LTC 283-2021 Procurement ReportsDocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibea chfl.gov LTC # To: 283-2021 LETTER T O COMMISSION Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission From: Date : ~ DocuSigned by: Alina T. Hudak, City Manager UM t fw..JA 7/11/2021 I 10:28 EDT 7AE29EF3401349E ... Subject: Procurement Reports As has been previously requested by the City Commission or as required by City regulations, the Procurement Department transmits monthly, via L TC, the following informational reports : • city contracts expiring within the next 180 days; • open market purchases exceeding $50,000 during the preceding month; • projects awarded pursuant to job order contracts (JOC) and indefinite quantity contracts (IQC); • purchases of playground and related equipment pursuant to Resolution 2019-30777; • emergency purchases approved by the City Manager during the preceding month ; and any unauthorized purchase reported during the preceding month. 1. CITY CONTRACTS EXPIRING OR ELIGIBLE FOR RENEWAL/EXTENSIONS IN THE NEXT 180 DAYS (See Attachment A). The contracts listed in Attachment A will expire or be eligible for renewal/extension within the next 180 days . In addition to reporting on all existing City contracts, a listing of piggyback contracts, pursuant to Section 2-369 of the City Code, used as an ongoing source for goods and/or services has been included. 2. OPEN MARKET PURCHASES EXCEEDING $50,000. Open market purchases are those purchases less than the amount established for formal bids. Section 2-395(4) of the City Code requires that open market purchases in excess of $50,000, up to the bid thresholds amount, be reported to the City Commission on a monthly basis. Below is a list of purchase orders for open market purchases for the preceding month. , ,. , , , .;::,,. , 1 l', :::, ~ '/ ~ / , ( , , =:;:~~~~!~'. Dep~ttm~nt . . 1 . • Descr:iQtion Jl1otal ) D~~e : . ,, , . ~enclor .• ~ > ~v '..., .,;; ,&% }< ~ 'c < ( ( v ;,; ' ~ f 1 20212258 Information & Technology Department Securelogix Cyber Security Protection Subscription $54,000 5/18/2021 AT&T Corp. 3. CAPITAL OR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS AWARDED PURSUANT TO THE SOURCEWELL (PREVIOUSLY NATIONAL JOINT POWERS ALLIANCE (NJPA)) COMPETITIVELY SOLICITED CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND/OR PROJECTS AWARDED PURSUANT TO JOB ORDER CONTRACTING (JOC) PROGRAM. The indefinite quantity IQC process is used extensively by the local, state, and federal governmental agencies throughout the United States to expedite the delivery of construction projects through pre - established contracts. The City, as a governmental agency member, is authorized to utilize the IQC contract for construction services competitively awarded . The City Commission, at its April 23, 2014 meeting , approved a recommendation by the Administration to utilize the IQC process to expedite the delivery of construction projects under $250,000, or for emergency projects as approved by the City DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4O92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 2 Manager. Subsequently, on October 16, 2019, the Mayor and City Commission awarded 1TB 2019- 257-KB for Job Order Contracting Services which awarded contracts to 18 vendors for five (5) specialty trades for construction projects. Below is a list of projects awarded pursuant to the JOC contracts or indefinite quantity IQC process for construction services for the preceding month. i "") , Project Title Department JOCJIQC No., Ven~or ''Estimated Value '' ' JOC: MBCC Misc. City 20-220-01 Team Current Contract Scope Needed to Manager CO#2 Contracting Inc . Amount $140,246.42 Achieve Certificate Department Change Order No. 2 of Occupancy $24,141.46 New Contract Amount $164,387.88 JOC : Dade Blvd Police 21-123-01 South Florida Contract Amount CCTV Project GOB Department Electric $116,843.15 #50 Consultant Inc. 4. PURCHASES FOR PARKS AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. Resolution No . 2019-30777 authorizes the City Manager, through standardization and waiver of competitive bidding requirements, to create a pool of preapproved manufacturers for all future purchases of playground equipment (aquatic and non-aquatic), park benches and outdoor furniture, outdoor fitness equipment, shade structures, recreational surfaces (safety surfaces, artificial turf, and hardcourt surfaces), and lighting systems for all city parks facilities. Additionally, the Resolution also authorizes the City Manager to add any other manufacturers, within the approved categories, that would be necessary to expedite the completion of parks and playground facilities. Below is a list of approved purchases and manufacturers added for the preceding month. Approved Purchases Manufacturers/Suppliers Added 5. EMERGENCY PURCHASES. Section 2-396 of the City Code authorizes the City Manager to approve emergency purchases and requires that emergency purchases exceeding the formal bid threshold amounts established in Section 2-366 be reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the emergency. The emergency purchase request process outlined in Code allows the City to respond expeditiously to unexpected needs. Below is a list of emergency purchases approved for the preceding month. DocuSig n En ve lope ID : EAE808B0-33C9-4D 92-9C35-7F96ACF17 6B0 3 6. UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES. Section 2-393(a) of the City Code prohibits the purchase of goods or services that are not in compliance with the requirements of the Procurement Code. Below is a list of unauthorized purchases exceeding the City Manager's authority for the preceding month. Unauthorized Purchases Form No. Nature :~~~:~~horized Requestor Contractor Value DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 ATTACHMENT A PREPW0RKPSAT SAT&ACT ONL IN E ADAPT IVE PROGRAMS ..... :rw sussibiARY t-iOi.biNGs:LLC INTERNATIONALBACCALi,uREATE .PRciGRAM . SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE .