Alina Hudak Form 9 Qtr IIIU NITED STATES al eos serve- PROOF OF ACCEPTANCE (ELEC TRONIC) PRODUCED DATE: 12/16/2023 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: The following is information for Certified Mail™/RRE item number: 9214 8901 9403 8341 9929 50 Our records indicate that this item was accepted by the USPS at: ORIGIN ACCEPTANCE MIAMI BEACH,FL 33139 12/15/2023 ORIGINAL INTENDED RECIPIENT: COMMISSION ON ETHICS PO BOX 15709 TALLAHASSEE FL 32317-5709 The above info rm ation represents info rm ation pro vided by the United States Postal Service. City of Miami Beach City Manager Office 1700 Convention Center Dr Miami Beach Fl 33139 USPS CERTIFIED MAIL II 111 1 1 1 II 9214890194038341992950 COMMISSION ON ETHICS PO BOX 15709 TALLAHASSEE FL 32317-5709 Fold Here Return Reference Number: Username: Mae Soriano Code Violation # : Court Case #: Pro perty Address : : Permit ID#: Custom 5: Postage: $7.1800 F o r m 9 Q U A R TE R LY G IF T D IS C L O S U R E (G IF T S O V E R $100) LA ST NAM E -- FIRST NAM E -- MIDDL E NAME: HuO - -T . MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP COUNTY : HA( B 33137 44M41- NAME OF AGENCY C IAN4 t BAC H OFFICE OR POSITION HEL D CT/ ju##6?_ FOR QUARTER ENDING (CHECK ONE) OMARCH JJUNE 9SEPTEMBER O DECEMBER YEAR 2023 PART A- STATEMENT OF GIFTS Please list below each gift, the value of which you believe to exceed $100, accepted by you during the calendar quarter for which this statement is being filed. You are required to describe the gift and state the monetary value of the gift, the name and address of the person making the gift, and the date(s) the gift was received. If any of these facts, other than the gift description, are unknown or not applicable, you should so state on the form. As explained more fully in the instructions on the reverse side of the form, you are not required to disclose gifts from relatives or certain other gifts. You are not required to file this statement for any calendar quarter during which you did not receive a reportable gift. DATE RECEIVED DESCRIPTION OF GIFT 08-25-23 MONETARY VALUE NAME OF PERSON MAKING THE GIFT MI#AA I CAA c er. Mp) ADDRESS OF PERSON MAKING THE GIFT 704 Be4ku Av 3313 r. □CHECK HERE IF CONTINUED ON SEPARATE SHEET PART B - RECEIPT PROVIDED BY PERSON MAKING THE GIFT If any receipt for a gift listed above was provided to you by the person making the gift, you are required to attach a copy of that receipt to this form. You may attach an explanation of any differences between the information disclosed on this form and the information on the receipt. □CHECK HERE IF A RECEIPT IS ATTACHED TO THIS FORM PART C- OATH I, the person whose name appears at the beginning of this form, do depose on oath or affirmation and say that the information disclosed herein and on any attachments made by me constitutes a true accurate, and total listing of all gifts required to be reported by Section 112.3148, STATE OF FLORIDA 7 couNr or tl1a@- Date Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by means of []physical presence or [] online notarization, this 1ST± dayof"peerlef 2o2> liar. /Ault of Florida) (Print, Typd Co! I f Notary Public) Personally k} Exgires8l3520@nu cation Iype of Identification Produced PART D FILING INSTRUCTIONS This form, when duly signed and notarized, must be filed with the Commission on Ethics, P.O. Drawer 15709, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709; physi- cal address: 325 John Knox Road, Building E, Suite 200, Tallahassee, Florida 32303. The form must be filed no later than the last day of the calendar quarter that follows the calendar quarter for which this form is filed (For example, if a gift is received in March, it should be disclosed by June 30.) CE FORM 9- EFF 1/2016 (Refer to Rule 34-7.010(1)(g) FA.C.) (See reverse side for instructions) @ PA R T E IN S