025-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci,miami-beach"fl.us L.T.C. No. 25-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION February 10, 1998 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Commission SUBJECT: HEALTH AD FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager I recommend the following individuals to be appointed to serve on the Health Advisory Committee: 1, Fred Hirt, CEO, Mount Sinai Medical Center, 2. Dr. William Zubkoff, CEO, South Shore Hospital. 3, Tim Parker, CEO, Miami Heart Institute, 4, Beverly Press, Executive Vice President, Stanley C. Meyers Community Health Center. 5, Joyce Galbut, Administrator Adult Congregate Living Facility. 6. Dr. Dalia Garcia, Dentist, Health Benefit Provider. 7, Dr. Henry Wodnicki, Physician, 8, Dr, William Shaw, Physician, 9. Mark Hildebrant, Consumer - Corporate Level. 10, Dr, Stephen Zaron, Physician, Consumer - Private Individual. 11, Nurse representative - no recommendation at this time, SR: lII(lIilk led F,\C~LL\L TR2COMM,97\HEAL THAD,REC ;to rJZO>n ,&.. /.~W/~9--~~~~ ~ &~ ~.~, /-A. ~..../ U<-~/ tA.~, -yrJ ~/<I-/~~Ah- WCJe~ ~ ~ o/..iu!d ' ~.~aL.~~~c4-~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~e>-:rl-L ~ ~/~~O--~~. fl~~~~~~t&~ ~ ~ ~ (V(./ ~ u6- -:na-~ t&-~ ~ I~ /~~/~ 0 ~~ 'f2( Lk- ~<!L-- / ~~ ?~~~ ~ J-lL ,~!)- ~ ,i.L<... . w~ 0 J-b-. ~ /~ ~~- c:J 4~ u.J~,~ W/-y7U~ ~~ ~ /71cuL I~~~ I~ ~ ;J~Pa~ ~ ~ ~ *" o LA- jJ~ * o I-h-- ot~ ~ +- CLeL Ci.A-L ~ ~ .j~~ ~CL.~ . ~~/. ~~I<~~,~U-L~ tuL. .~ ~ au.., ~ . ~ ~ 1:1 :u Q 1l ;i: Xl /' n t"' trl ::0 /' {J1- :r:- t"' t"' /' trl t"' H N ~ trl ..., /' n o 3: 3: , to '" /' to n f-' o tv o \.D -..J :8 'd tJ 'd 'i f-'- ::l rt ro 0.. a ::l tJ ro n (j) 5- (j) 'i 0:. f-' \.D \.D -..J en a C 'i n ro >rj f-'. I--' (j) >rj * :r:- '0 '0 a f-'. ::l rt 3 (j) ::l rt Ul rt o tJ" (j) 3 OJ 0.. 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OJ ~ ~ :T Lf=! f-' rt 5' ~ 0..(1) -~::l rt 0.. 0 ,-, >rj 0 -. tJ"::r 'ic"l--' '0 'i ro rt f-'- a ..., 'i ~ rt ro (1) Ul f-'- rt 'i :T f-'- tv ~ n, (j) Ul <: '"< f-'- (j) <: ~ 0 .... (1) (1) 0.. llJ ::J 0.. nOJ(J)rt3 w rta- rt(j)(j);)OJ tJ"(j)3 OJ 3~0.. '"< 'i 3 ~ rt f-'. tr 3 3 3 f-'- (j)::l (j) 3 f-"(j) rtUlUlo.. 0..'i(j)::l3 :T, Ul OJ 0 f-'- Ul 3 f-'. tr (j) f-'. H, <: tr Ul (j) o 'i f-'- Ul (j) rt 'i n...,::l (j) >rjo..::r'i 'i Ul o :T '"' '0 f--' ~';:J Ul ~ 3(j).....'iaOJI--' Ul 3 'd(j)'iI--'I--'UlO:T f-'- n a ...... 'i OJ rt ::l Ul f-'.. tJ".... f--' rta (j)o.. (j)OJH,f--' (j)3'i::lOJ f--''i (j) ~,(1) ~ - I-:l 0 I--' a tJ" rtn rto~a 'i 3 (1) OJ rt 0 f-'- (j) 'i ::J (1) 5,ro ~ <:'0 ro ~'d ~ ~ (j) ro (j) OJ 3 'i 3 OJ Ul ::l H, 'i (Jl (j) ~ :r:- f-'- n :T 0.. 'i rt :T 'i (j) n ::l rt OJ OJ a 3 OJ Ul ::l t"' f-'- f-'- f--' rt 3 (j) I--' rt >rj Ul o I--' f-'- ::l I--' n rt ::l Ortrt O::r 'i (Jl'd::l::r tJ"::l(j)OOJ 'i Ul (j) 0 (j) Ul_OJ ::l rt rt(1) H, ~I--'(j)g OJ(Jla>rj artrt Ul iri (j) H, f-'- :r: ::l f-'. ::r ~ ::l 'i (j) (j)::l f-' H, ::lrtrtroOJ LQtJ"~'i ::r f--'~ (j) 0 rt(1)::urtf-'a::J33 a (j)::r~H,(j)(j) n (Jl H, 3 ro rt f-" n OJ (j) 0 f-'- tJ" OJ :TrtC::l >:::l rt(j) n ro,"< (j)o.. , ro(Jl'i:T E; < H ({J o ::0 >-<: n o ~ H ..., ..., trl trl \.D 0:. , N \.D o o OJ 0.. o '0 rt (1) 0.. C, OJ ::l C OJ 'i '"< ::r: trl :r:- t"' ..., :r: f-' \.D f-' \.D \.D 0:. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci..miami-beach,fl,LJs February 3, 1998 L.T.C. No. LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE I recommend the following individuals to be appointed to serve on the Health Advisory Committee: 2, 3. 4. ~6, v/7, ~8. v- Ia, vi 11. SR:4:lcd 1. Fred Hirt, CEO, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Dr, William Zubkoff, CEO, South Shore Hospital. Tim Parker, CEO, Miami Heart Institute, Beverly Press, Executive Vice President, Stanley C. Meyers Community Health Center. 