124-1999 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL t700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 L.T.C. NO.124-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION June 2, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez if! ~ City Manager ~ FROM: SUBJECT: 1999 ASSESSMENT ROLL ESTIMATE As required by Florida Statute, the Dade County Property Appraiser advised us that the 1999 Assessment Roll Estimate for the City of Miami Beach is $7,590,000,000. The preliminary estimate provided on June I, 1999 is for budget planning purpose only. The official assessment will be released on July 1, 1999. The June 1st estimate represents an increase of 8.9% over the 1998 preliminary assessment of $6,964,723,252. At this time, the estimate does not provide a break-out of new construction or for the Redevelopment Districts. ~fl:J~ ~hment cc: Executive Staff OMB Staff FRCJol:I(OI.JICA F~ m: 3QS 673 '7254 SEP 18, 1988 3:1Ea1 P.li:ll METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA -~ . STEPHEN P. CLARK CENTER DEPARrMENT 01' PROPEfII'Y AJIFMIAL ADMINISTlWlVE DIVISION 8U1T1lIO 111 NoW. 111 smm MIAUI. R.OAl~ .128-1* (806) S7&.oM FAX (305) 31W024 ! ! ! I i I I I I i i I I ! I , I ! I I The followinQ estimate is being provided in aooordance with Florida statute; aoo ..066 (7) whioh ata1:e8: ! i ! ! I i I i I i I I i I i i The month of June is the most active and ooncentrated period at the end of ! the 8s8essaent oyole in ta~mD of preparing the acses8ment roll for I OOlllpletion by July 1. As "uch, the projectiong used in preparing tbe : figure provided Delow represent the best estimate available tor measurinq I the ohanges taking effect during Juna. ! j I i I I j i i I i I i I I I I ! i i ; l i I I ! i i June 1, 1999 MS. patr1cia walker pinance Direotor City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Cen1:er Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: 1999 Assessment Roll Estimate Dear Ms. Walker; "(7) The Property Appraiser shall deliver to the presiding officer of each taxing authority within the County, June 1, an estimate of the total assessed value of non- exempt property for the ourrent year for budqet planning purposes." -- . The certification of Taxable Value (Form DR-420) will be delivered to all taxinq authorities on July 1. Raoeipt of these values on July 1 initiatos the Statutory budget and millage calend~r. 7,590,000,000 Sincerely, ~\W~~ e W. Robbins Pr rty Appraiser