LTC 243-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of June 21 - 25, 2021MI A MI B H O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY C LERK LTC No. 243-2021 LETTER TO COM MISSION TO : FR O M : D A TE: SU BJEC T: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of June 21 - 25, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of June 21-25, 2021 published on June 13, 2021. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are com m itted to pro viding excellent public serv ice and safety to all who live, work an d play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY O F M IA M I BEA C H M EETIN G N O TICES June 21-25, 2021 8:00 a.m. MONDAY, June 21 land Use and Sustainability Committee Hybrid Meeting TUESDAY, June 22 l 0:00 a.m. Planning Board Hybrid Meeting 9:00 a.m. Special Master Hearings/ Appeals Zoom Meeting 5:00 p.m. Animal Welfare Committee Zoom Meeting 5:30 p.m. Virtual Town Hall with https://miamibeachfl. Commissioner Steven Meiner 90¥.zoom.us//83 146304022 Zoom Meeting 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 83146304022# 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, June 23 City Commission/RDA/ NBCRA Presentations & Awards Hybrid Meeting Sustainability Committee Zoom Meeting https.//miamibeachfl 90y.zoom.u/1/85059923037 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 85059923037# City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3 FL https://miamibeachtl 90y.zoom.us/i/86 143426327 1.929.205.6099 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 86143426327# City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3'FL http:://mniamibeach!l 99y.zoom.ys/i/833953.85796 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 83395385796# https.//us02web.zoom.ys/1/8964143Z 3472pwd- ZGSH6IE2eZPWGZNLIpN Unlpo2pU109. Access ID 89641437347 Passcode AWCJune 1.301.715.8592 or 1.646.558.8656 Access ID 89641437347# Passcode 7251106# https.//miamibeach/L. gov.zoom.us/i/81392857671 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 81392857671# City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3'FL THURSDAY, June 24 hp: //zoom.ys/4/996655293.50 1.312.626.6799 r 1.929.205.6099 Access ID 99665529350# Mayor's 41" Street Committee https.//zoom .us/i/97886592345?wd Zoom Meeting aIZGSn9YXFOens 3 WEx!SlgrRCs0Q 109 1.301.715.8592 or 1.312.626.6799 Access ID 97886592345# Passcode 047552# FRIDA Y, June 25 No Meetings Scheduled For any and/or all of the above meetings, one or more members of the Miami Beach CiNy Commission, and or City board/committee members may be in attendance and participate in discussions. ' Aved e o M87V Aa x Boadtod 60, A[&Z U sese 9?_±loe Cor ruco'o 325 & 8O U deice e. PfGIV ·+ (Comrrrision Coner!tee Aired tie oa MT AD No. 0613202101M listing of all formal com pet itive solicitotlons Issued by the Cly of Miaml Beach, Flortda ls ovalloble ot https://w.miamibeachfl,go/city hal l /'procuremen t/city cont acts/. To acce ss any formal comp etitive solicitation Issued by the City, or to receive any addendum Issued to a formal com petitive solicitation, you may also visit https://prod.bidsync.com /Miami Beach. Public meeting notices can be found on the Procuremen t Calendar ot https.//w.miamibeachfl, go/city hall /procurement/calender. \#IESE: AH We are committed to providing excellent public service and solely to all who lie, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historical community. Members ol the public may present audio/visual [A) materials relating lo gendo ltems ot City Commission Meetings by utilizing the City's AV equipment, provided that materials ore submitted to the Deportment ol Marketing and Communications by 8.30 o.m., one [] business day prior to the meeting. Advance submittal ol a presentation will allow the Communications Deportment to plan lor the use ol the appropriate AV equipment. AV materials must be submitted vio email or communications@maiomibeachll.gov. The body ol the email must include a notation listing the name or group, contact person, daytime telephone number, email address, description/title ol the presentation, and Agondo hem Htle os well os the Agend hem Number. Pleose reference "Audio/ Visual Material i the emoil object line. Acceptable formats lor electronic submission ore .pdl, ppt, pp, pps, pps, wm, ovi, and .mow. [Note that .pdl is the preferred format or PowePoint presentations.) Cly Holl is located or 1700 Convention Center Dive, and the Miomi Beach Convention Center is locoted at 190I Convention Center Dive. Any meeting may be opened and continued, ond under sch circumstances, additional legal notice will not be r.ovided. To request this moterial in olte,nolo formol, sign longuoge inklrproter jlive-cloy notice requWed),_ inlo,molion on access ot persons with disabilities, and/or any occommodotion to review any document or porticipote in ony itysponsored proceedings coll 305 604 2489 and elect I lor English, then option 6, TTY users may coll via 71I Florido Relay Service). A meeting not noticed in the Weelly Meeting Notice od and determined to be on emergency meeting will be posted on the bulletin boards throughout Ciy Holl and will be avoiloble he City's website ot http://web.aniam ibeahfl.gov/ityclerk /de fault aspx ?ids Ló Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Ho. Sot., the City hereby advises the public thot il o person decides lo oppeol any decision th7r r 7z±:%2:72:z proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony ond evidence upon which the appeal is to be based