LTC 518-2021 Miami Beach Trolley, On -Demand Transit and Miami-Dade Transit Circulator Ridership Report (FY 2021 - 4th Quarter)518-2021 DocuSign Envelope ID : 81 C06C7F-4A5E-4C82-98DA-42C08B39C2F3 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO . LTC# TO: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelb~nd FROM: Alina T . Hudak, City Manage DATE : December 8, 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT : MIAMI BEACH TROL LEY, ON-DEMAND TRANSIT AND MIAMI-DADE TRANSIT CIRCULATOR RIDERSHIP REPORT (FY 2021 -4TH QUARTER) The purpose of this Letter To Commission (L TC) is to report ridership figures for the Miami Beach Trolley , On-Demand transit service and Miami-Dade County bus circulator service during the fourth quarter of FY 2021 , from July 1 to September 30, 2021. The Miami Beach Trolley service resumed on February 15, 2021, after almost a year of service suspension since March 26, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Miami Beach Trolley currently operates at a reduced service level with only 15 vehicles in service (as compared to 25 vehicles during normal (pre-COVID) service), operating 15 hours daily as compared to 18 hours pre-pandemic. This reduced service level results in longer average passenger wait times of approximately 30 minutes as compared to 15 to 20 minutes during normal (pre-COVID) service. In order to protect the safety and health of trolley passengers and drivers , frequent cleaning protocols are being followed, including cleaning high-touch areas in the interior of every trolley vehicle after every loop (approximately every 1 to 1.5 hours) and performing a deep cleaning of every vehicle every night at the operator's facility. Furthermore , the City is providing hand sanitizers on-board each trolley vehicle and drivers are strictly enforcing that all passengers wear facial coverings while on-board the trolleys . The Miami Beach Trolley served a total of 408 ,579 passengers during the fourth quarter of FY 2021, and cumulatively over 19 .1 million passengers from inception in 2014 until end of the fourth quarter of FY 2021 . KE Y Q4 METRICS: • Systemwide Average Daily Ridership: 4,441 • Systemwide Ridership: 408,579 • % Change in Average Daily Ridership As Compared to Previous Quarter: 21% increase • % Change in Total Ridership As Compared to Previous Quarter: 29% increase • Estimated Service Cost Per Passenger: $4.18 As illustrated in the attached ridership report (Attachment A), the North Beach Loop observed an average daily ridership of 511 passengers and an overall ridership of 47,028 passengers during this quarter. This is an increase of over 13% in the average daily ridership as compared to the third quarter of FY 2021 . The Middle Beach Loop observed an average daily ridership of 663 passengers and an overall ridership of 60,974 passengers during this quarter. This is an increase of over 22% in average daily ridership as compared to the third quarter of FY 2021 . DocuSign Envelope ID : 81 C06C7F-4A5E-4C82-98DA-42C08B39C2F3 L TC-Miami Beach Trolley, On-Demand Transit and Miami-Dade Transit Circulator Service Ridership Report (FY 2021 4 th Quarter) December 8, 2021 Page 2 The Collins Express observed an average daily ridership of 1,472 passengers and an overall ridership of 135,427 passengers during this quarter. This is an increase of over 18% in the average daily ridership as compared to the third quarter FY 2021 . The South Beach Trolley service observed an average daily ridership of 1,795 passengers and an overall ridership of 165 ,150 passengers during this quarter. This is an increase of over 25% in the average daily ridership as compared to the third quarter FY 2021. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on November 16 , 2020 , the City launched an on-demand service for elderly residents living in affordable housing facilities throughout the City and the closest Publix supermarket or pharmacy, using funding originally budgeted for operation of the suspended Middle Beach on-demand transit service during FY 2021. The service has been extended through March 31, 2022 and is being provided 7 days a week from 7AM to 5:30PM . For the fourth quarter of FY 2021 , the total ridership was 12,486 passengers . This is an increase of over 13% as compared to the third quarter of FY 2021. In an effort to mitigate mobility and parking challenges on Collins Avenue due to the Indian Creek Drive Flood Mitigation project, the City launched an on-demand service on June 28, 2021 for Miami Beach residents and visitors on Collins Avenue between 23 Street and 44 Street until the completion of the project. The service is currently being provided as part of the Middle Beach on-demand transit service (which resumed on October 1, 2021) and is available Monday -Friday from 6:30AM to 10PM, Saturday from 8AM to 1 0PM , and Sunday from 8AM to 8PM . During the fourth quarter of FY 2021 , the total ridership was 5 ,666 passengers (average of 62 passengers per day). In addition to the City's trolley system, during the fourth quarter of FY 2021 , the County operated one circulator route entirely within City boundaries (Route 115). The overall ridership of Route 115 during this quarter was 11 ,913 passengers, or 129 passengers per day . Overall ridership figures for both the City 's trolley system and the County 's Route 115 for previous fiscal years have been included in Attachments B and C for reference . Attachment D depicts on-demand service ridership . Please feel free to contact Jose R. Gonzalez , if you have any questions . Attachmenir.olley and Circulator Ridership Report (FY 2018 -FY 2021) B: Trolley and Circulator Ridership Comparison Report (FY 2014 -FY 2021) C : Overall Transit Ridership (FY 2016 to FY 2021) D: On-Demand Transit Service Ridership Report (FY 2019 to FY 2021) (E ~~ LS / JRG / MM / AFD F T 2 018-2 0 21 111.IDEIUHI P 111.EP O III.T Roule Name fY20llQTRIII fY2011QTRIV fY2019QTRl FY2oiiciiR II AprU May June NORTHB EACH toOP '179 7,198 uo, Julv Au1uu eptembc! 7,016 1,964 7,062 Oc1~7;0 tov;,7!';1 om2~~e/ iiiuuy Fe bruary March 7,031 2,026 2100 MIDDl£8fACH LO OP 7447 7147 7419 7621 7419 7267 1313 2357 7)15 Hll nos 7264 COLU NSEXPME SS 4718 4774 481] 4679 4,749 4486 4 591 4n6 4741 4645 5183 S141 SOUTH BEACH TROLL£Y 4Jj7] 4,4 14 S.0!U ~,1_~? 4,486 4,144 4,51!_ __ J.024 5.!l! 4926 4,961 5,054 '=• " NA N A N • N A " SUBTOTAL 14,021 ll,121 14,SJZ 14,S1 5 l3,6ll j 12,~SJ l _ lJl.1.!.L.!~~43 I 14,281 ll,936 14,410 14,559 SOUTH 8 ACH LOl.At " NA N A NA N A N • NA " " " 64 69 lll "" "' "' SUBTOTAL 71 .. " 64 69 ll 10< 10, "' TO TALCITYWIDC 1',092 13,794 14,589 14,5191 ll,6971 13,016 1 ll,7821 14,ll6I 1',326 14.,_040 14,588 14,672 Alton W,>st LooP 110Uey aridSouiti"-81'.:ii:-h COC.ll s1'1Y1res Wt"fl' d,stonllnut'd on Novem~• 19, l<lt1 Routt' 11) ridersh,p has no1 b,•en pubhslwd bv M•Jm, !)Jd": Co11n1v_,1t 1t_•~•_)•!