LTC 421-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 11 - 15, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 421-2021 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City mmission FROM : Rafael E. Granado , City Clerk DATE: October 4, 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 11 -15, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of October 11 -15 , 2021 published on October 3, 2021. See insertions on page (3) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673 .7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES October 11 -15, 2021 MONDAY, October 11 2:00 p.m. Red light Camera Hearings Cily Holl Commission Chamber 3:30 p.m. Transportation , Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee Hybrid Meeting 5:00 p.m. Beach View Park Improvements -Virtua l Public Meeting Microsoft Team Meeting 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3 rd FL . 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 278760333# Parking Dept . Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue, 2nd Fl oo r 1.786 .636.1480 Access ID 214748858# TUESDAY, October 12 7:30 a.m. Miami Beach Senior High School PTSA Zoom Meeting 9:00 a.m. Historic Preservation Board * Hybrid Meeting 9:00 a.m . Marine ond Waterfront Protection Authority Zoom Meeting l 0:00 a.m. Visitor and Convention Authority (MBVCA) l 0:00 a.m. Miami Beach Employees' Ret irement Pension Board Zoom Meeting 1 :00 p .m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee Microsoft Team Meeting https : //us02web . zoom . us/j/7 62 4604 3 5512pwd-N2krNko0NT dWcFZ2T zE3W GZzcDcxdz09 Access ID 76246043551 Posscode mbsh 1.301.715.8592 or 1.6 46 .8 76 .9923 Access ID 76246043551 # Posscode 755761 # httm,://miomibeqchR- gov zoom .us/j/817 48347488 1.312 .626 .6799 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 81748347488# City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,d FL. https ://us06web.zoom.us/j /8 l 64867l 952°pwd-cFhsQnB3bUWVTRCcHRmc2 ~ 1.30 1.715 .8592 or 1.312 .626.6799 Access ID 81648671952# Posscode 779456# Miami Beach Wotersports Center 6500 Indian Cree k Dr ive, 2nd FL. https : //us02web . zoom .us/j/89297351 2lJ. 1.301.715 .8592 or 1.312 .626.6799 Access ID 89297351583# 1 .786 .636 . 1480 Access ID 809582055# 2:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advi sory Committee/ 1.786 .636 .1480 Subcommittee on Health Access ID 509195128# And Wellness Microsoft Team Meeting 4:30 p.m. Committee on the Homeless Zoom Meeting https ://zoom .us/j/912243 l 73472pwd -Tl UOGp4dkNoblNWM2Z 1 WWxnWk VoZz09 1.646 .876 .9923 or 1.301.715 .8592 Access ID 91224317347# Posscode 090714# 4:30 p.m. Budget Advisory Committee 1.786 .636 .148 0 Microsoft Team Meeting Access ID 422243284# 5:00 p.m. Miami Beach Skate Park 1.786 .63 6 .148 0 Improvements -Virtual Public Meeting Microsoft Team Meeting Access ID 351020089# 5:30 p .m. Virtual Town Hall with https://miomibeochA- Commissioner Steven Meiner gov.zoom.us/j/880194486 l 0 Zoom Meeting 1.929 .205 .6099 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 88019448610# 6:00 p.m. Police/Citizens Relations Committee https : //us02web.zoom.us/j/85671773 1702pwd-Vkxyb0Q5cWV3Y31pdmthUX ISdUhBZz09 8:30 a.m. Zoom Meeting 1.301.715 .8592 or 1.3 12.626.6799 Access ID 85671773170# Posscode 710375# WEDNESDAY, October 13 City Commission/RDA/ https ://miomibeochfl- NBCRA * gov .zoom .us/j/8I392857671 1.30 1.7 15 .8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Hybrid Meeting Access ID 81392857671 # Ci ty Holl Comm iss ion Chamb er 1700 Conve nti on Cen ter Drive , 3'~ FL 10:00 a.m. Canvassing Boord : Miami-Dode County Elections Dep t. 2700 NW 87 Avenue Viiomi , Flor ido 33172 Log ic and Accu racy Tes t of th e touch screen a nd optica l scan voting syste m to be used fo r vo te-by-mo il , early voting and preci nct ba llots 10 :00 o.m. Vis itor a nd Co nven ti o n Au th ority (MBVCA) RFP 2-2 1 /22 Pr e-Sub mitta l Zoom M eeti ng 1 :00 p .m. Lincol n Ro od BID /Boa rd O f Directo r's Zoo m Meetin g https ://us06web.zoom .us/j/8377239 55082pwd-SGlxcjliYUVmNTFoTXdhc 0RUVXNzdz09 l .30 l .7 15 .8592cr l.3 12 .626.6799 Access ID 83772395508# Passcode 327628# https : //zoom .us/j/ 47 44547055?pwd -YXo l T mUrR0ZNMm lYN IVLZWEVjcz ru)2_ l .30 1.7 15.8592 or l .3 12.626.6799 Access ID 4744547055# Passcode 808879# THURSDAY, October 14 9:00 a .m. Sp ecial Magistrate Heari ngs* City Hgll Commission Cha mber 9 :00 o.m. Pe rsonn el Boord Microsoft Tea m Me eting 9 :30 o.m. Produ ction Ind ustry Counc il Zoom M eeting ~ 11 :00 o.m . Holl of Fame Ceremony 2 :00 p.m. W a shington Avenu e BID/ Executive Boord Hybrid Me etin g 5:30 p .m. Park s a nd Re creati ona l Facilitie s A dvisory Boo rd Microsoft Team Meetin g FRIDAY, October 1 S 11 :00 o.m . M ayor's Art Deco Cu ltural Di strict Pa nel Zoom Meeti ng 1700 Convention Cen ter Drive , 3'" fl . I .786.636. 