5. Joyce Galbut, Administrator Adult Congregate Living Facility. Holly Wallack, C.M.M" Health Benefit Provider, Office Administrator, Horwitz, Weissman & Mehrel, M,D., P,A. ~.L. c..J.. ('h. ~ ~ J ... f J:>Q, ~~ G~ Dr. bmii IhrkiR,_Physician, Chairman ofth8 D@partment ofGaEtrgentp.m!oe;y t+e-Y1 LLf wocPl'l;di' Dr, William Shll.~, rhysician, 9. Dr.- D"!;,, GliIcia, Dt)ul~"l. ;JV1"'e. 1?~N._t!"kll ~ ~ -,vo rt!G.o"""'7?~a/~ r- 4::::t f fhi. f/n'lt!,.,. PEMolI 'VAitebreak, Consum~r - Corporate Level, ~rri11l.~'Rek &. Go. (Y'la.e.~ H.\&e...b~-t Dr. Jorge L Perez, Physician, Consumer - Private Individual, RQsident of Miami Beach. \ t\ 1:> e, S,,'"fh.... Z"'~<>n _ \ ~yj ~ FilCMGRI$ALLIL TR2COMM,97\HEAL THAD,REC 3) ~. b~c:- G.cv~G'dI. ~ CITY- OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LETTER TO COMMISSION TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 L.T.C. NO. 13-1998 DATE: January 27, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor & City Commissioners Sergio Rodriguez ~. City Manager /~ HEAL TH ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: SUBJECT: Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Ordinance Number 97-3086 (Agencies, Boards, and Committees), section 2-10.4, the Health Advisory Committee shall consist of eleven (11) voting members appointed by the City Commission at-large, upon the recommendation of the City Manager. One of the eleven (11) members shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from Stanley C. Meyers, Community Health Center or hislher designated administrator. I submit for your consideration, Ms. Beverly Press, CEO - Executive Vice President of the Stanley C. Meyers Community Health Center, Inc. Mlb FilCLER\SALLILILL Y\HL THADV,L TC c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City ManagerlLabor Relations Robert Parcher, City Clerk Ci OFFICERS Sidney Weisburd President Carlos E, Fernandez, EdD, Vice-President Tania Bigles Secretary Arnold Notkin Treasurer DIRECTORS Maria Cruz Francis Haas, Ph.D. Veronica Jabbour Maritza Jimenez Elaine Kramer, M,S,W. Harvey Le Vine Solomon S, Lichter, EdD. Julio C. Lara Andrea Panjwani, Esquire Blanca Parets Maria L Ruiz Inez Stone Marilyn S. Trager, R.N. Annette Weissman, Ed.D. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Morris Blau, M,D. Mannie Berrios Matti Bower Victor Diaz, Jr" Esquire Dorris Drexel, R.N, Nancy Humbert, ARNP Barbara Jonas Liana Martinez, Esquire Joseph Pinon ChIef Executive Omcer Beverly Press, M.S,M, Executive Vice President STANLEYe. MYERS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INe. 710 Alton Road* M1am1 Beach, Florida 33139* Telephone: (305) 538-8835* Fax: ( 98 JAN 27 AM 8: f 5 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE January 26, 1998 Mayor/Commissioners City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Committee member selection Dear Honorable Madam/Sir: In accordance with the rules governing the Health Advisory Committee, Section 2.10,4, Composition, I wish to advise the City that I am the Chief Operating Officer (CEO) of Stanley C. Myers Community Health Center, and am willing and anxious to serve as a member of the Health Advisory Committee. Si cerel~ ,-............-. Beverly Press, CEO Executive Vice President WEISSMANN HORWITZ ME H R El " , ~ BOARD CERT'FIED DERMATOlOGASTS t) .,......, 98 JAN 33TEPH~:!20RWIJZ' M,O, Ar<THUI;> WEISSMANN, M,O, " ' f iJi:}iM~JASMEHr;>EL, M,O, ...' .~.. January 30, 1998 Mr. Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager of the City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mr. Rodriguez I would like to be re-appointed the Health Advisory Board. I have served on this board for the last 4 years and feel both I and the Board have made substantial contributions to the City of Miami Beach in determining the health care carriers. I am, by profession, a Certified Medical Manager, of which there are 70 in the State of Florida. I have been managing the dermatology practice of Drs. Horwitz, Weissmann and Mehrel for 8 years. I have contact with the patient, insurance and doctor side of many issues on a daily basis. I feel I can continue to contribute to this board. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, IJIj //dIU Holly S. Wallack, C.M.M. Office Administrator committee HORW'TZ, WE'SSMANN AND MEHHEL, M 0 FA MIAMI BEACH SHERIDAN CENTRE 400 ARTHUI? GODFr~EY ROAD, SUirE 300, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33140 TEL 305-674-9009 FAX 305-674-9014 AVENTURA CONCORD CENTRE II 2999 NORTH EAST 191 ST, STREET. SUITE 220, AVENTURA, FLORIDA 33180 TEL. 305-933-1151 FAX 305-933-8055 @ ~ ~~. ~ . ~ /A/~' V4 J ~~. jr/-v'?(7 ~ ~ ,~t-- - ~C€O- 51 flU /0(1 Iq 7 \~ (/ ~F? ~ v v' ~0 ~ ~) ,\ ~ ~~t \~~ ~O ~t i ~lJ ~ ~ l ~~ ,.J ~d) ~ -~ ~ '-9 '<t: 0 C) ~ J'.J'I .. \: J) dd~ \i. '\3- ~~ ~ ~ ,'t ~ ~ \g;~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~':> gj p:;~ Ht!Jj<l: C C H III ~ H', i ~~n~~ ~ ~~U1MMil 0'\ M co r- U1iM co M ~ r- r-,N ~ 0 M M M \N ~ \'- ~ "~~ ~~ ~ ~ ""- :2: Olll H~ ~H 1l<:2: H:J ~ U tJl r..l o Zr..l 00 HO ~u I Il.Il. r :J:J Uu UU 00 r.l ~ Z r.l ~ p:; E-t r.. o o ~ ~ \)~ ~~- p:; - ~ 0 ~~~ ~ er..~.s: l2~~~~ .s:o::>..l.s: ~IIlOp..t!J III Z ~~.s:~H::.s: ZP:;~~1Il8 Ha:l~ t!lH Or>::lH H~ p..1Ilp..t!JZO )- <t~ ~ -~; ~~ _II. m u Z H :> H HO :2: t!l ZE-t au uu ~ E-t ...:l :J ~ M~~MO'\~ I I I I I I ~U1r-U1O'1CO ~OMM~CO OMNNr-M OOMO'IM~ OOMMMO ; /"' (-. T Il) cx:l ~n!.D.'" p ~~'~....~ 000 <:) 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ~~~~~~ 000000 000000 000000 U1U1U1U1U1U1 0'10'10'10'10'10'1 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 March 8, 1996 TO: Jo Asmundsson 6039 Alton Rd Miami Beach, FL 33140 ~~ SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Congratulations! You have been reappointed by the City Commission to the Board/Committee named above, for a term expiring January 19. 1998. A copy of the resolution or City Code section applicable to your board/committee is attached. Unless otherwise specified in your governing resolution or "Code section, three absences within a calendar year without good and sufficient cause therefor by any member of the board/committee from duly held or called meetings of said board/committee, shall result in the automatic removal of such member from that board/committee. The City Commission has requested strict enforcement of this regulation. In the near future, you will be contacted by the City Liaison person, assigned to your committee, concerning the time and location of the scheduled meetings. Please be advised that your City Board's Parking Permits allows you to park at metered spaces throughout the City of Miami Beach. However, please be reminded that these permits are not honored in residential parking spaces; these spaces are reserved for holders of Residential Permits. If you need further details concerning your permit, please do not hesitate to contact the Parking Department at 673-7505. You may receive a City boards' parking decal for use by you when attending board conunittee meetings, by presenting this letter to the Parking Department located at 777 - 17 St., 2nd Floor. Your parking decal will not be honored once your term of membership is concluded. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please advise my office promptly. o (!) v..u.~ ~~ Robert Parcher City Clerk cc: Commissioner making appointment: City Commission Parking Department: Jack Lubin Department Head: Peter Liu Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or Committee: Fred Hirt \ / i'l CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 March 13, 1996 TO: Tim Parker 4701 Alton Rd Miami Beach, FL 33140 SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commissioner to the Board/Committee named above, for a term expiring January 19. 1998. A copy of the resolution or City Code section applicable to your board/committee is attached. Unless otherwise specified in your governing resolution or "Code section, three absences within a calendar year without good and sufficient cause therefor by any member of the board/committee from duly held or called meetings of said board/committee, shall result in the automatic removal of such member from that board/committee. The City Commission has requested strict enforcement of this regulation. In the near future, you will be contacted by the City Liaison person, assigned to your committee, concerning the time and location of the scheduled meetings. Please be advised that your City Board's Parking Permits allows you to park at metered spaces throughout the City of Miami Beach. However, please be reminded that these permits are not honored in residential parking spaces; these spaces are reserved for holders of Residential Permits. If you need further details concerning your permit, please do not hesitate to contact the Parking Department at 673-7505. You may receive a City boards' parking decal for use by you when attending board committee meetings, by presenting this letter to the Parking Department located at 777 - 17 St., 2nd Floor. Your parking decal will not be honored once your term of membership is concluded. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please advise my office promptly. Ro k<r PaA~ Robert Parcher City Clerk cc: Commissioner making appointment: City Commission Parking Department: Jack Lubin Department Head: Peter Liu Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or Committee: Fred Hirt CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 March 7, 1996 TO: M. Kathleen Squires 344 Meridian Ave Apartment #3A Miami Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commission to the Board/Committee named above, for a term expiring January 19. 1998. A copy of the resolution or City Code section applicable to your board/committee is attached. Unless otherwise specified in your governing resolution or "Code section, three absences within a calendar year without good and sufficient cause therefor by any member of the board/committee from duly held or called meetings of said board/committee, shall result in the automatic removal of such member from that board/committee. The City Commission has requested strict enforcement of this regulation. In the near future, you will be contacted by the City Liaison person, assigned to your committee, concerning the time and location of the scheduled meetings. Please be advised that your City Board's Parking Permits allows you to park at metered spaces throughout the City of Miami Beach. However, please be reminded that these permits are not honored in residential parking spaces; these spaces are reserved for holders of Residential Permits. If you need further details concerning your permit, please do not hesitate to contact the Parking Department at 673-7505. You may receive a City boards' parking decal for use by you when attending board committee meetings, by presenting this letter to the Parking Department located at 777 - 17 St., 2nd Floor. Your parking decal will not be honored once your term of membership is concluded. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please advise my office promptly. ~~G p~ Robert Parcher City Clerk cc: Commissioner making appointment: City Commission Parking Department: Jack Lubin Department Head: Peter Liu Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or Committee: Fred Hirt ,I / ; CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 March 7, 1996 TO: Dalia Garcia 407 Lincoln Rd Miami Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COltfMITTEE Congratulations! You have been reappointed by the City Commission to the Board/Committee named above, for a term expiring January 19. 