_l)~ th,11 th,s repo,1 w~s m,1de ATTACHM ENT A P,._ 1 OP I DAILY AVERAGE RIDERSHIP ~R MONTH fY2018-2021 fV2019 _9_TRIV fY2020_9_TRI June 1,953 ~ .hll..Q. 4.,_905 Jur,003 1 Au11~~~S I Scpte~::; Oct~~~l I Nove2~0b\~ r 1>ec e7_:;~ 2DO 7159 2066 2062 7113 2011 51'0 5405 4801 5 007 4 946 S 044 5 )14 5,166 4986 5,172 5,212 ~216 fY2020 TRII January February March 2,057 2,249 1308 N A N A NA N A N A N A N A 14,311 15,343 14,226 14,957 1S,llS 11,107 14,119 14,3S7 1~.21, I 1!.su I ~!~os !2,__ 1,229 illf==ill N • 136 1]8 141 140 "' lll 116 Ill 143 1S4 140 14~~-~.,_342 15~246 11,930 I 14,244 I N/A I N/A I 14,656 I N/A I N/A ~ ,,, 1 .. iii" FV2021QTRII Fe bruary TI1 "' m Il4 ~ 2,229 "' iio' 2_,_319 Much -m "' 90< i,W fY2021QTRIII Apr!\5 I May4ll '" 1041 1011 1.2S3 1,1110 49! "' !.ill. J,_5!6 fY2021 TRIV July Au1usi September 497 520 517 ,.194 j Lao j N/3~981 Nf ;os I !,140 I ,j,s t,593 180 186 180 116 ~ :;~ I :;~ I ::: I ~~: I :~: ]~366 l,261 1 4,371 1 4,tll l 4,5191 4,716 DIJr,ng momh of March, dul' 10 COVIO 19, crtyw,d,:, troll~ r,deotnp wa, de<lm1ng. Of\ March 21, 1010 d1yWlde uoUey ~1Y1cii was n1odlfi<'d 10 ope,~111 with IS vehicle\ ;11 app10, 10 mm11lt 1.,,v,c" frt>quenty fh••allw;iy\) horn U,M 7PM At that 1,mo, th;, V,.i 11 Sue.-1 (oop WI\ d1uon1mued Ultlm,11ely, ,n the mttrest of publlt h;oatrh and 1o·t,,.1p p•rv,:,il1 !ht sprHd llf COV(O \q;·1h(I C1ly Of M..im, iltaf"h ~usl)l'i,dtd ;iifi1oll,,y \PrvK"t,-.,ffe-r.!,~I' ThurJday,Marth26,2_020 Th,:, Miami 8e-Kh trolley ~e rv icf rtsumed on fl'b1uuy 15th, 202 1 at 8AM. Thl' rnywide trolley ~er vice currently o perates 15 hours a day, fr om 8A M 10 11PM, 7 days a week at appro,lmatl'ly J O.minute ave ragl' !>i'rvke t,eque ncy alol'lg each route . DAILY AVERAGE RIDERSHIP PER MONT H FY20 18-2021 18,000 tr,.000 South Beach Trolley 14,000 ■ Alton-West Loop 12,000 North Bea ch Loo p 10,000 ■Middle Beac h Loop 8.000 6.000 ■Co llin s Ex press ,.ooo ■South Beach local ,.ooo -I ■Route 115 'i",l'q, ,J-... :.i.,$' .... ~,:.i 'q, .... ~J..'q, ..... 'b ,...,'b 'i"~~ ..,,Q .... _...,o, ,.._o, .,o, r:P' +<i-<:I' ... i'o, l' .... o, ;s'o, .,.$;'0, ,.:..-.°' ,:.~...,,o, ... '< .,..,} 'i"'I ~ ,., ,i-.°' 'i""~~ ..p'"'o, ~'\,fl '<!-,;."'r::, ¢,.,,..,r::. ,'\,fl ,'\,r::, .,f, , ... <:-'<l> ~,.,IS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'/✓~,~,✓ OAllY AVE RAGE RIOEASHIP ~A QUARTER fY2018-2021 QlFYll QtfY18 Q1FV19 Q2 FY19 Q3FY19 Q4FY19 QlFV20 Q2fY20 Q2FY21 QlfY2l Q4FY21 DAILY AV ERAGE RIDER SHIP PER QUARTER FY 2018-2021 NORTH BEACH lOOP 2.195 2,021 2,142 2,0Sl 2,080 1,917 1,941 1,811 "' '" 511 MIDDLE BEACH LOO? 1,401 2,439 2,331 2,302 },296 2,248 2.069 1,823 "' 663 l ~,000 :COLl/NSEXPRESS 4,772 4,671 4,686 4,990 5,266 S,1 78 4,997 4,480 "' 1,1911 1,472 50UTH8fACH TROLLE Y 4,726 4,620 4,916 4,981 5,011 5,222 S.221 4,274 1,043 !,ll8 1.795 14,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ■South Buch Tro lley •Allon•WfUloop SOUTH BE ACH LOCAL N/• N/A ,,, NI• N/A ,,, ,,, NI• NI• N/A ,,. J ~ ~ ROUTE 11 5 65 101 118 113 133 1" 116 186 "' I, AlTON WEST lOOP N/A N/A N/A N/A NI• ,,, N/A NI• N/A ,,, N/A 12,000 AltOfl·W~t loop trolley and ScK,th Buch Local seh'Ke1 were d 1sconunved on Novem ber 19, 2017. 10,000 •NonhBnchloop •Middle Beach loop The Mi•mi Bc,11;h trolley M.'rvic.e resumed Of\ rebru,uy !Sih, 202 1 at 8 AM The cit ywide troll ey 1erYM:e currently Oflt'f.l1es I S houu .l d.ly, from &AM to 11 PM, 7 d.ly s ,1 week at •PP•o~lmately JO-minute .lveraae serWCe frcquenty •longexh roote . ~ ,.ooo 6.000 w •Colll n1E•prns ■SouthBnch locil ,.ooo 2.000 l.l ""-' .t..J - QlrYl8 Q4FYl8 QI t Yl 9 01n19 QlfY19 Q4 f Yl 9 Q l fY20 Q2FY20 01FV2 1 QHY2 I Q4fY21 ;$§ii ~~;~ rs .... :!:!a:;i. ·; .... N 0 N 00 .... 