1480 Access ID 318365841# https ://us02web.zccm.us/j/89330627 369?pwd= WHIQSkFVY zVINUxVRTFiMX ROUTVHUT09 I .646.558 .8656 Access ID 89330627369# Passe ode 9 5 1314# MBCC South Hollway 190 l Conventi on Center Drive https · //us06web -zoom -us/i (8433d 900 968?pwd=S is2NXBnczNcK3FNeDE2bF BUVXNjUT09 1.30 1.7 15 .8592 or 1.646.558 .8656 Access ID 83434900968# Passcade 782100# Washingto n Ave nue BID 12 10 Washin gton Aven ue, Sui te 220 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 992511733# http,-//zoom us/j/943245039162pwd =WWl2QkplN0F5RUc5cHdjY0hzTnNW U!O£ l .646.558 .8656 or l.301.715 .8592 Access ID 94324503916# Passcade 929350# Fo r a ny and/01 all o f lhe above mee lings, o ne or mo1e member s of lh e M iami Beach City Commi ssion, and o r Ci ty bornd/commi llee members may be in ollendonce and porticipole in discussio ns. • .4.rsd Le 1,..1' 1,,aiV ,'-Jkn•c BrrqH,mt i'',,_fl .4.·t1 I "'£: \;399 i rt•jr;3( .. mlJ'"f'WQI ,,., JQ'i & ~()o'.1Jdf:Yi'fr" pt;(; T\· • • c,.,..,.n,»o C:Ymr>ill~ Al'ed Lr,"' en M~r ,,r AD No. l 003?0? 1-0 I M A lisling of all fOfmal competitive solicita1ions issued by the C ily of Miami Beoch, FI01ida is ovoiloble or hnps · //www miornibeocbfl OO(/city·boll/P£CX':U1emeo1/ci1y-coo1,gc;ts/ To access any formal competitive solicilotioo issued by the City, or lo 1eceive any addendum issued to o fOfma l compelitive solicilotioo, you may olso visit bttos · //mod bidsvoc; c:om/MiqrotOegc;b . Public meeting notices con be found oo lhe P,ocu,ement Calendar at hltps· //www m i□mibeacbU QOY/city-hgl lJwoct1rement lcglendef/_ MIAMI BEACH We a,e r:ommilled lo pto11idin9 pr;eJ/enr public service and safety lo all who live, work, and ploy rn our vibrant, lropir:ol, hi,1orir:o/ community. M1rmbeis ol ti,. publir: may prM&r.t ovdio/viwal (AVJ mah!lriols ,.toting lo Agenda /fems or City Commiuion Me.ring, by ulilizing the Ci,y's AV equipm.,nl, pru,,idild that molelials ore wbm,tt«I to lhe Deparlment ol Mo,ieling and Communir:aliom by 8:30 o.m., one (JJ bo.isiriea day prior /o the meeling ArJ.,om:.e submittal of o pr-n/olion will ollow rhe Communir:arions Depot1mt1nl lo pion for lhe U$& ol the appropriol& AV equipment AV moterio/1 mu1/ be submitted 11io emoil af comm11nicorionsOmiomihecxhff.gov. The body oJ the emo,1 mus/ indude o riolafioo /isling the /!Orne or group, r:onlor:I per,on, daylime 1Jephone number, emoil addre,,.s, deKriplion/tir!. oJ the prtttenlolion, ond Agenda IIBm TTlfe os well OJ 1he Agenda I/em Numb.. Plecue rJ.enr:e #Audio/Visual Materio/8 in ,he email ,ubjer:r line. Acr:eploble formors lo, e/er:lronir: wbmiuion ore .pdf. .ppr, .pplx, .pps, .ppsx, .wmv, .a.-i, ond .mov. (Note ,ho, pd! is 1he prelerred formof for PowerPoint prmentolions.} Ciiy Hall is localed at 1700 Convention Center Dri11e. ond lhe Miami Beach Conven11on Cenler 1s loc ated ol 1901 Convenl,on Cenler Drive . Any mee ting may be opened and continued, ond under Juch r:rtcum5tonce5. odd,tionol legol no!ice will nol be prowded To reques1 th iJ moler1ol m ohernole forma t, 519n lon9ua9e mlerp1M111 (live-day notir:e required)._ inlor molion on ocr:en fo r pciooN w11h d1sob1l1t,es. ond/or any accommodot,on to re11,ew any dar:ument or por1icipote m ony Ciiy•~ponsored ::,::i~tn~~:~:~f~~~~~~v°~:_7i~;~~:.;e ~1~~~ :i:~;r;;~~; T~;::n 11 :::r;::,; 0~.:~~ 1~.ifF~:'~1!~: fh;'~t,: board, rhroughout C,iy Holl and w,11 be ovo,loble the C,iy'$ website 01 httP ·//weh miqmfhca,hR oor/dtycf«lr/thfault a,~ Pursuant lo Section 286 0 105, Flo . Stal , the City hereby od111Ms the publir: !hat if o perK>n dec,des to appeal any dec,sion mode by lhe boa,d, agency, or commiu,on w,lh respect to orry matter con5,den 1d ot sur:h mNhng or heann9, he or 1he will need o rer:o rd of the f)'oteedings, and that. for such purpo1e, he o, she moy need lo enwre thol o 11erbatim record of !he proceedings ,, mode, wh,ch record mdudes the !Htirnony and ev1denr:e upon wh,ch the appeal ,~ lo be be~