012-1998 LTC CITY OF ~J1IAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us = L.T.C. No. 12-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION January 27, 1998 TO: Mayor Neisen Kasdin and Members of the City Commission SUBJECT: Appointments to the Historic Preservation Board FROl\'I: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager In accordance with Section 19-4.C of the Zoning Ordinance, the City Manager is to appoint members of the Historic Preservation Board, with the consent of the City Commission. All appointments are to be made on the basis of civic pride, integrity, experience and interest in the field of historic preservation. I have reviewed the names of individuals submitted for consideration and, hereby, recommend appointment of the following to vacant positions of the Board: 1. Registered Architect: William Medellin Mr. Medellin has been an outstanding Member of the Historic Preservation Board for the past two (2) years and has considerable experience in the field of architecture, planning and urbanism. 2. Real Estate Broker: Hope Fuller Ms. Fuller is a real estate broker specializing in the area of historic homes and properties and has been active in the community with regard to historic preservation issues. 3. University Professor: Alan Schulman NIr. Schulman has demonstrated a sensitivity to historic preservation issues, both as a citizen and as a professional architect and has sizable experience in the field of architecture and planning. SR:JG:DJG:lrdv F:'.C~[G R\SALL\LUPITA\COM~j\HPBOARD.REC Enclosure cc: D. Grandin w. Cary FO~'1 * * PteA'~ pctn~ in ink * * APPLICATION bf~JJA;:::.p ~ pCIIIT~ 375-672.t!$38/ h...: AI!t?,t'LLIJ./ tv/LL./A#1 L.~~ Fir,c IllIIlddll!' r I tl" r~l ed'lOf"oe CR.sld<nc.) Addrm:Z4o a:uU,q~ AYP' #3F" /,/~I t:;;7:JCN Street Iff). Ci ty Z io C.:rle I I with: ;VII~.. De~~p r~hF,I?v4T70.u .?.E.s6ve I I ::r~C ,P?~E~yQ"/c/o/l I I i I (Prircip.al Pl.c. O/i~Ul~~..p~U A.vR' S t rc~C "'0. "lJ;'c: r I<.!. , Are YfXJ bo.]rd(~) or c~icte~(,): I<.!. Gol t .0 List, "ny other pro(eo;sion.al t ic:en$e~/-S.e1iHrltioo$/tit{e~. currently held: List or7.Jniz:.scions yoo .Ire .(filiated rL' State .33/~7' I $Tp. n~. #/M/ b~.cr# -FL.. -3?>/~7 I CIty Stot. ZIO Cod.. ! orid":~es 040 I e1 0 "1) If ye-;, o{elt$e t i,~: e'l'TUt oy~~: o Tes .0 f/~.L- /fr~T List the addre~Si of any reoll prcperty YCN Q\.t'l1. or h3ve a beneficial interest in, within Miami 3"eJch: 24::J CCLL1/./5 Av~ #3r /-I~twl B,E4Ch'- ,F/.,.{. .:.3"3/ S"7 00 YQI..J currently owe any cXbcs to the City of >'liami 3eac., which aie l..I"'JConce~ted and hJve rC'm.1ine<1l...1"op.1id"? If y~~, list than. o T.. ~o 00 you currently hav~ any violation of. Cicy of l'IIiami a~~ch code ~~~ is lTlConteste<1 i1rd has iemainoed LnCOiiected i1fter the date by which. Special I'4~Her !'us or~red it correcad'7 0 Yes ~ If yes, please Uste the violation: If lr::plyif"9 for the YOtJth Center Advisory aO.1rd, pleHoe iN1ic.1ce your affili.Jtion with the Scot: ~,Ji::ow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: 0 Yes 0 Uo [f yes, please t ist Ule yeJrs of service Z. Present p.1rticip.ation in Youth Center actIVities by your children: 0 Ye'S O.lfa If yes, please identify the nalT"le, and age of your ,hild(ren] as well as the program(s) they sre involved with: en i t r:P S f'\.Jme .q. Chi td's name .q. .DOCUMENTARY PROOF MUST l\CCOMONfY THE APPLICATION () I . ., ~ rT1 n A RESUME: or letter of interest should also be filed with this application (indicati:fi: experience and/or education) for consideration for appointment to a board or committee. ~~ progr am pro9ram ("') ---l ;0 rn -() rn -...J your :t:- :;: o - on, and ra~ yo~ ::2 c.n () \..0 Pol ice Publ ic Safety COTI"':tittee rr1 RecreatiCf'll:l Centers ard olrr.s FJ,:!li!ie! 9C'3rc S.f. H.iqhborhood l"'Provement District Ho. lAdy. Bd. _ S.f. H.iqhborhood l"'ProvO'l'ent Distric: Ho. II Artv. Bd. Safety Cc:rrrni tcee === South Pointe Advisory C10srd to ~edl:v~lopTlent Agency.. Status of \Jcxnen, Ccmni a ion on the . - Tourist .rd Convention Center Expansion Author'icy.. - TransPJrtat ion IIrd j)3i'ting COtTT'ni tte~ - Visitor and Convention Authority" - Youth Center Advi sory 30ard < m o Please identify the beard (s) or committee (s) you are interested in serving p::eferences. (i.e. 1 for your first preference, 2 - second, etc.) Art in Ptbl ic Places Cornnittee c;;.~ ~;"'-=':~-:1 - !o.:ord of T~u~:e.::" _ Beaut i f icat ion Comni tcee _ Bo.rd of Adju.tment (.Iso Flood Plain H.nagcment)" _ BLdget Advisory COfT'mi ttee Charter Review ard Revision Board Cormli tt ee on the HOfT'M! l eos s - Comn.rdty a~nefit COlTl'11inee (or the Performin9 Arts === CO'TTf't..I'lity OevetopT'lCnt Advisory Coomittee Ccmn..nity ~el.tions Board === Corwent ion Center Advi sory Board O.e<:ign RC'vie'ol BoarQ"-- - FII~hion. Film, Television ard ~ecordin9 Ccmnitcee F ir.e Arts Board === Col t Advi lory COtm'Ii t tee _ Health "'dvi~ory COITT1'\ince _ Health Facil itie'Si Authority Hispanic: Afbirs Corrmittee X Historic Pre'iervation a~ard'''' H~sinq Authority.. Hurricane ard Fire Oefense C::m1'lineeu loan Review COrTminee . Hulti-Vnic Housinq .:rehab" _ M.lrin,e Authority.. _ Nor:T\,Jrdy Shores. "Ie i 9hbor~ood 0 i s t r i ct Adv i ~ory COI....r.C i l _ Nuisaf"lCe Ab.Jtemenc Soard.. _ Pers~l aOJlrd.. _ P(~rni"'9 Eloard.. ..Oenotes boards!cornni ttee or~':~ rCfl!'H Trl=c'j OJde COLnCY Vi:;itor~ L...:ustrt Vo(~tJrt Service Trainin9 Trust _ Metro~O,Jde Performin9 Ans Center Trust Private (r"'Custry Co~cil .. (of So. Fla. - Training Con:oniLl:1) Ecuca t i on,J l ''''Ploymcnt ~D :-Ice rCt41-frrrCi:': _ )o(a'for'~ Ad Hoc Barrier ;;"':e Envirorment CCC'!"rn;ctee )o(ayor's Ad Hoc Bureau of C;,ildren':; Affair,; === Mayor': Ad Hoc CCITr.\ittee on Cultur,ll Affairs _ ~,Jyor's Ad Hoc Cuden C~nter &. Ccnserv.Jtor'l CormIittee Ad Hoc SiHer Cjtie~ C:;:rT'r.1ictec St~He Fin.1ncia[ O;iclo"iure Far:n 1. /2-2'~ "/ Q,He AoolicHicn VJtid '"r -;nh' 0111" (1) ....Jr. ?tease return to~ Miami Be,Jch Cicy Cleri:'s Office' I ]'''n ,...._...._.;..... '"__.0... '" ~ RECEIVED 97 DEe -5 PH I: 35 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE December 5, 1997 Clerk City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33 139 Dear Clerk: This letter is being submitted along with my application for a committee. The committee that I would prefer to serve on is the Nuisance Abatement Board. I believe I am experienced to serve on this committee since for the past several years I have been a realtor on Miami Beach. I am presently serving as a member of the Miami Beach Commission on the Status of Women. Sincerely, ~/Ia: By:. -/;~ / op Fullel 925 North Shore Dr. Miami Beach, FL 33141 Tel: (305) 866-6958 LAF:HF:ch -------- CITY OF tvlIAl'H BEACH BOA?,DS JI..ND COtvlMITTEES * * APPLICATION FORM * * Ple":;~ print in ink I.lame: PiA LL tR H OP<E k" Ytt t '7 SS- Lnt F 1 t"'st Middle i i t l ~ Tel "Dtl<Jr"lJ!' - (~estdenc:e) Adde.":92 :; tJ. SH OR. t \YR. f'f\ I AMI "R~H FL 'J]/Ljj St rctot ~I') . C i t'r' SLHc Z I D CadI:' (Pr inc ip.Jt Plntlf ts/iNtS6t~Fsk \) 'VI \ Alii 1 Bff\C# F-L 3"] IsC; 5tr('~t "0. e I ty State I'D COrj~ - SALLS ftZSiJ/IJ ~rofessiQnal l' ccnsc/Rc9 i st riH i on from S tu te of F t 'Jr idJ": !Ol'fc. C)jfJ Qr:r:uo.lt ion-: RfHL [S i/m: E,ll:Ol r.l! ion D<)t~: "1.3. ~,:,g;';t('red V0t':'r.: iJ/,o. [J >10 R"!sident ,f \1IJml Beilch 6 mo~. or mor"!.: ~os IJ >10 Ar~ yr:'U C'Jrr""nt l y 'io:;orv i ng on any C i tv c').)d(~) "e CSI'TT1'n tteC'(s}: ~.s c:; '0 If Y~'i , pl~Jse l i 'it: M.9. Got, p~rm' t ",,( r1-:r.: [] 'f,=,~ II I/O Ar,:, ycu , City ,:,mo\ oy,:,,:,: IJ Ye, (!I! >10 - l i ~ t any other professional licenses/reg i 'it r.) t 1 onsl t 1 t t es" current l y held: List organi zat ions you ar~ affdiated wi'h: Dftl)~ COiANTr' CNIMISJION ON STI1TLlS OF U-'O/1) ct'"v , List 'he addre,:>s of any real property you own, oe h av~ a benef i c i al i nCere-:>t in, within Miami Beach: 92;; N ~HQRt IJR. /'^,b. FL I ; DQ yeu currently owe any debt'i to the C i tv of MiiJmi Beac.h ..h i eh are unc':nt~st<:d and have rema i ned unpa ; d' 0 y~s . '0 II yes, tist tnem. 00 you curr~nt t y have any vlolatlon of a CHy of Miami Beach COde wh i eM " uncontested and has remained uncorr<:!cted after the date by which a Spec i a \ Mast er hos ordered It corrected' DYes tI "0 If yes, please state the viol at ion: II .1J"lp\ ylng for the Youth CC/ltC'r ^dv 1 ~ory BIJ.,rd. pl Cil<;'C i,.,dle~te your affilIation \.lith the Scott Rakow Youth Cent cr: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advi sory Board: DYes 0"0 If y"!s, please \ i'it the years of service 2. Pre'Jcnt par tic i p.,t ion in Youth Cl':'ntl"r ilC t i vi t i C'J by your eh; Idren: o Ycs: o "0 If yes, pl ('f)se ident i fy the n.lme, ~ and age of your eh i td{ rr:on) os I.j(!ll " the program{ 5) they ilre involvcd with: eh i td' s na.,., age progrClm Ch ild' 'i nilme .ge program 'DOCUMENTARY PROOF MUST ACCOMPfu~Y THE APPLICATION ^ RESV1'-fE or l~tt~1" of iJlt~l~st :::l1o'-lld ~1.1s0 be Eil~d '....It!l this applicat101l (indicatillg '/0Ul- ~xp~rl~llC'C: .J1l ~dur;atiQn) for cOllsid~r~ti.'.Jr\ (:-r ~f.-'!Y..:'lntm~tlt to a beard or-:ommitt~~_ Pl~as~ identify the board (:::;) ur c':'mLnit.:.t~~ (5) you ar~ inter~5t~d 1n S~rVll1g on, and ["(111k 'lour pr~E~l.~r1'":'.'- (I.e. 1 [or 'lour first preEer~nce, 2 . 5ecr:md, et::: ) Art in Publ ic Places Ccmni t tee Barrier Free Environment COfTI'l1ittee _Bass MuseUTl . Board of Trustee" Beautification Corrm;ttce 80ard of Adjustment (also Flood Plain MilniJgemcnt)" Budget Advisory Com1littee Corrrni t tee on the Hamel ess ~COfT1'l1l..Jnity OeveloJ::l'M'nt Advisory ConmittC'C' COfTTTlUnity It~lation'l 800lrd Conv~nt I on Cent er Adv; ",ory BOilrrj Oeo:;;gn ~evie'M Board" - Fashion, Film', TeleviSion .)nd Recording COfTTTlittl'!~ - Fine Arts Board Gotf Adv;sory Corrrnitt('C' Health Advisory Conmitte~ HNlth F,lcilities ^uthority - Hispanic Affairs Conmit~~(' I Historic Preservation Board" Hous i ng Author i ty" Loan Revie.... COfImittee . Multi'Unit Ilcu:;ing qchabu Marine Authority" Miami Beach Cultural ^rts Council Miami Beach Comnission en the St.ltus of '".romen - ~ormandy Shores ~eighborhOQd Di~triet ^dvlo;ory Ccur~cit ~ "'ui sanee Abatem('nt Board.. _ P!!'rsrncl Soard.. PIa 'ng 80~ed" "Dono' 'bo~e;s:ce y[:Z(/~z:/to [,t, 3t.te 'inaroial Oi,,10,ue. F?C~ I. I \...