T R U C TI O N S WHO MUST FILE THIS FORM? A ny in d iv id u a l, in cl u d in g a ca n d id a te up on qu a lify in g , w ho is required by la w to file fu ll an d pu b lic disc lo su re of his fin a n cia l interests on C o m m issio n on E th ics Fo rm 6 , exce p t Judg e s. (S e e Fo rm 6 for a list of pe rso ns re q u ire d to file tha t fo rm .) A ny in d iv id u a l, in c lu d in g a ca n d id a te up o n qu a lify ing , w ho is required by la w to file a sta te m e n t of fin a n cia l in te rests on C o m m ission on E thics Fo rm 1. (S e e Fo rm 1 fo r a list of pe rso n s req u ired to file th a t form .) A ny pro cu re m e n t e m p lo ye e of the exe cu tive bran ch or judicial branch o f sta te g o ve rn m e n t. T h is in c lu d e s an y e m p lo ye e of an off icer, de p a rt m e n t, bo a rd , co m m issio n , co u n cil, or ag e n cy of the executive bra n c h o r ju d ic ia l bra n ch of sta te g o ve rn m e n t w h o has part icipated in th e pre ce d in g 12 m on t h s th ro u g h d e cisio n , ap p roval, disappro val, re c o m m e n d a tio n , p re p a ra tio n of a n y pa rt of a pu rcha se req u est, in flu e n cin g th e co n te n t of a n y sp e cifica tio n or pro cure m ent standard, re n d e rin g o f ad v ice , in ve stig a tio n , or au ditin g or in any othe r advisory ca p a c ity in the p ro c u re m e n t of co n tra ctu al se rv ice s or co m m odities as de fin e d in s . 28 7 .0 12 , F.S ., if the co st of such se rv ice s or com m odities exce e d s or is e xp e c te d to exce e d $10 ,0 0 0 in any fisca l year. NOTE: Gifts that formerly were allowed under Section 112.3148, F.S., now may be prohibited under Sections 11.045, 112.3215, and 112.31485, F.S. WHAT GIFTS ARE REPORTABLE? • A n y g ift (a s de fin e d be lo w ) yo u re ce iv e d w h ich yo u be lie ve to be in exce ss of$10 0 in va lu e , EXCEPT: 1) G ift s fro m th e fo llo w in g R E LAT IV E S : fa the r, m o the r, son , daug hter, bro th e r, siste r, u n c le , au n t, first co u sin , ne ph e w , nie ce , husband, w ife, fath e r-in -la w , m o th e r-in -la w , so n -in -la w , da u g h te r-in -law , brother- in -la w , sis te r-in -la w . ste p fathe r, ste p m o the r, ste p so n, ste pdaughter, ste p b ro th e r, ste p siste r, ha lf bro th e r, ha lf siste r, grand p are nt, great gra n d p a re n t, g ra n d c h ild , g re a t gra n d child , ste p grand p a rent, step gre a t g ra n d p a re n t, ste p g ra n d ch ild , ste p gre a t gra ndchild , a person w h o is e n g a g e d to be m a rrie d to yo u or w ho othe rw ise ho lds him self or he rse lf o u t a s o r is ge n e rally kno w n as the pe rso n w hom you intend to m a rry o r w ith w h o m yo u in te n d to form a ho u se ho ld , or any other na tu ra l pe rso n ha v in g th e sa m e le ga l re side nce as you. 2) G ift s w h ic h yo u a re pro h ib ited fro m accep tin g by S e ctio ns 112 .3 13 (4) an d 112 .3 14 8(4 ), Fl or id a S ta tute s. T he se in clud e any gift w hich you kn o w o r, w ith th e e xe rcise of re a so n a b le ca re , sho uld know w as g ive n to in fl u e n ce a vo te or othe r act io n in w h ich you are expected to pa rt icip a te in yo u r offi c ia l ca p a city ; it also in cl ud e s a gift w ort h over $10 0 fr o m a po litic a l co m m itte e o r co m m itte e of co ntin uo us existence un d e r th e e le ct io n s la w , fr om a lo b b yist w h o lo b b ie s your age ncy or w h o lo b b ie d yo u r ag e n cy w ith in th e pa st 12 m o nth s, or from a part ner, firm , em p lo y e r, o r p rin c ip a l of su c h a lo b b yist. 3) G ift s w o rt h o ve r $10 0 fo r w h ich th e re is a pu blic purpose , given to yo u by an e n tity of th e le g isla tive o r ju d icia l bra nch, a de part m ent or co m m issio n of th e e xe c u tiv e b ra n c h , a w a te r m a na ge m e nt