LTC 450-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 01 - 05, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 450-2021 TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk -.. ~ DATE: October 25 , 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 01 -05, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of November 01 -05 , 2021 published on October 24, 2021. See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions . The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305 .673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES November 0 l -05, 2021 MONDAY, November 01 Canvassing Board: Pre-count Logic and Accuracy Test of the optical scan voting system to be used for vote-by- mail and provisional ballots: Approval to commence vote-by- mail ballot opening, processing , and duplication: Vote-by-mail ballot opening and processing (as needed): and Canvassing of presumed invalid vote-by-mail ballots (as needed) Duplication of ballots (as needed). LGBTQ Advisory Committee/ Subcommittee on Advocacy Miami-Dode County Elections Dept. 2700 NW 87" Avenue Miami, Florido 33 17 2 l .786.636. 1480 Access ID 569283309# TUESDAY, November 02 7:00 a.m. Election Doy * • * Individual Voting Precincts https://miqm ibeachFl- gov .zoom .us/i/8227394 1924 9:00 a.m . Design Review Board* Hybrid Meeting l .301.715 .8592 or l .888.475.4499 Access ID 82273941924# 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Canvassing Board: Canvassing of presumed invalid vote-by-mail ballots (as needed): and Duplication of ballots (as needed). City Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3«1 FL Miami-Dade County Elections Dept. 2700 NW 87" Avenue Miami, Fl orido 33172 Canvassing Board: Miami-Dade County Elections Dept . T obviation of results /\,!nQffujgj 2700 NW 87"' Avenue results. Miami, Florida 33 172 WEDNESDAY, November 03 l :00 p.m. Special Master Hearing City Hall Commission Chamber SMB202 l-O l O 19 /340 l Prairie 1700 Conven tion Center Drive, 3'" FL. Avenue* 7:00 p.m. North Beach Elementary School PTA Zoom Meeting https ://us02web.zoom.us/i/8677 I 27 47232pwd-eWNSRm9Na083ZWOw N l N l S2RDoXNXQT09 Access ID 86771274723 Passcode NBEPTA l .646 .876 .9923 Access 86771274723# Passcode 468883# THURSDAY,November04 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Special Magistrate Hearings* Nautilus Middle School PTA Zoom Meeting ADDED 4:00 p.m . Cultural Arts Council Zoom Meeting City Hall Comm iss ion Chambe r 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd FL Pre-Registration link https : //us02web . zoom_ us/meeting /reg ister /tZYpduuopzg pHtw 5EL0eLMFX - l HNOdlcuOCB h1105.//us02web. zoom .us/j/8567621 l Ol 22pwd-ck l oTONnN2dYTk l qMJRI RjdZLOQOZz09 l .301.715 .8592 or t 312 .626 6799 Access ID 85676211012 # Passcode 944196# 5:00 p.m. Canvassing Board: Miami-Dade County Elections Dept . Canvassing of vote-by-mail and 2700 NW 87'' Avenue provisional ballots (as needed): Miomi, Florido 33172 Certification of official results including vote-by-mail and provisional ballots: Post-count logic and Accuracy Test of the optical scan system used for vote-by-moil ond provisional ballots: and Race and precinct(s) selection for manual post-ele ction audit. 