- ~oticClti'Jn '1Jl id for 0nl'l 'Jr~'-! :1) '1e,Jr. P,lrks and ~(!creational Faci l i ties BOilrd Police Citizen Relations Board Safety Comnittee - South Pointe Advisory Board to Redcve!opncnt "geney.. = Status of 'Jomen, Coomission on the Tourist and Convention Center E:l:pansion "\uthoritlU ~ Transportation and Parking Coomittee ~ Visitor and Convention Authority'" Youth Center Advisory Board QTHE=l: CCMMITTEES Dade County Visitors Industry '/oluf"it'FY Service Training Trust ~ct;-o'Dadc Performing Arts C~nter Trust ?ri'lilte Industry Council" (of SQ. F~Cl_ ~rnining Consort ium) ::dur:iJt' 'J(""lcl( E'T'ulo'('1\('''. Sign'1turc /1./3177 Oat <:' Plc,JSC return to: Hi,Jmt 3r:o<lch City Cled:'s (Jtri 1700 Conv('ntlon C('nt~r I)r. Hi,lmi gC'x:~, rl 3J11jQ ll/n/?, RP:~q ..... ALLAN T. SHULMAN ARCHITECT, P.A. FLORlDA AR 00l]763 November 21, 1997 ATTN: William Carey Planning, Design and Historic Preservation Division City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear William: I have submitted my credentials in reference to a position on either the Design Review Board or Planning Board of Miami Beach. I would indeed be interested in being considered for a position on one of these boards, and would appreciate your support. Enclosed please find my most recent resume, including both my professional and academic activities. Over the past five years, as both a resident and architect, I have taken an active interest in architectural issues in Miami Beach. On the subject of Miami Beach, I have written essays, lectured in Miami, New York and abroad, produced original maps and drawings, moderated panel discussions, participated in design 'charrettes' (intensive design projects) and directed studio projects at University of Miami. My most recent essays are on the subject of Miami Beach architecture. Miami Beach as Urban Assemblage: a unique culture ofhousing, was published in the third issue of the New City. Journal of the School of Architecture at the University of Miami (1996). Igor Polevit=!ry's Architectural Visionfor a Modern Florida will be published in December 1997 in the Wolfsonian Institute's Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts. It documents the development of one of Miami Beach's premier architects in both the prewar and postwar periods. In 1995, I presented From Boulevard to Mall, Lincoln Road 1960, a series of two lectures sponsored by the Florida International University School of Design Special Lecture Series. Currently, I am co-editing architectural monographs on architects L. Murray Dixon and Morris Lapidus, two of the most prolific builders of Miami Beach. As an architect, I have worked on new and existing structures in Miami Beach, and have confronted many of the most difficult issues first hand. Recently, I participated as a member of the Miami Beach Zoning Work Group, convened to address zoning reform citywide. I have contributed to zoning studies of Miami Beach, including Community Visions a report that was subsequently adopted into the City's Comprehensive Plan. I was previously Education Chair of the Miami Design Preservation League and am currently a member of Dade Heritage Trust. I have been teaching at the University of Miami since graduating in 1992. During this time. I have led several University ofivliami studio projects in Miami Beach, looking at particular urban design and housing issues. Currently my studio is studying and proposing designs for the area immediately North of the proposed Regional Library and Ballet buildings. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information or ans\ver any questions. f6 Allan T. Shulman A.LA., Architect The Ingraham Building, 25 S.E. Second Avenue. Suite 828, rvliami, Florida 33131 t: 305-35S-3137 f: 305-353-1070 e: atsarch@aoLcom ALLAN T. SHULMAN ARCHITECT, P.A. PROJECT LIST Commercial Pro;ects The Sterling Building Miami Beach, 1997 Historic Preser.;ation Architect for 50,000 sf expansion ofbuilding Minglewood Miami Beach, 1996 Cafe and Restaurant in a restored 1920's wood bungalow style house on Purdy Avenue, facing Sunset Park Everwear Building Miami Beach, 1996 Facade renovation on J"!iami