0 N 1:: !!: :i:: "' a: UJ C 0:: ::; :i:: 1--z 0 ::E c:======-•-===::::i ~~ ========--•-=====i ~¾- ======~-c:::::===i ., . ..,~ I S1:1;19N3SSVd DocuSign Envelope ID: 81C06C7F-4ASE-4C82-9BD A-42C08B39C2F3 MIAMI BEACH TROLLEY RIDERSHIP ATTACHMENT B PAGE 1 OF 3 Quarter Month FY 20/21 FY 19/20 FY 18/19 FY 17/18 FY 16/17 FY 15/16 FY 14/15 FY 13/14 October N/A 58,369 68,525 77,277 68,064 67,247 3,705 N/A Quarter 1 November N/A 60,488 64,074 70,028 83,962 66,913 42,551 N/A December N/A 59,605 64,515 69,375 75,523 71,370 49,122 N/A Quarterly Total 0 178,462 197,114 216,680 227,549 205,530 95,378 January N/A 63,778 62,984 68,738 74,611 71,096 52,278 N/A Q. Quarter 2 February•• 4,631 65 ,233 56,724 63,902 60,847 67,280 49,020 N/A 0 0 March• 12,886 40,551 65,095 72,925 74,905 75,994 58,790 N/A _, J::. Quarterly Total 17,517 169,562 184,803 205,565 210,363 214,370 160,088 - V n, April 12,449 N/A 63,991 65,376 73,697 71,834 58,441 N/A (1,1 al Quarter 3 May 12,801 N/A 64,607 68,133 75,754 73,435 63,340 N/A J::. N/A N/A ... June 14,798 58,582 66,213 74,072 75,950 63,631 ... 0 Quarterly Total 40,048 0 187 180 199,722 223,523 221,219 185,412 z July 15,402 N/A 62,092 63,131 84,239 80,335 70,078 N/A Quarter 4 August 16,129 N/A 61,834 60,882 80,882 79,059 68,169 N/A September 15,497 N/A 58,421 61,859 70,514 74,351 66,248 N/A Quarterly Total 47,028 0 182,347 185,872 235,635 233,745 204,495 Yearly Total 104,593 348,024 751,444 807,839 897,070 874,864 645,373 0 Route Total Ridership: 4,429,207 • During month of March, 2020 due to COVID-19, citywide trolley ridership was declining. On March 21, citywide trolley service was modified to operate with 15 vehicles at approx. 30-minute service frequency (headways) from 8AM-7PM. At that time, the Via 11 Street Loop was discontinued. Ultimately, in the interest of public health and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the City of Miami Beach suspended all trolley service effective Thursday, March 26, 2020. **The Miami Beach t ro lley service resumed on February 15th, 2021 at 8AM. The citywide trolley service currently operates 15 hours a day , from 8AM to 11PM , 7 days a week at approximately 30- minute avera2e service freauencv alone each route. October N/A 63,928 72,003 113,895 N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarter 1 November N/A 63,380 70,721 81,680 11,475 N/A N/A N/A December N/A 62,970 72,376 84,097 62,668 N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Total 190,278 215,100 279,672 74,143 --- January N/A 65,724 72,338 81,704 99,750 N/A N/A N/A Q. Quarter 2 February•• 4,788 60,587 64,629 71,502 100,623 N/A N/A N/A 0 0 March• 13,552 39,095 70,183 64,776 124,558 N/A N/A N/A _, J::. Quarterly Total 18,340 165,406 207,150 217,982 324,931 V n, N/A N/A N/A N/A (1,1 April 14,122 67,121 73,260 120,649 al N/A N/A N/A N/A J!! Quarter 3 May 15,000 72,075 72,595 119,989 "C June 17,653 N/A 67,429 72,568 117,114 N/A N/A N/A "C ~ Quarterly Total 46,775 0 206,625 218,423 357,752 July 20,208 N/A 71,935 81,240 140,270 N/A N/A N/A Quarter 4 August 21,067 N/A 73,123 75,298 132,944 N/A N/A N/A September 19,699 N/A 61,971 68,003 88,066 N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Total 60,974 0 207,029 224,541 361,280 Yearly Total 126,089 355,684 835,904 940,618 1,118,106 0 0 0 Route Total Ridership : 3,376,401 • During month of March, 2020 due to COVID-19, citywide trolley ridership was declining. On March 21, citywide trolley service was modified to operate with 15 vehicles at approx. 