1998, A copy of the resolution or City Code section applicable to your board/committee is attached. Unless otherwise specified in your governing resolution or "Code section, three absences within a calendar year without good and sufficient cause therefor by any member of the board/committee from duly held or called meetings of said board/committee, shall result in the automatic removal of such member from that board/committee. The City Commission has requested strict enforcement of this regulation. In the near future, you will be contacted by the City Liaison person, assigned to your committee, concerning the time and location of the scheduled meetings. Please be advised that your City Board's Parking Permits allows you to park at metered spaces throughout the City of Miami Beach. However, please be reminded that these permits are not honored in residential parking spaces; these spaces are reserved for holders of Residential Permits. If you need further details concerning your permit, please do not hesitate to contact the Parking Department at 673-7505. You may receive a City boards' parking decal for use by you when attending board committee meetings, by presenting this letter to the Parking Department located at 777 - 17 St., 2nd Floor. Your parking decal will not be honored once your term of membership is concluded. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please advise my office promptly. Rb~rJ f>~ Robert Parcher City Clerk cc: Commissioner making appointment: City Commission Parking Department: Jack Lubin Department Head: Peter Liu Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or Committee: Fred Hirt CITY OF MIl-v ~ M , BEACH r CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRI\ IE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 ,YIA, = =~ \ CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK April 14, 1994 TO: Ms. Sonia Albury Temporary Acting Director Healthy Council of South Florida 5757 Blue Lagoon Dr Suite 170 Miami Beach, FL 33140 SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COMHITTEE You may receive a City boards' parking decal for use by you when attending board/ committee meetings, by presenting this letter to the Parking Department located at 1837 Bay Road. Your parking decal will not be honored once your term of membership is concluded. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please advise my office promptly, ~B~~~ City Clerk Attachments: cc: Commissioner makin~ appointment City Commission Parking Department Fernando~odriguez Department Head Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or committee Peter Liu CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 September 28, 1994 TO: Mr. Gerald R. Albert 4741 Alton Rd Miami Beach, FL 33140 SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COlDlITl'EE Congratulations you have been appointed by the Citv Commission to the board/committee named above, for a term expiring Januarv 19. 1996. A copy of the resolution or City Code section applicable to your board/committee is attached. Unless otherwise specified in your governing resolution or City Code section. if you fail to attend three absences within a calendar year without good and sufficient cause therefor by any member of the board/committee from duly held or called meetings of said board/committee. shall result in the automatic reaoval of such member from that board/committee. The City Commission has requested strict enforcement of this regulation. You may receive a City boards' parking decal for use by you when attending board/ committee meetings, by presenting this letter to the Parking Department located at 1674 Meridian Ave., Room 303. Your parking decal will not be honored once your term of membership is concluded, If you are unable to accept this appointment. please advise my office promptly. ~~.