Beach's Lincoln Road Belvetro Glass Gallery lYliami Beach, 1994 Gallery of art glass on Aliami Beach's Lincoln Road. Occupies 1,800 sf with specially designed display niches and cabinets. In order to maximi=e the effect of light on glass, a dropped ceiling conceals ambient light sources while allowing direct spotlight of the glass objects Village Creole Martinique, France 1995-96 N!ixed-use commercial & residential 'town square' in Fort de France with ground-jloor retail and office space and upper-level apartments and condominiums. Collaborated with MPA Alike Parker Assoc. in Trois nets, N!artinique Office Pro;ects Goldforest Advertising Miami, Florida 1997 Conversion of2-story apartment building into mixed-use office and residence building. The residence is stacked above the office, with each maintaining a separate entry Broadcast Video / Deep Blue Sea Coconut Grove, FI. 1996 New offices occupying 3,000 sf for audio, video & film pre and post production. Spaces included edit swdios. conference rooms, technical spaces and offices. Accessibility improvements. Office of Jerome Ira Solkoff, Atty. Deerfield Beach, Fl. 1996 1,600 sf new office space Jupiter Films New York City, 1989 New studio and office spaces occupying a 2,000 sf loft. Because o/the scarcity o/windows and the depth o/the space, light travels freely through the space via specially designed door and wall panels of translucent fiberglass sandwich panels with aluminum dividers, recalling Japanese Shoji panels ALLAN T. SHULMAN ARCHITECT, P.A. PROJECT LIST Residential Proiects The Dorchester Hotel 1--liami Beach, FL 1997 E.~pansion of hotel to include suites, reconjiguration of garden and pool area. Accessibility improvements Indian Creek Hotel Miami Beach, Fl. 1996 Integration of new entry terrace, landscaping and lightingfor award winning historic 1936 hotel. Accessibility improvements Albion Hotel Miami Beach, Fl. 1995-6 Historic research and consultation on restoration improvements. Ocean Way Hotel 1--liami Beach. Fl. 1996 Renovation of e.xisting 2-story hotel on Ocean Terrace, installation of new lobby and restaurant / cafe. New rooftop addition. Bentley Hotel Miami Beach, Fl. 1996 Renovation of e_~isting 3-story hotel on Ocean Drive, new 5 storey sideyard addition and new rooftop addition. Associate Architectfor STA Architectural Group. Accessibility improvements. Lido Spa Miami Beach, Fl. 1997 Accessibility improvements. Moser Vileila-Castro Apartment New York City 1996-97 Renovation of 1.600 sf apartment Bassan House Miami, Fl. 1996 New 3,000 sf house and home medical office. Levin House Bal Harbour, Fl. 1996 Design and interior design for house expansion and renovation Joseph Residence ~liami Beach, Fl. 1996 Renovations of 12.000 sf penthouse apt. Crutchfield Residence Miami Shores, Fl. 1996 Master plan for large Miami Shores property including landscaped gardens. carp pond. swimming pool. terraces and new garage Molestina Residence Miami 1996 Interior renovations including addition of new swdy Associate Architectfor Design Studio Grossinger Residence Coral Gables. Fl. 1995 House addition Sherr Apartment New York City 1993,1997 Creation of a mixed use living / working loft with an integrated built-in cabinet and wood paneling system. Guttierrez-Swarek Loft New York City 1991 Conversion of loft spacefrom industria! to residential. including interiors ALLAN T. SHULMAN ARCHITECT RESUME EDUCATION: University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida Master of Architecture in Town and Suburb Planning Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Bachelor of