district crea te d pu rsu a n t to s. 37 3 .0 6 9 , S o u th Flo rid a R e g io nal T ransport ation A u th o rity, th e Te c h n o lo g ica l R e se a rch an d D eve lo pm e nt A utho rity, a co u nty, a m u n ic ip a lity, a n airp o rt a utho rity, or a scho ol board; or a g ift w o rt h o ve r $10 0 g ive n to yo u by a dire ct -su p po rt organization sp e c ifica lly a u th o rize d b y la w to su p p o rt the go ve rn m e ntal age ncy of w h ic h yo u a re a n o ffi ce r or em p lo ye e . T he se gift s m ust be discl osed on Fo rm 10 . A "g ift " is d e fin e d to m e a n tha t w h ich is acce p te d by you or by another in yo u r b e h a lf, o r th a t w h ic h is pa id or give n to ano the r fo r or on be h a lf of yo u , d ire ct ly, in d ire ct ly, or in trust for yo u r benefit or by any othe r m e a n s , fo r w h ic h e q u a l or g re a te r co n sid e ratio n is no t given w ith in 90 d a y s aft e r re c e ip t of the g ift . A "g ift " incl ud e s real pro pert y; the use of re a l p ro p e rty ; ta ng ib le or in tang ib le personal property ; the use of ta n g ib le o r in ta n g ib le pe rso n a l prop e rt y; a preferential rate or te rm s on a d e b t, lo a n , g o o d s , or se rv ice s, w h ich rate is be low the cu sto m a ry ra te a n d is no t e ith e r a go ve rn m e n t rate availa ble to all oth e r sim ila rl y situ a te d g o ve rn m e n t e m p lo ye e s or offi cia ls or a rate w h ic h is a v a ila b le to sim ila rly situ a te d m e m b e rs of the public by virt u e of o c cu p a tio n , affi lia tio n , ag e , relig io n , se x, or natio na l origin; forg iv e n e ss of a n in d e b te d n e ss ; tra n spo rt atio n (u nle ss pro vide d to yo u by a n ag e n c y in re la tio n to offi cia lly ap p ro ved go ve rn m e ntal bu sine ss), lo d gi n g , o r pa rkin g ; fo o d o r be ve rag e ; m em be rship dues; entrance fees, admission fees or tickets to events, performances, o facilities; plants, flow ers, or floral arrangem ents; serv ices pro videc by persons pursuant to a pro fessional license or cert ificate; othe personal serv ices for w hich a fee is norm ally charged by the persor pro viding the serv ices; and any other sim ilar serv ice or thing having ar attributable value and not already described. T he follow ing are NOT report able as gifts on this form : salary , benefits, serv ices, fees, com m issions, gift s, or expenses associated prim arily w ith your em ploym ent, business, or serv ice as an offi ce r or direct or of a corporation or or ganization, and unrelated to your public position; contributions or expenditures report ed pursuant to the election law s, cam paign-related personal serv ices provided w ithout com pensation by individuals volunteering their tim e, or any other contribution or expenditure by a political party; an honorarium or an expense related to an honorarium event paid to you or your spouse; an aw ard, plaque, cert ificate, or sim ilar personalized item given in recognition of your public, civic, charitable, or pro fessional serv ice; an honorary m em bership in a serv ice or fratern al organization presented m erely as a courtesy by such organization; the use of a govern m ental agency's public facility or public property for a public purp ose. A lso exem pted are som e gifts from state, regional, and national organizations that pro m ote the exchange of ideas betw een, or the pro fessional developm ent of, govern m ental offi cials or em ployees. HO W D O I D ET E R M IN E T HE VA L UE O F A GIFT? T he value of a gift pro vided to you is determ ined using the act ual co st to the donor, and, w ith respect to personal serv ice s pro vided by the donor, the reasonable and cu stom ary ch arge regularly charged fo r such servi ce in the com m unity in w hich the serv ice is pro vided. Taxes and gratuities