Ad 242 Notice of Special Elec.CITY OF MIAMI BEAOH, FLORIDA ~ OF SPMClAL MLIC'llON MARCH G, ~'OO4 NOTICE is hereby given that a SPECIAL ELECTION ~os been oslied by the Ma~or and city Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and will be held in so~f City from 7:00 a.m. uotd 7:00 p.m., on the 9th day of Mm'ch, 2004 st which time there shall be submitted to the duly registered and qualified vetom of the City of Miata{ Beech the follawing questions: Miami Beach Question 1 Amending Citizen's Bill of Rlghto to Protect Natural Resources and Scenic Seaut~ Shall the Miami Beach City Charter be amended to include within the Citizen's Bill of Rights a policy statement of- the City to Ccoserve and protect its nelumt resources and scenic beaut'/ including the abatement of air ced water porluUan and of excessive and unnecessary noise? Pra~uosth I de Miami Beach Enmionda a la Catto de los Dm.onhoe del Ciudadaon para proteger los recuraos entoroios y la bellaza'de los paieajea &oDeepe,i enmefldarse la Carla Constltucional de la Ciudad de Miami Beach de mpeo qua la Carts de los rechos del ciudedano thcluya la danlaraclbn de una pellUos general de la Ciodad respecto de la conservacido y proteccien de sue recursos naturales y de la belleze de sos peiosse inclulaa ia dlaminuci(~n fanta de ia contamlaanldn del sire y de las aguas como cie los ru dos excse'ms o nneceserios? YES/S~ 30 NO/NO 31 Miami Beacb Question 2 Amending Charter Section 1.03(b) re: Losen/Oleponel of Cby-Owned Property by Expanding its Appltoabflby Shall Charter Section 1.03(b) requicing voter approval before fesee/diedosel of City-owned bed(, recreaUon, wstorfront property apply to eddiGonal City pmJ~erdse (west of North Shore Open Space; Cultism Campus; and ~arking lots near 72nd Street Ccnvenfion Center Unco~n Read) require Planning Board's 4/7 and city ~mmlasic~'s 5/7 votes before lease/disposal of other City-ownan properties; Increase exempt lease period from five to ton years; exempt interesfa/settiament of claims existing as of January 14th, 2004? Prepueela 2 de Mtorai Beach Enmlanda a la Goonien 1.03 b) de la Carla Conofltuelonel referanth al arrandamlento y dtsponlclbfl de lamuchlos proptsdad de la Clused mad ante la amp ac i~n de su ap cab dad ~Cebect apHearss a lamos~les adicionales de la Ciubad (al easfa psi 6spacio Ahierto de North Shore, al Raninto ultural y a los ostacIonamlantos ceres de ia earle 72 del Ceofm de Canvencionos y de Unealn Road} la dispesicidn de qua es obligelorla obtoner la aprobecidn der eleoforado contorme a la Besslan 1.03 b de ia Carts ConsUtucicnal para arrenbar o diagonar de inmueblss pmpiedad de ia Ciodad eft qua hays barques, gas se uasn para fines recreativbe ogea den al ague y de gue es obllgelode una votocicn favorable de al monos cuabo edpfimos de las votos emifides per los mlambres de la Junto de PlaniflosciOn y de una votaclan favorable de al manos cinco edpfimea de los vetos emitidos per los miambres de ia Junta de Comislaondes de la Ciudaci arrandar o dlagoner de arras inmueblan pmpladed de la Cieded osl como aumerdar a diaz abas el peondo arrandatorla de exencico actual de cincc ~se y exenrdr a toe interasss y ~Jueles de las reclamaclanse qua delefl de al msoos el 14 de enero del 2004? YES/Si 32 NO/NO 33 Miami Seosh Queoflon 3 Amondto0 Charter ~ 1,03(c) re: Voter Approval Prim, to Flare. Area Incrom~e Shall Cberlar Section 1.03(c) requiring voter approval before floor area raUo may be increased on properties adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, Government Cut, Indian Creek or Biscayne 8ay be expanded to apply to all properly within City limits; examottho the dtv~lan of lots or the aggregation of develapmant dghts on unified abutho~] parCels (othen~ias permitted by ordinance) and settlement of claims the City has notice of as of Oeosmosr 10, 2003? Propuosth 3 de Miami Beach Enmienda Se la Seonl§n 1.03(c) roferanth a la aprobaeldn previa pm' perth del electorado hero aumentor la euharftoto de Ion plaon &Oeperd aml~laree