LTC 334-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 16 - 20, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 334-2021 TO : FROM : DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members ~ty /mission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk / <!{/ August9,2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 16 -20, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of August 16 -20, 2021 published on August 8, 2021. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES August 16 -20, 2021 MONDAY, August 16 No Meetings Sc heduled TUESDAY, August 17 9:00 o.m. Co nvention Ce nter ht1ps-//us02web zoom us/i/86768938 Advisory Board 9052pwd -dkdVVlg0RG I EYTRPMW 45e Zoom Meeting StrenlvQT09 1.30 1 .7 15.8592 or 1.3 12.626.6799 Access ID 86768938905# Passcode 159478# I 0:00 a.m. Black Affairs Advisory Committee https ·//us02web.zoom us/i/8999 1003 I I 6?pwd -NE t I eUNUoE5HUk9oNk9IZ I ROSTVLUT09 Zoom Meeting 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.888 .475.4499 Access ID 89991003116# Passcode 483835# 3:00 p .m. Audit Com mittee Microso ft Team M ee ting I .786 .636.14 80 Access ID 8403731 # WEDNESDAY, August 18 10 :00 a.m. Planning Board* hllps · //miarn ibeoc hfl - Hybrid M ee ting gov zoom us/j/8614342632Z 1.929.205.6099 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 86143426327# City Hall Co mmission Chamber 1700 Conven ti on Cen ler Drive , 3,J FL . 12:00 p.m. Miami Beach Po li ceme n's Relief & Pensi o n Fund 1 l 00 Washington Avenue MBPD Com munity Room THURSDAY, August 19 8:30 a .m. City Pension Fund far hup s)/zoom us/j/94783500Z5 4 Firefighters & Po li ce O fficer's 1.929.205.6099 or 1.301.715 .8592 In the C ity of Miami Beach Access ID 94783500754# Hybrid Meeting 169 1 Mich igan Avenue Fire & Police Pension Office, Su it e 355 9:00 a .m. Special Magistrate Hearings• 1700 Conven ti on Cen ter Drive, 3"1 FL. City Hall Co mmission Chamber 9:30 a.m . Lincoln Road BID /Exec utive Committee httw //zoom .us/j/47 4454705 52pwd = YXo IT mUrR0ZNMmlYNIVLZVVEViczZz0 2 Hybrid M ee tin g 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.888.475 .4499 Access ID 4744547055# Passcode 808879# 1620 Drexel Avenu e MB Commu nity Churc h, Hi ce Holl 2:00 p.m. Special Event Commun ity Mtg . 1.786.636.1380 Microso ft Team M ee ting Access ID 652624441 # FRIDAY, August 20 No M ee tin gs Sche duled Fo, any and/ or all o f lh e above meetings, one o r mo ,e rne mbers o f lh e Miami Aeoch Cily Commi ss io n , and or City bomd/commillee membe,s may be in ollendonce a nd pmlicipole in discussions. • Ai,£<.l ha en l,~3TV. A!kutc 81,w/lrwl 060 AT&l lhel'A 22 Hct·,ie Crn:urnun cq1 rm W'I '-gt)f l / 1/ryjr <> rn Pf(, 1V • ' Com,ni W<.o Cornmin~ Air<KI Li·,~ L:1 1 MSW AD No. 0808202 l ·0IM /\ listi ng of ull lormo l compeHtive solJcitotlons issued by the City of Miami Beach, Flmido Is uvofloble ol htl ps ·//www mJomibeacHI goy/dty:holl/pmcmernealkity:conlrocls/. To access a ny fo,mal compe lilive solicita llou issued by lhe City, Of lo receive any addendum issuu<l 10 o formal competilive solicilotion, yoo may also visi l ht!ps · //p1cx l bidsync rnm/MlomH}each-Public meeling notices con be found on the P1 ocoremen 1 Colendm al l!llps· //www mlornibeorhO qoy/clty:ho U/mcx:memeo l/coleoder/. MIAMI BEACH We 010 commillod to providing exco!/011/ public Jervico um / sufety lo o/1 who /ivo, wo1k, and ploy in ou, vilmml, lropkol, /Ji1/01icolcommunily. MembarJ of //Jo pub/;c nmy p,mou/ oudio/viJuol (AV) mo/oriols rela ting to Ag undo /l1)111! o/ City Com miHion Mao/iugJ by ulili zing ,ha Ci"t'J AV aquipma11/, p,o~idad 1/,a/ molo1iC1IJ (JIU wbmillad lo Ilia Dopa,l111u11I of Mmieling ond Commuuiculiom by 8:30 o.m., 0110 (I/ buJinan doy prior to the meeling. Advonce wbmillo/ of o proJan/arion will allow the Communicolion1 Oopo1lman t lo pion for Iha uJe ol J/10 opptop,iola AV equipmanl. AV molerfrilJ mus / be Jubmillacl via amoil ol commw1k<J/iom@miomibern:hfl.gov. The bo<.ly of 1/1e emoil muJ/ iuclvde a 11otolio11 /isling 1/11:1 nome or g1oup, c011tm:I pouon, doylimo 10/apliom, number, amoil ocld,au, cleJcriplion/,ille of 11,a pre1011tolio11, ond Agondo Item Title 01 wall 01 Ilia Agando /lorn Nvmbar. Plamo raleronce •Audio/Visvo/ Molorio/• in Iha amoil wbjecl /jno. Accopfoble lormols for eloclrcmic iubmiuion oro .pdf, ·Pl''' .pplx, .pp1, .ppsx, .wmv, .ovi, and .mov. {Note lhol .pdf is the prefa,red lo,mol lo, PowerPoinf pro1enlotiom.J City Hull is located ot 1700 Convenlion Ca 111or Duve, mid lhe Miami Beach Convenhon Canler 1s located al 1901 Convonlian Cenlor Drive . Any mooting moy ba opened and conlmued, and under such ci1cum1!m1ces, oddilio110! !egol noti ce will 1101 be provided . To r~c/u11s.1 this mole1iot in o11erno te for mot, 11i9n longuoge _i nlarpreta, (/1va-doy notice requ ired!, in lorma lion on ucc en for parso11J wit 1 d1sob1l it1eJ. 011d/or ony occommodalion 10 review any documon l or pm tic,pole in ony C1ty·1po n1orad procoadings co ll 305.604.2,189 cmd solecl 1 for En9li1h, 1han option 6; TTY uiarJ moy coll viu 711 (Florido Relay Service) A mooling not no1icod in lhe Wookl y Mooting Nolico od ond determined to boon oma19oncy mealing will be pcntod 011 the bulletin boo1d$ lhroughout City Holl and will be ovoilablo !he City's wab$ita al bttp·l/web mlamfkeac hR gov/c/tycferlcldefauh aspx11d• IUO Pur$uont lo Seclion 2860105, Flo . SloL, Iha Ci ty hereby odviso1 lhe public thol if a per.ron <lac ,da1 to appeal ooy dac:111011 ;e':i° <~~::,::i11ha0 ~~C:t:~d:;;r:~1t::,.i~/ ::h~~:~~:: i:0 ::\1~:n~~;•:j :~c!~:;:t:h~,0 ~ :~i:?.;, 1::c:,J1:1 d:! proceedingr. 11 mode. wliich ,acord 1nduda$ the lor.limony ond evidence upon wh11:h the oppeol 11 to be bosad.