018-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\lei.miami-beach..fI,lJS L.T.C. No. 18-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION February 2, 1998 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: EV ALUA TION COMMITTEE REGARDING RFP NO. 96-96/97 FOR ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT I intend to appoint the following individuals to serve on the Evaluation Committee regarding the RFP for Electronic Document Management: 1. Julio Castro, Computer Administrator, Miami-Dade Public Library System. 2. Elliot Grossman, PhD" Director, Hospital Information Systems, Mount Sinai Medical Center. 3. Debbie Viera-Rodriguez, Management Information Systems Division Chief, Miami- Dade Water and Sewer Department. 4. Robert Parcher, City Clerk, CMB. 5. Julia Chen See, Information Technology, Systems Support Manager, CMB. 6. Judy Hoanshelt, Executive Associate to the City Manager, CMB. Please let me know by the close of business on Friday, February 6, 1998, if you have any suggested changes or comments. Thank you. SR:~d c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli F:\CMGR\$ALUL TR2COMM,97\ELECDOC2.EV A L - ~ C.M.B. PURCHASING FAX '- .~ = I4J 004, -=~ page i:l __._. .C!..2/02(~~_~ON 12: 17 FAX 305 Ji73 7851 lQ '~~ A:f}-.ca =-= =-= CITY HALL 1700 CONveNTION CENTER QRlve MIAMI BEACH. FLOHIUA 33139 hltp~\\ci.miaml'De8Cn, ".us Ilr'6 j,? t 1'1 '7- ~~ 7& /". ,.. , _' (..1' /" ,"~ ...-j 1 I _' ,) L.T.C. No., LETTER TO COMMISSION September 15, 1997 TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager SUBJECT: ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RFP ev ALUA nON COMMITTEE FROM: I intend to appoint the following Individuals to serve on the Electronic Document Management System RFP Evaluation Committee: 1. Robert Parcher, City Clerk, 0/ 2. Julia Chen See, Information Technology Systems Support Manager. 3. Debbie Viera-Rodriguez, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Management Information Systems Division Chief. Mejido, Dade coun~ ices Manager. 5. Wilbert Williems.1 ,.'u, '--:J ~ Please let me know no later than the close of business on Monday, September 22, 1997, if you have any suggested changes or comments. Thank you. ----- -.-. .. ,J. iPJ1 () . fitflJ/V\./' C;~,H'P~ , \. cy,.A €!'l ^1 JGP:MDB:lcd c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli