078-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL HOD CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us L.T.C. No. 78-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION June 4, 1998 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co mission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: STRUCTURAL "PEER REVIEW" OF FOUR PROJECTS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BACKGROUND The Miami Dade Code Compliance Office has raised concerns as to the structural design ofprojects designed by the structural engineering firm of Riva & Timmons. The firm has designed projects county wide. Four of those are currently either under review or under construction in the City of Miami Beach: the Loews Hotel, the Royal Palm/Crown Plaza, the Sasson, and the Shore Club. The City of Miami Beach Administration has asked for additional independent structural review of all four projects. The review is being conducted by different firms, and following is the status: 1. Loews Hotel: The City's Building Official has brought in Gopman Consulting Engineers. This firm is currently performing its review, and has committed to conclude it by June 9, 1998. A letter was issued to the Building Official by Mr. Gopman and is attached for your information. Loews has hired the nationally reputable firm of Cantor and Seinuk to do a second independent review. This review is also in progress. 2. Royal Palm Crown Plaza: The peer review is being performed by the firm of Hersh ell Gill Consulting Engineers. No information can be provided at this time pending the completion of their report. A building permit has not yet been issued for this project. 3. Shore Club, 1901 Collins Avenue: The peer review is being performed by Gopman Consulting Engineers. No conclusions are as yet available. A building permit had already been issued on this project. The developer is finishing pile caps and is proceeding slowly until they receive results of the analysis. 4. Sasson, 2009 Collins Avenue: The peer review is being performed by Mr. Raul Puig, P.E. No conclusions are as yet available. A full building permit had already been issued. The foundation is under construction. The developer has stopped further work until the study results are in. In all cases, the owners and developers are fully cooperating and are required to correct any deficiencies discovered. In reference to the Loews Hotel, no temporary or final Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until all remedial work is corrected, if applicable. SR/Hsth Attachment F:\CMGR\HMA V\BOSS\COMMISSI\L TC-HOTE.WPD I 1 1 1 'CONSULTING ENGINEERS, I . C. t E. Dixie HW'(. · No. BeJ.. FL 33100 (305) 932-5911 ! : t 'I j I 1 1 I I ~ : I 1 ! II As per your ingtructions, I cornmen workt! second time after a lapse of appro1nately 4 d~YS. (The lapge being due to a conflict in' e cont t) : i I ; II The time I had spent on the wind ysis did, ot allow for a thorough investigati~n, howev~ewe did complete a linear or 2 dimensioncp analys. which revealed serious flaws in the construct frames of the building. Owing to the ract that ther capable engineers have had s~e input inl making a preliminary determination, J would hink it be prudent for all parties conCerned to. orm the proper authoriti?s that a s~rious *roblem . xists an~ consideration be given to ~ cessation ~f any future work which would lmpa~ the nee. for repatrs. i II As per our discussion, I plan to continue witjmyobligatiOn to carry through to a!full and thorough conclusion to my analysis lith the . se of 3 dimensional programs allowing every pOSSible frame oft~e building to con rib ute tl wind resistance. I expect this workito be cone ,ded by JWle 9, 1998 Wlth a full report. l . ; . I RespeotfuJly Submitted, I I i I GOPMAN CONSULTING ENGINeERS, ~c. ! t'" Ij : ! -,., . I Herbert L. ~pm I June 1, 1998 : I i i I I I A'i-UJ..-.LJ::;lO J. (eLf;:) OPM~ . Mr. Phil Azan City ofMianli Beach Building and Zoning 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: Loews Hotel Gentlemen: ,..~.ll~ II I, .1 I I I TOTAL P.02