• ~--;d_osE-UP PRODUCTIONS, IN C. ANNLJAi..RENEwALFOR LEADsONUNE SERVICE ;PlJBl..ic 'sAFETYVEH IC ALACCESSOR iES . ASSISTING THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OFFICE COMPLJTER EQU IPMENT AND SERVICES :Accl.!R1NT v1RrLJAL .cR1ME cENTER . )NSURANCE CERTIFICATE TRACK SVSTM & RELATE[) :SERVICES .. CITYWIDE WIRELESS INFO NETWORK usE i'OR CMB POLicE .. . FIR E ALARM svs'rE'M:MON1foRING sERvcs& IN SPECTION CONsTRlJCTION &PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERV ICES CMB JNVESTMENT ADV ISORY SERVICES LEADSONUNE LLC :·DANA SAFETY SUPPLY, INC ..... 'GERALDiNE HAYES . DELL MARKETING L.P: LEXISNEXIS RISK SCLLJTIONS FL INC . . BIG WIREI.Ess : Llc .. . . . ',. . CARLOS DA CRUZ • Pus1..1c; i'Rusf J.:6v1sORs Ci.c (ARPEGGIO ACOUSTIC c;Qi,jsui. TiNG : LLC )OE BLA IR GARDEN SLlf>f>LY ir,,ic;, 6/30/21 6/30/21 7/10/21 ' O 7/14/21 7/23/21 7123/21 .... :NOisE :AcCUSTICAND sOUNDCONSULTiNG SERVICES ·· i E'i.EcrRic LEAF sLowERs AN0AccEssoR 1Es I.EASING OF POLICE MOTORCYCLES (PETERSON'S HARLEv:oAvibsONOF MIAMii.i.c;. . !li11121 FOR sMoKETESTiNG AND MANHOLI:: INSPECTION SERVICES 'ENVIROWASTE SERVICES GROUP : IN C. INVESTIG: BACKGRDTORi' UAs:Wc ci.M & CTR EMPL MTR 1 (A) Con tra ct Automatica lly Renews for a 12 month period unless cancelled by the City Party with a 90 day notice. 1 of 9 c:R0ssR0ADS SD I,· 1Nc. 9/20/21 9/21/21 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE80880-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF17680 ATTACHMENT A VESTIG, BACKGRD TORT L.IAB, WC CLM & OTR EMPL MTR tcosrcoNTRcii. & REcovERY AUDIT sERv1cEs SAAS FOR LABOR cosflNG AND PENSION MODU LES . iTITL.ED COMMERCIAL RECORcis MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMING AT THE MIAMI BEACH TENNIS CENTER T PARKING SERvici::s Ar THE FILLMORE AND JACKIE SON/MBCC GRM INFORMAT!ciN MANAGEMENT SERVICES IN C VAN DA.ALEN TENNIS vs 1cAi.fRAiN1NGi'ciR EMPLciYEE .vvELLNEss PROGRAM 'i-lRGi'rrNEss NEi"vvciRK 1Nc SOD AND SciDiNSTAL.l.ATION :sUNSET SOD, IN C. INF'civvciRKS ANcilNi'civvATER sciF'TvvARE ;iN No'iiYiE,iNc ... ENVIRONMENTALMAINTENANCE HOSPiTAL.ITY ·&·sAFEfr SER . LJNCOLN ROAD BUS IN ESS iMPROiiEMENT .. DISTRICT IN C s □-42 1RoNsirE sERiiicEsLinER RECEPrAcLEs ii1c'roR s'rANl.Ev : 1N c. :DANCE ANO FITNESS iNSTRUCTiciNS FOR MB RES IDENTS 'MAGICROOM PRODUCTIONS LLC ········n::RONT DESKOPERATiONFL.AMINGO PARK TENNIS CENTER 'SANDROGARciA IGH QUALITY GRAPHIC DESIGNS E ARfSF'EciALi"YCAMf' foR MIAMI BEACH RES ID ENTS PROGRAMM ING FOR THE FLAM IN GO PARK TENNIS CENTER MANAGEMENT ciFcciACl-lES FOR CITY'S TRAVEL soccER 'LEAGUE ...... "1cE s1<11flNG IN STRLJCTOR 1 (A) Contract Automatically Renews for a 12 month period unless cancell ed by the City Party with a 90 day notice. 2 of 9 JUL IO SILVA LISSETTE i.ui'z FRANK JOSEPH FERRARA ··· MICHEL.LE GRA UL TY 9/3()/21 9/30/21 9/30/2 1 9/3()/21 9/30/21 9/30/2 1 9/:iii12i iJ13oi21 9/30i21 9iJiii21 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE80880-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 ATTACHMENT A . . 