LTC 302-2022 Drug Prevention and Intervention Sessions for Parents Guardians of TeensMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 302-2022 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor Dan Gel Alina T. Hudak, City Man mbers of the City Commission DATE: July 26, 2022 SUBJECT: Drug Prevention and Intervention Sessions for Parents/Guardians of Teens The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the status of the City of Miami Beach funded drug prevention and intervention informational sessions for parents/guardians of Miami Beach teens. A drug prevention and intervention series was created in 2018 and made available to parents/guardians in-person and virtually. In school workshops for youth at Miami Beach Senior High School and Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School for approximately 1,000 students were also provided. These drug prevention and intervention sessions were recorded and may be found on the City's website within the Organizational Development webpage by clicking on resident resources or at https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8QRwonPTqgNGwLDQDMZkxc090FB4idnO . For the upcoming school year, drug prevention and intervention sessions will be provided virtually via Zoom in English and Spanish on the below topics for parents/guardians of Miami Beach teens: 8/1/2022 8/10/2022 7:00p Adolescent/Young Adult Brain Development: What you need to know as a parent https:/ /us02web .zoom. us/j/6170003 761 Webinar ID: 617 000 3761 7:30p El Desarrollo del Cerebra de las Adolescentes/Adultos J6venes: Lo que usted coma padre o madre debe saber 7:00p 7:30p https ://us02web .zoom. us/j/6170003 761 ID del Webinar: 617 000 3761 The Dangers of Marijuana: Potency and ingestion methods https:/ /us02web .zoom. us/j/6170003761 Webinar ID: 617 000 3761 Los Peligros de la Marihuana: Potencia y metodos de ingerirla https://us02web .zoom. us/j/6170003761 ID del Webinar: 617 000 3761 DocuSign Envelope ID : 5399C90A-2FA7-4555-8D0F-38E2O099E580 8/31/2022 9/7/2022 9/13/2022 7:00p Taking care of our Kids' Mental Health https://us02web .zoom .us /j/6170003761 Webinar ID : 617 000 3761 7:30p Cuidar la Salud Mental de Nuestros Hijos https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6170003761 ID del Webinar: 617 000 3761 7:00p The Role of Social Media in Development https ://us02web.zoom .u s/j/6170003761 Webinar ID: 617 000 3761 7 :30p El Roi de las Redes Sociales en el Desarrollo de Nuestros Hijos https://us02web .zoom.us/j/6170003761 7:00p ID del Webinar: 617 000 3761 Effective Communication and Boundary Setting with Teens and Young Adults https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6170003761 Webinar ID: 617 000 3761 7:30p Comunicarse Eficazmente y Fijar Umites con las Adolescentes y Adultos J6venes https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6170003761 ID del Webinar: 617 000 3761 Additionally, student sessions will be scheduled at Miami Beach Senior High School throughout the upcoming school year. This initiative supports our strategic priority to be known for educational (K-12) excellence. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld , Ch ief Learning and Development Officer. Attachment C: Executive Staff Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer DocuSign Envelope ID : 5399C90A-2FA7-4555-8D0F-38E2D099E580 BE IN THE KNOW Drug Prevention and Intervention for Parents/Guardians of Teens UPCOMING DATES & TOPICS ➔ Monday, August 1 at 7PM ➔ Wednesday, August 10 at 7PM ➔ Wednesday, August 31 at 7PM ➔ Wednesday, September 7 at 7PM ➔ Tuesday, September 13 at 7PM • Adol e scent/Young Adult Brain Deve lopment • The Dangers of Marijuana : Potency and ingestion methods • Taking care of our Kids' Mental Health • The Role of Social Media in Development JOIN THE WEBINAR AT: http s://usO2we b .z o o m.us/j/ 61700037 6 1 Zoom ID : 617 000 3761 Speakers for this series are Ray Estefania and Ana Moreno of R&A Therapeutic Partners. • Effective Communication and Boundary Setting with T eens and Young Adults lo le(J;e~I lhrs rrol.? a I o t?rno e l::i,mo·. ~ 91 mgw~e nfe/1)',!l?I (•1,a·doy 101 re recu ,~:. nlv1mo101 oo Cfcm 1cr ~~~c s w111 :rsolit~t eo;, ::nd/01 ony o~comnod::llOn ro 1~,,w Ofi'( MIAMI BEACH docun?n· Of pllll ?J e 11 :rry CJ~('>JX)11,u1cd p c<ced'lg~. rnO 30S 604 748? on~ )C eel 1 f~ Fn.:l~ o 7 fo· S~~n 1, 11en cpl :m 6, TTY t~I'.) rn::y col vo 711 (Flo1do Rcloy Se '/Ke} # ESTE INFORMADO Prevenci6n e intervenci6n de drogas para padres y guardianes de adolescen tes PROXIMAS FECHAS Y TEMAS ➔ Lunes, 1 de agosto, 7:30PM ➔ Miercoles, 10 de agosto, 7:30PM ➔ Miercoles, 31 de agosto, 7:30PM ➔ Miercoles, 7 de septiembre, 7:30PM ➔ Martes, 13 de septiembre, 7:30PM • El De sorroll o d el Cer ebra d e los Ad olescen tes • Los Pe l ig ros de lo Morihuono : Poten c io y me todos d e in g erir lo • Cuid o r lo So lud Menta l de Nu estro s H iios • El Ro i d e la s Rede s Soc io le s en e l Des orrollo de N uestros H i jos • Co muni corse Efi cozmente y Fi jor Limites co n lo s Ad o lesc ente s y Adu ltos J6venes UNASE AL SEMINARIO WEB: h ttp s://us O2web.z oom .us /j/6 l 7 OOO3 7 6 l ID de l seminorio: 617 000 3761 Los oradores para estas charlas seran Ray Estefania y Ana Moreno de R&A Therapeutic Partners. 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