are not incl uded in valuing a gift. If additional expenses are required as a condition precedent to the donor's eligibility to purchase or pro vide a gift and the expenses are prim arily for the benefit of the donor or are of a charitable nature, the expenses are not included in determ ining the value of the gift . C om pensation provided by you to the donor w ithin 90 days of rece iving the gift shall be deduct ed fro m the value of the gift in determ ining the value of the gift . If the act ual gift value attributable to individual part icipants at an event cannot be determ ined, the total costs should be pro rated am ong all invited persons. A gift given to several persons m ay be attributed am ong all of them on a pro ra ta basis. Food, beverages, entertai nm en t, etc., pro vided at a function for m ore than ten people should be valued by dividing the total costs by the num ber of persons invited, unless the item s are purchased on a per-person basis, in w hich case the per- person cost should be used. T ransport ation should be valued on a ro und-trip basis unless only one- w ay transport ation is pro vided. R ound-trip transport ation expenses should be considered a single gift. Transportation pro vided in a private co nveyance should be given the sam e value as transportation provided in a com parable com m ercial conveyance. Lodging pro vided on co nsecutive days should be considered a single gift. Lodging in a private residence should be valued at S44 per night. Food and beverages consum ed at a single sitting or event are a single gift valued for that sitting or m eal. O ther fo od and beverages pro vided on a ca lendar day are considered a single gift, w ith the total value of all food and beverages provided on that date being the value of the gift. M em bership dues paid to the sam e organization during any 12-m onth period are considered a single gift. Entrance fees, adm ission fees, or tickets are valued on the face value of the ticket or fee, or on a daily or per event basis, w hichever is greater. If an adm ission ticket is given by a charitable organization, its value does not incl ude the port ion of the cost that represents a co ntribution to that charily. Except as otherw ise provided, a gift should be valued on a per occurrence basis. FO R M O R E IN FO R M ATIO N The gift disclosures made on this form are required by Sec. 112.3148, Florida Statutes. Questions may be addressed to the Commission on Ethics, P.O. Drawer 15709, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709 or by calling (850) 488-7864; information is provided at: www .ethics.state.fl.us. CE FORM 9- EFF 1/2016 (Re fer to Rule 34-7.010(1)(g), F A.C.) Hudak, Alina From: Sent: To: Subject: David W hitaker <D W hitaker@ gm cvb.co m > Tuesday, August 8, 2023 3:4 3 PM Alina Hudak; Rickelle W illiam s Invite: August 25th Luncheon [ THIS M ESSA G E CO M ES FRO M AN EXTER NAL EM AI L - USE CAUTIO N W HEN REPLYIN G AN D OPEN IN G LINKS OR A TT A CHM ENTS ] Hi, W e have purchased a table fo r the annual "Badass W om en of the Year" luncheon (pardon the nam e but that is w hat they call it). It is a celebration put on by the M iam i Beach Cham ber honoring several notable w om en and their co ntributions (generally M iam i Beach fo cused as you w ould im agine). The date is A ugust 25th at Jungle Island starting at 11:00 am- 1:.00 pm . The first hour is kind of a pre-lunch reception and then the aw ards over lunch. I have invited several of our Senior Staff and a few other board m em bers (including Julissa our inco m ing Chair). W ould both or either of you like to (and are available) to join us? Perhaps you have already been invited by the Cham ber but if you are fr ee we w ould be pleased to have you join us. Just let us know . David W hitaker Greater M iam i Convention & Visitors Bureau 1