'coNouci'A □APTIVE FITNESS AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS ----~co1,iou'ffCC>MPUTER SCIENCE INSTRUCTION FOR \COMMUNITY :c or-16ucTvoufH soccER TRAiNiNG Mou HANDS CJNCOCJKING PROGRAMS AND NUTRITICJN EDlJ FURNISH, DELIVERY, INSTL,MAINT,REPAIR GENERATORS SABRINA COHEN icouN □Ai'ioN INC . ·cREATE & LEARN 1N·c. COMMON THREADS INCORPCJRAi'Eci iR & D ELECTRIC, !Ne:' '''i>uRCHASE ,CJF iiicYCLEs : PARTS : ACCESSORIES AND REPAiRS -MACi<'S CYClE ,SHCJP iNc : Roui'INEiEMERGENCYSANITARYSEWERtsTCJRM WATER CCTV SERVICES NATIONALWATER MAIN C:lEANINGCCl. PURCHASE OF lllCYcL1cs: PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS !MIAMI BEACH 131cvc1.i: CENTER !Ne ''' !RCJUTiNE/EMERG ENCY SANITARYSEW ERisi"CJRM WATER ''''' TFLOT ECH ENviRONMENTAL:Li.c :ccTV INSPECTION SERVICES '''' TFURNisH : DEiivERY, INSTALLATION ,MAINTENANCE :REPAiRS ' iAff PCJWER GENERATORS : CORF''' 'AND GENERATORS i ruRcHAsi:: oF s1cYc:LEs,PARTs, AccEssoR1EsANo REPA1Rs vo1..c:AN1cMANui'AciuRiNG 1..1..c · OUTFALL MAINTENANCE SERVICES ECONOMIC DEV FOR ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT iTRANSITION FROM . EDEN TO MUNIS ERP APPAREL AND ACCESSCJRiEs c;frvwiciE ' ' (RE ALESTATE BROKERAGE SERVICES ]WEIXNESS SERVICES FCJR ACTIVE EMPLOYEES °FIRE/P()L!C:E FALSE ALARM Blli..lNG SYSTEMS 1 (A) Contract Automatically Renews for a 12 month period unless cancelled by the City Party with a 90 day notice. 3 of 9 'WATERFRCJNi'PRCJPERTY SERVICEsiXc : RCJYALTScREEN PRiNTING co RF'. :csRE, INC, . 'HARRis : ROTHENBERGINTERNATiCJNAL!Nc : PMAM-ATEl CORPORATION 9/30/21 10/1/21 fo11i21 10/4/21 ......... fo/5/21 10/10/21 10/15121 10/25/21 10/25/21 A 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID : EAE808B0-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 ATTACHMENT A EES, PALMS AND PLANT MATERIALS TREES, PALMSAND Pl.ANT MATERIALS " Ti;'CosAC i'R-AciiNG 1Nc: .. CITY EMPLOYEE HEALTHY CAFE LEASE AGREEMENT . TASTE BAKERY MBc1fri:ic CITY EMPLOYEE HEALTHY CAFE CONCESSION AGREEMENT TASTE BAKERY MB CITY l.l.C :AUTOMATlcliEHICLE LOCAT ION (AVL) SYSTEM SERlili::Es iTRACKSTARINTERNATiONAl..,iNc, .RISK MANAGER iNFORMATioN sYsi'M KNOWN AS 'RISKMASTER [F IRST AID,EMERGENCY,MEDICAL/ATHLETIC TRAIN IN G ETC, SELF SERVICES ELECTR IC VEHICLE CHARGIN G STATION . CONCESS IONS : VARious ·cocATIONS soFTWARE i'oR Aci'1vli'Y REii is'iRAi'ioN FACiL.iTY Rsvr . INV ENTORY CO NTROL DOOR RELATED REPAIR: REPLACEMENT.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ............................... , ..... . PURCHASE OF ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-10L1DAY LIGHTING AND DECORATIONS rLiRci-lAsE OF coNcRETE cURiliNGisiDEWALK CONSTRUCTION .. iPURCHASE OF CONCRETE CIJRBiNG/SIDEWALK ;CONSTRUCT ION '.rURCHASE OF coNcRETE cURiiiNGis1bEwAI.K . ;CONSTRUCT ION . 'APPAREL. AND ACCESSOR IES CITYWIDE 'csc; CYBE:RTEK CORF'ORAl'ioN °CARDINALHEALT1-1,·1N c. 'sLINi< NEi'iiv6RKLLc a6UcHER BROTHERS MiAMI BEACH, Llc ;ve::RM6ti'isYsTEMs IN C "iliALifoMATEDbooR REPA IR , IN C. GENERALASPHAi5Co., IN C: ARTISTIC iiOLIDAY DESiGNS, Ll.c:: METRoEXF'REss,1Nc. · !cEi:rco cciNTRAcTiNG. LLc . .. h'EAMCONTRACT IN G.iNC::, ...... :DESIGNLAll INC 1 (A) Contract Automatica lly Renews for a 12 month period unless cancelled by th e City Party with a 90 day notice. 