30-minute service frequency (headways) from 8AM-7PM. At that time, the Via 11 Street Loop was discontinued. Ultimately, in the interest of public health and to help prevent the spread of COVID -19, the City of Miami Beach suspended all trolley service effective Thursday, March 26, 2020. **The Miami Beach trolley service resumed on February 15th, 2021 at 8AM. The citywide trolley service currently operates 15 hours a day, from 8AM to 11PM, 7 days a week at approximately 30- minute averae:e service freauencv alon2 each route. October N/A 155,069 142,365 91,775 N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarter 1 November N/A 148,371 141,765 109,247 N/A N/A N/A N/A December N/A 156,362 146,974 118,509 19,811 N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Tota l 459,802 431,104 319,531 19,811 - January N/A 161,592 143,997 120,646 69,175 N/A N/A N/A Ill Quarter 2 February •• 10,104 153,752 145,135 124,909 78,162 N/A N/A N/A Ill March* 28,029 90,717 159,371 142,610 95,912 N/A N/A N/A (1,1 ... Q. Quarterly Total 38,133 406,061 448,503 388,165 243,249 - )( w April Ill 31,240 N/A 155,577 141,840 92,432 N/A N/A N/A C: Quarter 3 May 31,637 N/A 164,732 147,999 82,741 N/A N/A N/A 0 June 46,131 N/A 153,603 144,384 86,329 N/A N/A N/A u Quarterly Total 109,008 0 473,912 434,223 261,502 - July 46,851 N/A 164,910 143,502 105,192 N/A N/A N/A Quarter 4 August 43,041 N/A 167,547 147,225 104,676 N/A N/A N/A September 45,535 N/A 144,237 134,593 69,887 N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Total 135,427 0 476,694 425,320 279,755 - Yearly Total 282,568 865,863 1,830,213 1,567,239 804,317 0 0 0 Route Tata/ Ridership: 5,350,200 • During month of March, 2020 due to COV ID -19, citywide trolley ridership was declining. On March 21 , citywide trolley service was modified to operate with 15 vehicles at approx. 30-minute service frequency (headways) from 8AM-7PM. At that ti me, the Via 11 Street Loop was discontinued. Ultimately, in the interest of public health and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the City of Miami Beach suspended all trolley service effective Thursday, March 26, 2020. **The Miami Beach trolley service re sumed on February 15th, 2021 at 8AM. The citywide trolley service currently operates 15 hours a day, from 8AM to 11PM, 7 days a week at approximately 30 - minute average service frequency along each route. DocuSign Envelope ID: 81 C06C7F-4A5E-4C82-98DA-42C08839C2F3 MIAMI BEACH TROLLEY RIDERSHIP ATTACHMENT B PAGE 2 OF 3 Quarter Month FY 20/21 FY 19/20 FY 18/19 FY 17/18 FY 16/17 FY 15/16 FY 14/15 FY 13/14 October N/A 160,330 142,365 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarter 1 November N/A 158,464 150,708 77,112 N/A N/A N/A N/A December N/A 161,681 159,064 126,078 N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Total 480,475 452,137 203 ,190 -- > January N/A 158,828 152,710 133,988 N/A N/A N/A N/A ~ Quarter 2 February •• 11,671 143,990 138,952 134,029 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 March* 35,244 84,758 156,674 145,578 N/A N/A N/A N/A ~ Quarterly Total 46,915 387,576 448,336 413 ,595 ---.c u April 37,594 N/A 144,967 140,166 N/A N/A N/A N/A ta a, Quarter 3 May 36,580 N/A 158,861 136,829 N/A N/A N/A N/A CCI .c June 47,591 N/A 147,157 152,798 N/A N/A N/A N/A ... ::I Quarterly Total 121,765 0 450,985 429,793 --0 Vl July 52,091 N/A 164,722 162,100 N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarter 4 August 56,024 N/A 166,340 139,079 N/A N/A N/A N/A September 57,035 N/A 149,581 124,315 N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Total 165,150 0 480,643 425 ,494 -- Yearly Total 333,830 868,051 1,831,101 1,471,071 0 0 0 0 Route Total Ridership : 4,506,054 • During month of March, 2020 due to COVID -19, citywide trolley ridership was declining. On March 21, citywide trolley service was modified to operate with 15 vehicles at approx . 