LTC 461-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 08 - 12, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 461-2021 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM : Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk rl DATE: November 1, 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 08 -12, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of November 8-12, 2021 published on October 31, 2021 . See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions . The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305 .673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who five , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES November 08 -12, 2021 MONDAY, November 08 I 0:00 o.m. Canvassing Boord: Audit process starts to completion 3:30 p.m. Transportation , Parking & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee Hybrid Meeting Miami-Dode County Elections Dept. 2700 NW 87"' Avenue Miami , Florido 33172 I .786.636. 1480 Access ID 529560968# Parking Dept . Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue , 2nd Fl. TUESDAY, November 09 7:30 o.m. Miami Beach Senior High School PTSA Zoom Meeting CHANGED MEETING 9:00 a.m . Historic Preservation Boord/Design Review Boord Joint Meeting* Hybrid Meeting 9:00 o.m. Morine and Waterfront Protection Authority Zoom Meeting I 0:00 a.m. Miomi Beach Employees ' Retirement Pension Board Zoom Meeting I :00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee Microsoft T earn Meeting 2:00 p.m . LGBTQ Advisory Committee/ Subcommittee on Health ond Wellness Microsoft Team Meeting 4:30 p.m. Budget Advisory Committee Microsoft Team Meeting 4:30 p.m. Committee on the Homeless Zoom Meeting 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Tatum Waterwoy Traffic Calming Virtual Public Meeting Zoom Meeting Police/Citizens Relations Committee Zoom Meeting https ://us02web.zoom .us/j/7624604 355 l ?pwd~N2krNko0NTdWcFZ2TzE3 WGZzcDcxdz09 Access ID 7624604355 l Passcode MBSH l .301.715 .8592 or l .646.876 .9923 Access ID 7624604355 l # Passcode 755761 # htti;w//miqmibeachfl- QOV .zoom .us/i/817 48347 488 1.312 .626.6799 or l .888 .475 .4499 Access ID 81748347488# City Holl Commission Chamber l 700 Convention Center Drive, Jd FL. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8 l 64867 l 952?pwd-cFhsQnB3bUVVVTRCcHRm c2pvU3FFdz09 l .301.715 .8592 or 1.312 .626 .6799 Access ID 81648671952# Passcode 779456# https : //us02web zoom .us/j /8601987 7974 l .301.715 .8592 or 1.312.626 .6799 Access ID 86019877974# l .786.636.1480 Access ID 809582055# l .786 .636.1480 Access ID 509195128# l .7B6 .636. 1480 Access ID 263987370# https://zoom .us/j/9l 2243 l 7347?pw d-TI ltOGp4dkNoblNWM2Z I WWxn ~ 1.646.876 .9923 or l .301.715 .B592 Access ID 91224317347# Passcode 090714# https : //us06web. zoom . us/j/848 8502 li2ZZ l .301.715 .B592 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 84885028977# http~· //us02web .zoom vs/j/8567177 3 l 70?pwd=Vkxyb0O5cWV3Y3 1pdmth UXISdUhBZz09 1.301.715.8592 or l .312 .626 .6799 Access ID 85671773170# Passcode 710375# WEDNESDAY, November 10 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Special Magistrate Hearing/Revocation DULCE Cafeteria Market Inc.