4 of 9 10/29/21"' 2 . 1oi2siii .. 10/31/21 11/1/21 11/4/21 11/5/21 11/5/21 11is121 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4O92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 ATTACHMENT A :foe · oRoER coNTR11cT1NGsERv1cEs-vAR10us ·TR/\DEs :ENviROw11sfE SERVICES GR0ur: INC. '011i-Jz cON'iRAc'f1Nci; Li_c: 'METRO EXPRESS, INC. 'j'QiiOi'foE.RC(lNTRACTING SERVICES-VARIOUS TRADES ,AGC ELECTRICINC. Jos oRDER coNTRAcT1NG sERv1cEs-v11R1ous'rRADEs · iEE coNsrRUd10NGRouP, iNc : (JOB ORDER cONTR/\CliNG SERVICES-V/\RIOlJS TR/IDES GECASSOCIATES,INC. 'JoB ORDER cOi,ffR/\CTiNG SERvic;E's:vmOUSTRI\DES ........... :sOLARES ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC JoB oRDER coNTRAcT1NG sicRvicEs:v11R10us iRADi:s ········ · · 'st-iiFF CONsiRucTiON & DEvE'1..0rMENT. iNc. JOB ORDER CONTRACTING SERVICEs:v11RiOus TRI\DES 'AciviiNcED ROOic1NG. 1Nc. TEAMC6NTRAcr1NG. INC, aJOEi ORDER cONfRACTING SERv1cEs :v11R10Lis TRADES ......... :sHOREI..INE NEfwciRKS INC JOil ORDER CONTRACTING SERVICES-v11R1cius TRADES 'Jos ·ORDER ·coNTRACTiNG SERVICEs :v11R10l.Js TR/IDES jQ13 ORDER C()NTRI\CTiNG SERVICEs:viiRIOl.JS TRI\DES 0 TREES, PALMS AND PLIINTMAi'ERl/\l..S ... TREES, PALMS AND PLANfMATERI/\LS 1 (A) Contract Automatically Renews for a 12 month period unless cancelled by the City Party with a 90 day notice. 5 of 9 scil.JTHFLORIDA ELECTRICAL foNsl.JL.TANT INC EDD HELMS ELECTRIC 1..1..c MAGGDLC, iNc. DAVIIJMANCINI & SDNS, INC. l<E/\RNSCONSTRlJCTIDN .C()MPANY SLJPERiOR LANbsc:11PING&LAWN SERVICE, INC. 11/7/21 iiil/21 11ili21 11/7/21 11/7/21 11/7/21 . iii7/21 11(7/21 ·11fii21 11/7/21 11n/21 11n/21 11/7/21 11/13/21 1 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF 176B0 ATTACHMENT A ..... REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SERViCES (PREQl.lAL IFIED POOL) .CBRE, INC, REAL ESTATE APPRA ISAL SERVICES (PREQUALIF IED POOL) . :THE URBAN GROUP iNC REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SERVICES (PREOUALIF IED POOLi ·cusHMAN & WAKEFIELD RE G IONAL, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SERVICES (PREQU ALIF IED POOL) : TREES, PALMS AND PLANT MATER iALS '.rioMELESS OUTREACH TRAINING PROGRAM SERVICES ·oooR RELATED REPAIR, REPLACEMENT:PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE DOOR RELATED REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, PREVENT IVE MAINTENANCE . 'A PP AREl.AND ACCESSORIE S cii"YwiciE .. TREES, PALMSANDPLANTMATERiAi:.s VARI OUS CE I SERViCES ONANASNEEDEOBASIS . VAR IOUS CE I SERVICES DN AN AS NEEDED BASIS .STATEWIDE & GLOBAL COUR IER SERVICES 'VAR IOUS CE I SERVICES ON AN As f.lEEciEcii'lils ls 'REMOVABLE PARKiNG DELINEAfoRs 'JLL VALUATION & ADVISORY SERVICES LLC !EAST COAST MULCH CORP • GREENSLEEVES INC. ! HOPE IN MIAM I-DADE INC '. BEST GARAGE DDDR INC 'MASTER DOOR CORPORATION . : BROWN & BIGELOW. if.it: .. v1sLiALscAPE 1f.ic: · : STANTEC CONSUL