30-minute service frequency (headways) from 8AM-7PM. At that time, the Via 11 Street Loop was discontinued. Ultimately, in the interest of public health and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 , the City of Miami Beach suspended all trolley service effective Thursday, March 26, 2020. **The Miami Beach trolley service resumed on February 15th, 2021 at 8AM. The citywide trolley service currently operates 1S hours a day , from 8AM to 11PM, 7 days a week at approximately 30 - minute average service frequency along each route. October N/A N/A N/A 34,839 32,414 30,686 29,160 N/A Quarter 1 November N/A N/A N/A 19,714 38,485 30,740 27,912 N/A December N/A N/A N/A -35,516 33,360 32,570 N/A Quarterly Total 0 0 0 54,553 106,415 94,786 89,642 January N/A N/A N/A N/A 35,481 32,994 33,331 N/A C. Quarter 2 February N/A N/A N/A N/A 32,944 31,548 29,902 17,623 0 March N/A N/A N/A N/A 36,156 41,065 32,413 24,399 0 -' ... Quarterly Total "' 0 0 0 0 104,581 105,607 95,646 42,022 a, April N/A N/A N/A N/A 36,063 33,664 30,769 25,954 3: C: Quarter 3 May N/A N/A N/A N/A 39,198 31,312 31,246 29,984 0 June N/A N/A N/A N/A 34,825 31,771 28,404 32,769 ... <i: Quarterly Total 0 0 0 0 110,086 96,747 90,419 88,707 July N/A N/A N/A N/A 36,161 33,039 27,779 28,346 Quarter 4 August N/A N/A N/A N/A 28,531 34,990 28,504 28,323 September N/A N/A N/A N/A 29,698 32,794 28,141 26,532 Quarterly Total 0 0 0 0 94,390 100,823 84,424 83,201 Yearly Total 0 0 0 54,553 415,471 397,963 360,131 113,930 Route Total Ridership: 1,442,049 1 Alton-West Loop trolley service was discontinued on November 19, 2017. Total FY Ridership: FY20/21 FY19/20 FY18/19 FY17/18 FY16/17 FY15/16 FY14/15 FY 13/14 847,080 2,437,622 5,249,662 4,842,321 3,234,965 1,272,827 1,005,504 213,930 Total Systemwide Ridership from 19,103,911 Inception: OocuSi gn Envel ope ID: 81 C06C7F-4A5E-4C82-98O A-42C08B39C2F3 MDT RIDERSHIP ATTACHMENT B PAGE 3 OF 3 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019 FY2018 FY2017 FY2016 FY2015 FY2014 FY2013 FY2012 October N/A N/A N/A 51,930 60,843 93 ,202 101,914 114,037 120,127 129,443 Quarter 1 November 1 N/A N/A N/A 24,511 61,913 86,401 89,271 103,363 115,609 128,727 December N/A N/A N/A -61,722 80,246 97,376 107,172 110,258 124,541 Quarterly Total 76,441 184,478 259,849 288,561 324,572 345,994 382,711 .... January N/A N/A N/A N/A 60,868 76,830 97,480 101,064 117,354 127,809 <( Quarter 2 February N/A N/A N/A N/A 51,021 71,188 86,750 92,925 110,858 125,111 u 0 March N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 ,056 72,818 94,353 96,812 114,579 130,926 .... ::c: Quarterly Total -156,945 220,836 278 ,583 290,801 342,791 383,846 u <( April N/A N/A N/A N/A 54,279 72 ,824 86,672 96,371 100,218 120,683 w 0CI Quarter 3 May N/A N/A N/A N/A 54,476 70,024 85,562 102,220 101,181 116,184 ::c: June N/A N/A N/A N/A 52,049 67,195 79,288 97,250 102,528 116,068 I-::> Quarterly Total -160,804 210,043 251,522 295 ,841 303,927 352,935 0 V, July N/A N/A N/A N/A 56,276 73 ,267 86,232 105,915 99,746 126,036 Quarter 4 August N/A N/A N/A N/A 54,772 72,654 89,567 108,677 111,885 125,589 September N/A N/A N/A N/A 42,887 67,483 84,862 96,357 104,957 117,341 Quarterly Total -153,935 213 ,404 260,661 310,949 316,588 368,966 Yearly Total N/A N/A N/A N/A 656,162 904,132 1,079,327 1,222,163 1,309,300 1,488,458 October 5,680 3,872 2,023 12,671 11,369 18,526 30,669 26,978 29,249 27,784 Quarter 1 November 4,895 4,102 2,779 7,762 11,019 15,937 21,466 23 ,530 26 ,570 28 ,049 December 5,781 4,288 1,158 6,839 10,770 16,382 23,484 24 ,555 27,155 27,183 Quarterly Total 16,356 12,262 5,960 27 ,272 33,158 50,845 75 ,619 75 ,063 82,974 83,016 January 5,758 4,455 3,225 5,783 10,165 13 ,634 23 ,473 25,908 28 ,173 27,339 Quarter 2 Feb ruary 4,491 4,334 3,238 6,157 9,329 15 ,301 22 ,108 25,770 26,487 28,040 1/\ March 5,558 3,435 3,388 3,409 9,490 17,252 25,167 26,959 29 ,137 30,271 ~ Quarterly Total 15,807 12,2 24 9,851 15,349 28,984 46,187 70,74 8 78,637 83 ,797 85 ,650 ~ CII April 5,573 3,102 3,497 2,113 8,912 15,096 22 ,251 27 ,785 27,735 27 ,542 ... ::J Quarter 3 May 5,265 3,276 3,735 2,029 9,223 13,702 20,998 26 ,693 27 ,706 28,587 0 a:: June 5,369 4,54 3 3,476 1,688 8,327 12,099 19,581 24,477 24,250 27 ,140 Quarterly Total 16,207 10,921 10,708 5,830 26,462 40,897 62,830 78,955 79,691 83 ,269 July 4,378 4,842 3,919 1,970 8,764 10,819 19,924 25 ,183 25,354 27,004 Quarter 4 August 3,851 5,415 3,740 2,137 10,357 13,130 17,466 25 ,279 26,171 27,652 September 3,684 5,598 3,704 1,700 9,625 12,450 16,397 25,664 24 ,703 26 ,052 Quarter ly Total 11,913 15,855 11,3 63 5,807 28,746 36,399 53 ,787 76,126 76,22 8 80,708 Yearly Tata/ 60,283 51,262 37,882 54,258 117,350 174,328 262,984 308,781 322,690 332,643 1 South Beach Local service was discontinued on November 19, 2017. DocuS111n Env!tlope 10: 81C06C7F-4A5E-4C82-980A-42C08639C2f3 OVERALL TRANSIT RIDERSHIP ATTACHMENT C PAGE 1 OF 1 OVERALL TRANSIT RIDERSHIP FY2015 -FY2021 2015/16 -Ql 2015/16-Ql 2015/16 -Q] 2015/16 -Q4 2016/17 -Ql 2016/17-Ql 2016/17 -Q] 2016/17 -Q4 2017/18 -Ql 2017/18-Q2 2017/18-Q] 2017/18 -Q4 2018/19 Ql 2018/19-Q2 2018/19 · Q] 2018/19 -Q4 2019/20 -Ql 2019/20-QZ 2020/21 -QZ 2020/21-Q] 2020/21-Q4 ALTO N-WEST LOOP 94,786 105,607 96,747 100,823 106,415 104,581 110,086 94,390 54,553 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NORTH BEACH LOOP 205,530 214 ,3 70 221,219 233,745 227,549 210,363 223,523 235,635 216,680 205,565 199,623 185,872 197,114 184,803 187,180 182,3117 17 8,1162 169,562 17,517 110,048 117,028 MIDDLE BEACH LOOP N/A N/A NIA N/A 74,143 324,931 357,752 361,280 279,672 217,982 218,423 224,541 215,100 207,150 206,625 207,029 190,278 165,406 18,340 46,775 60,974 COLLINS EXPRESS N/A N/A N/A N/A 19,811 243,249 261,502 279,755 319,531 388,165 434,223 425,320 431,104 448,503 473,912 476,694 459,802 406,061 38,133 109,008 135,427 SOUTH BEACH TROLLEY N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 203,190 413,595 429,793 425,494 452,137 448,336 450,985 480,643 480,475 387,576 46,915 121,765 165,150 SOUTH BEACH LOCAL 259,849 220,836 210,043 213,404 184,478 156,945 160,704 153,935 76,441 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ROUTE 115 50,8115 46,187 40,897 36,399 33,158 28,984 26,462 28,746 27,272 15,349 5,830 5,807 5,960 9,851 10,708 11,363 12,262 12,224 15,807 16,207 11,913 The North Beach Loop commenced service on Oc1ober 28, 2014 . The Middle Beach Loop commenced service on November 22, Collins link on December 22, 2016 {replaced by Collins Express on November 1, 201 7), and South Beach Trolley sch-launch on November 1, 2017 . MB Trolley suspended service on March 26, 2020 due to pandc,mic. MB Trollc,y 5c,rvice resumed sc,rvice on Fe bruary 15, 2021. 