LTC 495-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 29- December 3, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 495-2021 TO: FROM : ~Ov' DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the Cit Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ November 22, 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 29-December 3, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of November 29 -December 3, 2021 published on November 21, 2021. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICE November 29 -December 3, 202 l MONDAY, November 29 9:30 a.m. Senior Affairs Committee Zoom Meeting 3:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee/ Subcommittee on Marketing, Visibility & Tourism Microsoft Team Meeting https · //miomibeachfl . gov .zoom .us/j/89996245365 l .301.715.8592 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 89996245365# 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 856327866# TUESDAY, November 30 I 0:00 a.m. Planning Board* Hybrid Meeting https · //miomibeachfl- gov zoom us/j/86143426327 1.929.205.6099 or l .877.853.5257 Access ID 86143426327# City: Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Fl. I :00 p.m. Art in Public Places Committee East Lobby of the MBCC 5:00 p.m. Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Zoom Meeting 190 l Convention Center Drive ht1ps · //us06web .zoom us/i/8589724 947 4?pwd=cHF 1 cDVwZmY2Ukw5Sndf T nZwQjZPZz09 1.646.876 .9923 or 1.30 1.715 .8592 Access ID 85897249474# Passcode 100738# WEDNESDAY, December 01 7:00 p.m. North Beach Elementary School PTA Zoom Meeting http s·//us02web zoom us/j/8677127 47232pwd -eWNSRm9Na083ZWOw N 1 N 1 S2RDaXNXQT09 Access ID 86771274723 Passcode NBEPTA 1.6 46.876.9923 Access 86771274723# Passcode 468883# THURSDAY, December 02 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Special Magistrate Hearings* Nautilus Middle School PTA Zoom Meeting City: Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Cen ter Drive, 3rd FL. Pre-Registration link https : //us02web -zgqm. us/meeting /reg ister /tZYpduuopzgpH tw SELOeLMFX- 1 HN0dlcuOCB FRIDAY, December 03 No Meetings Scheduled For any and/ or all of 1he olx>ve meelin~]S, one or mor e members of lhe Miami Beach Cily Commission , and or C ily board/commillee membe,s may be in oltendonce and porticipole in discussions. • Ai ,eJ he u 1 MBIV: Aibn tif Btofflhonrl ¢¢0 AT&T !JveM 99 H,1J,yi,,, Cornmqnko !icm 195 & ROttJ d"Yicf': no EEG JY • • 0.:,m rnhsion Ccrnm itle.! Ai red live 0fl ,v,.s rv AD No. 11212021-0 lM A !isling of all formal compet itive sol icilalions issued by lhe City of Miami Beach, Florido is available al hnns· /fwww mirnoibeochll gov/city:holl/procuremen!/ciJy;conlmcts/. To access any formal compelitive solicilotion issued by the City, Of lo receive ony addendum issued loo fmmol compe tilive sol icita tion, you moy also visil https · //p1od bidsync com/Miomi·Beoch . Public meeting notices co n be found on !he Procu,emenl Calendar at hnps· //www minmibenchfl qoy/cjry-hgll/procuremen1/cnleod01/. M IAMI BEACH Wa ara commitlod lo providing axca/lan, public sarvica and safely to u/1 who liva, work, and ploy in oor vib,011/, tropic(I/, /1islorical comm1mily. Mombo1s of l/10 public may prasanl oudio/vi,ua/ {AV/ molariuls r9/ulin9 lo A99nda /tams al Cily Commission Maalin9s by olilizin9 Iha Cily's AV eq11ipma11t, providod 1/io/ mote1ia/s 018 sobmillad lo Iha Oapmlm811I of Marlc8ling 011d Commo,iicalions by 8:30 a.m., ona /I} business day prior lo tlia me8ling. Advonca wbmittal of o p1asantolion will allow Ilia Commonicaliom Dapmtman/ lo plan for lh8 058 of tlia opp,opriota AV aqoipmant. AV malariols mos/ ba wbmillad vio 9moi/ ot communica/iom@miamibaachll.gov. T/!8 body of t/m em(li/ mos/ iucluda o no/olion listing lh8 nama or groop, con/act p915on, daytime /9/aphon9 nomb8r, 9moil oddrou, descriplion/litla of tha prasan/aliou, and Agenda flam Title m 1Vall m llt8 A99nJa /t9m Number. Please ralaranc8 "Ai.rdio/Visual Ma/9ria/• in t/19 9moil wbjed line. Accaptob/8 Formal's for a/actronic wbmiHion ore .pd(, ppt, .pplx, .pps •. ppsx, .wmv, .avi, and .mov. {No/8 !liat .pdf is Ilia p1aforrad Format for Powa,Poinl prnsantoliom .J City Holl is lo coled al 1700 Conv9ntion Center Drive; ond !ha Mio mi Beach Co1w8ntion C8nler is lcx;oted al 190 I Conv8n lion Canle1 Driva . Any mealing may 68 or,en8d and conlinued, and under such circunutances, addiliono\ !agol nolica will nol be provided. To rac/uasr I his mate,iol in o remote formal, sign _ language inlerpreta r (five -d ay nolica raq_uired), in lormotion on access for pE1rsons wit I disob,l it1as, and/or any accommodahon to 1av1aw any documanl or por ticipale in any C1ty•sponsornd proc8adings call 305 .604 .2489 and select! for English, lhan oplion 6; TTY usa1s may call vin 71 l (Florida Rainy Service). A m8eling nol no1icad in the Weekly Mee1ing Notirn od cmd c/etar mined lo 00 on emergency mealing will be posted on Iha bullelin boards throughout City Hall and will 68 available Iha City's w8bsila ot : htto·llweb mlamibeachll gavlcftvcierlc/de(ault a,oKZld• 1776 Pursuant !o Sac1ion 286 .0105, Fla. Stat., the Ci ty hereby advi~8s th8 public lhat ii o parson d8cides to appeal any dac,sion ~:adda (~~e1 !:rJ:rta~~~':;d~~;;n;:~t:h~1.f~ 1i ;:ri~~:~~:: 1i:0~;rsh:11 ~~; 1 ~~8j ::hn:;: 1 :h~1°~ ::~i:,r~ ~=c~r,l:f t! proceedings is made, which record includes !ha testimony 011d evidence upon wh ich rim appeal is lo be based