TING SERVICES INC. "!cALViN, GIORDANO & ASSOC IATES, INC. •i'E'OERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION :WSP USA INC . : BYTEWISE SOLUTIONS, INC. BUILD ING/SPEC iAL TY TRADE CONTRACTORS/M INOR PROJECT ,AGC ELECTR IC INC. PURCHASE OF OEM AND OE PARTS AND SERVICES ;METRO FORD INC. PURCHASE/TR IADA BDLLARDSi POLESi REPLACEMENT PARTS 1FORMS & SURFACES. INC. 1 (A) Contract Automatically Renews for a 12 month period un less cancelled by the City Party with a 90 day notice. 6 of 9 11/13/21 11"13/21 11/14/21 11/27/2 1 11/27/21 ., · 1 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 ATTACHMENT A · ·cui:. 'ruiiAL PROGRAM MIN G al' NoRM ANDv FO UNT AIN PLAZA ·. NoRMANov i'ouN'r A1N sus 1N Ess Assoc 1AT10N. :IN C. 1 (A) Contract Automatically Renews for a 12 month period un less cancell ed by the C ity Party wi th a 90 day notice. 7 of 9 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 ATTACHMENT A JREbLIGHT v101...ATl0N CAMERA ENFORCEMENT icoNDUENT STATE & LOCAL soLUTloNs, INC. i .......... ji:i25 MCJBiLE RAD16svsTEM coNsuLTING svcs TUSA foNsULTiNG sERvicEs 11. LL.c. 'FOR THE MBCC CONSULTING SERVICES :JCJNES LANG LASALLE AMERICAS INC ...... ... [PsYcHoloGlcAL SERVICES FCJR EMPL..OYEEs ......... l..AW ENFORCEMENT PSYCHOL..OGlcAl..AND fouNsEl..lNG j 'GRouNDs MAINTENANCE sERvicEs LANoscAPE sERv1c1::s :TNc. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING& LAWN SERVICE, INC . . . ·······:GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES EVERGl..ADEs ENVIRONMENTALCARE ;iNc : ..... GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES ELANLAWN & l..ANDscAPE sERVICEs TRANSPORTATION MGMT SYS & PARKING MGMT SYS -KIMl..EY:HORNANbASSOCIATES,INC. PARKiNGATTENDANTS FORCITY PARKING GARAGE 0 SPPLUSCCJRP0RATION . coNSTRUCTABIL1frc6sT &VALUE ENGiNEERING SERVICES KcifrcHNOLOGIES, INC. CCJNSTRUCTABII..ITY : cosT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES ATANE ENGiNEERs, ARcHiTEcTs & LANbsuRvEYCJRs, cbNsTRUCTABILITY ceJsT& VALUE ENGINEERING sERviCEs . : u.s. cosT INCORPORATED .. HEALTH cARE 13ENEF1Ts coNsuL TANT sERv1cEs ··: GALLAGHER sENEF1Ts sERv1cEs: 1Nc. TELEcoMMUN1cAT10Ns w1R1NG sERv1cEs ····· AsI.TEi:EcoM i DATA 1Nc 'TELECCJMMUNICATIONS WIRING .SERVICES . STRUciUREffcABllNGSOL.UTioNsiNC !sMART ciTY LIGHTiNG SYSTEMS PHASE 1A JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. 8 of9 7/1/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE808B0-33C9-4D92-9C35-7F96ACF176B0 ATTACHMENT A FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION, TESTING, CERTIFICATION, REP ......... "FciR ANNUAL INSPECTioN: TESTING,CERTIFiCATION ,REP :FOR BUS TRANSPORTATION SERVICES . ·······. :l.EASE OF GOLF COURSE TURF MAINTENANCE EQU IPMENT LEASE OF GOLF COURSE TURF MAiNTENANCE EQU IPMEN T LEASE OF GOLF COURSE TURN MAINTENANCE EQU IPMENT LEASE OF GO LF COURSE TURF MAINTENANCE EQU IPMENT 9 of 9 NATI ONAL F IRE PROTECTION, LLC AL.L. FiRE SERVICES iNc . [FRANMAR CORPORATION TEsco soLiTHit..JCORPORATEo · ffc;j: Eo'U IP-MENT F INANCE INC 0 EFEINC T oEERECRED IT, INC . 7/1/2021