122-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci,miami-beach.fJ,us L.T.C. No. 122-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION August 28, 1998 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission SUBJECT: AN ANALYSIS OF ACTUAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 1998, WITH OPERATING BUDGET PROJECTIONS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, FOR GENERAL, ENTERPRISE, AND INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager BACKGROUND Resolution Number R-94-21258 directed the Administration to formalize and strengthen its dialogue with the Commission on operating budget reporting and monitoring. LTC 162-1994 specified the means and frequency by which quarterly status reports would be submitted to the Commission. Therefore, the following analysis is presented. Detailed comments will be restricted to those categories and classifications that projections indicate will be at a significant variance to budget. Since Florida Statutes prohibit the overexpenditure of departmental budgets and funds, a budget amendment will be necessary for those functions which projections indicate will overexpend their appropriation. ANAL YSIS DISCUSSION Third quarter budget to actual comparisons for General, Enterprise, and Internal Service Funds are presented in the following pages with comments on those areas which are at a significant variance to budget. Categories identified correspond to those major categories/classifications identified in the budget Resolution. After the analysis, the Administration's recommendations for corrective actions to remedy any deficiencies will be presented. Analysis of Revenues/Expenses As Of June 30,1998 Page 2 August 28, 1998 I. GENERAL FUND OVERVIEW An analysis of third quarter operating revenues and expenditures as of June 30, 1998 reveals an operating surplus of approximately 4% or $4,650,458. Based on actual amounts and operating projections through September 30, 1998, it is anticipated that a year-end operating surplus of $94,260, or less than 1 % of budget, will occur. This overall performance is an improvement over the second quarter which projected a year-end deficit of $493,950. As was discussed in the First and Second Quarter analyses, a deficit was projected as a result of changes in three areas. First, upon notification by the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser on December 1, 1997 that a reallocation of Ad Valorem taxes had been made, the City was required to provide increased payments of over $836,000 to the South Pointe and City Center tax increment districts. Subsequently, the Commission, on December 3, 1997, approved the provision of off duty police services for the Washington Avenue area at a cost of $220,000. Finally, a decrease in interest rates had not only reduced our projection for interest income but has also required a deferral of a proposed interest rate enhancement transaction. However, due to increased revenues in Licenses and Permits, specifically Building and Trade permits, and a decrease in projected expenditures, we are now projecting a year-end surplus of $94,260. A summary of actual General Fund Operating Revenues and Expenditures as of June 30, 1998, with projections through September 30, 1998 follows: FY 97/98 Actuals* Projected Budget/Projected General Fund Budget Jun.30, 1998 Sept 30, 1998 Over/(Under) Revenues $103,834,679 $81,270,200 78% $ 104,640,039 101% $ 805,360 Expenditures 103.834.679 76.619.742 74% 104.545.779 101% 711.100 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 0 $ 4,650,458 $ 94,260 $ 94,260 Note: * Does not include valid current year encumbrances totaling $ 2,278,881. F or a detail of General Fund Operating Revenues and Expenditures by category and classification, see "Attachment A." Detailed comments on those revenue and expenditure categories which projections indicate will vary significantly to the adopted budget are shown below. I. A. General Fund Operating Revenues As of June 30, 1998, actual revenues collected were 78% of budget or $81,270,200. Using a straight line average for the nine months ended June 30, 1998, revenues collected should have been at a minimum, approximately 75% of budget or $77,876,009. While actual revenues received were some 3% greater than this minimum, this can be somewhat misleading. The City receives a greater percentage of its ad valorem taxes in the first quarter, which must be considered when analyzing actual revenues and formulating year-end revenue projections. Year-end projections through September 30,1998 which total $104,640,039 indicate that revenues will exceed budget by less than 1 % or $805,360. Analysis of Revenues/Expenses As Of June 30,1998 Page 3 August 28, 1998 1. Ad Valorem Property Taxes - Based on actual collections to date and historical trends, it is projected that year end collections will be approximately 100% of budget. 2. Other Taxes - This category includes franchise and utility taxes on services which are sensitive to local economic indicators. Projections indicate that year-end collections will fall short of budget by less than 1 %, or $85,000. This is primarily due to a shortfall in revenues from electricity franchise taxes. 3. Licenses and Permits - This category includes occupational licenses and building and special use permits. Projections indicate that year-end collections will exceed budget by 13%, or $930,700. This is due to increases in the collection oflicenses and trade permits. 4. Intergovernmental - This category includes state shared revenues such as cigarette, gas, and sales taxes. Projections indicate that year-end revenues will be approximately 100% of budget. 5. Charges for Services - This category includes admissions at recreational centers and facilities, and fees for fire rescue services. Projections indicate that year-end fees will be approximately 97% of budget, or a shortfall of $50,000. This is due to a decrease in admissions at recreational centers and facilities 6. Fines and Forfeits - This category includes traffic citations, and code and fire violation fines. Projections indicate that year-end fines will be 96% of budget or a shortfall of $45,750. This is due to a decrease in fire violation fines. 7. Interest - This category includes interest income from City investments. Projections indicate that year-end earnings will be 94% of budget or a shortfall of $500,000. This is due to a decrease in interest rates and as a result, a proposed interest rate enhancement transaction has been deferred until rates are more favorable. 8. Rents and Leases - This category includes rents and leases on City-owned facilities such as the Bayshore Golf Course, Old City Hall, and others. Projections indicate that year-end revenues will exceed budget by 15%, or $122,560. This is due to an increase in bus shelter revenues. 9. Miscellaneous - This category includes concessions, planning fees, and other reimbursements. Projections indicate that year-end collections will exceed budget by less than 3%, or $99,850. This is due to an increase in revenues in concessions and planning fees. 10. Other - This category includes management fees and other non-operating revenues such as interfund transfers. Projections indicate that year-end collections will exceed budget by less than 3%, or $306,000. B. General Fund Operating Expenditures As of June 30, 1998 actual expenditures were 74% of budget or $76,619,742. Using a straight line average for the nine months ended June 30, 1998, expenditures should have been approximately 75% of budget. Therefore, at June 30, expenditures were less than 2% under budget or $1,256,267. Year- end projections through September 30, 1998 which include actuals and valid encumbrances totaling $104,545,779 indicate that year-end expenditures will exceed budget by less than 1 % or $711,100. Analysis of Revenues/Expenses As Of June 30,1998 Page 4 August 28, 1998 Two key factors that contributed to this status are increased payments to the South Pointe and City Center tax increment districts and expenditures for off-duty police officers on Washington Avenue. Significant variances to budget by General Fund department are discussed below which further support the assumptions utilized in formulating year-end projections. 1. City Manager FY 97/98 Actuals. Budget Jun, 30, 1998 $1,173,100 $865,930 74% Projected Sept 30, 1998 $1,098,100 94% BudgetIProjected Over/(Under) $(75,000) This Office is expected to expend 94% of its budget and generate a year-end surplus of $75,000 due to an unfilled professional position. 2. Development Services FY 97/98 Actuals. Budget Jun, 30, 1998 $2,191,216 $1,371,424 Projected Sept 30, 1998 63% $2,133,216 97% BudgetIProjected Over/(Under) $(58,000) This department is expected to expend 97% of its budget and generate a year-end surplus of $58,000. This is due to unfilled professional and support staff positions that will be filled by the end of the fourth quarter. 