Architecture Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan Independent Student of Professor Nobuo Ho=umi PROFESSIONAL STATUS: Registered Architect, NCARB Certified PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Allan T. Shulman Architect, PA, Miami, Florida Princioal. Projects include additions and renovations to historic hotels, historic preservation and research consulting, new residential and multi- family housing projects, commercial interiors and urban planning work The Russell Partnership, Inc., Miami, Florida Proiect Manager. Projects include additions to the School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University in North Miami, headquarters for Forcenergy Inc. and hotel renovations Viguier-Jodry et Associes SCP D'architectes, Paris, France Temporary Assignment Design and design development of Coeur Defense, a commercial- residential high-rise tower on the esplanade at La Defense, outside Paris, France Rafael Vinoly Architects, P.C., New York, New York Consultant. Tokyo International Forum Project Roxanne Warren & Associates Architects, New York, New York Associate. Project management and design for all office projects, including a $71 million Bus Depot, designed and built 'fast-track'. Fifield Piaker & Associates Architects, New York, New York Proiect Manager. Coordinated and managed numerous projects, including retail interiors for Coach Leatherware, Inc., The Stanhope Hotel renovation and several commercial building conversions in New York's Cast Iron Historic District (Soho) OTHER EXPERIENCE: Urbaniza, tvliami, Florida Urban Design Consultant. South Point Land Swap Study: Analysis of land swap and development of design options for the City of Miami Beach Portofmo Group, Miami, Florida Proiect analvsis. South Point Charrette. Collaboriation with Professor Jean-Francois LejeWle, University of Miami Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau, Germany Charrette team member. V okerode, Saxon-Anhalt, Germany Robert K. Swarthout, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida Consultant. Housing types study, Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Treasure Coast Regional Development COWlcil, Vero Beach, Florida Charrette team member. Lake Worth, Florida Andres Duany & Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Architects, Miami, Florida Charrette team member. Bambelton, Victoria Island, British Columbia. 1991-1992 1980-1985 1982-1983 I 995-Present 1993-1994 1991 1991 1989-91 1987-89 1995 1993 1992 1992 1992 1992 ALLAN T. SHULMAN ARCHITECT RESUME ACADEMIC: Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Nliami , Coral Gables, Florida 1992-Present PUBLICATIONS: "The Atmospheric Envelope: Igor Polevitzky's Vision of a Modem Florida.', The Journal of Decorative and Propoganda Arts, No, 23 /1997. "Miami Beach as Urban Assembly", The New City No.3, Journal of the University of Miami School of Architecture, 1996, pp. 28-56 "Vision for Downtown Miami and Biscayne Boulevard", Axonometric drawing published in: Miami. Architecture of the Tropics, Center for the Fine Arts, Miami and Archives D' Architecture Moderne, Brussels, 1992 Analysis and Drawings of Miami Beach, published in Community Visions Goal. Obiective and Policy OPtions Report, City of Miami Beach, 1992. Plan of Bamberton New Town, British Columbia, project team member with Duany & Plater-Zyberk Architects and Townplanners, published in The New Urbanism. 