1,400,000 -----------------i ■ South Beach Trolley -1,200,000 --■ Alton-West Loop 1,000,000 ■ North Beach Loop 800,000 I I I I I I I ■ Middle Beach Loop I ■ Collins Express 600,000 ■ South Beach Local 400,000 D ■ Route 115 ~ 200,000 __ 1_1_1_1 I I R I 0 --,_ -·----8 0 8 " 8 0 8 " 8 0 8 " 8 0 8 " 8 0 g 2 g 0 0 0 0 6 "' § § "' ~ ,._ ,._ ~ ~ ~ § § "' "' "' ~ ~ N N n n n n n n n -o" o" o" ~ -~ ;;, ;;, ;;, ~ 00 00 00 ~ ~ "' "' ,._ n N N N n n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N N N N N N N DocuSign Envelope ID : 81C06C 7 F-4A5E-4C82-98DA-42C08B39C2F3 ON-DEMAND TRANSIT SERVICE ATTACHMENT D PAGE 1 OF 2 MIAMI BEACH FREEBEE RIDERSHIP MID-BEACH/SENIOR PROGRAM Quarter Month FY 20/21 FY 19/20 FY 18/19 October 2 0 3,146 N/A Quarter 1 November 6 1,259 3,455 N/A December 3,262 4,108 N/A Quarterly Total 4,521 10,709 N/A January 3 3,745 3,225 N/A Quarter 2 February 3,215 2,595 N/A March 4 3,347 1,492 N/A Quarterly Total 10,307 7,312 N/A April 5 3,386 111 N/A Quarter 3 Ma/ 3,732 0 24 June 3,897 0 1,236 Quarterly Total 11,015 111 1,260 July 4,194 0 1,555 Quarter 4 August 4,258 0 1,729 September 4,034 0 1,580 Quarterly Total 12,486 0 4,864 Yearly Total 38,329 18,132 6,124 *With respect to prev ious month or prev ious quarter for quarterly total 1 The Middle Beach on-demand pilot program with Freebee was launched on May 31, 2019. 2 The two additional vehicles were added to service on October 2, 2019 . 3 Middle Beach on -demand service became permanent in January 2020 (new hours and 2 vehicles in service). 4 On March 24, 2020 the Middle Beach on-demand Freebee service was suspended . Resources previous ly al located to this service were used to transport sen iors liv i ng in affordable housing facilities for essential trips until April 2, 2020 . Total ridership associated with this service was 374 passengers. DocuSign Envelope ID : 81 C06C7F-4A5E-4C82-98DA-42C08B39C2F3 5 In the interest of public health and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 , the City of Miami Beach suspended the city sponsored Freebee service effective Thursday, April 2 at 4 p.m . 6 In response to COVID-19 pandemic, on November 16, 2020, the City re-launched an on -d emand Freebee service for elderly residents (65 and older) living in affordable housing facilities throughout the City in lieu of Middle Beach on-demand transit service . Service is being provided to/from approximately 40 elderly facilities located in South, Middle, and North Beach and the closest Publix supermarket or pharmacy. Service operates seven (7) days a week, for 10.5 hours a day from 7 a.m . to 5 :30 p.m .The service is currently extended thru March 31, 2022 . ON-DEMAND TRANSIT SERVICE ATTACHMENT D PAGE 2 OF 2 MIAMI BEACH FREEBEE RIDERSHIP -COLLINS AVENUE TRAFFIC MITIGATION PROGRAM Quarter Month FY 20/21 Octob er N/A Quarter 1 November N/A December N/A Quarterly Total 0 January N/A Quarter 2 February N/A March N/A Quarte r ly Total 0 April N/A Quarter 3 May N/A June 1 188 Quarterly Total 188 July 2,345 Quarter 4 August 1,930 September 1,391 Quarterly Total 5,666 Yearly Total 5,854 1 In an effort to mitigate mobility and parking challenges on Collins Avenue due to the Indian Creek Drive Flood Mitigation project, the City launched an on -demand service on June 28 , 2021 for Miami Beach residents and visitors on Collins Avenue between 23 Street and 44 Street until the completion of the project. The service is currently being provided as part of the Middle Beach on-demand transit service (which resumed on October 1, 2021) and is available Monday -Friday from 6 :30AM to 10PM , Saturday from 8AM to 10PM, and Sunday from 8AM to 8PM . The Collins Avenue on demand service will be provided thru end of Indian Creek Drive construction project.