3. Public Works FY 97/98 Actuals. Budget Jun. 30, 1998 $3,435,599 $2,171,742 63% Projected Sept 30, 1998 $3,245,599 94% Budget/Projected Over/(Under) $(190,000) This department is expected to expend 94% of its budget and generate a year-end surplus of $190,000. This is due to unfilled professional and support staff positions, many of which will be filled by the end of the fiscal year. 4. Police FY 97/98 Budget $37,897,685 Actuals. Jun. 30, 1998 $28,646,161 Projected Sept 30, 1998 76% $38,022,685 BudgetlProjected Over/(Under) 101% $125,000 This department is expected to exceed its budget by less than 1 % and have a year-end deficit of $125,000. This is due primarily to overtime and fleet maintenance charges. 5. Code Compliance FY 97/98 Actuals. Budget Jun. 30, 1998 $1,633,507 $1,006,829 Projected Sept 30, 1998 62% $1,537,407 94% Budget/Projected Over/(Under) $(96,100) This department is expected to expend 94% of its budget and generate a year-end surplus of $96, 1 00. This is due to unfilled professional and support staff positions that will be filled by the middle of the fourth quarter, and deferred capital outlay. Analysis of Revenues/Expenses As Of June 30,1998 Page 5 August 28, 1998 6. Citywide Accounts FY 97/98 Budget $11,150,224 Actuals* Jun, 30, 1998 $10,178,625 Projected Sept 30, 1998 $12,245,224 Budget/Projected Over/(Under) 110% $1,095,000 91% This account is expected to exceed its budget and have a year-end deficit of$1,095,000. This is due primarily to the required increased allocations of Ad Valorem tax to the South Pointe and City Center tax increment districts, expenditures for off-duty police officers on Washington Avenue, and accumulated leave payments. Note:* Does not include encumbrances. II. ENTERPRISE FUNDS The City accounts for proprietary operations in Enterprise Funds. Convention Center, Parking, Sanitation, Sewer, Storm Water, and Water are included within this grouping. Based upon our review, only the Sanitation fund bears specific comment as projections indicate that the remaining four funds will operate within their allocations. The Sanitation fund is projected to show a deficit for FY97-98. The Sanitation fund, as an enterprise fund, must be self supporting. Rates and charges must be set at levels sufficient to cover the cost of the operation. Currently, the cost of this operation exceeds the projected revenues. At the time the budget was adopted, two fee increases were included along with a contribution from the General Fund that would insure no operating deficit for FY97-98 and would eliminate the cumulative fund deficit of approximately $638,000 at 9/30/97 over a two year period. To date such fee increases have not been approved. Additionally, $226,000 was provided in the budget for replacement of trucks. Because the fee increases were not adopted, and if these replacements are purchased, the fund is projected to have a $390,355 deficit for the year ended September 30, 1998. For a detail of Enterprise Fund Revenues and Expenses by department, see "Attachment B." III. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS The City accounts for those goods and services provided by one department to other departments citywide on a cost reimbursement basis. Central Services, Fleet Management, Information Technology, Property Management, and Risk Management (Self Insurance) are included in this grouping. Based upon our review, all funds are operating at budget. For a detail ofInternal Service Fund Revenues and Expenses by department, see "Attachment C." CONCLUSION This analysis of operating revenues and expenses for General, Enterprise, and Internal Service Funds as of June 30, 1998, with projections through September 30, 1998 was presented in accordance with Commission directives. The overall state of the General Fund operating budget projects a year-end surplus of less than 1% of budget or $94,260. Measures will be taken by the Administration to ensure that revenue targets are achieved and unnecessary expenditures are curtailed to assure a year- end balanced budget. SR:~f}JC Atta~nts A-C ATTACHMENT A FY 1997/98 General Fund Operating Summary Projection REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Other Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Interest Rents and Leases Miscellaneous Other Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Mayor and Commission City Manager City Attorney Childrens Affairs City Clerk Management and Budget Internal Audit Arts, Culture & Entertainment Finance Human Resources Development Services Procurement Public Works Recreation/C u Itu re/Parks Bass Museum of Art Police Fire Code Compliance Building Citywide Accounts TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 June 30,1998 FY 1997/98 $46,824,380 $43,977,991 $46,824,380 17,223,900 11,273,900 17,138,900 7,039,700 6,869,545 7,970,400 8,823,000 5,584,698 8,850,000 1,694,080 1,190,931 1,644,080 1,288,750 815,712 1,243,000 4,713,025 3,102,620 4,213,025 810,185 639,291 932,745 4,196,666 2,075,590 4,296,516 10,434,517 5,739,922 10,740,517 786,476 0 786,476 $103,834,679 $81,270,200 $104,640,039 $647,431 $449,070 $620,431 1,173,100 865,930 1,098,100 2,583,060 1,635,862 2,557,060 84,060 59,888 84,060 1,216,833 803,262 1,208,033 417,714 274,892 398,714 320,533 204,871 293,533 296,899 213,105 296,899 2,085,669 1,396,472 2,075,669 1,006,549 771,327 1,006,549 2,191,216 1,371,424 2,133,216 557,198 389,329 557,198 3,435,599 2,171,742 3,245,599 13,973,024 9,941,786 14,013,024 691,237 507,619 691,237 37,897,685 28,646,161 38,022,685 20,148,071 14,138,187 20,148,071 1,633,507 1,006,829 1,537,407 2,325,070 1,593,361 2,313,070 11,150,224 10,178,625 12,245,224 $103,834,679 $76,619,742 $104,545,779 $0 $94,260 I $4,650,458 Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $0 (85,000) 930,700 27,000 (50,000) (45,750) (500,000) 122,560 99,850 306,000 o $805,360 ($27,000) (75,000) (26,000) o (8,800) (19,000) (27,000) o (10,000) o (58,000) o (190,000) 40,000 o 125,000 o (96,100) (12,000) 1,095,000 $711,100 $94,260 I ATTACHMENT B FY 1997/98 Enterprise Funds Summary Projection CONVENTION CENTERlTOPA REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES Rents And Leases Concessions Telephones Ancilliary Income Services Miscellaneous & Other Subtotal OTHER Convention Development Tax Interest Earnings Retained Earnings Subtotal TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Electricity Management Fees to GF Depreciation Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER! (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 June 30,1998 FY 1997/98 $2,919,233 $2,957,373 $3,330,038 641,907 545,532 610,411 72,372 28,464 33,103 583,317 575,885 636,478 222,781 322,362 359,149 356,279 366,353 457,532 $4,795,889 $4,795,969 $5,426,711 $1,500,000 $1,125,000 $1,500,000 350,000 132,407 185,000 3,282,809 1,432,826 3,256,660 $5,132,809 $2,690,233 $4,941,660 $9,928,698 $7,486,202 $10,368,371 $3,179,942 $2,469,119 $3,010,690 2,143,475 1,514,914 2,823,125 985,481 854,545 999,756 600,000 450,000 600,000 3,019,800 2,197,624 2,934,800 0 0 0 $9,928,698 $7,486,202 $10,368,371 $0 $0 I $0 Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $410,805 (31,496) (39,269) 53,161 136,368 101,253 $630,822 $0 (165,000) (26,149) ($191,149) $439,673 ($169,252) 679,650 14,275 o (85,000) o $439,673 $0 I FY 1997/98 Enterprise Funds Summary Projection PARKING REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES Meters Parking Citations Special Events Parking Attended Parking Permits Preferred Lot Garages Space Rental Valet Towing Fees Subtotal OTHER Interest Earnings Retained Earnings Miscellaneous Subtotal TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Management Fees to GF Depreciation Debt Service Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 June 30,1998 FY 1997/98 $4,305,684 $3,574,776 $4,810,000 2,900,000 1,855,110 2,800,000 1,400,000 16,751 20,000 825,000 870,944 1,100,000 1,266,708 507,275 600,000 600,000 517,796 550,000 1,701,600 1,886,991 2,501,600 358,500 131,830 175,500 277,000 127,866 170,000 200,000 78,388 100,000 $13,834,492 $9,567,727 $12,827,100 $385,000 $336,739 $450,000 31,378 0 0 0 31,378 40,000 $416,378 $368,117 $490,000 $14,250,870 $9,935,844 $13,317,100 $3,615,864 $2,229,792 $3,378,638 4,305,059 2,944,379 4,169,235 2,300,000 1,725,000 2,300,000 649,224 452,418 649,224 2,982,745 837,891 2,269,149 397,978 21,029 174,945 $14,250,870 $8,210,509 $12,941,191 $0 $375,9091 $1,725,335 Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $504,316 (100,000) (1,380,000) 275,000 (666,708) (50,000) 800,000 (183,000) (107,000) (100,000) ($1,007,392) $65,000 (31,378) 40,000 $73,622 ($933,770) ($237,226) (135,824) o o (713,596) (223,033) ($1,309,679) $375,9091 FY 1997/98 Enterprise Funds Summary Projection SANITATION REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES Sanitation Fees Franchise Tax-Waste Contractors Trash Removal Roll Off Impact Fee-Construction Impact Fee-Commercial Violations/Fines Subtotal OTHER Retained Earnings Interest Earnings Other General Fund Transfer In Storm Water Fund Contrib Subtotal TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Garbage contract (SFI) Management Fees to GF Contingency-Reduce Deficit Depreciation Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 June 30,1998 FY 1997/98 $2,586,000 $1,981,861 $2,586,000 194,900 118,854 184,900 42,000 36,401 57,000 200,000 136,624 190,000 200,000 191,099 250,000 815,000 0 0 100,000 86,620 115,000 $4,137,900 $2,551,459 $3,382,900 $0 $0 $0 21,300 2,042 5,000 0 (14,535) 0 272,000 0 272,000 381,542 286,157 381,542 $674,842 $273,664 $658,542 $4,812,742 $2,825,123 $4,041,442 $1,605,945 $1,098,603 $1,540,000 1,074,957 646,136 1,074,957 1,230,840 716,333 1,230,840 250,000 187,500 250,000 285,000 213,750 0 140,000 88,120 110,000 226,000 6,121 226,000 $4,812,742 $2,956,563 $4,431,797 $0 ($390,355) I ($131,440) Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $0 (10,000) 15,000 (10,000) 50,000 (815,000) 15,000 ($755,000) $0 (16,300) 0 0 0 ($16,300) ($771,300) ($65,945) o o o (285,000) (30,000) o ($380,945) ($390,355) I FY 1997/98 Enterprise Funds Summary Projection SEWER OPERATIONS REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES Sewer User Fees Sewer Connection Fees Sewer Fees - Cities Subtotal OTHER Interest Earnings Other Retained Earnings Subtotal TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Sewer Treatment Management Fees to GF DERM Fee Depreciation Debt Service Bonds Debt Service Lincoln Rd Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER! (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 June 30,1998 FY 1997/98 $21,350,193 $15,638,912 $21,200,193 10,870 56,526 50,000 2,545,114 1,487,908 2,445,114 $23,906,177 $17,183,346 $23,695,307 $1,876,000 $868,363 $1,159,100 87,818 234,734 320,000 372,937 453,486 495,423 $2,336,755 $1,556,583 $1,974,523 $26,242,932 $18,739,929 $25,669,830 $1,441,816 $834,819 $1,181,816 2,332,072 1,320,120 1,957,072 15,057,616 9,616,489 15,057,616 1,312,814 984,611 1,312,814 1,391,801 1,283,699 1,283,699 992,550 690,875 932,550 3,242,326 956,781 3,242,326 99,000 0 99,000 372,937 453,486 602,937 $26,242,932 $16,140,880 $25,669,830 $0 $2,599,048 $0 I Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) ($150,000) 39,130 (100,000) ($210,870) ($716,900) 232,182 122,486 ($362,232) ($573,102) ($260,000) (375,000) o o (108,102) (60,000) o o 230,000 ($573,102) $0 I FY 1997/98 Enterprise Funds Summary Projection STORM WATER REVENUES Storm Water Fees Interest Earnings Other Retained Earnings TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Contribution Sanitation Management Fees to GF Depreciation Debt Service Lincoln Rd Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVERI (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 June 30,1998 FY 1997/98 $3,000,000 $2,713,498 $3,100,000 95,000 84,196 115,000 0 135,398 160,000 424,374 0 0 $3,519,374 $2,933,092 $3,375,000 $505,329 $377,854 $505,329 980,003 591,188 865,000 381,542 286,157 381,542 250,000 187,500 250,000 105,000 72,447 100,000 252,000 0 252,000 1,045,500 300,129 800,000 $3,519,374 $1,815,274 $3,153,871 $0 $1,117,818 $221,1291 Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $100,000 20,000 160,000 (424,374) ($144,374) $0 (115,003) o o (5,000) o (245,500) ($365,503) $221,1291 FY 1997/98 Enterprise Funds Summary Projection WATER OPERATIONS REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES Water Sales Firelines Water Tapping Subtotal OTHER Interest Earnings Other Retained Earnings Subtotal TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Water purchase Management Fees to GF DERM Fee Depreciation Debt Service Bonds Debt Service Lincoln Rd Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 June 30,1998 FY 1997/98 $13,421,633 $10,036,200 $13,521,633 175,000 83,812 120,000 157,705 217,699 215,705 $13,754,338 $10,337,711 $13,857,338 $924,000 $427,701 $570,900 50,000 228,974 300,000 1,676,633 770,098 898,396 $2,650,633 $1,426,773 $1,769,296 $16,404,971 $11,764,484 $15,626,634 $1,831,273 $1,352,920 $1,831,273 1,863,079 966,710 1,635,079 6,504,479 3,975,939 6,104,479 1,582,082 1,186,562 1,582,082 832,818 786,526 786,526 536,632 390,812 530,632 1,595,563 471,251 1,595,563 144,000 0 144,000 1,515,045 770,098 1 ,417,000 $16,404,971 $9,900,818 $15,626,634 $0 $1,863,667 $0 I proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $100,000 (55,000) 58,000 $103,000 ($353,100) 250,000 (778,237) ($881,337) ($778,337) $0 (228,000) (400,000) o (46,292) (6,000) o o (98,045) ($778,337) $0 I ATTACHMENT C FY 1997/98 Internal Service Funds Summary Projection CENTRAL SERVICES REVENUES Inter-departmental Charges Interest Retained Earnings TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Postage Depreciation Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended FY 1997/98 As of Jun 30, 1998 Projected FY 1997/98 $565,379 (5,000) o $560,379 $417,264 (11,449) o $405,815 $565,379 (15,000) o $550,379 $163,030 $113,526 $155,370 239,189 147,893 224,477 138,000 110,363 138,000 9,500 7,904 10,368 10,660 10,660 10,660 $560,379 $390,346 $538,875 $0 $15,469 $11,5041 Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $0 (10,000) o ($10,000) (7,660) (14,712) o 868 o ($21,504) $11,5041 FY 1997/98 Internal Service Funds Summary Projection FLEET MANAGEMENT REVENUES Inter-departmental Charges Sale of City Property Other Interest Retained Earnings TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Fuel Depreciation Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 Jun 30, 1998 FY 1997/98 $4,130,947 $3,427,917 $4,197,985 70,000 0 70,000 40,000 (10,816) 40,000 160,000 116,169 160,000 3,372,062 1,160,488 1,560,488 $7,773,009 $4,693,758 $6,028,473 $1,197,844 $732,496 $1,049,256 1,212,152 1,040,432 1,198,729 550,000 351,227 520,000 1,440,951 1,365,901 1,700,000 3,372,062 1,160,488 1,560,488 $7,773,009 $4,650,544 $6,028,473 $0 $43,214 $0 I proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $67,038 o o o (1,811,574) ($1,744,536) ($148,588) (13,423) (30,000) 259,049 (1,811,574) ($1,744,536) $0 I FY 1997/98 Internal Service Funds Summary Projection INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY REVENUES Inter-departmental Charges Interest Retained Earnings TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Telephone Depreciation Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended FY 1997/98 As of Jun 30, 1998 Projected FY 1997/98 $4,126,770 230,000 2,613,000 $6,969,770 $3,206,797 97,344 865,507 $4,169,648 $4,275,498 143,000 1,521,518 $5,940,016 $1,394,773 $947,953 $1,316,701 1,109,997 925,207 962,797 547,000 405,093 665,000 1,000,000 1,124,092 1,450,000 2,918,000 865,507 1,521,518 $6,969,770 $4,267,852 $5,916,016 $0 ($98,204) $24,000 I Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) $148,728 (87,000) (1,091,482) ($1,029,754) ($78,072) (147,200) 118,000 450,000 (1,396,482) ($1,053,754) $24,000 I FY 1997/98 Internal Service Funds Summary Projection PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REVENUES Inter-departmental Charges Interest Other Retained Earnings TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Payroll & Fringes Operating Depreciation Capital TOTAL EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES Amended As of Projected FY 1997/98 Jun 30, 1998 FY 1997/98 $4,345,934 $3,281,350 $4,245,934 (10,000) (409) (1,300) 15,942 4,190 8,000 0 0 0 $4,351,876 $3,285,131 $4,252,634 $1,699,179 $1,126,499 $1,599,876 2,280,597 1,483,017 2,309,594 212,700 108,123 145,000 159,400 6,684 101,584 $4,351,876 $2,724,323 $4,156,054 $0 $560,808 $96,580 I Proj - Amnd Over/(Under) ($100,000) 8,700 (7,942) o ($99,242) ($99,303) 28,997 (67,700) (57,816) ($195,822) $96,580 I FY 1997/98 Internal Service Funds Summary Projection Amended As of Projected Proj - Amnd RISK MANAGEMENT FY 1997/98 Jun 30, 1998 FY 1997/98 Over/(Under) REVENUES Inter-departmental Charges $8,510,966 $6,394,258 $8,510,966 $0 Interest 528,000 380,091 510,000 (18,000) Retained Earnings 2,566,000 320,753 1,093,878 (1,472,122) TOTAL REVENUES $11,604,966 $7,095,102 $10,114,844 ($1,490,122) EXPENSES Operating $317,088 $220,245 $309,966 ($7,122) Administrative Fees 571,094 428,320 571,094 0 Non-Operating 10,716,784 6,431,087 9,233,784 (1,483,000) TOTAL EXPENSES $11,604,966 $7,079,652 $10,114,844 ($1,490,122) EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ $0 I $0 I (UNDER) EXPENSES $0 $15,450