1993. "American Students Use Japanese Architectural Principles, Shinkenchiku Magazine, Tokyo, May, 1984, pp. 111-112 EDITORIAL ACTWITIES: Research and production of catalogue monographs for the Bass Museum of Art, City of Nliami Beach, Florida. Catalogues feature the Bass' L. Murray Dixon and Morris Lapidus architectural art collections. Collaboration with Jean-Francois Lejeune, 1996 Co-Edited Pulse, Journal of the Broward County, Florida AIA, 1986-87 FUNDED RESEARCH: Housing Types Study for the Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan. Research commissioned by Robert K. Swarthout, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. 1992 Planning Study, Town of Bucholz, Germany. Research funded by Duany & Plater-Zyberk Architects and Planners, Miami ,Florida, 1992 PRESENTATIONS: Lincoln Road: In the Heart of Miami Beach, Lecture sponsored by the Miami Design Alliance, 1997 From Boulevard to Mall - Lincoln Road 1960, Two lectures sponsored by the Florida International University School of Design Special Lecture Series, 1995 Moderated Panel Discussion: Miami Beach - Defining the Significance and Integn'ty afthe Historic Architectural District, 1994 Modern Housing Typologies on Miami Beach, Conference on International Style Architecture, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1994 Bauhaus on the Beach: Miami Beach Building Typologies, Miami Beach, Florida, 1994 SERVICE: Miami Beach Development Regulations Work Group, Committee member, 1996-1997 Miami Design Preservation League, board member and chair, Education Committee, 1995-1996 Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, Jury Member, 1997 Awards L4.NGUAGES: English. French and Japanese ALLAN T. SHULMAN ARCHITECT RESUME TEACHING: University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida Studio Professor, Arc 608, Housing Design & Theory V Studio Professor, Arc 102, 1st year design studio Studio Professor, Arc 608, Graduate Housing Studio Lecturer, History and Theory for Explorer Program - designed for high school students Studio Professor, Arc 407, Upper Level Vertical Studio, Housing Design Studio Professor, Arc 608, Graduate Housing Studio Studio Professor, Arc 203, 2nd year design studio Studio Professor, Arc 408, 4th year design studio Studio Professor, Arc 101, 1st year design studio Instructor, Arc 213, The New Design Tools - Computer Graphics and Imaging Project: Edifices de Miami Beach Moderne: Documentation and Analysis of Miami Beach, Florida Instructor, The New Design Tools - Computer Graphics and Imaging Project: Documentation and Analysis of the Collins Park District and Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, Florida Instructor, The New Design Tools - Computer Graphics and Imaging Project: Documentation and Analysis of the Flamingo Park District, NIiami Beach, Florida Instructor, Special Problems in Architecture Project: Building Typologies on Miami Beach, Florida Instructor, The New Design Tools Project: Documentation and Analysis of the Redlands, NIiami, Florida Studio Professor, Explorations in Architecture and Design program A summer program introducing high school seniors to architecture. landscape architecture and town planning. Teaching Assistant to Professor Jean-Francois Lejeune. 2nd year design studio Teaching Assistant to Professor Vincent Scully. Architecture, the Natural and the Manrnade Teaching Assistant to Professor Thomas Lopez-Gottardi. 3rd year design studio Florida International University Miami, Florida rvIiami Moderne, a Graduate Seminar in modem r.Iiami design Studio Professor, 4th year design studio Fall 1997 Spring 1997 Fall 1996 Summer 1996 Summer 1996 Spring 1996 Fall 1995 Spring 1995 Fall 1994 Spring 1994 Fall 1993 Spring 1993 Spring 1993 Fall 1992 Summer 1992 Fall 1992 Spring 1992 Spring 1992 Fall, 1997 Spring 1995 ~ .~ HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD. Two (2) year term. The Board shall be compc ...... of nine (9) members. There shall be a member from each of the following categori~, an architect registered with the State of Fla. with practical experience in the rehabilitation of Historic Structures; an architectural historian with a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in architectural history or related field and practical experience in the rehabilitation of Historic Structures; a professional engineer, registered with the State of Florida; a licensed real estate broker or salesperson or a person holding an executive position in a Miami Beach lending institution; an appointee from Dade Heritage Trust; an appointee from the Miami Design Preservation League; a member of the faculty of a university in Florida, who has expertise in the field of historic preservation or history of architecture; and two (2) additional members-at-Iarge who reside in, own or manage properties located in a locally designated Historic Preservation District. All members of the Board except the architect, engineer, architectural historian and university faculty member shall be residents of, or have business interest in, the City of Miami Beach; provided, however, that the City Commission may waive these requirements in the event a person not meeting these requirements is available to serve on the board and is exceptionally qualified by training and experience, in historic preservation .matters. All appointments shall be made on the basis of civic pride, integrity, experience and interest in the field of historic preservation. APPOINTMENTS SHALL BE BY THE CITY MANAGER with the consent of the City Commission. An eligibility list solicited from the organizations listed below shall be considered by the City Manager and City Commission in selecting Board members: (a) American Institute of Architects, local chapter, (b) Miami Design Preservation League, (c) Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, (d) Miami Beach Development Corp. (e) Miami Beach Board of Realtors, (f) Dade Heritage Trust, (g) Florida Engineer Society, local chapter and (h) any other organization deemed appropriate by the City Manager. ************************************APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE************************ Vacancy (Reg. Architect) Vacancy (Professional Engineer) Vacancy (Lic. Real Estate Broker) Vacancy (Faculty of a Univerity in Florida) City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager ************************************************************************************ CURRENT MEMBERS ARE: Ilija Mossorop (Historian) 12/98 Herb Sosa (Dade Heritage) 12/98 Victor Diaz (MDPL) 12/98 ~ APPLICANTS David Alschuler (Attorney) Dixon Alvarino {Architect} Jeffrey M. Cohen (Real Estate Broker) Theresa D'Amico (Interior Designer) Frank Del Toro (Urban Planner/Architect) Victor Diaz (Attorney) Peter R. Ehrlich (Real Estate Sales) Diane S. Eisenberg Hope Fuller (Real Estate Salesperson) Humberto J. Gonzalez (Stockbroker/Inv. Banker) Ruth Gudis (Administrator) Sheila A. Kelly 7 -( Jose Argote (At-Large) 12/98 Linda Polansky (At-Large) 12/98 John M. Meachem (Architect) William B. Medellin (Architect) Juan C, Menendez (Architect) Ilija Mosscrop (Architect) Marilys R. Nepomechie (Architect/prof.) Williams Pitts (Retired) Linda polansky (Hotelier) Eugene Rodriguez (Owner of Big Time Production) Ari L. Sklar (Architect) Heriberto J. Sosa (Owner) Todd Tragash, (Architect) ---Erick Valle (Professor) Meryl B. Wolfson, (Lawyer) 18