±.. - " Z TO VIEW VIDEO CLICK HERE COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 20 ivi##e EMI RI EL.Ea v ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES mamme-1 Me _. e. c - ~ : A 8 as s as s § NE M,·% $ acnhur Causeway ass § .,-· ,, * i2it 11h st Parkin g& ing B ? " a$ • & <t t' - ..... - ~/.-'1//21tt'f . § M<..1rt·- . . :n,_¡ ~.¡ 7 ·. t· . w~~ ,,,.,.£, ,,.•· ~ JLl~~M1arni _. iii' if; 88toe,ea3" /mali,„.,,"-,"" Ny" . . ! f"í ', 8 ._, '"'I ß· li.a.hl Jr sii {7"È ták'[¡,};' " -- It LelNvI' - e Ten Museum Park .>- • 1kg m «,ife ; '~ NE 1Aven ue sidewalk has been closed to allow for construction of bypass that will connect the existing westbound 1-395 travel lanes to the new segmental westbound bridges Epa A e j SIDEWALK CLOSURE PEDESTRIAN DETOUR ROUTE [ioa4 Northeast 2nd Avenue Parking One Thousand The Gabriel Miami, Curio Collection by Hilton 5 ,~.. ~· ri ± m MR du c ,o «é 3 ut, i F5 ,Md5. Pscult '.~i· íG31. • ........ »" » . . .> \,, iCI COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 21 lkcätis 1EE#EI#HEE For) bx @ ONGOING AND UPCOMING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 9 Nw19th St 6 rra E # e r Jackson Memorial lospital \ % I I r g 3 z :E -u--- 3 2 NW15Ah S t 3° r .,. ° 3 , e s z NW13th St 2 2 ww12u sr g ,"#:±# i @ 9 2 h r z - £ 7 u 2 - t» N 19Ln z ... • Overtown Optimist Club z !::e s' a z 9 "ovo 'so, I Nr 19h St Pubi ou.9 NE 164 Sm u NE 15th St TOWN SQUARE z < 9 ... e. ,i es In May 2021, the existing ramp will be closed LEGEND and a temporary single lane ram p will be opened .............5... on the left side of 1-395 to allow for further t - te Ty MAM construction of the new permanent ramp. Temporary Ramp to Northbound 1-95 NW 9th St COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 22 tite#it er j#E±lH HI EE5NI7IE3 A1IIE1a E@U' sGENTAL cAsTG YARD ' f- e - DIII,III '_c "..se- NEE ig4o «io o e Total Segments: Total Segments Cast to Date: 1949 700 ELI3AGE7 ±IT T.][i' tin#ät s 1MM#i HREI EE g E3 l e (Ö) ONGOING LANE / CLOSURES - - • • ••••• ••••• • • • • THREE MONTH LOOK AHEAD ANTICIPATED NIGHTTIME LANE CLOSURES ON 1-395 CORRIDOR: • Lane closures along eastbound and westbound 1-395 • Lane closures along Biscayne Boulevard and other arterial roadways adjacent to 1-395 • Closure hours - 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. on weeknights, and 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 24 @e @ji2#ll lM" rDr) ,bx COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROJECT WEBSITE • www .i-395miami.com ¢ ? or tone see om • Sign-up for project alerts/updates Lane closure information Upcoming construction activities Presentations • Calendar of events += ITT (í\,ç9c nwG [+ \MIAMI1-= to ow lairs#ii id@tliii IDEAI i " ·d OUTREACH OFFICE IN THE OVERTOWN COMMUNITY • 1035 NW 3 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33136 (CLOSED AT THIS TIME) E l - w0 u r p t, te a o t .o hi et o o i t' # ti.o .or ii ia t i ow ETI "". I-395/SR 836/1-95 DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT The +395/SR 8361-9$ Project is a partnership between the Florida Department of Transportation (0T) and .-a i.a TT MI STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS • Stakeholder meetings will be held virtually until further notice. Next meeting TBD. COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 25 ti2£23i###1ME3 FD0r» bx T HA NK Y O U ! www.i-395miami.com 8 Contact: O scar Gon zalez & 786-280-0983 (><I OGonzalez@mrgmiami.com COMMUNITY MOBILITY SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY 26