LTC 454-2021 Motions Made by the Disability Access Committee on October 19, 2021DocuSign Envelope ID : 8151A104-2EDA-4309-A256-9F903703EF69 MIAMI BEACH OF FI CE OF THE CI TY MANAGER LT C# 454-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : FROM: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T . Hudak , City Manager la Ll::g;:u ~ 7AE29E F3401349E ... DATE: October 25, 2021 SUBJECT: Motions Made by the Disability Access Committee on October 19, 2021 On October 19, 2020, the Disability Access Committee (DAC) approved the following motion: Motion : The members of the committee are requesting an update and projected completion date on the installation and implementation of the accessible wayfinding system via Bluetooth beacons and navigation app in Miami Beach Convention Center (MBCC). Discussions about accessible wayfinding for the Convention Center began approximately in early 2017; by February 2018 the MBCC had awarded technology provider Smart Cities to install bandwidth and develop the app for the beacon functionality. Later updates provided by MBCC stated they had purchased approximately 400 beacons and over half had been installed by late 2019. The MBCC continues with public programming and the accessible wayfinding system should be operational so that it provides greater access to all in the community. Motion made by: Alison Stone Seconded by: David New. Member Sabrina Cohen was not present during voting . Adopted 9-0 by voice vote ~~& ATH/LS/JLG/PRKNM