la sencl(~n 1.03(c) cie la Carta Constituclonal en ia flue se reflul-are la apmbaniSn del eleoforade antes de aumanfar ia proporcicn de ia superdale del ptso de los inmueblos adyaearnes al OcSano Afi~nficg~ Govemmant Cut, Indian Creek o ia bahia de Biscayne de modo que se apliqea a fado lamuebla peotra de os ea tos de a C uded, exospto respeoto de ia divisi~z de paroslas y la adlaicn de los derschos de constmncl§n de pwonlos unificados cogndantss (qua os auin~zen, de cha larma, par ordemmza) y el ajosto c rectamos osbre los qua hays ractbido avleo la Ciudad pont el 10 de dlctembra de~ 20037 NO/IN) 38 Miami Bench Question 4 Amending Chariaf Section 4,0~(i) OalelJng Rchotronlent for City Attsslmy A~proeai of Cby Manager' ConWaet Nngotfafloea Shall SantJan 4.02(i) of the Miami Beach C~ Charier regarding the CH Manager's power to negotiate Cit contmots and agreements be amended by ealaBng language subiestthg said power to a@~preval of the Cit Attorney, retaining language requiring City Commission approval of C~y Manager negotiations. Prapueofa 4 de Miami Beach Enmiande a la Secclen 4.02(t) de la Carto Conchtucloeal para ellmthar la dispaslcl~n qua hace necseari qua el Pronuradm. de Ia Cluded apruepe lac ongoclaclonos de Ion cenb'ofoe qua raellce el Admlnlatrodo on la Cluhad ~,eD eba,l enmenderso ia Beccien 4.02(i) para elimiear de la Cants GonsUtucional de la Ciedad de Miami Beach t xfa refereote a la obligaclan de qua el Admlnistredor de la Ciuded ootenga la apml~cidn del Prsourador de I Ciubad para negoclar contratos y convenios de la Ciuded y conserver el texto en que se dispene la nanesibad d que la Junta de Comlslanabas de la ciudad apruebe las nagnclacicnas del Admlaistredor de la Ciubad? YES/SI 36 NO/NO 37 Miami Beach QuonUon 5 Amending Charter A~llcle V to Require Economic Impact Statement Shall the Miami Beach Cit~ Charter, Article V thereof regarding "budget and finance", be amended to require the the City Commission cons~ber the long term economic impact{el least five years) of legislative acts? Prapuonta 5 de Miami Beach Enmlanda del Arttoulo V de la Carla CmmBtucloonl para hecta, obllgatoria la donlaraclan del Impach econemlco ~Oeber~ enmendarse el Am'culo V de la Carfa Constitoclaeal de la Ciuded de Miami Beach roferents [ Prssupuesto y fieanzas" de medo que se requiem gus la Junta de Comlalonedos de la Cieded estodla e Impacto econOmico a largo plazo (ar meoss per claes enos) de las leyss? YES/SI 38 NO/NO 36 Miami Beach Que~lan 6 Amending Related SpeCial Acts by delaUng Article II "Public Ubrary' and AflJcle 01 "Monlcipal Projects" Shall Miami Beach Relafad Special Acts, Antale II thereof enUtled "Public Library" and Areola III thereof entitiec "Municipal Projects", be deleted as said language la obselele and/or redundant? Propuonta 6 de Miami Beach Enmlanda de las toyos sepaofalon ralaofoeaden mchiants la e6mthaofen del Articuto II danomlondo "nlbitothca pl)hltoa" y del Afticulo lB deonmleada "Proyecto~ muelofpalos" &Deber~n eiimlaarse ics Articulos II y III, denaminades "Bibliofec8 pbhlica" y "Preyentos m~YdC4)alas", mspeotivemeofe, de las Mayas especlalss relacioeadss de Miami Beach bar set su tssto ob~oloto o supertlos? YES/Si 40 NO/NO 41 Miami Beach Question 7 sets of 2620 glarritz O~'lve Shall the City of Miami seach sell watorfraof property located el 2620 Bian'itz Drive In Miami Beach, Ficrida survey end lapel description of property on OMa In City's Public Works Debartmeof), with the sale proceeds to he uti sad for the City s resevefion of the Normandy Shores Gaff Course? Pro~uonia ? de Miami Beech Vento del 2620 Blarrltz Drive ~Oeber~ vender la Ciuped de Miami Beach el inmuebla qua d~ al ague gas se enoserdTa en el 2620 Biarrifz rive, Miami Beach, Florida, y cuya iospecci('m celsstral y desecipci~n jutldica set~n archivados en el Dedartamento de Ohras P~blicas de la Cladad, y emplaar el predusto de dicha venfa la eluded para ronover el Camps de Gaff de Normandy Shores? YES/Si 42 NO/NO 43 RObert Parsbar City Clark Ad#242