016-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ':,:TY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci,miami-beach..f1.lJS L.T.C. No. 16-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION February 2, 1998 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Commission . FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: EVALUATION COMMITTEE REGARDING RFP NO. 141-96/97 FOR 911 PHONE SYSTEM I intend to appoint the following individuals to serve on the Evaluation Committee regarding the RFP for the 911 Phone System: 1. Bob Bishop, Telecommunications Coordinator, City of Miami, Police Department. 2. Gail Epstein, Director of Telecommunications, Mount Sinai Medical Center. 3. Anthony Feijo, (former) Telecommunications Manager, Ryder Systems, Inc. 4. E.C. Stonebreaker, Manager, Voice and Radio Communications, Florida Power & Light, Co. 5. Phyllis Koch, Information Technology Director, CMB. 6. Martin Zaworski, Commander, Technical Services, Police Department, CMB. Please let me know by the close of business on Friday, February 6, 1998, if you have any suggested changes or comments. Thank you. SR:.cd c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli F:\CMGR\$ALL\L TR2COMM.97\9Il PHSWT.EV A I ] 02/02/98 MON 12:17 FAX 305 673 7851 C.M.B. PURCHASING FAX @003 ,~~ -~ ~ C I T Y 0 F M I A M I E3 E A C I-f (;1 ry HAI.,L ! ~CI:": JNV!:)HION C~~HER ORIVE; '-IIAMI BE,'CH ~LtJ~,nA .1:1 1.111 ~ '~ ~ PROCLJFlEMeNi DIVISION , 700 CONVENTION CENfER CRIVE MIAMI R~ACH. ~LOAIOA 3~':J9 iELEPHONE: (3051157J.7490 SUNCQM: IJ05~ 9:J:l.7490 I=AX: /3051 I; 71. 'es' REQUEST fOR rROPOS:\L NO. 141-96/91 (AMENDED) AMENDMENT NO.2 November 21. 1997 City of Miami Boeach Request for Proposal No 141-96/97 for 91 I PHONE SYSTEM, is amended as follows: CRANCE: De!dline for Receipr. of Proposals from November 25. 1997 @ 2:00 P,M. to Oetember 4. 1997 @ 3:00 P.M. CLARIFICA TION: Disregard any/all reference to Requirement 8.2. (Attachment 1) The "Vendor Response Code" key is as follows: A"" Met Fully B= Met by Developing with Tools C= Met by Custom Programming 0= Under Development E"" Not Supported The ~id~~r must acknowledge receipt of [his addendum, as well as receipt of all addenda., on the proposal page. All other terms and conditions of Request for proposal No. 141-96/97 remain unchanged at this time. . . eIIT OF MIAMI BEACH 7 : . 111, r:Jm.L Judith M. Ford Purchasing Agent