~~ Richard E. Brown City Clerk cc: Commissioner making appointment Citv Commission Parking Department Fernando Rodri~uez Department Head Peter Liu Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or committee CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7411 March 22, 1994 TO: Ms. Anita Boch HRS 401 NW 2nd Ave Suite N1007 Miami, FL 33128 SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COHHITTEE Congratulations you have been appointed by the City Commission as an ex-officio member to the board/committee named above, for a term expiring January 19. 1996. A copy of the resolution or City Code section applicable to your board/committee is attached. Unless otherwise specified in your governing resolution or City Code section. if you fail to attend three consecutive meetings of your respective board/committee vithout good and sufficient cause. you viII automatically be relllOVed from the board/committee and a vacancy viII be created. The City Comaission has requested strict enforcement of this regulation. The City Commission has requested that we obtain a completed application form for committee members to be kept on file in this office, Please fill out and return the enclosed application since ve do not have one. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please advise my office promptly. ~J,J ~.~ Richard E, Brown City Clerk cc: Commissioner making appointment City Commission Parking Department Fernando Rodri~uez Department Head Peter Liu Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or committee CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7411 April 6, 1994 TO: Ms. Annie Neasman HRS 401 NY 2nd Ave Suite NI007 Miami. FL 33128 SUBJECT: HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Congratulations you have been appointed by the City Commission as an ex-officio to the board/committee named above, for a term expiring January 19. 1996. A copy of the resolution or City Code section applicable to your board/committee is attached. Unless otherwise specified in your governing resolution or City Code section, if you fail to attend three consecutive meetings of your respective board/committee without good and sufficient cause. you will automatically be removed from the board/committee and a vacancy will be created. The City Commission has requested strict enforcement of this regulation. The City Commission has requested that we obtain a completed application form for committee members to be kept on file in this office. Please fill out and return the enclosed application since we do not have one. ~ You may receive a City boards' parking decal for use by you when attending board/ committee meetings, by presenting this letter to the Parking Department located at 1837 Bay Road. Your parking decal will not be honored once your term of membership is concluded. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please advise my office promptly. /13~~ L ,~~ Richard E. Brown City Clerk cc: Commissioner making appointment City Commission Parking Department Fernando Rodriguez Department Head Current Chairperson and/or Secretary of board or committee Peter Liu REGULAR AGENDA - APRIL 6. 1994 R-3. TIME CERTAIN ITEMS 11:00 A.M. TIME CERTAIN A. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 244-94 BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. 1. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 245-94 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD APPOINTMENTS. a. RESUMES OF SARAH E. EATON, ROBERT H. SCHULER, AND RONEY J. MATEU. b. CORRESPONDENCE FROM AlA MIAMI, WITH RESUMES OF HENRY B. KONOVER, OSCAR SKLAR, AND BERNARD ZYSCOVICH, c. CORRESPONDENCE FROM MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE, WITH RESUMES OF SARAH E. EATON AND ARISTIDES JAMES MILLAS, d. CORRESPONDENCE FROM DADE HERITAGE TRUST, WITH RESUMES OF BEATRIZ "BETTY" CAPOTE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: THAT THE CITY COMMISSION CONSENT TO THE CITY MANAGER I S PROPOSED APPOINTMENTS, AND WAIVE THE RESIDENCY AND BUSINESS INTEREST REQUIREMENTS FOR TWO OF THE CANDIDATES. 2. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 267-94 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CDAC) VACANCY. ACTION: 1. Historic Preservation Board - Commissioner Liebman requested deferral of consent to the Architect appointment, as requested by Miami Design Preservation League (4/5/94 memorandum submitted at meeting). Later in the meeting, Commission consented to the Manager's appointment of Sarah E. Eaton (Architectural Historian) and Robert H. Schuler (Professional Engineer) (with waiver of the residency/business requirement) . (Vote: 6-0; Commissioner Eisenberg absent.) 2, Communitv Development Advisorv Raul S. Gorfinkel (replacing Wayne Cypen) Committee appointed Term exoires 12/31/95 City Commission Following additional appointments Community Relations Board Ms. Mariam Kassenoff made/announced: appointed Term exoires 2/1/96 Commissioner Eisenberg Fine Arts Board Ms. Faye Scheck Goldin appointed Ms, Gail L, Harris appointed Ms. Maria J. Harris appointed Mrs. Flo Moss reappointed Mrs. Nancy Newman reappointed Mrs. Helene Owen reappointed Ms. Sonya Raybin reappointed Ms. Claire Warren appointed Mr. Alvaro F. Fernandez appointed Mrs. Dava Lipsky reappointed Ms. Kathe Richman reappointed Mrs. Lori Weiner appointed Ms. Pola Rayburd appointed Mrs. Rosalie B. pincus reappointed Commissioner Gottlieb encouraged the Commissioners to make the Board would be selecting its new Chairperson 4/12/94. Terms exoire 3/1/96 City Commission City Commission City Commission City Commission City Commission City Commission City Commission City Commission Mayor Gelber Commissioner Gottlieb Commissioner Gottlieb Commissioner Liebman Commissioner pearlson Commissioner Shapiro individual appointments as Health Advisorv Committee Mr. Hyman Paul Galbut (ACLF Adm) appointed Term expires 1/19/96 City Commission Hisoanic Affairs Committee Ms. Neli A. Santamarina Mr. Victor Diaz Mr. Simon Cruz Ms. Regina Berman Mr, Jorge Exposito Mr, Miguel Juan del Campillo reappointed reappointed reappointed reappointed reappointed reappointed Terms exoire 3/31/95 City Commission Vice-Mayor Kasdin Commissioner Eisenberg Commissioner Gottlieb Commissioner pearlson Commissioner Shapiro ACTION SUMMARY APRIL 6, 1994 -9- REGULAR AGENDA - MARCH 2. 1994 R-3. TIME CERTAIN ITEMS 11:00 A.M. TIME CERTAIN A. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 161-94 REVISED BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. 1, COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 162-94 CONFIRMATION OF PROPOSED MEMBERSHIP LIST FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING AFFORDABILITY STRATEGY (CHAS) GOALS/PRIORITIES REVIEW COMMITTEE. 2. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 163-94, EX-OFFICIO MEMBER TO THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. a. RESUME OF ROBERT S. FINE, AlA 3. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 164-94 REVISED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE. a. RESUMES/APPLICATIONS OF JOYCE GALBUT; FRED MCCALL-PEREZ, PhD; HOLLY WALLACK; EDELMAN LOPEZ, JR.; DAVID RUSSIN, MD; WILLIAM SHAW, MDi STEPHEN ZARONi ROBERT FURLONG, MD; DAVID LEHRMAN, MD; EMILIANO ANTUNEZ; JOSE ASMUNDSSONi EVELYN MANSETi MARK HILDEBRANDT, ESQ. 4. POLICE/PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. a. LETTER FROM RICHARD MILSTEIN, DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1994. 5. MEMORANDUM FROM THE CITY CLERK, LISTING NAMES OF PERSONS FROM WHOM RESUMES FOR APPOINTMENTS HAD BEEN RECEIVED AS OF MARCH 2, 1994. 