LTC 300-2021 Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee MotionMl/-\/\/\1 B ACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 300-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Mana� DATE: July 14, 2021 tr ., J SUBJECT: Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Motion This Letter to Commission ("L TC") provides an update regarding a motion approved at the June 16, 2021 meeting of the Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Motion. Members in Attendance: Jose Smith (Chair), Daniel Veitia (Vice Chair), John Bowes, Romina Orozco-Encio, Betsy Perez, Manning Salazar, and David Sexton Motion: To add to a future meeting agenda discussion items regarding the Byron Carlyle and the 72nd Street Community Complex and requesting City staff to invite the community to come participate in the discussion. Motion made by: Seconded by: Passed: Daniel Veitia John Bowes 6 - 0 (Chair Jose Smith absent for the vote) Any questions about the foregoing may be directed to Committee Co-Liaisons, Rickelle Williams, Economic Development Director, rickellewilliams@miamibeachfl.gov and David Martinez, Capital Improvement Projects Director, davidmartinez@miamibeachfl.gov.