5:30 p.m. Miami Beach Commission for Women Zoom Meeting https ://us02web.zoom.us/j/8 I 65088 56 l 42pwd=VnlPUTRnS l gvM2FKRVFVZ XVyZVQzQT09 l.929 .436 .2866 or l.301.715 .8592 Access ID 81650885614# Passcode 526357# 6:00 p.m. His pan ic Affairs Co mmittee M ic roso ft Tea m Meeting 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 377895 10# FRIDAY, November 05 9:00 o.m. City Com miss ion/Election Rel ated* Hybrid Meeti ng l 0:00 o .m. Boord of Adi ust ment* Hybrid M eetin g l l :00 o.m. Mayor's Art Deco Cultural Distric t Panel Zoom Meeti ng https ·//miamibeachR. gov zoom us/j/8139285767 I l 301 7 15 8592 or 1 888 475 4499 Ac cess ID 8 13928S7 6 71# Cjty Holl Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, J•d FL https ://miomibeachH - gov.zoom us/j/82869615309 1.301.7 15 .8592 or 1.877 .853 .5257 Access ID 82869615309# City Ho ll Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive , 3rd Fl. httos://zoom .us/j/94324503916?ow d-WWl2QkptN0F5RUc5cHdjY0hzTnN WUT09 1.646.558 .8656 or 1.301.715 .8592 Access ID 94324503916# Passcode 929350# For any o nd/01 all of lhe above rn eelings, o ne 01 mo ,e members of lhe Miami Beach City Commission, and or C ity bomd/comrni llee membe,s may be in ollendonce and pmlic ipa1 e in d iscussions . • A ed -t!<..I' NBI'/ -'-1\.n·· P1·Xl'lh-m I Mti Atd,J 1 .. :1 -<-2" H.rb1 •;:,,\ '□□'! ,r•"rf 1'J'i ◊ JJ(X, cl---j,.-.r-a ffC I\' • • Coiri•n,~,::,n C ::rmr 1,e,a :.J1:d u,~,_....-, ,vsr, ••• El..c1i01 D;:•,V~,1-1S1,.~ -7/0M 10 7f'fi.l ·ADNo. 1·0?42021-0 IM A li sling of all formal competitive solicitations issued by the City ol M iami Beach , Florido is available ot bttps · //www miomibeocbfl goy/city·holl/pr cx;ur ement/city cootmcls/-To access any formal competitive soli cilolioo issued by 1he City, or to receive any addendum issued lo a for mal com petilive soli citation, you may also visit https · //prod bidsync com/Miomt:Beoch-Public meeting nOl ices con be found Ofl the P,ocu,ement Calenda, at bJtps · //www miomiheochU qgy/city:lml!/procmemeot/coleodei/ MIAMI BEACH We ore comm11ti!d lo providing uc,e/lent puMc servu;e ond 1afety ro o/1 who live, worlr., and play in ou, vibmnr, lropicol, hiJloricalcommunil)'. Membeu al the public moy pr_n, audio/viwal /AV) materio/J relating lo Ag,enda //emJ al Ci,yComm,rnan MHtingJ by ut,/izing ,h,e C,iy's AV equipm~nt, provided that male1ial1 01e 1ubm,1ted lo the Depot1m,enl of Marittling and CommunicolionJ by 8.30 o.m, one f I} bu1iness day prior lo the meelir.g. Advance submirtul of o prewntolion will allow the CommunicolionJ Deporlmftnf ta pJan for th,e use of the app,opriat,e AV equipment AV moleria/1 mus/ be wbmitted v,a ema,1 at communicationJOmiomiNClchfl gov. The body of the ema,I must include o no/orion /isling 1"8 name or group, can/act peuon, daytime r•phone number, email addrtm, dtucriptian/lille of the prNenlalion, and A genda lt.Jm Tille OJ well CJJ rh1t Agenda llifm Numbe,. P/.eose re!Mence •Aud10/ViJ110/ Ma/Bria/• in the email subjec:1 /ine. Accepmble formafJ for .Wec:tronic submiuion ore .pd(, .ppl, .pplx, pps, .ppsx, wmv .. ovi, and mav. /Nola 1h01 .pdf is the prelerred forma l for PowerPoinl p_n,0l10ns.J Ciry Holl is focoied 01 1700 Convention Cente1 Drive. ond 1he Miom1 Beach Corwent1on Cenrer 111 localed ol 1901 Convention Cente1 Dri"9 Any meali ng may be opened and conhnued, and under such rncumstonces, odd11ionol legal notice will nor be ra~v~~~o :luedi!b~1~;!~r~~:l/i~re~~;l•o~~;:~~~l~~n~~o!:1;:r~r:;ei~v=:n~ n;r1;::~1~~1)-l~n~~;o~:';-$o;~~~:J proceedings coll 305 .604 2489 and iielecr I for Eriglish, then option 6, TTY usea may call via 711 {Flondo Relay Ser-icel A m-r1ng not noticed m the W ee~ly M.ee1ing No!ice ad and d•rmined to be an eme rgency mNlmg w1!1 be po11ted on rhe OOllehn boards 1hro119hout C11y Holl and will be ovoiloble rhe C1ly's web:1118 o! htte·l/wc:& mkzmi&tachR gov/citwk:ck/cfdoutt osox7id• rm ?i.,1wor111o Secllon 286 0105, Flo 5101. the C11)' hec-eby advise11 rhe pi1bl1C rha1 ,F o perion decides lo appeal any decision mode by the boo1d, ogaricy, 01 comm1ss,on w,th 1•pec1 lo ony molla1 cons,d.:ed ol wch meetmg or h&onng, ha or she will oeed a ,ecord of the p.-oce.edmgs, and Iha!. fOf such pu,pose, he 01 she may oeed IC ensure that o Vflrbot1m record of the p.-oceedings 1s mode. which u,cord ,ndud8l rhe 1esrimony and evidence 11pori which Iha oppeol 1s la be based