* Production Industry Council Microsoft Team Meeting Convossing Boord: logic and Accuracy Test of the touch screen and optical scan voting system to be used for vote-by-moil, early voting and precinct ballo ts -Run-Off Election (if necessary) City Holl Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3 ,d FL. https ://bit.ly/3mP39mC l .786 .636.1480 Access ID 90808359# Miomi.Oade Counly Elections Dept. 2700 NW 97rt. Avenue Miami , Florido 33172 THURSDAY, November 11 Veteran 's Doy-Ho li day Observed O ty Holl Clos ed 5:00 p.m . Lincoln Road BID/Annual Mtg. Zoom Meeting https · //zoom us/i/47 44547055?pwd -YXo 1 T mU,R0ZNMmlYNtVLZWEYiczZ LP.2 1.301.715 .8592 °' 1.3 12 .626.6799 Access ID 4744547055# Passcode 808879# FRIDAY, November 12 8:30 a.m. Canvassing Boord: Miami-Dode Cou nty Elec ti ons Dept . Publ ic inspection of vo te-b y-ma i l 2700 NW 87" Avenue ballots (as requested) -Run-Off Miami , Flo ,ido 33172 Eleclion (if necessary) For any and/ or all of rhe above m ee1ings, one Of mo re membe1s o f th e M iami Beech Ci ly Comm iss io n, and o r Cily bomd/commillee members may be in otlendonce and prnlicipole in d iscussions. • A·,,<l ! .ecr M3''V ,:.1\.-,n·r Hr· ,dh·l .. j •tf1 ATf 1 1 .... -p,., .Jc; d,,-.• ,,.,,-,...,,,. ,w,•1 ,, 3i:o,; APCY.t d., n, . .n ffQ r,1 • • CP11ri~:,, C.11" Mc,:! A.1:.e<l t .. e 01, ,\•.Sr,• ADNo. t03 1202 1-0IM A listing of all f01mol competilive sol icitations issued by the City of Miami Beach, Florido ls available at bups ·//www miomibes::arhfl qgy/cilyfmll/rnocmeroeot/dty:con1rocts/, To access any formal compe1itive sol!cllorioo issued by the City, or lo receive ony addendum issued to a IOfmol competilive solicilotion, you moy olso visil bt1p;r //prod bidsync com/Mlomi:Gooch. Public meeti ng nolices con be found on ~1e Pr ocu reme nt Coleodor at burs · /lwww mlnmibrocbfl qny/riwbnU/procucemeot/coleoder/. MIAMI BEACH Wa ora comm,ttad lo prov,ding axc61/.an/ pt1blic Jarvica ond sofaty lo o/1 who live, worl:, ond ploy in oor v,bront, tropical, Ms!Oticol commum,y Members ol rha pvbtic moy pr-,t oud,o/viwol (A\11 moleriols t&loting to Agenda Items ot City Comm,u1011 N,.ahngs by IJl!lizing lhfl Ci"f'J AV aquipmanl, provided /hot motariols ora submitted ta ths Depot/man/ ol Mo1leting and CommvnicotioM by 8 30 o.m., Otlfl (1} busin-.s day prior to th• meetrng Advonce submirtol of o pra M1n lot1011 will ollow the Comm1Jnicotion, O.pott/11fln l 10 pion lot th& usfl o/ the opprop1iolfl AV aquipmanl. AV molflriols mus t he submitted v,o emod al communicolio11s@m,omibeochfl.gov. The body of Iha emo,I musr inclucle o no/orion /,1/;11g the 11oma or groop, con/act pa11011, daytime l~epho11e number, email addrws, description/title of 1he pr-ntolion, and AgMda lto1m Ti/{1;1 os w1:11/ os rhe Agendo llf:lm Number . Pleosf:I refr.ent:e "Audio/Visuol Mot1trio/• in the email subjf:ICt line Acc1:1ptoble format, for 6'ec rronic submiuion or1:1 .pd/, .pp1, .pplK, pps, .ppu, .wmv, .ovi, and .rnov /Nora 1hor .pd/ is lhfl p,J.,,«J formal for PowerPai11 r pr_,nra1ions.J C1ry Holl 11 localed ot 1700 Convent1011 Center Drove, ond the Miom, Beoch Co11Yent1on Cenler 11 locored ol 1901 Convenhon ~::!•i;:·,:;:.:::~n!o7e~;~ ~ ~f:~n9:r1:1°1:::1~':;:t,, 09:~~~:~:~~'(f,~:i:;:;1C':1:;~;ji'.6 ,~j~';:!~~n:~ ::.~ =~:1 ;; 3tf~i~1 2sAe~n~~~, ~:;'., f1:f;~1 :~~o o~t~6. ~ =~::;; :ci1r:~';'ft;1~~1d: 11ie~~s:~:i•1 mH•,ng !'IOI 001,ced in the W1:11tl:ly Meeting Norrc1:1 od ond d1:111:1rm,ned !O be on 1:1m1:119ency mMMg w,11 be poJled on lh1:1 bullei.n boo,ds rhrooghout C,ty Holl and will be uvo,loble !he C1ty's web,,!i! 01 bttP·llwdl miamibeacbff govlcitvdtclc/ddqult asax?id•l776 Pur.wont lo Sei:11011 286 0 105, Flo S1a r , !he C,ty hee-eby odv,_ lhe public thol ,I o p!lf~n d1md1:1$ to oppeo! ony dec1,1on ~ 0 1:1~ 6 :~::,tYtt~~;~d~~;,~":nt:h;,,r:. ::rc~:;a~:: hti0 ::r1h:n~~;:ad 1 :c1:1hn::t;h~1°~ :~i:r~ ~:c: 1 ,dh:r ;h! proceed,ng1 11 mode. wh,ch record mclud1:11 1h1:1 !1:11Jimony ond ev,denca upM wh 1eh lhe oppeo! ,1 to 00 bai,e,d