6. MEMORANDUM FROM ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER TO CITY MANAGER, LISTING HISPANIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT, DATED MARCH 1, 1994. ACTION: The City Clerk reviewed the new format for the Commission Memorandum. Subsequently, Commissioner Gottlieb advised that next meeting's memorandum would include an asterisk by the names of those who had applied and been appointed to the specific boardsi that boards coming up for consideration within the next 2 months (would be published in the newspaper) were listed at the end of the memo for Commissioners to consider prospective appointees. Commissioner pearlson suggested the applicants be also listed in the memorandum, and that an additional column be added to reflect attendance (will work with Clerk) . 1. CHAS Goals/Priorities Review Committee - No action taken. 2. Desiqn Review Board ex-officio member - No action taken. 3. Health Advisory Committee Terms expire 1/18/96 Mr, Stephen Bernstein/designee (hosp. adm.) appointed City Commission Mr. Fred Hirt (David Spivak) (hosp. adm.) appointed City Commission Dr. William Zubkoff/designee (hosp. adm.) appointed City Commission Ms. Joyce S. Galbut, RN (ACLF adm.) appointed City Commission Ms. Regina Neumann, RN (nursing prof,) appointed City Commission Mr. Paul Cejas (health benefit provider) appointed City Commission Ms. Holly S. Wallack (health benefit provider) appointed City Commission Dr. William H. Shaw (physician) appointed City Commission Dr, Stephen Zaron (physician) appointed City Commission Mr. Mark H, Hildebrandt (consumer, corporate) appointed City Commission Mrs. Jo~ D. Asmundsson (consumer, private) appointed City Commission Note: Commissioner Liebman offered and subsequently withdrew Emiliano Antunez. 4, Police/Public Safety Committee Terms expire 2/2/95 Mr. Timothy Barnum appointed City Commission Ms. Minette Benson appointed City Commission Mr. Steve Harper appointed City Commission Mr. Lynn Turkel appointed City Commission Mr. Wes Pomeroy appointed Mayor Gelber Mr. James M. Balzano appointed Commissioner Kasdin Mr. Remberto Cabrera appointed Commissioner pearlson Mr. Jose D. Manzanares-DiSilva appointed Commissioner Shapiro Commissioner Gottlieb advised she would confirm with Adam West his desire to serve. Mayor Gelber offered and subsequently withdrew nomination of Tony Dominguez upon the Clerk's advice that the legislation provided that the Police Department non- administrative personnel would elect a representative (voting member) to the board. Following additional appointed made/announced: Charter Review & Revision Board Term exoires 11/1/94 Ms. Maria pellerin (resident/registered voter) appointed City Commission The Clerk advised that Jack Lubin had offered his resignation if necessary, but the decision regarding employees serving on boards/committees was pending (City Attorney to submit opinion 3/5/94 to Rules & Special Events Committee) . Community Benefit Committee for the Performinq Arts Terms expire 12/1/94 Mrs. Sue Miller (local leader) appointed City Commission Ms, Georgiana Young (primary user) appointed City Commission Note: Commissioner pearlson offered and subsequently withdrew nomination of Ari Kaduri as primary user, pending clarification as to Mr, Kaduri's desire to serve since he had previously been removed from the Committee for non-attendance. (continued) ACTION SUMMARY MARCH 2. 1994 -5- Author: A1Childress at C-H-PO Date: 2/5/98 1:43 PM Priority: Normal TO: ElenaTellez TO: LisaDixon ~ ~~~~~~:~_~~~_~~_=~~_~~~_~~~~e:~~~:R~~:n~: WITH? ------------------------------------ Mark Hilderbrant is with his own firm I believe. can be reached at 534-5100. Reply Separator DO YOU KNOW WHAT LAW FIRM HILDERBRANT IS WITH? ElenaTellez at C-H-PO 2/5/98 09:58 AM Subject: Author: Date: Al: Do you know? Forward Header DO YOU KNOW WHAT LAW FIRM HILDERBRANT IS WITH? LisaDixon at C-H-PO 2/5/98 09:21 AM Subject: Author: Date: