130-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 LETTER TO COMMISSION 130-1998 L.T.C. NO. DATE: September 9, 1998 FROM: City Commissioners TO: SUBJECT: BOARD AND COMMITTEE BIANNUAL REPORTS Pursuant to City Code 2-22(13) - "The chairperson or his designee shall biannually submit a completed written report form, supplied by the city administration, to the City Commission and City Manager.....". Attached for your perusal are the reports submitted to the City Clerk's Office. (2fRP:lb F:\CLERISALLILILL Y\B&C.L TC ':J C :J c: Robert Parcher, City Clerk File 1.._:) :".') (r; CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 LETTER TO COMMISSION 130-1998 L.T.C. NO. DATE: September 9, 1998 TO: City Commissioners FROM: SUBJECT: BOARD AND COMMITTEE BIANNUAL REPORTS Pursuant to City Code 2-22( 13) - "The chairperson or his designee shall biannually submit a completed written report form, supplied by the city administration, to the City Commission and City Manager.....". Attached for your perusal are the reports submitted to the City Clerk's Office. t2fRP:1b FICLERISALL'LILL Y\B&CL TC tJ- / t.( - '7 3 c: Robert Parcher, City Clerk File IV. _,1, J I-n~ f .-1-1 !J€ _~~f[TllfGfl:: 1~.I.-~ CLC~~~j'L I}\i:: ,-lJ-- . 4,. /ttjJ ,# ,.' , f--t IT .IN PUB ',e PlAtES C IT Y 0 F M I A lVl\lc~f2J~ ~I C H ..... ...,..... r .,.,~ ~ 'I ," . ".'. C.I CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER Df{IVE MIAMI BEACH FlbAIDA 33139 < J_ - ! : ..' , ., " . ~\~:"';l.l l._ .".-..J ." . ,. Ii /1 ::.. :. ~ i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S FROM: ROBERT PARCHER cr CITY CLERK ;' SUBJECT: BI-AlS"NUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or his/her designee shall bi-annually submit a completed written report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd 19 be forwarded to the Commission as an LTC. Thank You REP:eg n~. r~~V.'i~~~ ~\~\e~~ '~ ~~ CITY C:"ER~:S ~EPT. 1 JUL 0 9 '1928 By Time PORT FOR..l\1 - PAGE 1 of2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: ~'l IN PCA..4u.c.... ",(.,~ CHAIRPERSON: D€W Ll:l:€ ~ovv CITY LIAISON: J::::A- S; (,...Y r( ~ 0* ~ "-< 8':> NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: 3 ACTIVITY: ~\I'\ EIN ~ te-e-z..o jV\ N.~ fI) 14-"\ lOW or 1Vi1~1 ~ "1:. "Y-Tc..lot "oCll..l c. E: ,. Jo-(~O~l &A-l.. MOtIV""-1M.I::.~ K E"E"-rl W\J t.r W I ~ l '\l.;\ ILA-L A-tL T-\ ~ C-t. L 6'LEL1"lot'J 0-,= oF';:"lC.~ te~~~~IIJl4't1.O\N ~E: A'VC-"- E,")CH-1 ra 1 \" V\.V LI 11',) c:..CIUV &<..~ ~V\. €"-' of F1A.1I\J 0 I "IJ l(- tDr-(...(...Vl.. 14''0.0 1'\1 RM- ,-~ I...lc:.. ~TS ~~n (..E"1T'c:~ "T"b Cl 'f( t't-ltJttN ~t ~ 1C.t: : ~t'\J 10 llV Lon ~FP'lwGr r2.~rYt. ~ .,..,.~ ,:2..~M.lc:""'J C I"\-1bIlV Dl'~ ~ fa.'V"'"\ ~€. ~)"'h te.. (.I"F" A1e-~ /..,.,J r' C1,.. Le... €" S~ON l~ FUTURE ACTIVITIES: ff iC:I t.-> cNL Ie:.. ~ r ~ C """"" "\A.. & I ~l..~ BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALLY REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ~€V\ liaiA-J If''r:V'J C ~~"-\G1N t:>I"KLO\N of ~ T &-vV\ILlc.. ~ L~T P"L (.J(NZ.. L..cIVO 8 V tIY CL 't"'1 ~ &\=L...a..'O.o tV ~o ~'--~ M \:::"W D l"I'"no.v crf' t,...t.f\:~~ ~1i'l" II\) 10 ~f:I:w - ~ <:f\;J ~~€l\'fWlN 8'1 I.<\..vV l ~ ,--r-t c:I"?"" Ft.~~ Sc..H .--< O'F ~ --n:--c... ~l;; ; FUTURE ACTIVITIES: p (l.. cI'n::"'""t...~ g~ ON PLt-tN we 1 rvt.r- ~'-~~l.tTlIU FCrc.. , -)j ~~~ClvV ~K"'-' ~,e..~ n A-S. :in ew '\1 F1 ~ e-W ~ F\ CM'1 M'\.. :t:;"*"'\ f' rt,UV\::.."\,&..( ew n ro~cM - 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. BOARDS A;:\1D COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL.REPORT FORI\-I - PAGE 1 of2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: Barrier-Free Environment Committee CHAIRPERSON: Andrew Batavia/Mildred Levenson CITY LIAISON: Michel Magloire ~. NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE ,JANUARY: 4 (four) ACTIVITY: See Attachment FUTURE ACTIVITIES: See Attachment ': RECEiVED CITY c;..::.'-(r,'::;' ,,)~. .. ., j' ., .d.....~:"l JUL i t' r.." V I...) Bv -,....- :rime , - BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALLY REPORT FORl\1 - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: See Attachment , FUTURE ACTIVITIES: See Attachment 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. City of Miami Beach MEMORANDUM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT m FROM: Robert Parcher, City Clerk Michel Magloire, ADA Coordinator ~ . TO: DATE: July 10, 1998 SUBJECT: BARRIER-FREE ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT Barrier-Free Environment Committee Bi-Annual Report - July 1998 ACTIVITI ES: I . Hold a monthly meeting at City Hall to discuss accessibility issues with relevant City Staff. 2. Provide guidance to the City in its effort to comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). 3. Monitor the progress made by the City Parking Department in improving sixty one (61) City owned parking lots and making them comply with the Florida Accessibility Code and the ADA Standards. 4. Review quarterly the log of violations issued by the Police Department and the Parking Department. Ensure that those Departments enforce accessibility laws. Ensure also, that proper summons are issued to individuals who parked illegally in spaces reserved for persons with disabilities possessing proper permits. 5. Ensure that the Building Department enforces the Florida Accessibility Code. Have Building Department relevant staff to report monthly on the accessibility issues handled by that Department, including status of violations. 6. Assist the City ADA Coordinator in identifying City accessibility problems, and correcting them. 7. Monitor and ensure that the Public Works Department continues with the curb cut program, which provides accessibility to City sidewalks. Identify periodically City sidewalks and curb cuts that must be improved or done. 8. Monitor structural and other improvements made to City owned facilities by Property Management to ensure that they are rendered accessible to all citizens. 9. Ensure that the Convention Center and TOPA meet the requirements of the Florida Accessibility Code and the ADA standards. 10. Have the County Emergency Management Bureau to delineate their plan for the evacuation of Miami Beach residents with special needs. I I . Ensure that the Fire Department publicizes their Safety Education Program which emphasizes in part, on the safety of people with special needs living in High Rise Buildings. 12. Make City Officials aware that the Electrowave Shuttle is not accessible to power activated wheelchairs. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: I . Continue current activities. 2. Advocate for continuing improvement of the transportation system for people with special needs. ACCOMPLlSHM ENTS: I. Made the City Council aware of the importance of supporting the expansion of the Metrorail to Miami Beach for the benefit of all citizens, including those with special needs. Issuance of the Metrorail Resolution to the Mayor and Commission for adoption. 2. Raised consciousness of accessibility issues on Miami Beach, including accessibility of Parks and Special Events. 3. Assisted Miami Beach officials in evaluating new technologies for wheelchair access to the beach. 4. Responded to resident inquiries and grievances concerning disability and accessibility issues on Miami Beach. MM/lz c: Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Julio Grave de Peralta, Public Works Director Don Papy, Chief Deputy City Attorney Barrier-Free Environment Committee BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL. REPORT FOR1\1 - PAGE 1 of2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: Beach Preservation Committee CHAIRPERSON: N/A ~~r~~~I~~ i\\.lh\b~loi W ~~ CiTV ('i FRi.('C:: DEPT. CITY LIAISON: Bruce D. Henderson JU N 2 la" 1998 By Time NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: 0 j _.00/ ACTIVITY: N/A ~ FUTURE ACTIVITIES: The Inaugural meeting of this newly formed committee has been scheduled for Julv 16. 1998 at 9:30 am. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALLY REPORT FORNI - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: N/A ; FUTURE ACTIVITIES: N/A 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. ;. 'r,', .' REPORT FORM - PAGE 10f2 :29 ,~!T'( CLERi\'S OFFICE BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: M; rim; RprJrn RpCjutifi cation Commi tt<=><=> CHAIRPERSON: Michael Vitri (r.o-cnairs - Claire Tomlin, Steve Ruggieri CITY LIAISON: John Oldenburg - Assist. Dir. Parks & Recreation NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: 5 (Feb-March-April-May-June) ACTIVITY: clean u efforts for Miami Beach canals & wate ways. ,. of area around the Saxony & Caribbean roaress of Mid Beach 41st Street & Washington A enue PIal f Lincoln road trash cans,fou tains, e efforts of Normand Isle fountain rea. F. area between 42nd & 28th Streets at Collins venue List of faded street si ns submitted to Myra Diaz-Butacavoli. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Attention brouaht to obtaining a Left-Hand turn signal at 63rd jt3 COLL~ Lookina into making a walking path at park on Venetian Causeway. Encouraqing a higher police profile in the Tatum Waterway area. Efforts to up-dating Tram stop signs on Lincoln Road. Efforts toward initiating a new booking policy for the Garden Cen Sunnortina the Chamber of Commerce for a bicycle way. t. & ns Avenu ter. ;. .", r :/ BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOAAl - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: a month in addition ot the In anK appro Met with Ronnie Singer, Robert Thomas, and Robert Pardo to addr ss issues concernIng LIncoln oa . s for Lincoln Road s ecificall on Sunday mornings). Road. Su orted efforts for the new Garden Center, including new plac ment of Garden Center sign. ;' FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Ig:bd.com.biannually rpt. BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of 2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CHAIRPERSON: JOY MALAKOFF NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY (1998) 6 ,) \.0 co -< (_ ;U () ~ m ~ : 0 52 0:> m en ~ o .,., a .,., w ..'- - CITY LIAISON: DEAN GRANDIN, EX-OFFICIO MEMBER (APRIL HIRSCH, SECRETARY TO THE BOARD) ACTIVITY : m o The Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial board that hears variance cases and appeals 'from- administrative decisions. After hearing the applicant and/or a representative present their case, and after hearing anyone from the public wishing to speak on a matter, the Board members vote for approval or denial of the application. A super majority of 4 votes is needed to approve all matters. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: To continue hearing variance and appeal cases. Note: The Board of Adjustment also sits as The Property Maintenance Standards Appeals Board, and also as The Flood Plain Management Board. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Board has heard 32 new variance and appeal cases (including requests for modifications and extensions oftime) as of June 5th of this year. They have also heard 19 Progress Reports on existing cases. Note: In 1997, the Board heard approximately 90 cases, in addition to ongoing Progress Reports for 18 separate properties. The Board's accomplishments up until now have been limited to adoption and amended by-laws and holding monthly hearings during its monthly meetings. In those cases where variances have been granted, stringent conditions have generally been imposed on the property in an effort to minimize and/or eliminate any detrimental effect the variance(s) might otherwise have on neighbors and the community in general. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: To continue as stated above. F:\PLAN\SZBAIFORMSIBJ-ANNUA.ZBA NO REPORT SUBMITTED BUDGET ADV. COMMITTEE BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL.REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: (CDAC) Community Development Advisory Committee CHAIRPERSON: Betty Gutierrez CITY LIAISON: Joanna Revelo NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: 14 ACTIVITY: CDAC was actively involved with the consolidated planning process which includes reviewing proposals for federal funding that the City receives [Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), and Emergency Shelter Grants Program (ESGP) funding], and making funding recommendations based on community needs for the One-Year Action Plan component ofthe Five- Year Consolidated Plan. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: CDAC will continue to review proposed amendments to the Consolidated Plan andlor the One- Y ear Action Plan. CDAC will continue to evaluate the planning phase process for federal funds and will begin preparing for the next fiscal year planning phase. CDAC will monitor and give input to the City's budgeting process to leverage additional dollars for the community's social service needs. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAreREPORT FORM - PAGE 2 of2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: After 14 evening meetings totalling 31.30 hours (between February 24, and June 18, 1998) CDAC reviewed 51 proposals for CDBG, and ESGP applications for federal funds, and made funding recommendations to the administration for the One-Year Action Plan component of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. CDAC's Chairperson, Betty Gutierrez, and members, Gary Knight and Todd Narson assisted the Administration at the City Commission meeting in which the Five-Year Consolidated Plan was adopted. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: The CDAC will continue to review proposed amendments to the Consolidated Plan and/or the One- Year Action Plan. CDAC will also evaluate the planning phase process for federal funds and will begin preparing for the next fiscal year planning phase. CDAC will monitor and give input to the City's budgeting process to leverage additional dollars for the community's social service needs. 19. bd. com. biannual y .rpt JUL- 1-98 WED 15:05 ~HERTZ P.02 ~ ... BOARDS AND COMMITfEE BI-ANNUALe REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of2 ~Q~RD OR COM;M{II.EE NAME~ t!c(f\M.v"'~T1 ~~1..A--'T\ D ~s -aoA-~ CHAIRPERSON: T^(.,~ \J-t. H-~~ CITY LIAISON: J) ~~i0\.s L~'-l J/4 ]SUMBER OF MEJTINGS HELD S.m...CE JANUARY; t? ACTIVITY: S I AoJe.6 t:ea 1l...J I'r 0; "N\.,5 'l-tA,L. WI/'~~ ;r ;cJ\ 'i'> e.. Ir"" II , .J(' ~",....,-or ,. -It) ~ -a~") -n~ IS,,~ ,""$ A>C,..I.)S~~ t)~"7l4~ ~CL.Lc,....:I'''':>~ yncr'S..cn' y..' - W~ ~ M,~\ ~"t^""lt6- " - o~ -Sl4Cw loJ6- A-t.4,.. "',01\""" c~.4<1II 11.) ~~ H-f...L. ~ OO'::J~ 0(,"" / e )( c; ~ .......,.. t=0C,.~ $ (') ,J ~ (.'.:>_.....\o1I'of.. OJl~-EA-u'" A 'J'A-,...rT 11.JT''' c,e ~LA,e'''''I' SPif,(!"'':'" A-4.~<" .,J It- .s~,,^~ flr .. a~" CL~ s.)~ " Ir-J a, ~'T... ~(...T'\ 0..J /4I,'n4 U.:;,,vv. flLIURE ACTMTlES. . I. ~,s77404...'" ~~ OF Ir (loM.""\J~~"M OV;-L-(A-<.tI '"'f).t.:>G.4.A-J - ~~~ . O{& G..(,.:~~ MPA-, 4.. ~ - '. ..:l- ev Al.v A--r\:>,..,) e J= WL I>A- of.. ,v.~~, """ ~.....,..~ )4\.<; ,. ,A-v-J ~ f L ,......., tJ' ~ &- At..> p "M-C"--' e...; if ,.J i ,,..,J \~<;c; JUL-01-1998 16:27 3058684562 99% P.02 JUL- 1-98 WED 15:06 ~HERTZ ........ .., "JJI.I ........... ,'UI"ll'I~ ~n l""~U"~ 1"""1'<;.1"l1 P.03 ~~ ~r~ r~~~ ~.~~ ,I ,- BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALLY REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . 1- ~ ~At.:lOI\...o ~ CoM.M\.s~lO"""~ I~-L ~"') I\- ~ O"'DIO ~ (1"~'.fI'4)c:..T\':>~ J-rrt-E.o€, ToL,N.,M.u.JG-1 ~A.aJ~~ 'Y.<..,,--\)lO 1')~ ~ , (\I'vA-,,.J ~~6-+6 F~~ f?~ M\.Jcyv...\ cA'~... ~IW<:' ~v,,'" \~"'~ T~FF.(... 1 .).... PO~~ ,.,. S..U~ e~Tf""~ 11:><- "'7\+~ a:,..,..~N..-nt ~V\l(.~+"k.~ , ~t1.oGo'(",,""'" ~ ~ "',..JA.Jt..4v p'&' ~4 ~L... .A-,e.,Jl::A-.IL-~ a- .. 1-c..I-t;.. ~ M\~l ~>S*,w .. ~-'oGoAA.......... ~ FUTURE ACTlVIUES: 19:bd.com.biarmually rpt. JUL-01-1998 16:27 3058684562 93% TOTl='L P. 1134 P.03 NO REPORT SUBMITTED CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD J)s\3n ~e:-t,svJ tsoA>!,il CITY OF MIAMI BER~~\I;1!D CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 ~j I ;""TV rl ~I...' hl\'~ Or flCt vi . v_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S ROBERT PARCHER cr CITY CLERK FROM: ,. SUBJECT: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or his/her designee shall bi-annually submit a completed written report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd to be fOfW"arded to the Commission as an LTC. Thank. You REP:eg BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUA~ REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of 2 iltJilll!W /kYtI (vi) G'(J5~ t1Jtt/t1~ NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: SIX' (6) BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: PeSlj11 5e:w/ 1iJm CHAIRPERSON: CITY LIAISON: ACTIVITY: f8tl/(Jv licaA", ~. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: 6h11e BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: .// II FUTURE ACTIVITIES: 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARll-LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 1 of 103 Saul Gross Next file is number 9796, 6801 Collins, the Carillon Hotel. Thomas Mooney Okay, the applicant is requesting Design Review approval for the renovation, alteration and partial demolition of an existing hotel structure and the construction of a 164 unit, 22-story hotel building and a 50-story condominium tower. This application was originally approved by the Design Review Board, not this particular application, but this project was originally approved by the Design Review Board on December 6th, 1997. However, the applicant failed to obtain a full building permit within one year of said approval. That Design Review approval then expired. The applicant has submitted a new application under a new file for essentially the same application as that which was approved by the Board in December of 1997. Speaker Excuse me, Tom, that's December of 1996. Thomas Mooney 1996, sorry. The description of the application is listed in the staff report, but I won't go into that because the architect will make that part of his presentation. As indicated in the previous staff report.. . Saul Gross Hold on, Tom, the stenographer's got a problem. What's the...you can't hear? Speaker <inaudible> why don't you wait until they get settled. Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 2 of 134 You can't hear it with the board in the way? Okay, maybe, could you move it over here? Just move it out of the way. Or you can move... Yeah, Saul, why don't you have the stenographer come up here. You know what, ma'am, the stenographer typically sits up here. Could you relocate yourself up here? Thomas Mooney Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Is there a chair up there? We can bring one... Yeah. ...I'm sure. That'll be better. <inaudible> Okay, Tom, would you continue, please? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 3 of 134 Thomas Mooney As indicated in the analysis, staff is generally pleased with the design of the project in light of the fact that the scale is a little bit larger than what would be allowed now as this project was submitted prior to the ordinance amending the design bonuses and the height restrictions in the code. As such, staff has recommended that the project be approved subject to the conditions enumerated in the staff report and we would make the staff report a permanent part of the record. Saul Gross Okay, thank you, Tom. Lucia... Lucia Dougherty Again, Lucia Dougherty with offices at 1221 Brickell Avenue, here today on behalf of the owner. With me is Andy Groover who's the owner's representative. On December 3 rd, 1996 you approved the exact same project that you're going to see today. And in fact we got variances for that project and those variances do not expire until September of this year. This is a very complex project. What I mean by that is that Bernardo Fort- Brescia started working on this project literally four years before it ever came before the Design Review Board. It took us a year to negotiate a contract with Swiss Hotels, which is still in existence and we have joint venture partners that literally live in different countries. They don't even live in the United States and they live in different countries. We have three joint venture partners involved in this thing. And a three hundred million dollar project. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 4 of 134 Procedurally it is just, and furthermore we were proceeding along trying to get a covenant in lieu of unity of title approved for this site because we were going to have one owner of the hotel and another owner of the condominiums and a possible third owner of the site. So we were proceeding along this line, so the City of Miami Beach has decided they want to rethink whether or not they want to permit that kind of scheme of ownership. So in light of that, it has been really difficult to not only finance this project, but get a building permit within the year's requirement. Typically, you would see us coming before you and asking you for an extension of time and you would typically grant that kind of extension of time, but for the fact that in between the time that this was approved and today we have a change in law with has a height restriction which this project is not conforming. So, before Bernardo Fort-Brescia and Reynaldo BOIjes actually make a presentation on this project, we have a neighbor who is supportive of this project and she would like to speak on its behalf because she has to leave. If you don't mind, Mr. Chairman, if we could sort of break order before the architect presents the project. Saul Gross Who's that, Rochelle? Lucia Dougherty Yes, sir. Saul Gross Okay. Rochelle Malick Honorable Chairman and distinguished board. Saul Gross Rochelle, just introduce yourself CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 5 of 134 Rochelle Malick My name is Rochelle Malick. I reside at 870 Lakeview Drive, Miami Beach. I have been on Miami Beach for the last forty-five years. We are directly north, we are the Golden Sands, directly north of their project. We have gone through bad years here on Miami Beach. Weare looking forward to the good years. It has not been easy for people in the North Beach to hold on. It is critical, it is necessary, not only for this project, but for each and every one of you sitting on this board to please move forward in order to see that this project gets your endorsement, your help, and all speed ahead because there's many people that cannot wait through the process of the bad years before. I know that all due diligence is being done on your behalf and on behalf of the developers and yes, we support the project, 100 percent as their neighbor to the north. I thank you. Saul Gross Rochelle, are you speaking on behalf of the board, is it a condo to the north? Rochelle Malick No sir, we are a hotel. Saul Gross A hotel. Rochelle Malick We're 103 units directly north. We're literally adjacent to their parcel. Saul Gross So are you speaking for yourself, or for your building? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 6 of 134 Rochelle Malick No sir, I am, I am the owner's representative as well as a part owner in the Golden Sands. Saul Gross Okay, all right, thank you. Rochelle Malick Y oulre welcome, sir. Thank you for the opportunity. Saul Gross Okay. Lucia Dougherty Fred, I'd like the architects now to present the project. Saul Gross Okay, just to clarify the legal context and we seem to be, we're a Design Review Board but it seems to be like a law body here. The zoning changed. Your building was too tall under the new code. So you've lowered it to comply with the new code? Lucia Dougherty No. Saul Gross No. Lucia Dougherty It's exactly the same size. Saul Gross But I thought there are no variances for height. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 7 of 134 Thomas Mooney No, what had happened was, they were approved in December of 96, which means they had one year to obtain building permit. They had until December of 1997. In between December of 96 and December of 97, the ordinance was amended imposing a height limitation. Since they did not request an extension of time prior to that amendment, they needed to have, they were not eligible to request an extension of time after the amendment was passed. Which basically means if they didn't request an ex..., which means that if they didn't pull their full building permit by December of 1997, they couldn't request an extension oftime. So, they made a submission before the FAR ordinance changed. However, they are allowed to go in under the old height ordinance due to the fact that they had a variance which is still active. Do you follow? Saul Gross No, I don't, I don't follow that. In other words, they couldn't.. . Thomas Mooney They couldn't request a DRB extension of time because they were non-conforming. However, they could still uti!..., they could still go in under the old code'and <inaudible> height. Saul Gross And file a new application for the same project? Thomas Mooney .. .file a new application for the same project because they had an active variance. A variance has been granted. Lucia Dougherty In other words zoning in progress kicks in not only for DRB but also variances. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 8 of 134 Thomas Mooney If you have a variance. So their zoning in progress was still active. Saul Gross Diana, you're looking as puzzled as I feel. Diana Well, I haven't heard any of these facts before. This is all new to me so, you know, I don't know the background and I don't know the facts so I can't tell you anything. I just, I had not heard it before. Have we had other cases like this? Saul Gross I've never heard one. Diana I guess, like other applications to the extent, this board could certainly consider this application which is before you Saul Gross No, I'm just trying to understand it... Diana ...and if there is this issue you can certainly direct your staff, both legal and planning, to look further into the issue. If you're going to make a final ruling today on it, I would suggest that any final ruling be subject to further review of this issue only because I simply don't know enough facts to give you any direction or give direction to the planning staff So... Saul Gross Can I, can I just have the dates more clearly, because that's maybe what I'm not understanding. They can get in under the zoning in progress even though they can't get the time extension? Is that what you're saying? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll.E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 9 of 134 Lucia Dougherty That's right. That's exactly right. Saul Gross And the reason for that is what? When was the change in the ordinance proposed? Diana The change of the ordinance in the height restriction, I'm not sure. Saul Gross Tom. Diana Tom. Saul Gross Tom... Thomas Mooney Hold on for one second. Saul Gross Because that's fairly recent. The commission just did that about two months ago. Lucia Dougherty Right. We had a December 3rd, 1996 approval. That expired. But we didn't ask for an extension of time prior to the new height ordinance going into effect. But we did ask for an extension of time for the Board of Adjustment, so it is still in effect and it's still in effect until September of this year. Because that is still in effect, we are still under zoning in progress because zoning in progress kicks in not only for Design Review Board but also Board of Adjustment applications. So had we come in at the same time and asked for both extensions of time, we would have been okay. We didn't. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 10 of 134 Saul Gross You would have... Just forgot to. Lucia Dougherty I can't tell you why that happened, but it didn't happen. Saul Gross Okay. Are you guys caucusing over there, or? Diana Yeah, I mean we're just, Tom is trying to give me some more facts. You know, I can only tell you the following, I mean, I just can't give you a specific ruling. Tom has discussed this, he tells me, you know, with Dean generally but, this sounds to me like it's a significant enough issue that you're going to want to get more clear direction on it. But again, I donlt think that bars you going forward and discussing the topic, but clearly this issue would have to be addressed and any ruling that this board would make, if they ultimately rule today, would be subject to that. Saul Gross Right. Diana I'm going to be very clear about this... Saul Gross <inaudible> no, I, you know... Diana ...ifthis board ruled that, if this board let's just say granted an approval today, and on further review of this issue, in fact the application would be inappropriate, then that final ruling would be moot. The application would fail if that <inaudible> CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 11 of 134 Lucia Dougherty Actually what would happen is we would have to get a height variance. Saul Gross But here are no variances for height. Diana Yes there is. Saul Gross There are? Diana Sure. Saul Gross I thought only the city could get those. Diana You just can't get an FAR, you can't get a series of variances, but height's not one of the prohibited variances. I don't think they're very commonly requested or granted but, there isn't a stated prohibition. So, my only point is that, if the board elects, you can go forward and deliberate. This issue, in my opinion should be looked at further. Saul Gross Mmhm. Diana And if ultimately it's determined that the application would not, I'm not saying this would be determined, but if it's determined that the application is not appropriate, then that would overrule any order that this board entered. Saul Gross Okay, what was the date of the change in the height under the ordinance? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 12 of 134 Thomas Mooney August or September. Saul Gross August or September. Speaker Yeah, I have the, I'm going to pull the ordinance. John Schubin Mr. Chairman? Saul Gross I'm sorry to just take an extra minute. I'm just trying to understand this because it's... John Schubin Just to add one other point, John Schubin from the Sterling Condominium, it's going to be our position, and you'll hear it later, that the variances are void, that the variances are still not in effect because the variances were not received within six months. There was an application for an extension of the variance within six months, the variance was received after six months... Saul Gross You've got that retroactive issue. John Schubin Well, the form of the, the code specifically says it's null and void at six months. Once again we have another administrative interpretation from Mr. Grandon that says it's fine to keep the variances in effect. Saul Gross Bless you. Speaker Thank you. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 13 of 134 Diana One second. What John is raising, if I understand correctly, please correct me ifI'm wrong, is a separate issue regarding... Saul Gross I know that, yeah. Diana ... when an application, when a request for an extension can be filed. Saul Gross We've had that at DRB also. Diana Exactly, and that is a separate issue, which I believe has been addressed if you want Tom, I think, <inaudible> for Tom that Dean has already said that as long as it's received before the expiration. Saul Gross No, I know that, they've always taken...right. Diana But that is, that is, but that's a separate issue than the... Saul Gross Right. Diana ...issue that's being addressed now. Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 14 of 134 Saul Gross All right, well, I don't want to take up everyone's time on this legal issue. Like you said, it will be reserved and any order will be subject to that, so why don't we get Bernardo to make the presentation and if we can wake him up back there. Bernardo, you, you all right? Okay. Why don't you go ahead and present to us. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Good afternoon, members of the DRB. I'm Bernardo Fort-Brescia. I'm a principle with Architectonica, the architects for this project. I think only two of the members of this board were present at the original presentation, so I think I should go ahead and do another, even though it'll be repetitive for some of you, the presentation about the design. It has been quite a while since this project was designed and it's gone through a lot of effort to take it to where it is and to the level of reality in which it is now. And, but the design is really holds very much the same of what was presented at the time with minor adjustments that were made as a result of the recommendations from the Planning Department. And I'll take you through those as well. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 15 of 134 The project consists of three components. There's a board in front of you that shows the building from both the waterfront as well as from Collins Avenue. The first, the first component is one that is existing which is the current 17 -story tower of the old Carillon Hotel which was completed in the 1960's and it was originally one of the premier resorts in Miami Beach, a very well-known hotel. It is, and we are preserving the tower component of this building. As you know, the building is grandfathered with respect to the coastal requirements because it is located forward of the coastal control line and within it we are reorganizing the arrangement of the rooms and bathrooms and upgrading the hotel to the standards of today. One second. The second component is the addition directly south of the hotel of a new pool deck area and a courtyard at the center of the whole composition of the hotel and a new convention and meeting room facility and restaurants forward and to the south of the hotel and the plaza. And the third element, directly behind it is the suite component of the hotel. It is an old suite tower. It rises seventeen stories above five levels of podium which contain both parking and services and directly to the north there is a high-rise condominium tower which rises over six levels of parking with forty- three stories of tower at the highest point. These are the three components. In other words, it's the renovation of the existing hotel tower, the construction of a new all suite tower and amenities for the hotel and a residential tower directly to the north. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 16 of 134 In these drawings you can see the massing and what we were trying to achieve. We were confronted here with a substantial project. The hotel has, including the suites, has approximately 650 keys. It's a, it will be able to serve the convention business in Miami as well as a large-scale tourist business. It is a hotel that will be operated by the Swiss Hotel chain owned by the Swiss airline, Swiss Air. They are, you can see here from this elevation the existing hotel tower post-renovation with its new arrival point with additional convention facilities and exhibition space. This is the exhibition hall that would occur here above it and the suite hotel here. And I'm going to take you with that through the floor plans because, and I'll explain that through the landscape plan in terms of siting because to take you through every single interior space in the hotel would be very lengthy, but one of the most difficult situations currently with the hotel is that there is a swift and short and steep ramp that takes you up to a drop-off at this point and takes you immediately down to the street with what we consider not enough queuing space for the kind of business that this hotel will command. So we reorganized the entrance and we created an arrival court and one of the objectives was also that when you arrive to the hotel you're able to see the waterfront, something that doesn't happen very often in Miami Beach and our client and ourselves thought it was a good idea to immediately give the sense of arrival to the beach and expose the real virtue of the location that is the sand and the ocean in front of it. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 17 of 134 We therefore, also, reorganized the ramping to enter to an arrival court that would allow vehicles to bypass each other and stop by and drop off on this side to the convention facilities and to this side to the hotel facilities. So that there is, there are two points of entry also spreading the traffic to the, from the meeting rooms to the hotel and allowing you to look out through this courtyard. And this courtyard opens up from the restaurants and cafes on both sides. So this will be more of a dining court that is elevated from the ground looking out to the water. The other reason for this rise is because we now had to comply with the flood criteria requirements of today and we had to arrive at that higher elevation and we had to comply with ADA. Currently, when you go to the hotel you have to climb steps to reach up to the current lobby and this new ramping and this length of ramping allowed us to position the driveway at the elevation of the current lobby. It is below this whole area that we have a single level of parking that is all valet parking that, if you can show it to them Reynaldo so I can go through this quicker, it is all valet parking. It's able to come down from the ramp and back into here and come, and vehicles can come up again and there is a very large floor serving the hotel, as well as additional parking that occurs in the lower levels of the parking podium to the north which contains both hotel parking and residential parking. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 18 of 134 I have to point out that this hotel, even though it has convention facilities, does not fall into the so-called convention district and therefore we were required to provide parking spaces as for a regular hotel somewhere else in Miami Beach, which forced us to provide this very large amount of parking that you see on the site. We, however, intentionally sought to keep the public spaces as close as possible to the elevation of the beach, right above the dune height which is where this terrace is. And this permitted us, therefore, to maintain a low profile with the southern end of the property and move more of the parking to the north side. And also, obviously if we did a big garage it would be blocking the old building, about a third of the old, of the existing Carillon building. Yes, here you can see one of the upper levels and I wanted to show them the cross-level so that they understand how this links up, there's a level in- between, right? While I'm here, I think, at this level, I also should point out the retail edge that occurs along the parking podium to the north. This is something that was discussed and reviewed with city officials with respect to concealing the parking from the street and we have some drawings that reflect that and everything you see here is part of that landscape design that is now in a more advanced stage and in response to the comments received at the final approval last year. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 19 of 134 It is, you can see also that we have a covered walkway in front of the parking that is forward of the parking that creates a different scale right next to the street and then the parking rises behind it. You have that intermediate level, right? To clarify where all this happens, yeah there you go, the arrival court is under cover. Vehic1es are able to drop people even in inclement weather into both the hotel and the ballroom facilities on the other side and as you see in this drawing, the hotel and the meeting facilities and the function rooms are connected by a bridge, a very wide bridge, that becomes the canopy that protects the cars from the weather below at the arrival drop-off that I indicated. This also allows people coming, that are staying at the hotel to be able to cross over to the meeting room facilities and also we incorporated into that equivalent level all the corporate suites for exhibitors and vendors that may choose to use that additional space for private exhibits within the building. Also, some of the other aspects that we had to address was relocating the functions, service functions of the hotel that were in the lower level that are, that, where the parking is now, to the mezzanines, because of flood criteria we could no longer have laundries and kitchens and other services that were in those lower levels and those are all concealed in those intermediate floors. And finally, with respect to the condominium tower to the north, you can see over to the left-hand side of that drawing the podium design with the afternoon swimming pool. We have a swimming pool on the oceanfront on the lower leveL.. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 20 of 134 Can we show them at the same time, the site? ...of the lower level of the hotel right on the sand. At the lowest level here, there's a secondary pool. There's a linear pool that cascades down and there's a second pool here with a bar and so forth right next to the boardwalk, adjacent to the boardwalk at the beach. And there's a second swimming pool, equally, a morning swimming pool on that side of the apartment building and, of the residential building, and finally you can see here on the upper deck the afternoon pool and the lap pool that is connected to the fitness center of the condominium tower. So, among other features is that on top of that exhibit space we have also two tennis courts and on top of the exhibit space, of the ballroom space we have this landscaped lawn and planting on top of that, on top of that volume. And we have some renderings that depict some of these spaces on top of the podium. Finally, I need to address the composition of the tower. And if you were to look at the elevations straight on at the same time as we look at these perspectives, this is how we reached the design of the building. What we were seeking was to create some angle of view by which we picked up a diagonal that took us up this way and allowed us also at the same time, not only to open up the sky to the court, but also establish some geometry relationships between the hotel buildings and the apartment building. And you can see that what we sought was first to change the scale of the building by introducing this plaid grid, this irregular grid that you see happening in these two volumes and this we sought to distort somewhat the scale of the building but also give it a big scale along the skin with this grid. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 21 of 134 But also, at the same time, we try to break up the massing of this building running parallel to the waterfront and we essentially combined this L- shaped piece and this second piece that is, appears as suspended up in the air and separated them with this curvilinear balcony striping that you see in- between in this coral color. The same feature occurs in reverse with this additional L-shape over to the south side and the striping occurring in-between as well so that this line picked up onto that line and across to that line and at the same time we created this vortex leading down onto the main public space next to the existing building. It is, I think I explained the retail here at the base where you can see the curvilinear arcade that occurs at the base which also appears in some of these 3D drawings that you see here. But, the other aspect was that we chose to push the suite building as far away from the beach as possible to open up the space. In fact, by pushing this building forward closest, as close as possible as permitted by code to Collins Avenue, we created a larger space between the existing Carillon building and the Sterling Condominium to the south and also, in fact, opened up the vistas of the condominium windows out to the waterfront because the small building is not where it traditionally would occur, in fact parallel, perpendicular to the street and parallel to the property lines all the way out to the line of construction of the Sterling. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 22 of 134 But, instead this building was pushed way back and close to the street. This is a smaller building and we chose to do that for that purpose. The second building which is taller is intentionally, instead, reversed and is recessed from the street as much as possible. So that you can see here from the perspective, the impact of the smaller building in relation to the street as being more in scale with the existing buildings of the neighborhood. And the building to the north, in effect, pulling back in perspective you can see how the skylines of these buildings meet. It is, I was seeking to show you is that in contrast the view from the waterfront, where you can see here the massing of the Sterling building forward, you can see the recess created by the suite building and the amount of open space that is developed in- between these two towers and how by turning this building around it allows our windows of our hotel to be able to look out to the view this way. Then we have the core of the hotel that is really in line with the tower parallel to the waterfront and the balance of the hotel rooms looking to the afternoon pool and back to the bay. The position of this building was quite critical in relation to the orientation of the rooms and the positioning of the rooms on the north side of the hotel. And so this gives you a general approach. The building is roughly, approximately close to the middle of the site with respect to the water at the beach and Collins Avenue, while this building creates that larger open space. I think I can address the balance of the issues in the question and answer period but, is there anything else? But, this is a summary of the project. Thank you very much. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 23 of 134 Saul Gross Bernardo, one second. I'm sorry, just tell me, are you in agreement with the staff's conditions? Which you haven't seen probably. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes, we, with the original staff conditions, yes. L. Saul Gross Not the original ones, the ones in the staff report that's in front of us. I don't know whether they're any different. I mean, are these exactly the same renderings and plans that you presented to the board the last time? You didn't incorporate any of the staff comments? Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes, with the exception of the comments that I will point out. We have highlights. Saul Gross You need the micro... Bernardo Fort-Brescia <inaudible> Sorry about that. They requested that we delete the helicopter pad. Saul Gross Are you being facetious or is that true? Bernardo Fort-Brescia No, no, it's true. Saul Gross All right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia We had a heliport, in fact, on top of the suite tower that connected to the convention room and we were asked to delete it. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 24 of 134 Speaker <inaudible> Saul Gross Okay, folks, please, you need to make all the comments on the record. Bernardo Fort- Brescia Well, there isn't one. We have deleted it. Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia There's no helicopter pad. Saul Gross Deleted as in removed. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah, removed. There is no helicopter pad. Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia But yes, there was one in the original design. Saul Gross All right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia In the original design there was no arcade. As you see in the perspective, the parking garage came directly down to the ground and now it is, there's an arcade that is forward of the garage and then the garage is recessed in relation to that arcade. We can show you that. You have a section of that? Yeah, there was an arcade but it was flush with the garage and now it's forward of the garage. The third one... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 25 of 134 Saul Gross So it's closer to the sidewalk. Bernardo Fort-Brescia It's closer to the sidewalk, and... Speaker How far away is it from the sidewalk, the arcade? In other words, just, pedestrian experience there. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes, one of the concerns was that previously our arcade was not only not projecting forward of the parking, but also was very far away from the curb. Saul Gross Right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia And, which is what the original code, which is more suburban, required so it was way back there and they permitted us to come forward with the arcade to come closer to the sidewalk so that some of the circulation is open air under the trees and some of it is under cover at the arcade and then the retail occurs as shown in these corrective sections. Saul Gross So how close did you get to the sidewalk? That's the question. Bernardo Fort-Brescia <inaudible> what is the actual dimension that they... I saw the floor plans and were... Speaker <inaudible> Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah. Well, we need to give them the exact number, so... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 26 of 134 Saul Gross And also it's raised, right? You have to go up a series of steps. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes, that's right. And those steps are incorporated into the shape of the arcade, that curvilinear shape of the arcade. I need to get you that exact dimension. Saul Gross All right, well we'll come back to that, while he's looking. Bernardo Fort-Brescia We'll get back to it. The third comment was that we had a trellis that connected and covered the parking and loading areas. The main loading areas of this project are located in a service space that occurs between the parking garage and the residential tower within the hotel, right here in the middle. And we had a trellis here that covered them as you look down from the rooms and we were asked to delete that trellis, because this is part of the view corridor and when there's a trellis then it doesn't count as a view corridor. Am I correct, Tom? That's part of the... Thomas Mooney I'm sorry, can you repeat that? Bernardo Fort-Brescia That we were asked to delete the trellis because the trellis that connected... Thomas Mooney Yes, you were, Bernardo Fort Brescia ... the two buildings interfered with <inaudible> view corridor. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 27 of 134 Thomas Mooney ...exactly, to keep it, keep it open air. And you relocated the cooling towers. Bernardo Fort-Brescia And relocated, we had cooling towers here on grade and we were asked to relocate them to the rooftops ofthe buildings. And so, they were deleted as well. Saul Gross So now we're looking at, what, the back of the pool or? Bernardo Fort-Brescia You look through and there's a landscaping sort of mound of planting that occurs at the end instead of the cooling towers... Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia ... which are at the end of the pool, but you don't really see the pool. The arcade is curvilinear as you see it here, so it ranges from twelve to fifteen feet, as shown here in this floor plan and the steps are at the edge of that arcade, as shown here. The other request was that they asked us to wrap around the retail around the corners, as you see here. So as you're driving out of the hotel you see the retail here and as you're turning the corner here that you would have more depth of retail from that side. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 28 of 134 And the last thing they asked us is to highlight further the arrival point to the lobby of the residential building which is highlighted by this circular canopy that intersects and bites with the rectangular shape of the building as shown in this dotted line and it also appears here. We shaded the areas where we made the changes, so you can see here the new roof of the arcade, the new location of the arcade and the curvilinear canopy that marks the entrance below this parking to the main lobby of the residential tower. Are there any other points that I missed? Saul Gross Okay, so those are the changes that have been made. The staff comments now, Tom, are those the same as the staff comments to the prior? Thomas Mooney The staff comments are all new comments applicable to this new application. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes. There's one more... Thomas Mooney And they include, and they are reflective of the changes that Bernardo has talked about. Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah, there's one more point that, in response to comments regarding the relationship to the Sterling building on this side, the suites hotel was re- proportioned and was reduced by 14 feet in depth and narrowed down and the same square footage was reorganized within the same space. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 29 of 134 Saul Gross Making it taller, you mean? Paul Murphy <inaudible> Saul Gross You just need to speak on the mike. Paul Murphy In response to... Saul Gross Tell us your name. Paul Murphy Paul Murphy, I'm part of the development team. In response to the Sterling Condominium Association at the time, they had requested if we could decrease the width of the building, so we redesigned the suites tower to the south and reduced it by fourteen feet in width. We kept the same fa~ade on Collins Avenue, but decreased the width by fourteen feet. Saul Gross So you reduced the square footage of the <inaudible>? Paul Murphy No, the square footage stayed the same. I think we just went up one story or something like that. Saul Gross The arithmetic doesn't bear that out too well. If you took fourteen feet off the width out of a 15 -story building, how many stories is the suites hotel? Paul Murphy Seventeen stories. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 30 of 134 Saul Gross Seventeen stories, so you took off fourteen feet off.. Paul Murphy I think we added two levels... Saul Gross Two levels. Okay. All right. Okay, so that's the project. Thank you very much. Now we'll take some input from the public. Saul Gross Anyone who would like to speak, please come forward. John Schubin I would like to. For the record, my name is John Schubin of the law firm of Schubin and Bass. I'm joined here today by my partner Jeffrey Bass. We represent the interests of the Sterling Condominium Association, which is directly to the south of the proposed project. We also represent the individual interests of Amy Hernandez. I am going to leave to you the dialogue with Mr. Fort-Brescia regarding the propriety of the design of this building. It would, it is not really my purpose or my role or my responsibility to engage in such a dialogue with him, but I am going to point out to you and point out for the record why you will be wasting your time discussing this building as it is presently designed because it cannot be built as proposed. First let me address the issue of the variance. Specifically there was a variance on file number 2548 for Transnational Properties, Inc. There were two meeting dates, January 3rd, 1997 and March 7th, 1997. And let me read from the summary of the variance. "Provided the applicant shall build..." CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 31 of 134 ...adjustment variance that they're relying on that they claim has been extended. Let me read again. "Provided the applicant shall build in accordance with the plan submitted as part of this file, and as approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment with any applicable modifications, the applicant shall have a building permit for the work contemplated herein, issued by the Building Department within a period of six months from the date of the second hearing," in parenthesis, "March 7th, 1997. Otherwise this order shall become null and void, unless the issuance of such permit is stayed by an appeal of this order to a court of competent jurisdiction. " Well number one, I think there was testimony, and I'll stand corrected, that the plans that are submitted here today were not the exact plans that were submitted as part of the original file. And secondly, there is nothing in the record that suggests that there was a stay of the issuance of any building permit or any approval by a court of competent jurisdiction. Saul Gross Okay, let's hear if Ms. Dougherty wants to respond to that. Lucia, do you have a copy of the order he's reading from? Lucia Dougherty No, <inaudible>. Saul Gross Do you want to look at his, or you don't trust it? Okay, make your other arguments while she looks. John Schubin I'll continue this for a second. My understanding is that staff, particularly Mr. Grandon has taken the position that because there was a request... Saul Gross Okay... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 32 of 134 John Schubin .. . for an extension that was made before the six months, even though it was granted after the variance became null and void, somehow this extension can breathe life into a null and void variance. Now not withstanding the fact that the variance controls, and the variance doesn't say that an application for an extension somehow can breathe new life into it, this is the position that they're taking and it's completely untenable. And on top of that, the variance itself is specifically linked to the plans and to the best of my knowledge, those plans are not the plans that are before you here today. So when the staff report takes the... Saul Gross Why do you say that? He said that they're the same plans, just incorporating... John Schubin He said there were modifications. Saul Gross Incorporating the Design Review Board comments. John Schubin Well, I'll leave it to you to determine whether those are the same plans as contemplated by the variance, even if.. Saul Gross Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 33 of 134 John Schubin .. . you can get around the fact that they didn't receive a building permit within six months. So when you see the compliance with the zoning code and staff takes the position that the application that's proposed is inconsistent with the following aspects of the city zoning code for which variances have been granted, we're going to take the position, and if we have to take it in court we're going to take it, that those variances are null and void and any attempt by Mr. Grandon to breathe new life into them is also null and void and illegal. Now let me get to the issue of concurrency determination, because you will also note that there is a specific finding that this is inconsistent with certain Design Review criteria, a number of Design Review criteria, but most importantly criterion number fourteen which says, "The overall project shall be reviewed for compliance with the city's comprehensive plan or neighborhood plan that apply to or affect the subject property." Now what I find interesting is Mr. Grandon gets up here and staff gets up here and says, when you read this provision it really has nothing to do with traffic concurrency. But then what does he say in the staff report? He says, "Although the project complies with all other aspects of the comprehensive plan, it is not consistent with the traffic circulation element." So the staff is taking the position on the one hand, that traffic circulation is a proper element of criterion 14, that it isn't satisfied, but you hear today that it's something that you can't consider. It's absolutely outrageous. Saul Gross I don't think that's what Mr. Grandon said at all. He said that with respect to the concurrency we're not, the board is not making that determination, but that traffic circulation is an element not having to do with concurrency, but having to do with the design guidelines. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 34 of 134 John Schubin And what I'm telling you is until Mr. Grandon has the legal authority to rewrite section eighteen and rewrite the zoning ordinance, you have to follow the specific criteria, the specific criteria that are set forth and in the Design Review ordinance that is one of your criteria and it's not satisfied. Saul Gross Which criteria? That it meets with the comprehensive plan, you mean? John Schubin Absolutely. Saul Gross Okay. John Schubin It says you shall review all applications for determination that it meets the following criteria. Now let me make an argument that I didn't feel I had to make at the 20 Venetian Way argument, but I'll make it simply because everyone is trying to do everything within their power to get out from under that decision because of the impact that it might have. Let's turn to section 22-2 of the zoning ordinance. It says, it's section A, "It is mandatory that all future developments in the City of Miami Beach shall be consistent with the city's adopted comprehensive plan. No development," and I'll emphasize that development is underlined, "shall receive approval until the determination of consistency has been made by the city's planning and zoning director." CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 35 of 134 Now, development happens to be a defined term as well. And what development says, and I'm reading from section three, page three seven, section three, the definition section, development, and I quote, "The undertaking of any building or construction including new construction, rehabilitation, renovation, or redevelopment, the making of any material changes in the use or appearance of property or structures, the subdivision of land, or any other action for which development approval is necessary." Development approval is also a defined term and I don't' think anyone will contend that development approval is what they are seeking here today. They are seeking development approval from the Design Review Board and section 22-2 says that it is mandatory that they will be consistent. You have a specific finding, a specific finding from staff that it doesn't meet concurrency and if any of you saw 20 Venetian Way, each, the argument at 20 Venetian Way, each and every one of the arguments that are being trotted out again was considered and rejected. In fact, Mayor Kasdin specifically said, it's in the Design Review criteria. Comprehensive planning is an element of their jurisdiction. You can't take that out from under them. What was the argument? That Mr. Grandon was in a better position, and staff was in a better position to make determinations regarding concurrency. Well you all are not a board of lay people. You are a board of experts, some of you have engineering backgrounds. Saul Gross All right, you know, I'll let you make the point for the record, which is what you need. John Schubin <inaudible> make the point. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 36 of 134 Saul Gross Yeah, I am, I'm letting you make the point for the record, but all I'm saying is we're not going to decide that issue today because we're not the policy making board. So, I think you stated eloquently that.. . John Schubin But let me also make the point for the record sir, that if you, if you do not consider the arguments that we're making here today where the code requires you to, you are denying the Sterling, you are denying the individual unit owners their procedural due process based on something that is an illegal determination by Mr. Grandon in the form of this trumped up attempt to get around the specific interpretation of the zoning code by the City of Miami Commission. You cannot go forward on this today, you cannot approve it. What you should do is you should seek a comprehensive determination from the director, from legal staff, but you cannot approve it today or it is reversible error. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Other speakers, please come forward. Anyone else who would like to speak on this? Charles, I think he was next and then you. Kenneth Werner Is this mobile? I would like to discuss this... Saul Gross First you have to tell us your name. Kenneth Werner My name is Kenneth Werner. I'm a unit owner at the Sterling Condominium. Saul Gross Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 37 of 134 Kenneth Werner And... Saul Gross That is mobile if you want to walk around. Kenneth Werner I'll only... It's stuck. Saul Gross You got to... Hold on. Kenneth Werner I'll only take... Saul Gross Just wait to speak into the mike. Kenneth Werner I'll only take a minute of your time. I only want to discuss this residential tower. Mr. Marcus... Saul Gross You don't have to speak quite so loudly with the microphone. Kenneth Werner I'm sorry. Saul Gross It's okay. Kenneth Werner I'm sorry. Saul Gross It's okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 38 of 134 Kenneth Werner Mr. Marcus previously discussed the, in the case of the Westin about harmonizing an older building with a newer building, I submit to you that this is a successful example of harmonizing with an older building. And... Saul Gross Which, when you're saying this, what are you pointing to? Kenneth Werner Okay, to the suites hotel, the smaller building which harmonizes design-wise with the older building, the original hotel and here we have a grotesque, monstrous, what is this? This is a tower with a stump on it. It's a disgrace aesthetically and as architects I think you're all familiar with the dictum form follows function. Here you have its perversion, form follows finance. Architectonica is a well-respected firm, but this is a disgrace. Thank you. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Charles Schaab My turn? Saul Gross Yeah. Charles Schaab Thank you. My name is Charles Schaab. I live at 301 Ocean Drive. I'm the chairman of an organization called Save Miami Beach. I'm here in that capacity. I would like to ask the proponent of this project if you could tell us what the dimension is south of the residential tower to the north. What is that length? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 39 of 134 Saul Gross He's talking about the width of the condominium tower. Charles Schaab The condominium tower from north to south. What's that dimension? I'd also like to know if it is the staff comments that this is acceptable. Saul Gross The, just as a way of.. Thomas Mooney I don't understand your question, if it's acceptable. Saul Gross As a way... Charles Schaab Is the staff saying that this... Saul Gross Let's give him some background. When this project was originally presented to the board and approved by the board, the staff filed an appeal saying that they thought that the condominium tower should be oriented perpendicular to the beach instead of parallel to it, so as not to wall off the vistas to, I think is the point you're getting at. All right, what was the disposition of the appeal? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 40 of 134 Thomas Mooney What had happened was staff had appealed the original approval, actually we didn't really appeal it. Let me, let me back up. Staff had, the administration based upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Department had contemplated an appeal of this project last December. We then went into a set of negotiations with the applicant to try to resolve our, all the outstanding issues so that we could avert an appeal and it was concluded after a lot of back and forth that the administration could live with the parallel orientation of the building to Collins Avenue as opposed to a perpendicular orientation if they would develop the <inaudible> they have in this respect. Notwithstanding that in the original staff report we had recommended that the building become parallel. Notwithstanding the fact that... Saul Gross No, that the building become perpendicular. Thomas Mooney I'm sorry, perpendicular to Collins Avenue. Notwithstanding that because this is a new application that's very, very similar to the previous application and based upon the stance that we took in terms of the negotiations in order to avert an appeal of the matter last December, we therefore supported that. Saul Gross Two Decembers ago. Thomas Mooney No, therefore, what, we're supporting this new application. Saul Gross Right. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 41 of 134 Thomas Mooney So, our, our, you know, the long and the short of it is, yeah, we are recommending approval of the project subject to the site plan. Charles Schaab Well, I just find that stunning. The problem, with all due respect, it's not the administration that has to live with this. It's the residents who live to the west. It's everyone who has to get up every day of his or her life living in that area and has to look at this building. If you look at context, this building is vertical to the beach, or perpendicular. This is perpendicular. This isn't perpendicular, but it's not particularly large, and the one down there is perpendicular. This project is entirely out of context. There is no question. If you don't like the Floridian, if you don't like the Yacht Club, if you want tall slender towers, there's a tall slender tower, but this is the perfect case of tall slender towers. There's a tall slender tower, which is oriented entirely the wrong way. And it was quite clear from the architect's presentation that all consideration as to how to site this related to how, what happened to the hotel rooms here and what happened to all of their project. The, there is no hiding of a mass. You can't change colors. You can't notch things and so forth. This is still a mass. I don't know if this is two hundred feet long, but it looks damned close to me. Two hundred and twenty-five feet, a two hundred and twenty-five foot wall that's a minimum thirty stories across North Beach. How can anybody suggest that this is going to benefit North Beach? How can anyone who's a true and good architect and urbanist suggest that this is the right way to treat this project? This is inexcusable. This is inexcusable. It does no more with context of the line of buildings or with that neighborhood. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 42 of 134 I would invite all of you to come over here. You should see what this thing looks like from this side. You have, you have a six-story garage. There's nothing on here but some, but some screen and some, and some lines. You have a, you have a block long entrance to this hotel on the south that has not one bit of urban life on the front of it, just a long driveway. You have the walks to the beach with what I have feeling there is no habitable space along this. There's no habitable space of the walk along the beach here. You know, I cannot conceive that someone can present a project such as this in an urban environment. You have small buildings over here. There's no context to this project. This project is simply comparable to something that you would dump in Times Square and expect people to live with it. It's a project to get eight hundred cars in and out. It's a project for conventions. You know, I think perhaps in some ways, and horrifying that it might be, it might be wise to suggest to people that they don't have the right to build their FAR if it's out of context. You know, that's what this board is about. This board is about context and about how it relates and I would challenge anyone to come over to this side and tell me how this project relates to the street and how this project relates. You have a solid wall here. People are to walk to this beach I suppose, or to view the beach coming down here and there's nothing on the other side of this building, except some columns, it appears to be facing a walL CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 43 of 134 So I would submit to you under all of the, of the standards that are laid out in the zoning code that this project does not meet those. That the reason, and just one last aside, the reason they have the west pool, I presume, is because for a substantial portion of this day they will have shadowed the beach. This beach belongs to everyone. This is not their beach. They don't have the right to say, well we're going to put our people over here and meanwhile the rest of the world is going to be in shadow. There's a great responsibility here when you build on the water and these people have only looked at the responsibility of what they're going to do from the inside with their own project. And this building one, shouldn't be built because of its height. I understand that the attorneys will tell us we can have height, but I to this day don't understand that. It's absurd. And you've got a project that simply creates a 225-foot wall. We all are horrified by the Floridian. We're all horrified by the Yacht Club. We're all horrified by the Blue and Green Diamonds because we know what they're doing and what we are getting is every mile, every mile on this beach there's going to be one of these horrible projects. 63rd, 53rd, 43rd, 33rd, we're going to get them and we've got them on the west.side now and we're all going to be living with these walls if this board and this city doesn't stop. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 44 of 134 Now the commission has said it wants it stopped and they are the ultimate, actually the voters are the ultimate policy makers in this city and they have spoken a number of times, and they are the ones who are, we are all to respond to. Secondly, the commission has spoken. Everyone has said we don't want the basically tall buildings. That's what we don't want any more and definitely we don't want walls and that's all this is. It's one wall to accommodate a developer and I would suggest that there is not one bit of context in this as it meets the ground, Mr. Quintana, or as it meets the sky. Thank you very much. Saul Gross Okay, thank you, Charles. Okay, Henry. Henry Kay Henry Kay, 6039 Collins Avenue. I cannot, I do not propose to match the eloquence of Mr. Schaab, nor has he left too much to be said on it. I found a little area that we all concern ourselves with that was not touched. And that is something that we've looked at with every project that came before this board and that is level of service, traffic. We speak about the beauty, or lack of it, but we're not speaking about the level of service that again, this kind of project may create and inundate the area with traffic. I also find it amazing and amusing, and I think it speaks volumes. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 45 of 134 A.M. pool and P.M. pool. I sat and I listened. First time I've ever heard it because this is the first time that a developer in a roundabout way admitted the impact of the shadow that they themselves would be suffering from it and their, the people who will be living in their project, whether it's a hotel or a condo, will be affected by their structures. And so without taking up more of your time, it can get monotonous hearing the same thing, sitting there, hearing the same thing over and over again and I won't, I will not expose you to that. I will thank you for please remembering these things. I realize that this will not be resolved today. A great deal of time was taken and I won't take up any more. Thank you agaIn. Saul Gross All right, thank you Mr. Kay. Len Robertson Len Robertson speaking for the Miami Design Preservation League. The Carillon is one of the fine examples of Miami Beach 1950's resort hotel architecture. Only a handful of buildings like this one were ever built in Miami Beach and in North... Pardon? Speaker <inaudible> CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 46 of 134 Len Robertson I'm sorry, the Carillon is one of the fine examples of 1950's Miami Beach resort hotel architecture. Only a handful of these buildings were ever built. Only two were ever built in North Beach, the other being the Deauville. And as such the Carillon is filled and is rich in architectural character. It's unfortunate that this proposal chooses to erase so much of that rich character. The porte-cochere is unforgettable. The signage is distinctive. There's fine keystone work along the sidewalk where the entry ramp is. Not to speak of all the interior spaces that are being obliterated. There's a beautiful corrugated concrete wall along Collins Avenue above the existing storefronts. The ballroom spaces facing the pool area are covered in an undulating glass curtain wall. Also, there's a lot of very fine intricate glass curtain wall work in the tower itself which I believe is being modified. So the Miami Design Preservation League would like to see more of the original Carillon being incorporated into the new project and obviously the condominium tower is grossly massive and incompatible with the neighborhood and I thought that Miami Beach had left the place where it has been for so long that any development was good development because clearly, I don't see how this could be good for North Beach. Thank you. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Let's hear from Mr. North Beach. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 47 of 134 Donald Shockey My name is Donald Shockey. I'm the director of North Beach Development Corporation. Indeed there are a few people in North Beach who are, think that this project is a good thing for North Beach. We have a 30 member board of directors which includes voting representatives from numerous homeowners' associations and civic groups in the vicinity of the project. These groups include the Normandy Shores Homeowners' Association, the Normandy <inaudible> Homeowners' Association, the Ellison Island Homeowners' Association, the Biscayne Point Homeowners' Association, Ayuda Unidad, among others. This board has unanimously endorsed the project both in concept and design. The project will obviously have a tremendously positive economic impact and is viewed as indeed critical to the economic, the future economic health of North Beach. Economics are not your purview, I understand, but our board also enthusiastically endorses the design of the project. The renderings and the model have been brought to our meetings repeatedly. The project architects have individually met with several of our board members to hear specific design concerns and have made meaningful changes to address those concerns. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 48 of 134 The developers have also been completely responsive to design concerns expressed by the city administration itself It should also be kept in mind that this project rectifies a major aesthetic problem that has been a terrible blight on North Beach for many years, which is the presence of a huge, abandoned, deteriorating structure, the former Carillon Hotel, in the very middle of a neighborhood that is struggling very hard to improve itself NBDC urges you to approve this project which has undergone very intense design scrutiny and has passed with high marks. And we look forward to the development of an exciting new landmark in North Beach. Saul Gross Okay, just one question. Has the board met recently? When you say that the board endorses it, is that from when it was presented a year and a half ago or is it, have you guys met recently? Donald Shockey I don't remember the exact date of the unanimous resolution, but it comes up at every board meeting, people want to know what's going on with the project. We, Manny just reminded me that we re- endorsed it in December at his request. Saul Gross December 97? Donald Shockey December 97. Saul Gross And you say it's unanimous and some of the members of North Beach are the homeowners' association? CITY OF MIAl\fi BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 49 of 134 Donald Shockey They are representatives from the homeowners' associations. I'm not saying that they have formally obtained, you know, approvals from their boards to do this. But they are on our board as a representative from those homeowners' associations. Saul Gross Okay, so they may be endorsing it personally but not on behalf of their homeowners' associations. Donald Shockey Well, yes, but the idea is that that's what they're there for, to represent the, you know, we hope that they have taken this to their individual boards and gotten their input. Saul Gross Okay, thank you very much. Donald Shockey Sure. Saul Gross Okay, other comment. Minette. Minette Benson Yes, Minette Benson for the record, 5600 block Collins Avenue. I would like to concur with Mr. Schaab and other speakers who were negative about this project which is contemplated for that space, the 6800 block of Collins. When will you find out, and I think that you should, the number of units in the aggregate, the number of employees and their parking needs, the number of parking spaces, and a traffic study which has to be approved before you consider this a project again and to tell us the effect of this huge project, not only on Collins Avenue in the 60's but on Indian Creek? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 50 of 134 It is an absurd thing to think that this will have no impact. You have the White Diamond nearby. Collins Avenue is, after all, a residential and a commercial street that serves the entire city. If you care to at any time soon, just take a little look up there, just drive up there between five and seven or between four and seven in the evening and in the morning. At the moment it's an impossible situation and Indian Creek is always an impossible situation. So I will agree with those who oppose this project and ask that you take cumulative effect seriously. I mean accumulation of bodies, of cars, of service vehicles, of pedestrians, of everything, up and down that strip called Collins Avenue. This is not in, would not be in existence on its own on a desert island. Thank you. Saul Gross Thank you. Any other comment from the public? Xavier Severa My name's Xavier Severa. I reside in the Sterling Condominium. Saul Gross Lift the mike up so that you can... Xavier Severa I live in the Sterling, Xavier Severa. I'm also a small business owner directly across the street from the Sterling in the Norman Hotel. I have 30 units and 3,000 square feet of commercial space. I'm just going to wing it. I'm not prepared here with anything in writing. I disagree with a lot of what these people say about the design. I think the design's wonderful. I think it's very conducive to the original building. I think it has a cool 50's look to it. I like the color schemes. I think the corridors have been well met and I think that's why it was blessed by the prior board. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 51 of 134 The width of the main tower, of the condominium tower, certainly is a concern. However, when you take a five acre space, I mean is any of us going to be completely pleased with something of this magnitude when something is designed? No. But I think this design in its concept, as a whole project is very unique, very clean, very conducive to what the original Carillon was all about. I don't see anything stolen. I see a lot added. As far as the neighborhood itself, I mean, we all know it's been in trouble. This is a very important project, it's a vital project to the area and I give it a thumbs up, I really do. Saul Gross Douglas. . . Douglas Duany <inaudible> Saul Gross I think he's... Xavier Severa Okay, do I tend to benefit as a small business owner like the Golden Sands immediately to the north? Sure I do. But more importantly I think the residents of the area benefit because that area is in a state right now where something like this will and can make a difference. Saul Gross Okay. Thank you very much. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 52 of 134 Nicolas Quintana The question is, just right on the subject, because we're getting several readings and I don't know the neighborhood. I'm not entirely sure it functions as a neighborhood. I'm not entirely sure about a bunch of things, but in what way will, is your perception that it will affect the residents and owners in the area? It will lead to increased activity on the Collins Avenue? People will walk more? Xavier Severa Right now the state of Col... Nicolas Quintana Is employment local? I'd just like you to break down the benefits for the neighborhood. Xavier Severa The state of Collins Avenue... I understand what you're saying. The state of Collins Avenue within that particular geographic area of four or five blocks, people don't walk. It's decrepit. This five- acre piece of property, which desperately needs to be developed and I think it's a wonderful design, is one of the reasons why. It's awful looking. We have nothing more than a Dunkin' Donuts strip mall and a Publix. This creates a wonderful environment where even locals can go inside and enjoy the cafes and the restaurants and whatever else might be in there. I understand there might be a health club and so forth. I mean it adds a lot to the area as opposed to what some people may think just a fiscally beneficial monster for the owners of the hotel. I don't think that's the case at all. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 53 of 134 I also think, which no one has brought up, we're looking at a first class hotel operator. Swiss Hotel is a major, first class, world class operator. We've got a world class design firm, Architectonica's been working on this. And frankly let's look at it. It doesn't look like White Diamond. It doesn't look like a lot of these other condominiums. It has kept a very 50's flair to it. And as far as the Sterling Condominium Association goes, I know owners in there who like it and some don't and so forth, but the Sterling, the people on the north side which is where I live, our balconies and our glass face the ocean which we don't look straight at this building. The setback of the all suites hotel is wonderful and it works very well for the owners of the condominiums in there. Again, they're not all going to agree. None of us are. This is a five-acre parcel. Carlos T ouzet Now, okay, may I follow up with another question? Xavier Severa Sure. Carlos T ouzet The blocks<inaudible> inside format I just don't know, you're. The blocks to the side of you are, are what, are medium-scale apartment houses? Two story? Carlos T ouzet Two-story. No, no, no, it's more. I mean it's a variety of things happening. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 54 of 134 Xavier Severa They're, they're between the, between the Deauville and the Golden Sands, there are no condominiums except for the Sterling. Now if you go over to Indian Creek you primarily run into very small two- story, two-story buildings and so forth which frankly, I think with this, some people may say there's going to be a shadow. But I think, I think what it does bring to the area certainly overcompensates for the fact that we may get a slight shadow. I really don't see this as a monstrosity otherwise I would voice that opinion. Carlos T ouzet Do people in that area access the beach? I'm getting a little bit technical here. How do they get to the beach? Xavier Severa They're getting to the beach via the street that separates the Golden Sands and this project, primarily. Carlos Touzet Okay. Xavier Severa And cutting through the Deauville. As far as the beach goes right now, that entire five-acre parcel and the beaches in front of it are a nightmare. There are homeless sleeping on those beaches. There are, there's criminal activity and so forth. This is a blessing. Let's get it going. It was approved by the prior board. It's a wonderful project. Thanks for your time. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Any other comment from the public? Donald Shockey I just wanted to say a couple of other things... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 55 of 134 Saul Gross Tell us again... Donald Shockey ...in response to that. Saul Gross ... your name agaIn. Donald Shockey Donald Shockey, director of North Beach Development Corporation. In response to the last couple of questions about... Saul Gross Context. Donald Shockey .. .I'm not sure why it's relevant, but jobs, this is going to, this project's going to provide an enormous number of service level, entry level jobs for people that have those kind of skills that live in this immediate neighborhood. They'll be able to walk to work. You know, it will generate pedestrian activity in that, regard. It will also, right now there is no pedestrian activity, especially at nighttime, on that side of Collins Avenue. People are afraid to walk that block. It's a hulking abandoned building and it's going to stimulate pedestrian activity. There's no question in that. Saul Gross All right, thank you. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 56 of 134 Donald Shockey Also, just one other point. Somebody made a comment about having the pool, a pool on each side. Well, I mean even if you had a IS-story or a 20- story building, it would still, depending on the exact siting of the pool, make sense to have two pools. If you have that luxury, it's not really related to me to the height of the building. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Any other people? We really don't have time for second comments by the, by the speakers. I'd like to, if there are no other points to be made, do you want to speak ma'am? Yeah. Last speaker and then we'll open it up to board comment. Mrs. Cruz <inaudible> Saul Gross T ell us your name, please. Mrs. Cruz My name is Mrs. Cruz. Saul Gross Pull the microphone down in front of you. Mrs. Cruz Mrs. Cruz, I'm living in the 6767 Collins, Sterling. Saul Gross Uh huh. Mrs. Cruz And I want to ask to this gentleman that speak a few minutes ago, he is an owner of the Sterling or is a tenant? Xavier Severa I'm a tenant. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 57 of 134 Saul Gross He's a tenant. Mrs. Cruz As a tenant he cannot speak for us. Saul Gross Well, anyone can speak, yeah. Mrs. Cruz Well, but it's different. Saul Gross You're an owner at the Sterling? Mrs. Cruz I am owner in the Sterling and this building is going to block all our view, okay? And I... Saul Gross Why do you say it's going to block all of your view? Which, where, which side of the building are you on? Mrs. Cruz I am in the west side. Saul Gross You need to just speak into the microphone. You're on the west side? So how is the building going to block your view? Mrs. Cruz <inaudible> Saul Gross You need to speak into the mike. Mrs. Cruz My floor is low so the view of the beach is going to be blocked. Saul Gross Mrs. Cruz Saul Gross Mrs. Cruz Saul Gross Mrs. Cruz Saul Gross Mrs. Cruz Saul Gross Mrs. Cruz Saul Gross CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 58 of 134 If you're on the west side, how do you have a view of the beach? Close to the building that they are... Db huh. ... the suite, the suite that they are going to build. Okay. And another thing... But, would you like to see no building there? Is that. . . Yes. Okay, you're not going to see no building. They're going to build something. I know. Whatever they build is... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 59 of 134 Mrs. Cruz But another thing that they are building is the kitchen and the restaurant in that side to that is going to make noise and they're going to have deliverers over there and I know those things are going to bother. And another thing that the traffic crossing this Collins from 69th, a lot of people are crossing this street to the beach because it's the only way to get to the beach and it's going to be very, very hard. Saul Gross Okay, thank you very much. Okay, at this time we'd like to take board comment. Nick, you have some thoughts on this? Nicolas Quintana Do I have to start always? Saul Gross Well, you're the urbanist and you weren't here the last time. Nicolas Quintana Yeah, let me, I would like to focus on what Miami Beach is all about because I think that's very, very important. Miami Beach to me is the place, in other words the atmosphere, the scale of the place, which makes the atmosphere, and the context, in other words persons moving around surrounded by buildings, by streets, by beaches, etc. The problem of scale is what really made Ocean Drive highly successful. If you eliminate those buildings and substitute it by buildings of big sizes like this, the place simply disappears and the economic situation of the city goes down the drain. That's the big danger of mega-structures in a place that is built around a limited size and a limited scale. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 60 of 134 I am, I respect too much the architects in Architectonica, the owners and the architects working with them, to go against the design because I think that's their responsibility. But it is my responsibility to make everybody aware that scales of this type could actually destroy the atmosphere that has already started in Miami Beach. Remember what Miami Beach was before this whole thing started. So you could be in danger of going back again. That's extremely dangerous. So in terms of the aesthetics of the project, where I actually locate the problem is precisely on the effect it can create on the overall, on the macro-sphere and the macro-ambience of the city like a total unity. And that's the reason why I won't be able to vote in favor of this project. Saul Gross Well, what, tell me specifically what would you like to see in terms of the scale? Nicolas Quintana I would like to see a reduced scale in the building. That area towards the north with the big tower there sort of breaks, to me the, completely, the scale of the City of Miami Beach. I would like to see maybe the orientation very similar to the Carillon building as a continuance of that type of avenues or <inaudible> of view that you open to the beach. Many of those things, I mean, that can be done with a project of this type, you know. And it can be done. I am sure that anybody can actually dedicate himself to do it. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 61 of 134 I want, I have heard many things about we need this to save the city. Let me tell you, you can get it and lose the city. So you have to be very careful with this. I mean, I don't want to go into the details of the building because in a way, I mean, the architects are very highly qualified. I don't have any doubts in their ability. But I am talking now as an urbanist. I'm talking from the point of view of Miami Beach itself and the enormous economic value that scale and context have in the whole atmosphere of Miami Beach. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Carlos. Carlos Touzet I just want to address a couple of things that Nicolas brought up and I have to admit I almost always agree with Nicolas. My disagreement comes in that this is a very different part of Miami Beach and unfortunately if you look across the street, and even down the street, this area has none of that character. This is barely a pedestrian area. This is barely a city. We1ve got the huge Publix building that has blank fac;ades on the street. You have something like a five-story building with an interior courtyard that's not even a courtyard. I mean that building completely disavows any knowledge of a sidewalk. Then you have the Dunkin' Donuts strip mall which is horrible. That the board allowed that to go up at any point, I mean is criminal. But you look up and down, you look at the Sterling. Somebody alluded to the Sterling as being much more sensitive to the Carillon and, I mean, I hate to say it but just look at both buildings. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 62 of 134 Even though I may have some problems with the scale of this new building, but you can see allusions to the language and the style of the original building, even though this has a thyroid problem, (Laughter) it still has, no, it still makes a very definite stylistic intention to relate to the building that's there. The Sterling does not and the rest of the block is already tainted. The rest of that neighborhood has no street life. This building, considering that you have a five-acre site, addresses the needs of that site very well. If there are issues that it needs to address maybe a little bit more carefully, they are the urban issues that exist at the sidewalk and I think we would all welcome that, but you also have to be awake to the situation that there is no sidewalk. I mean, how many of you have walked that sidewalk, really, and if you have walked it, is there a place to go right now? There isn't. I mean, we're all lying to ourselves if we think that this is the same as South Beach. It's not. This is already a canyon and people mention buildings being perpendicular to the ocean. Well, yes, that would be preferable. But come on the Maison Grande, you know, Mr. Kay you come up here all the time. But the Maison Grande is a terrible offender. I mean, that is a huge block building. And it casts shadow on its own pool. That's just the nature of having a pool on the east side because it doesn't cast a shadow on its pool? Henry Kay <inaudible> Saul Gross Okay, Henry, he's not asking... Carlos T ouzet Okay, well, but the point is, okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 63 of 134 Henry Kay <inaudible> Carlos T ouzet Okay. - Saul Gross Okay. Carlos T ouzet Let's take that as a rhetorical statement. Nicolas Quintana Carlos, let me just... Carlos T ouzet Nicolas, yeah. Nicolas Quintana ... one small point. Carlos T ouzet Yeah. Nicolas Quintana When I talked about scale, I'm not talking about height, I'm talking about scale. In other words, when you go to Ocean Drive, the scale is based on a certain height. But here, if you see this photograph, you're going to see that it's a different scale. But that is a super scale which is totally different. I mean that upped the ante so much that it goes out of scale. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 64 of 134 Carlos T ouzet I agree, but you'd have to think of the scale as being perceived from the pedestrian point of view and the people in the car. When the scale becomes this large and is setback so far from the sidewalk, it is no longer perceivable except on a citywide scale. This will affect the skyline, but I don't believe that it will actually affect the pedestrian. It really won't unless you're looking down the street and... Arthur Marcus Well, what about the beach. What about the people who live three blocks west of this? They're going to be in perpetual shadow. Carlos T ouzet Arthur, yeah, but walk a couple of blocks down the street and you'll have the same issue. Saul Gross What do you mean a couple of blocks down the street? Carlos Touzet Walking up the street you will see that most of those buildings continue to cast a shadow on the beach. This is huge, there's no question. Probably in the winter the shadow will reach Bimini, but you know that's true of a lot of other buildings on that strip. Saul Gross Right. Carlos Touzet My point is that we're not saving that neighborhood by not allowing the building to go up. It's just an appropriate structure for the scale of the development. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 65 of 134 Saul Gross You know, I, you know 71st Street is not that far away, which is in some ways the heart of North Beach, or developing North Beach. I don't think this is so far away that we have to write it off and that we couldn't incorporate it into what's becoming an urban fabric or what we all hope will be an urban fabric up on 71 st Street. Carlos Touzet But don't you have a lot of other tall towers between 71 st and this? Saul Gross I think that this one's certainly larger than the other ones, there's no question about that. But yeah, from the contextual photos we've been presented the dominant motif is a 18-story tower. So there're towers but this is bigger. Douglas, did you want to... Bernardo Fort-Brescia I'd like to maybe participate, if you don't mind, can I speak as... Saul Gross Okay, yeah, sure, absolutely. Right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia I know that for many of you this is the first time you've seen this and maybe it is time that I tell you how we reached some of these conclusions because we also tried to be sensitive and we also tried to respond to some of these issues. And except that we spent many months doing it and maybe I can shed light into some of the reasons why the buildings are positioned where they are and how they end up being. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 66 of 134 Let me begin first by explaining the first given of this and that is that right in the middle of the 750 feet of frontage we have an existing building that we've chosen to preserve. That if we had not preserved it we probably could have put easily three 40-story towers, by code, and that perpendicular to the water, lined up three 40-story towers which is in, but we have in the middle a smaller 17 -story building that is very narrow, as the old-fashioned hotels with one deeper room and one shallower room, the asymmetrical corridor, that is a narrow building. And it splits the site in half and we then looked at how to reorganize the permitted floor area ratio. And may I point out for the, that developers like our client buy these properties based on what they can build. There's a value and an investment that they make and in this capitalist world that we live in we have to respect the rights of those who make that investment and we as architects see it that way. And then following those rules, we then distributed this massing and we went first to the south of this building. And I want you always to remember, we're preserving this building in the middle and Mr. Quintana, that is really what starts the whole evolution of that design, the preservation that goes end to end from the bulkhead line to the setback line on Collins Avenue. And that is the divider. That is a real wall that exists on the site. And then we went to the south and we tried to open up the south and relate to what is really the only building that is our neighbor, because to the north we really have a street in between us and the next door neighbor, but to the south we have the Sterling building. And then we go and we design a lower scale building. We recess it as much as possible to Collins to open up the views from the Sterling. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 67 of 134 If you'll visit the Sterling you will notice that if you see it from the west you see no glass. It's a solid building with a series of diagonals and all the windows are forty-five degrees looking out to the waterfront in a diagonal direction. And if you look at your context photographs you will see that in fact, we calculated very carefully that those diagonal views from those rooms would be preserved. And by moving that tower to the back and that tower is very much in the scale of the buildings in the neighborhood. Then we're left with a balance of that square footage to locate on the north side. And, in fact, we, instead of doing a perpendicular two buildings that parallel coming all the way to the edge of the property, we did one single building in the parallel and we set it back substantially from the street. More than the Sterling is set back, more than the Carillon, more than the all suites building. We pulled it way back from the street and accommodating that pull back, knowing that we needed to do a fairly large building to accommodate the FAR, we put it in that parallel position. We thought it was the responsible thing to do. It cast the least amount of shadow to our partner to the north. If we would have, we could have put a building right against the street. We have a street there between us and the neighbor to the north, and that would have cast a much bigger shadow, and the perpendicular direction casts the least amount of shadow to the neighbor to the north because only the short end of the building is showing in that direction. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 68 of 134 I also want to make some other clarifications from some of the people who oppose this project. The space north of the hotel, which was presented as some kind of walkway that would be surrounded by these buildings is the service yard. It's part of our property. It's not a street. That is the service yard and to expect retail and activity in that street is unnecessary and illogical. That is the service yard that is an internal yard of the building. But however, I do want to point out because Mr. Duany asked the... ... proposing to widen the street, landscape it, put sidewalks on it and make it a, make it a pleasant pathway from Collins Avenue out to the beach. That becomes our residential street. That becomes the access to our residential tower and that allows us to bring the retail along Collins Avenue. And the last item is the item that was made reference with respect to the neighborhood, because, yes, we do not write off this neighborhood. We think that maybe this building in fact can become the catalyst that will activate this neighborhood. This building will have 500 jobs when it's completed, will have 1200 jobs during construction and it will, and will bring residents and visitors and tourists into this neighborhood. Currently, across the street, the so-called context is the wall of a Publix and a huge un-landscaped parking lot that is what we have to see. And adjacent to that is a strip shopping center. So what I do find hard to believe is to think that this building will not improve such a neighborhood because currently that is all there is. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 69 of 134 And yet, we are not writing it off We're having an arcade at the base of our podium. We're putting shops along the full length that do not have today a counterpart on the other side of the street. The podium is the height of development further south of this neighborhood and hopefully somebody, once this building happens, and when they see that there's enough business and there're people that will come to consume what merchants could sell, maybe this neighborhood will be transformed. And instead of having this stretch of dead area, this neighborhood hopefully will respond and this board will demand of whoever develops that parcel across the street to also have an arcade, not to have an exposed parking lot, not have solid walls on the street, like half a block of Pub Ii x that we have, and maybe we'll also have an arcade that becomes the other half of the street. Saul Gross Okay. <inaudible> Bernardo Fort-Brescia And we could have possibly a nice neighborhood in <inaudible> Saul Gross Bernardo... Nicolas Quintana Bernardo, let me say... Saul Gross Hold on, wait, let's... Nicolas Quintana I agree with you. The only problem is that you didn't describe what happened after you went... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 70 of 134 Bernardo Fort-Brescia All right. Nicolas Quintana ... to the north past the Carillon. Saul Gross He said that he had to stick whatever FAR was left on... Bernardo Fort-Brescia The rest of the FAR because we have an existing building. You know there was a choice. We could have just gone ahead and said demolish the Carillon, redistribute the FAR and, yes, we probably can do three 40-story buildings. Saul Gross But Bernardo, hold, hold on, sh. Why couldn't you have put more of the FARon the building to the south? I mean, I know this came up at our last meeting. We asked you why you couldn't put more of the mass on the building to the south of the Carillon and you said because that's all the hotel rooms that we need and the program is for more condominium units and that's what we need to put on the north side. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 71 of 134 Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well, there are several factors. First of all the lobby, the existing lobby area of the Carillon Hotel faces south. If we build more units on the south of this building we would have to increase, if we put residential units on the south of this building, because the number of hotel rooms is all we can justify from the market studies and I don't think people can be forced to do a 1200 room hotel if there's no demand for that. And our client is seeking, this is the largest hotel size he can have. If we wanted to have residential units on the south side, we have, and go taller, we would have to increase the parking podium. If we increase the parking podium, we build that podium in front of the windows of the lobby and of the rooms of the existing Carillon Hotel. Then why preserve it? If I'm going to have, I'm going to eliminate six levels out of seventeen, I'm only left with ten levels. Saul Gross Okay, you talk too fast for the stenographer. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Ob, I'm sorry, too fast? (Laughter) I'm sorry. (Laughter) Saul Gross Could you repeat that? Speaker <inaudible> Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 72 of 134 Saul Gross All right, I, you know you're saying that the programmatic needs and the economics are to a large extent, driving the design. And, you know, that may be persuasive to your client, you know, you sat on this board at one time, that's not necessarily persuasive from a Design... Bernardo Fort-Brescia I'm not talking economics now. Saul Gross Well, you are. Bernardo Fort-Brescia I'm talking aesthetics. Saul Gross No, but you are. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Because if you put five levels of garage attached to this building, you might as well not keep the Carillon Hotel. I mean, what, I'm left with 12 levels of the hotel. I mean, it would be illogical to build on the south side of this hotel where the existing lobby and the existing arrival of the hotel is, to build its, a garage to accommodate more apartments on the south side. Saul Gross No... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah, we could have done a, you say a 30-story building on the south side, but where are the cars? They have to be somewhat close to those, to those apartments. I cannot have a mile away, you know, 500 feet away on the other side and traverse a hotel to get to your car. The hotel is a wall that goes end to end... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 73 of 134 Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia .. . from bulkhead to property line. Saul Gross Okay. Peter, you had a comment. Peter Blitstein Yeah, I think, I grew up here and I watched in the 50's and 60's as all the most beautiful residences you could imagine were torn down to build Collins Avenue and that was, mid-Collins I should say, all the way when the Roney was tom down. And they built these, buildings would stretch end to end, no view, no anything and that was sort of the economics of those times pushed that. Now we're in a different time, which is Mr. Quintana was alluding to, where now we're forced to build these very huge buildings. Obviously the land cost and the pressures and all that. And there is definitely a feeling that we are trying to resist these huge buildings because every week all we, every time we're here, enormous buildings come over before us and most of them are pretty bad. I'm not going to get into the specifics, only to say that I think that the way this is handled is really quite fantastic considering that he could have done it a lot of different ways and he chose to break up the masses. And as long as he's, in my opinion, I don't think that the scale should be the issue of our comments of this building. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 74 of 134 I don't think that the verticality should be the issue, because if he is allowed to build this by Zoning, which I believe he is, that's what we've been told, then I think he could have done it like he said. He could have built three big buildings. He could have done it like the South Pointe buildings, three triangles, and blocked the view all the way through. But in a way, if you look at his, at how he deals with the street, it's how these buildings in some extent were approached in the 50's and 60's. There's a whimsical attitude about the street and you're right, you cannot walk on that street. I drive that street every Sunday. You can barely drive on that street because it's so offensive. What he is doing here is he is giving you a real sense of elegance. He's restoring the existing building. He's giving you some whimsy on the fayade. He's giving you back the type of, at least a piece, a minimal piece, of what the City of Miami Beach was when I was a kid. When those buildings were built when I was a kid they were complaining that there was a scale that was too big. The Fontainebleu was the biggest building, you know, at its time and on and on and on. It's a natural progression. Whether we want it or not, these large buildings are coming unless there's a total moratorium. And for all the big buildings that we've seen this is, in my opinion, one of the most skillfully detailed because of the way he's broken the masses. And I absolutely don't object to it being parallel to the beach because he has really given the people in the Sterling more than, if you look at the Westin that preceded him, he's given the Sterling a lot more than the Westin that preceded this project. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 75 of 134 So I really feel, just as you talked about Bernardo . before, that this is a very sensitive solution, that he is relating to all the issues around and that if this project goes ahead it will definitely be the catalyst for this neighborhood and it desperately needs something. . Saul Gross Okay, thank you Peter. Arthur. Arthur Marcus <inaudible> Bernardo Fort-Brescia I'd like to point out in that respect that even though we have a very... Saul Gross Wait, Bernardo, Bernardo, hold on. You had plenty of chance to speak. Give Arthur a chance to speak. Arthur Marcus I'd like to disagree on, substantially with what my previous colleague just said. I do agree that this is a handsome building and I was on the board the first time and I voted for it. And since that, a year and a half has passed and I think the city and its residents are in a much different place than we were at a year and a half ago. And when I look at this building now I really do have to bear the responsibility I have as a member, as a citizen of this city, one who works and lives here, and wonder how this will live with us for 40, 50, 60 years to come. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 76 of 134 I think it's too brutal an intrusion on the cityscape right now. I can't, I don't have a specific suggestion to you as to how to site the building on the lot. I think all of us, I think many of us would like to see the Carillon Hotel stay there. I mean, it is a part of Miami Beach's history and certainly nobody would suggest that it go away and we certainly wouldn't want to see three towers marching down the site. But I find, I do find it hard to believe that this is the only solution to this program. Now, perhaps as some of the other members of the board have said, perhaps there is too much FAR, there is too much program that you've been required as an architect to program in here. We can't, we as a board can't address that, but we can say that there's too much bulk, there's too much mass on the site, which I do believe, I do believe... Saul Gross You mean on the north face of the site. Arthur Marcus On the north part of the site. I would like to see the bulk and the mass of the building program redistributed somehow so that it's more evenly distributed. I mean, I'm not adverse to towers, and I think that towers can be quite handsome. I do remember your original arguments as to how you tied contexturally the building of this new tower in with the Carillon and I do follow that, I follow that argument. But I just, I don't follow, I have a real concern with the orientation of the building right now. And I don't know, maybe it needs to be on an angle. Maybe it needs to be skewed somehow. But somehow to break up that massive wall that will be the legacy that this project leaves. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 77 of 134 I think any project that's built on this site will certainly have a major impact on the city and certainly be a generator of hopefully good economic times for North Beach. But I think we also, as a board, have a responsibility to look at this from a citywide basis and the kind of mandate that the citizens have really set in the last year and a half Saul Gross Okay. Arthur Marcus Thus, I can't vote for this project today. Saul Gross All right, Don. Don Worth I have, I have three comments. First, after spending some time in North Beach I can appreciate how people want some things to happen there because it's a great site and something like this could really be a catalyst. My concerns are as follows. One, the parallelness of the large building to the beach. It's one thing to have mass. It's another thing to have height. And it's another thing to have being parallel to the beach. But you combine them all together and you create a statement that unfortunately many residents have seen with the Floridian and Sunset Harbor. So I'm not just concerned with how it appears from Collins Avenue, but really from a couple of miles away. And sort of getting back to Nicolas' comment, psychologically that affects urban context, how we perceive our community. Ifwe're a couple of miles away and we see the Floridian or whatever large building looming out of the sunset and blurring our sight lines, it, to me it psychologically means something. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 78 of 134 A second concern I have is we started the conversation at the, I don't know how many hours ago on this, about the fact that this was approved a year ago and the approval has expired and ordinarily it would have to be resubmitted under new zoning but that's not the case because there was a variance at play. I don't understand all of it. I heard a lot of stuffback and forth. All I can say is I don't understand it. And the third issue that I'd just like to comment on, and I know we're not necessarily supposed to have purview over it, is the issue of traffic. And I do it only, even with the understanding that Dean is construing this, our authority narrowly, and that may or may not be questioned at a later date, nevertheless.. . Saul Gross Don, just speak into the mike. Don Worth Nevertheless, number 14, we do have to look at the comprehensive plan. The issues I have, and I'm not, and this is just a global issue that we have with every project, and the community has. This particular project, like every project, is out of concurrency. There's a Level F on Harding Avenue right now. The irony is that the, what will happen is all of the sites in city, there will be some mitigation plan approved, or reviewed. My problem, by the way Tom, with all the mitigation plans that I've seen is that nothing has been, nothing has addressed the pedestrian element of mitigation, which is important. But, nevertheless, there will be a mitigation plan approved if only because the city has never done anything to address traffic and there are things that can be done. Whether it's singulization, so forth and so on. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 79 of 134 Unfortunately, the way concurrency appears to be set up, what will happen is there has then a finite amount of capacity we have to use up. It comes on a first serve, first time basis and unfortunately, the trophy properties, like this one, will absorb all of the capacity. And in three or four years we're going to have the very difficult choice of having all of this in:fillland that we would like to develop and the owners would like to develop in a responsible way. We have the dilemma. If we let them develop it, we exceed our levels of concurrency as defined by the comprehensive plan. It's a Pandora's Box. We can't resolve it here. Saul Gross I don't think we have that much vacant land in the interior that that's an issue. Don Worth What? Well, maybe it's not, ifit's not vacant, it's, it's buildings that are, that are going to get a higher grade of re-use. I noticed, for example, in the traffic engineering study here, the traffic engineer suggested that the Caril... all of the traffic... Saul Gross The renovated Carillon's not included. Don Worth Yeah, that' that's no included. So you have all of those games to play with that you have to watch out for. But in a certain sense I agree with them because I'd like to look at all of the buildings and all of the higher use that we're going to receive and make reservations for that. But we can't do that, so... Saul Gross Well, that's not the way the process is done. It's first come, first serve. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 80 of 134 Don Worth That's right and that's why it gets, but then that puts us out of compliance with the comprehensive plan because we've, the citizens have mandated this concurrency stuff And unfortunately, what we have is we have this hot potato that first went to the commission, then it stayed with us for a meeting, now it's at Land Adjustment or whatever the board... Saul Gross Zoning Board, yeah. Don Worth Where I'm sure they'll be thrilled with it. But the concern is it's going to be going back and forth and stuff is not going to be decided until the last minute and we're going to end up being out of compliance with our comprehensive plan. Saul Gross Okay. Don Worth So... Saul Gross Well, we've got three that are vocally against. Douglas. . . Speaker <inaudible> I'd like to address <inaudible> Saul Gross <inaudible> wait, I just want to get a sense. Douglas, do you have a take on this, or... Douglas Duany <inaudible> I have a bunch of confusing takes, you know? It is mega-structural. It kind of.. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 81 of 134 Saul Gross It is what? Douglas Duany Mega-structural. Saul Gross All right. Douglas Duany It's a huge project and in a way I think it's a bad precedent. On the other hand, especially if you go down to the eye level thing, it is incredibly skilled. I'm sort oflike astonished and enjoying it. It's urban, which is very important if there's going to be hope for the neighborhood. And on that relationship I'd like the staff to know that there is a pavilion that may privatize that road access and that if anything, in this sort of neighborhood feeling that I'm getting making a nicer retail edge into the street would possibly, if there is going to be the possibility of a catalyst for this neighborhood, I would pay a lot of attention to that. Saul Gross Which street are you talking about, Douglas? Douglas Duany The street that goes, the access street. Saul Gross The beach access? Douglas Duany Yeah. Saul Gross To put retail on that street? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 82 of 134 Douglas Duany Well, turn the corner, but you know, it can, yeah, yeah. Just detail it as a street and get the pavilion out. I'm not entirely sure what the pavilion is doing and I'm a little bit worried about the new curves, which is the very latest sort of landscape addition. You have a, you have a curving step system that's not in this plan that just appeared. I don't know if you're on top of the details, Bernardo, but... Bernardo Fort-Brescia <inaudible> Saul Gross Bernardo, take the traveling mike, please. Douglas Duany See, if it is going to help at all the neighborhood, these things become very important. Bernardo Fort-Brescia You're asking regarding the additional arcade? It doesn't appear in the 3D drawings because they're prior to that. Douglas Duany Right, but there's a, there's a curving step system in one of the things that you presented. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes. Douglas Duany Is that new? It's not on the... Bernardo Fort-Brescia It's new. It's part of the, what was part ofthe recommendations of the previous hearing to address the scale here with, in front of the retail. Douglas Duany Okay, and then you rise up <inaudible> CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 83 of 134 Bernardo Fort-Brescia <inaudible> rise to the flood level, yes. Douglas Duany Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia We need to rise here to be at flood elevation. Douglas Duany And what's the pavilion on the street, at the end of the entrance? Bernardo Fort-Brescia Here, it's just a gateway pavilion. It is an open gazebo that one walks through and under to reach out to the beach. This is a new walkway to the beach that we are proposing. Douglas Duany Why did you put a pavilion there? I mean, considering how nicely <inaudible> urban <inaudible> Bernardo Fort-Brescia <inaudible> Douglas Duany I don't mean to put you in an awkward position. Saul Gross It's a simple issue. Speaker <inaudible> Bernardo Fort-Brescia So he's asking why we're relocating it. Yeah, that's <inaudible> we would not put it. We're relocating a pavilion. .. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 84 of 134 Douglas Duany To there. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes. Douglas Duany And the coastal construction line is around there, right? Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes, right here. Right here, no, this is the set back line ofthe city. The coastal control line is right here. It's right here. Douglas Duany Having done a fair amount considering, you know, your parking requirement for the neighborhood, which you have done... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah. Douglas Duany I would just not do that. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Not provide this. Douglas Duany Not provide that, no. It gives a great sort of control part. It privatizes that road quite a bit. You know, especially after you go through the front car court entrance. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well, it is not part of our project. It's part of the city improvements. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Fll..E No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 85 of 134 Douglas Duany Oh, oh, the city's doing that. Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right. Douglas Duany Oh, great. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah. It's a... Douglas Duany Our friend. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah. It's part of the public, public improvements of this street. This street currently is extremely narrow. Douglas Duany Oh, I, no, I thought it was some mysterious hotel reason that... Bernardo Fort-Brescia I think I failed to point out something here which is revealing that I didn't explain. The property line is in the middle of the street and we are expa... and the current street is off to that side and it's extremely narrow and we are widening that street so that it becomes more usable, putting sidewalks on either side of the street and landscaping and putting pavers and providing this access walkway to the boardwalk. All of this is new improvements that will occur including, essentially, us giving up a piece of our property in order to be able to widen that street which then relocates the curb of the comer and matches the opposite side of the street, which currently are not. So, now finally these two streets will be aligning and there's a pavilion here that is part of the sort of public improvements <inaudible>. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 86 of 134 Saul Gross <inaudible> let's deal with the basic issue, okay, because, you know... Douglas Duany No, yeah, yeah. No, no, the basic issue is will it help the neighborhood. Saul Gross Well, the basic issue is, you know, it's a mega- structure, okay. Douglas Duany Yeah. Saul Gross And everybody agrees it's a mega structure. The question is, do we like that? Do we want to live with that or don't we? That's, that's our threshold question. Douglas Duany It's, it's very, okay, my feeling is... Saul Gross Let me just, I just want to... Douglas Duany Okay, could I just make one comment? Saul Gross Okay, go ahead. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 87 of 134 Douglas Duany Because actually it hasn't been mentioned for awhile. It's very skillfully done in relationship to the street. What I do find really disturbing, and this is sort of an emotional landscape reaction, is not so much the urban impact of the shadow because I've lived in marginal neighborhoods with huge condos and not seen them be helped by them. Is the sheer devastation of that shadow on that sand. And that really has me all emotional, to be honest. Saul Gross Really, it's interesting that you say that because my take on this, and I was on the board that approved this before also and the Green Diamond and Blue Diamond had not been built at that time. I find those buildings harder to deal with when I drive south on what is it, on, not Indian Creek, La Gorce, on La Gorce, as I drive south on La Gorce in the middle of the residential neighborhood and I see those towers looming over the residential neighborhood. And you know, I've always in the past been very sensitive to the program that the developer has and, you know, the south building is the hotel, the north building is the condominium, they don't want more hotel, they can't put more of the mass on the south side. And I think the design's very skillful. I think it's a beautiful design, if all I was looking at was the north building. But, you know, growing out of the Westin experience, and this is one large project, I just feel that there's too much mass on the north site, unwarrantedly so. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 88 of 134 I mean, it's being compelled by your program and maybe I'm less sympathetic to that program need as I've learned to see what the consequences are of the Blue Diamond and the Green Diamond and how they loom over the neighborhood. And if that was your only choice and you had that FAR and you bought it and you owned it, then I'd say, you know, go for it because I don't have a better way to tell you to do it and I think that, you know, as a developer I think you should be able to build what, you know, what FAR you have and how many square feet you have. But in this particular case I think you have the ability to redistribute the mass in a way that's going to impact the neighborhood less. And you're saying I don't want to do that because it's, my program is different and at this point I'm less sympathetic to that argument than I used to be. And so I have a harder time with it because, it's beautiful, but it's beautiful in isolation and when I see what the ramifications are and I know there are alternatives, I'd rather see the alternatives more explored. Bernardo Fort-Brescia But it's... Saul Gross One second, no... John Schubin This'll take fifteen... Saul Gross No, John, I want to hear from Bernardo because 1... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well, I'm listening to what you're saying and I was trying to understand what, are you referring that... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 89 of 134 Saul Gross I'm referring... Bernardo Fort-Brescia ... you would find it more sympathetic to the neighborhood if we reorganized the north tower and made it less height... Saul Gross Yeah. Bernardo Fort-Brescia ... within itself, or to relocate square footage to the south? Saul Gross <inaudible> to relocate square footage to the south, yeah. That's, that's what, I mean it feels awkward in looking at it because there's so much of the mass is located on the northern piece rather than having some of it distributed to the south and I know that you, there are programmatic problems with that, but from a Design point of view, that's not our issue. I mean, and I used to be more sympathetic to that, I have to say, but having lived with the result of it and seeing what it does to the neighborhood and to the surrounding residential neighborhood, I'm becoming less sympathetic to it. Bernardo Fort-Brescia You're making more reference to the height and the massing than the orientation of the buildings, correct? Saul Gross Yeah, mm hm. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Because, in fact, we have a very big wide window to the water over the low rise portion of the hotel where.. . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 90 of 134 Saul Gross I know and I think... Bernardo Fort-Brescia ... which is more than normal... Saul Gross I think... Bernardo Fort-Brescia .. . for Miami Beach. I mean that's more than any, than most developers in Miami Beach have but it's compensated then with, it compensates the parallel building. But you're making reference more to the height, correct, than the orientation? Saul Gross I'm thinking that if you took off the, if you left your L-shape of the green building on the north side, took off the red piece and took off the green tower and you were left with that L so that there was a view corridor there and some of the massing was moved, you know, ideally from a composition point of view it'd be wonderful if you didn't have to redistribute the mass, but understand you do. I mean, you have your FAR rights, but I would sooner see that redistributed over onto the southern piece. I mean, I'd rather see you lose the Carillon, frankly, if that helped solve that problem than to live with the loomingness of the piece that's on the north. I don't think that saving the, I don't think you're restoring the Carillon as Randall pointed out in any means. And so to me, again, it's probably an economic thing that it's cheaper to save the Carillon, which I understand, but I would rather lose that and be able to redistribute the mass than keep the Carillon there if you're just keeping if for what you say you're accomplishing by leaving the Carillon. So... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 91 of 134 Bernardo Fort-Brescia I see. Well, we have studied the possibility of the lowering of the north tower but within the context of it's permitted FAR. Saul Gross Of the north piece. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah, internally. Not redistributing the square footage over to the south side simply because of the size of the hotel. You know... Saul Gross Right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia It becomes a... Saul Gross It's too much hotel. You're saying, in other words, to make the north building shorter and squatter. I mean I hate to say that, but 1... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well, you know, I would still try to make it interesting, you know,... Saul Gross Right, I'm sure... Bernardo Fort-Brescia ...and in right proportion... Saul Gross ...capable hands. Right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia ...to that extent. But, yes I guess in common language, yes. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 92 of 134 Saul Gross All right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia It would mean having to redistribute some of the high point of the building into let's say the L-shape portion and increase the coral colored portion. Saul Gross Now the other thing is... Bernardo Fort-Brescia And reorganize the massing of the building. It is... Saul Gross Well, we have to look at that, Bernardo... Bernardo Fort-Brescia But, you know, we were pretty convinced of what we were doing if you see those 3D views from the street how the buildings almost look like separated, almost like two buildings, and how they break up <inaudible> at a couple of points, you knOw. Saul Gross I mean we'd have to look, we'd have to look at that redistribution. I don't believe, you know, you've got wonderful legal counsel, but I don't believe that you're going to win that argument that you don't have to comply with the height limit. I just can't believe that you can accomplish, by submitting a new application, the same application, what you couldn't accomplish by getting an extension. I just don't believe that was the legislative intent and it's a legal issue. And I'm just, you can't get a one year extension of the project because of what the, you know, what the rules are so I don't see how you could get, put yourself in the same place by submitting the same application as a new application. It just makes no sense to me that you'd be allowed to do that. But, the lawyers will decide that. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 93 of 134 Bernardo Fort-Brescia Maybe a lawyer <inaudible> Saul Gross Speaking of a lawyer, yeah. Speaker This'll take fifteen... Speaker <inaudible> Saul Gross Because I want to wrap it up and see if we... Speaker Fifteen seconds. Saul Gross Yeah. Speaker I'm reminded that we do not want to waive the argument, although it's not within your jurisdiction, that to the extent that this relies on bonuses and is within the scope of the charter amendment, we would maintain that it's also subject to the referendum requirement. Saul Gross Okay. Carlos T ouzet So... Saul Gross Carlos. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 94 of 134 Carlos T ouzet I think the whole board feels that the north building may be over-scaled and even though the volume, I think, in terms of the silhouette and the skyline works very well. Saul Gross Right. Carlos T ouzet Part of that silhouette may have to be sacrificed a little bit and the height brought down to, really to appease the neighborhood. Saul Gross That's the way I feel. Carlos T ouzet But, just briefly... Saul Gross Well, it's not that... Yeah. I mean, appease is the wrong word. I mean, to be in scale. Carlos Touzet That's true. I do want to say that Randall brought up some interesting points and I just want to touch them very briefly. Those are that he didn't mention the eyebrow that is right on Collins Avenue which is lost to some extent now by introducing the Swiss Hotel logo on top of it and that is a minor thing. I wish Randall were here, but I think that's one of the critical, kind of signature details of that building. Also, that extruded round volume is the only volume on the whole project that has that curve and I think it doesn't work with anything else on the project. It takes away from the original building and if you're saving the building and alluding to it I think it's important. Saul Gross Okay, Lucia. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 95 of 134 Lucia Dougherty In response to that question about what happens to our variances, remember, the variances are tied to specific plans. So, those variances may have to be sought and received again if we modify it too significantly or too in, if it's too significant a change. Saul Gross Well, tell us... Lucia Dougherty That's really going to be... Saul Gross Yeah. Lucia Dougherty ...whether the planning director believes it's something that he would have approved administratively anyway. Saul Gross Well, tell us, what's the difference in the FAR between, well this application that you've submitted is, beats the, you know, gets zoning in progress, right? Lucia Dougherty That's correct. Saul Gross And, your, this is a four and a halfF AR under the old code and a three and a half under the new code? Lucia Dougherty Under the entire site, correct. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 96 of 134 Saul Gross Under the entire site. Okay, well, I mean the ramifications are obviously very significant. I mean you're talking about... Lucia Dougherty You have a new application. That's going to be really up to the Planning Department to determine whether it's a new application. Saul Gross You're talking about, how big is the site? It's five acres? So it's two, you're talking about 200,000 feet ofF AR. Huh? Speaker <inaudible> Saul Gross Six acres, so you're talking about two hundred and forty thousand feet ofF AR. Okay. Does somebody want to... Arthur Marcus I'd like to make a motion to, Saul Gross ...make a motion? Arthur Marcus I would like to make a motion to deny the project. Saul Gross Okay, is there a second? Lucia Dougherty First I'd like you to continue the project. Saul Gross Okay. Is there a second to the motion? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARll..LON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 97 of 134 Don Worth I'll second. Saul Gross Okay, so it's seconded by Don. He made a motion to deny. Any comment on that? I mean... Speaker Well, I guess that you could, we could continue it or deny it, but I just feel with what has been happening in Miami Beach, I think you would be better served by coming back with something that fits within the current zoning envelope. I think it would be approved and go through the process much faster than trying to design this <inaudible> by committee here. Saul Gross Well, I don't know that we're trying to say it that way. Yeah. Yeah. Lucia Dougherty <inaudible> Let me just say, there may not be another project if we have to redesign it that way. There is simply no project left at that point. Saul Gross <inaudible> I mean. Speaker .. . would welcome the denial simply because then.. . Saul Gross I'm sure you would. Speaker ...it would call into question whether or not it's a new application, a substantially similar application, then it's clear what the legal standards are and we're not going to be litigating this for the next two years. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 98 of 134 Saul Gross Okay, so there's been a motion made by Arthur, seconded by Don. Bernardo Fort-Brescia I'd like to say, as an architect I think I should be given the chance to prove to you whether maybe there's a way that I can, within the same concept of this project, find a way to satisfy this board. Saul Gross Yeah, I mean, I think, I would like to give him that opportunity as well on a continuance, but you know, it's up to the board. If you'd rather continue it, then you vote against the denial. If you don't want to see this or something close to it, then you vote in favor of the denial for the.. . Nicolas Quintana I would like to... Saul Gross Everybody clear on that? Nicolas Quintana I would like to give them the chance to <inaudible> alternatives. Saul Gross All right, well there's a motion that's been made and seconded. All those in favor of the motion to deny signify by saying aye. Arthur Marcus, Don Worth Aye. Saul Gross All those opposed. Design Review Board No. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 99 of 134 Saul Gross Okay, so how many no's? Thomas Mooney Who, everybody raise their hand who voted no. Saul Gross Okay, so... Thomas Mooney The motion fails two to four. Saul Gross All right, so is there a motion to continue? Carlos T ouzet I move that we continue to a date certain <inaudible> Speaker I think we should <inaudible> Carlos T ouzet April 14th... Lucia Dougherty We have April 14th you have to get your plans in by Monday. Peter Blitstein I'll second it. Thomas Mooney Carlos, I don't know if they're going to, I don't know if they're going to. .. Carlos Touzet When is it due? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25,1998 Page 100 of 134 Thomas Mooney May may be a more realistic date. <inaudible> by next Monday. Saul Gross Well, Bernardo, what do you, Bernardo, you know, you're going to have a chance to convince us. How long do you need to prepare your plans? I mean, this project's been four years in the making. I don't know that you're going to argue that a month... Bernardo Fort-Brescia <inaudible> working on that. Douglas Duany Bernardo, you have a, you know, if you actually just bring the FAR down from this level, I know the economics and, but I mean, if you can actually bring the bulk down, I mean our goodwill, and apparently the neighborhood, or a lot of the neighborhood is for it. It's just sort of, you're stuck on this high FAR, I mean, you knOw. It would, it would, it would go really smooth sailing if you... Thomas Mooney Bernardo... Douglas Duany .. just adjusted it. Thomas Mooney Bernardo, do you, can you get plans by, in to us by next Monday or would you like, it seems to me with the amount of work that you need to do that the May meeting would be more realistic. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well, <inaudible> that I will, I, this is something that I've been. . . Saul Gross Mulling over. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 101 of 134 Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah, definitely, you know, for some time and about the possibilities. I want us to be realistic. And we've sort of been studying what happens if our client, which we don't know yet if that's acceptable, allowed us to increase the tower on the south to some extent because I really felt strongly about the proportions and what we were trying to do in relation. But, I would be able to increase it to some extent. Thomas Mooney Bernardo, Bernardo... Bernardo Fort-Brescia And therefore take off from the other side. Thomas Mooney Do you, do you, do you need a week? Is less than a week enough to produce the plans, or would you like the following month? It seems to me like the work that you're doing you probably should have this continued to May 12th as opposed to April 14th. Bernardo Fort-Brescia IfI'm able to deliver by Monday, am I, do I have to do this today? Do I have to tell you? I think I may be able to... Saul Gross No, you can go for April and if you're not ready then... Bernardo Fort-Brescia I would like to go for April because I think we may have enough in our files to be able to respond to this. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 102 of 134 Lucia Dougherty <inaudible> Bernardo Fort-Brescia I think there's enough <inaudible> Thomas Mooney <inaudible> Bernardo, also so you know, on April 14th you may not have a full board. Diana Well, and just for the record... Thomas Mooney Saul is not going to be here and Arthur is not going to be here. Diana If you continue it to April 14th and you can't get the plans in and can't get in, you're not entitled to an automatic continuance. You'd have to come back and request it from the board again. Just, so we're all clear. Thomas Mooney To May 12th. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Oh, I see. Diana I'm not saying they wouldn't grant it. I'm just saying it's at the board's discretion. Saul Gross Simply, <inaudible> Bernardo Fort-Brescia Okay then, we won't. Then let's assume May. Saul Gross May. Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL FEBRUARY 25, 1998 Page 103 of 134 Speaker That's fine. The only commitment that I wanted, and he's not required, is that ifhe does submit plans on Monday, that we would like to be made known of it and have the opportunity to copy them or ifhe can provide us with the courtesy of a copy that'd be very much appreciated. Thomas Mooney Well, if you're, ifhe's continuing it to May like he's requesting, he'll have until March 30th to submit plans, so... Saul Gross Okay, so the motion, who made the motion? Carlos did? Carlos T ouzet I made the motion to continue. Saul Gross To continue to the May meeting and it was seconded by Peter, seconded it. All in favor signify by saying aye. Design Review Board Aye. Saul Gross Opposed. Okay. Thank you. .",...-. ' '. \r., C, Y>.'\' \., r':;" \~. 1'.)\!:~\J -., \. :~ ". ~" ' \ \ ',\'\\ t.'~ 't\\\\ ~co Q31'\\3') "3~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 1 of 75 Saul Gross All right. Now we're going to go back to the Carillon Hotel, which is File 9796, 6801 Collins. Jerry, lucky we didn't get you up there to give us some historical reference on 41 st Street. Tom Okay the next file is DRB File No. 9796, 6801 Collins Avenue the Carillon Hotel. The applicant is requesting design review approval for the renovation, alteration of partial demolition of an existing hotel structure and the construction of a 26 story suites hotel building and a 42 story condominium tower. A history of the application as well, a description of the project and the relevant design review criteria is listed in the staff report. Briefly, with regard to the staff analysis, as indicated in the previous staff report staff does have continue to have some concerns with the north elevation of the proposed condominium tower and the manner in which it relates to the street. We also have a concern with regard to the east west orientation, oh I'm sorry the north south orientation of the proposed condominium tower on the north side of the site. In light of these shortcomings, as well as others listed on the staff analysis, staff has recommended that this application be continued to a date certain of July 14, 1998 in order to address the concerns enumerated in the staff report and we would make the staff report a permanent part of the record. Saul Gross Okay, thank you Tom. Lucia. Welcome. Haven't heard, have we heard from you today? Lucia Dougherty No. Saul Gross No. It's your first, quarter to eight, first chance. Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 2 of75 Lucia Dougherty Good evening, Mr. Chairman. Members of the board, Lucia Dougherty with offices at 1221 Brickell Avenue. Here today representing Transnational properties with me is co-council Harold Rosen and Andy Groover who is the project representative. This property was purchased in May of 1992 for $14 million. The total investment to date is $22 million. The Carillon costs alone on the property are $160,000 per month. The professional fees directly related to this project are in excess of three-quarters of a million dollars. There were four years in planning this project prior to the DRB approval in December of 1996 when that approval was unanimous. The staff at that time had the exact same concerns as they have today. Those concerns were the orientation of the building and north elevations. At that time we negotiated with staff and the administration and we have a letter saying that their concerns had been alleviated with the redesign and there were some conditions in that letter. That letter's being distributed to you and I'm going to be reading from it in a minute. After we got that letter, we went to the board of adjustment. The Board of Adjustment granted variances to the project, including one that allows us to increase the pedestal of the parking garage in order to accommodate 1600 cars. That 1600 cars is today's, meets today's code not only for the existing building but also the new building. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 3 of75 The City then changed its height ordinance and as you know when you change an ordinance and you become zoning in progress you have to pull your building permit within one year. We were unable to pull that building permit in one year and you, who are all design professionals know, that it's almost impossible to pull a building permit on a project this size in one year especially when you have a coastal construction control line permit to secure. So, we are now before you again for essentially the same project and may I also say this is a very complex project from a negotiation standpoint between our partners because we have partners who are hotel operators and owners. We have partners who are condominium operators. We have our own partners and developers in the project and I'm here want to tell you that today we have Francisco Nosada who is with Swiss Hotels is here with us today. Charlie Hendon and Allan O'Bryan from Lucerne Hospitality who are the co-developers and financiers of the project. Saul Gross Who are these folks, I'm just curious. Okay. Lucia Dougherty In case you don't believe me. Saul Gross No, I just like to put a face with a name. Lucia Dougherty We also have Paul Murphy with Deal Properties. Go ahead, introduce yourself CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 4 of75 Francisco Nosada Yes, I'm Francisco Nosada. I'm senior vice president of Swiss Hotel. Swiss Hotel is a properly. known as the Affiliate Company of Swiss Air, which is the Swiss National Airline Company. And we are hotel operators across the whole world. We have four hotels over premier quality, four diamond awards in United States. We have in the group of our hotels 80 hotels worldwide and we are extremely excited about this property which is a phenomenal possibility for us to get into this market. Into the resort and business market which is Miami with outstanding partners and we are keen to support to every possible means this project. Saul Gross Okay, thank you very much. Lucia Dougherty In case you didn't believe me, didn't he have the right accent? Saul Gross Yeah he has a good answer, good accent too. Lucia Dougherty And so today we're asking for a DRB approval for essentially the same project except it is 126,000 square feet less and it's 14 stories less. We now... Saul Gross Less than what? Lucia Dougherty Less than we had originally applied for and the DRB approved in December of 1997. Saul Gross What about the one that you showed us last, was it last month? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 5 of75 Lucia Dougherty It is 126,000 square feet less than the one we showed you because we are now complying totally with today's ordinances. A 4.0 FAR, which we are going to show you, and also 14 stories less than that building that you reviewed the last time. So it's exactly the same, it's pretty much exactly the same building only reduced and you'll see that reduction. But we had the same design review guidelines. We had the same staff, we had the same administration that wrote the letter that I have passed out to you but I'd just like to quote from it. Specifically our concerns. This is after our DRB approval last time, concerns were raised relative to the orientation and possible impact in the neighborhood of the proposed north condominium tower and the manner in which the entire project addresses the street and sidewalk pedestrian environment. Revised drawings have been submitted by the project architect, Architectonica which include a new cutout for the north tower and changes the height, siting and architectural detailing of the retails stores along Collins Avenue. In this regard, we have concluded that the design changes delineated on the plans, submitted by Architectonica February 4, 1997 address the concerns initially raised by the administration. I only bring this up to you because to come today at this date and say to us that we should reorient this building and change the elevations means that we are now going to be spending another 160,000 dollars per month for the next six months redesigning and another cost of 500,000 dollars to redesign the building. We have done this. We've been there. It's unfair to ask us to do it again. Saul Gross Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 6 of 75 Lucia Dougherty I just want to talk about the planning standpoint because it really makes no sense. Our hotel operator, Swiss Hotels told us if we reorient this building to a east-west access they will not be our partner any longer. This destroys the marketability of those hotels. Likewise, our neighbors, the Sterling, who is now represented by John Schubin who is here supporting the project tells us in our agreement that if this project gets reoriented to a east-west direction they can no longer support the project. Likewise, Victor Posner and the Sands and Bernardo are.... Saul Gross Is Victor Posner here? Lucia Dougherty He's not here today but as you know, he has submitted the letters. Excuse me that is the Sterling hotel. Show them the Sands. The Victor, Sands, and the Victor Posner hotel. So all of our neighbors support the project and this orientation and Bernardo Fort-Brescia who is a world-renowned architect and urbanist has said that the worst condition that you can have is a set of dominoes on the beach. That's literally what the City is proposing. You have a set of dominoes up and down the beach. And at the last meeting, board member Douglas Duany got down and looked down Collins Avenue with eyes. And at that point you can see the public also is better served by this orientation because you're looking at the profile in the place that the public normally would see it and that is as a pedestrian or as a traveler in a car. Across the street we have Publix. Across the street we have Publix. Saul Gross You know you're very good at this. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 7 of 75 Lucia Dougherty Vanna White is going to be. You know something, you probably can't even see it but directly across the street from the tower there's a Publix. Saul Gross That's okay you don't have to turn it. That's okay. Lucia Dougherty The Publix, the parking lot. Oh, you can see it on the monitor he says. The Publix, the parking lot, the FPL substation, Denny's and mop. This project with this orientation can only help this neighborhood and we do urge your support. And now Bernardo Fort-Brescia, our architect, will go through the various evolutions of this building. And by the way I have 140 signatures of neighbors of the surrounding properties who are supportive of this property, for this project. Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo, tell us what you changed from the last time that you presented it. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Good evening, my name is Bernardo Fort-Brescia, a principal with Architectonica, the architect for this project. As you recall, in the last hearing I've explained this project so many times so I don't think Saul Gross You don't have to explain it again. Tell us what you changed. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 8 of 75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia But in the last hearing there was concern expressed with respect to the height of the condominium component and there was a suggestion that we transfer some of that floor <inaudible> ratio to the building to the south where the suites for the hotel were. We attempted to that but it really didn't make sense from many points of view including the hotel management aspect as well. As what it would do in terms of the relationship of the building to the next door neighbor. And so what we have brought to you today is essentially a scaling down of the condominium tower. And I think we have a model that we're going to show you, it's not in such detail as the one that is up. But I think that it's what our client is now having to propose. Saul Gross Oh, this is what you showed us last time and this. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Oh this is the original design. Saul Gross This is the original? Bernardo Fort Brescia This is the original design. Yes. There is a prior approval of the site. Saul Gross Okay, so that's your version of scaling it down is the new blocked in. Bernardo Fort-Brescia To show you in the model but you should show the progress as an intermediate, this is what we brought last time. Saul Gross That's what you brought last time? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 9 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes. Saul Gross No. AIl right, we need to speak into the mike. Bernardo Fort-Brescia The re-submittal in February is what you see there. "Lucia Dougherty This is what's in your plans. It's a 4.5 FAR. The one that we are now proposing is a 4.0 FAR with a reduction ofa 126,000 square feet. Saul Gross Well what's the height? We never saw that... Lucia Dougherty Never saw it, it's in your plans. Saul Gross It's in the plan. So what's the height of that building, 397 feet? Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right. Saul Gross And what about the one that you, that's fOUL_ Lucia Dougherty 355. Saul Gross What was the first one <inaudible> First one, this is 397. This is 478, so you're now down, 355. Okay. Can you put which one you do you want? The 355 is what you're suggesting because that's now the 4.0. Okay. AIl right, so that's one change that you made. Tell us what other changes that you made, if any. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 10 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well, compared to the set of drawings that you have, because... Saul Gross Well compared to what you showed us last hearing. Bernardo Fort-Brescia We have reinstated recess a notch between the two towers and reinstated the skyline of what appears against the sky as two towers. Essentially what you see the difference between this and that is that this, there's a cut in occurring here and this tower has risen higher than the middle. Saul Gross Okay. What about some of the other. Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's per the standard... Saul Gross No, I think that's a good change. What about the other staff comments. The north condominium. How the north piece meets the street and those other issues. Bernardo Fort-Brescia We've done everything that we were originally told to do, frankly. I haven't made any further changes because we've, those changes were agreed upon already. Yes. Saul Gross Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 11 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia And in fact all of them were reviewed at the previous hearing and the only pending item that we were asked to take a look at is in fact the original relocation of the FAR to the southern tower which instead we have simply removed the FAR from the northern tower and not relocated it to the southern tower. Saul Gross Okay, that's good. Let's get some public comment. I'd like to hear from staff maybe, before the public comment. Tom. Lucia raises a point which I'm curious how you respond to which is that there was a deal made between the City and the applicant that the city was going to appeal the project and then there's this letter memorializing the settlement that basically said that they didn't have to... Tom That was for an application that has since become null and void. What had happened is this project came before the board in December of 96 and over staffs objections one of the issues was the siting of the building. The board approved it, the administration then filed an appeal, or was about to file an appeal but then entered into negotiations with the applicant and the applicant's attorney and in order to avert an appeal they made some concessions and made some changes to the design. And the administration staff at that time agreed not to file an appeal. Now we agreed not to file an appeal on that DRB application. That DRB application became null and void because a building permit was not pulled by December of 1997. Saul Gross Okay, so basically... Tom So this is a new DRB application. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 12 of 75 Saul Gross Between the lines what you're saying is the higher ups made a deal that you didn't support. Tom Nope. No. Um mm. Staff, everybody that was involved in that concurred with the content of that letter. What I'm telling you is that when they had to submit a new application, essentially we were looking at a new application and so... Saul Gross But why would that settlement not apply in your mind. What's the difference? Tom Because they, that settlement was for a specific DRB application. If they didn't pull their building permit for it and they had to come back to the board, we were going to look at it again. And in the last staff report we didn't make that much of an issue of the orientation of the tower but in looking at the model and in listening to some of the feedback from some of the board members, we decided to revisit the issue. And, you know, I understand what the letter says and I understand you know there were no... Saul Gross I'm not hitting you legally, because I agree with you legally that.. . Tom But you know to be honest with you in good conscious we took another look at it. I mean in all honesty when we made that deal last time I don't think anybody that entered into was thrilled with it. You know, nobody really was sold on that orientation. However, based on a number of circumstances we agreed to it then. A new application has been submitted, we took another look at it and this was OUf conclusion so that's the best answer I can give you. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 13 of75 Saul Gross Okay, all right. Fair enough. Okay. Public comment. Wait, did you. These boards are up here now, is there anything that you wanted to show us from these boards before we got public comment. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes I apologize to the public <inaudible> Saul Gross Let's, tell us about these and then we can take them down. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes, I just wanted to, wait, if I can untangle this, you see in that drawing to the right the brown area where we had been asked to turn the retail around the cornef, just addressing some of the issues again, you know, because they were fe-faised again, you know. And I undefstood we had agreed on this. And secondly we moved. Saul Gross Y oU'fe saying that that's incorporated in your plan that you... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Entefed into our dfawings. That's right. In accofdance to what we had discussed. Secondly we had added the canopy at the cornef where the entrance is. The circular canopy. Can I move that? Saul Gross Show us that. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 14 of75 Bernafdo Fort-Brescia The canopy here. Thirdly we had added a layer of the arcade coming forwafd of the parking garage so it created a more, a fifst layer of lowef scale against the street and recessed behind was the parking. In the original design it was all flush all the way down and we did get a variance in order to accomplish that and to bring the retail arcade closer to the street and it took a undulating form instead of your original stfaight line that was in alignment with the parking. Yes. We also dealt with rearrangement of the section. This was the original section and if we made the adjustments that I pointed out, by bringing the arcade forward ahead of the building and is there anything else that we changed? I think those are the fundamental changes related to the issues of the streetscape that were brought up at the time. Nicolas Quintana Bernardo, one question. This plan doesn't coincide with the last proposal. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Excuse me. Saul Gross This plan doesn't coincide with the last proposal. Bernardo Fort-Brescia No. They received comments from staff that they wanted to reintroduce the notch between the two towers and that plan was in anticipation of relocating the square footage that we were seeking to have and but our client is now into the situation of our times. He has to, that he has... Saul Gross He's trying to come within the 4.0 FAR. Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 15 of75 Saul Gross You can't get a permit fast enough to... Bernardo Fort-Brescia That is right to meet the financing deadline. Saul Gross Right. That's what's going on. Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia So we have reduced the building and created the recess and not added here because the hotel deal is based on this, on this program. Saul Gross AIl right. So and how many feet are you building altogether? What's the total square footage is what? Bernardo Fort-Brescia We have reduced the project by a 126,00 feet. Saul Gross I'm trying to understand what percentage that is. So it's a million one thirty-seven, that's without the 130. You're not on the mike. Roughly, 10-12 percent you knocked off Paul Murphy Paul Murphy, Deal Properties. Originally, four years ago this property was designed with a 1,500,000 square feet. We've given up a third ofthe square footage over the last four years. Saul Gross Well, no. Paul Murphy And 126,000 just recently. Saul Gross 20 pefcent more or less. There's 1,137,000 now. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 16 of75 Paul Murphy No, but originally we <inaudible> Saul Gross Just the recent application. Prior to that... Saul Gross Right he says from a million five to a million one thirty-seven so that's 20 percent. 22, 23 percent. AIl right. Very good. Let's get some public comment and then we'll get board comment. Could you maybe take the boards down please? Okay. Randall. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 17 of75 Randall Robinson Randall Robinson speaking for the Miami Design Preservation League. When I look at this proposal, it almost seems like the last 20 years never happened in Miami Beach. It almost seems as if there's the recognition that the current renaissance that Miami Beach is undergoing has its roots in the appreciation of its unique local character. I'm sure that later on we're going to hear other people saying how desperately North Beach needs this project because if it doesn't get this massive urban renewal project that it's going to continue in the horrible state that its in. I look at what's being proposed for the Carillon and I hear that it involves partial demolition and alteration, but really all the character of that building is being stripped away. One of the things that we often say about the art deco district is that none of the buildings by themselves have any great significance, it's their assemblage that matters. But here we have a building that is a great specimen all by itself It's one of the prime examples of Miami Beach 50s modern architecture. I think that it's a fantastic example of the way architects manipulated concrete to catch light and shadow for decorative effect, the way that Norman Giller created that accordion concrete wall along Collins Avenue and then flipped it over and used it for the canopy for the porte cochere is something that you don't see in any other building anywhere in the world. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 18 of75 And therein lie the seeds, I think, for the renaissance of North Beach. It's such a shame that people are so narrow-minded and near sighted that they can't look to the southern end of the city and see what has happened there based on the appreciation of our local character. And not only that, not only are we seeing the complete stripping of the character of this great uniquely Miami Beach building, we're also seeing the addition of this massive tower whether it's 54 stories or 34 stories, it's still a giant massive tower that instead of, I think, being an asset to the neighborhood, is really going to be a huge detriment to the neighborhood. So really as proposed the Miami Design preservation league is categorically opposed to this project. Thank you. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Other comment from the public. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 19 of75 Donald Shockey My name is Donald Shockey, I'm the director of North Beach Development Corporation. We're a community development corporation that's been working for many years to fevitalize North Beach. Our board consists of representatives of numerous area homeowners and condominium associations. We've been working with the developers of this project for seems like forever, I guess it's almost two years now. We have, they have been very responsive to concerns on the part of our board. Our board has five or six architects. They have all along been very willing to listen and to actually act on input. I must say this really is kind of shocking that we're still at this point with this project. We've been refining it and refining it and as I remember from the last meeting it seemed that the major concerns were about the height and the density of the project and it just seems like this is, there has been a massive concession made, 50 stories to 34 stories. I think it is very significant and you know, how much lower can we expect them to go and still create a project that's financially viable. In terms of the existing building they could be tearing down this building. I don't they're completely altering the character of it. I think they're preserving some of the character of it. Maybe I mis-remember the record but it seems like there were a lot of comments about the handsomeness of the building. The materials and it just seemed like the overriding concern was the height and that has been very much addressed. Our board has unanimously, repeatedly voted to support this project. We feel it will spur major redevelopment in the area. The project, the current site is an incredible blight on the neighborhood and it's remained that way for another two years as we've endured this process and we urge you to support it and not to start reconsidering basic things that you haven't talked about before and that we've addressed previously. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 20 of75 Saul Gross Thank you. You say you've endured this process. The applicant could've built the building that was approved a year and a half ago. We didn't make them endure the process. Unfortunately they weren't able to bring it to fruition on a timely basis so, you know they have to come back before the board, that's not... Paul Murphy Why? You know, by the time we got a full develop... Saul Gross Introduce yourself for the record. Paul Murphy Paul Murphy, Yale Properties. We got a design review approval in December of96. We finally got a final approval from BOA in June of97. Within four months, I mean we have Swiss Air representatives here, Swiss hotel. By the time you get all the financing in the banks together, four months later you change the height and threw us into this situation right here. Who can put together a project four months after a final order? If you can do that, then you know, more power to you. But we can't. I mean it's impossible to do this. We were told repeatedly just come back in for an extension to your permit, we'll be happy to give it to you, but then you changed the rules on us and now we're suffering. Saul Gross We didn't change the rules, I mean the commission changed the rules and everyone is living with that. To that extent I think that you're correct. I mean everyone had their rights and as you say it's difficult to pull a permit that fast but that's what the commission was likely to do that's what they did so everyone has to live with that. You know property owners and residents alike. Okay, other public comment. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 21 of75 Charles Schaab Thank you Mr. Chairman. My name's Charles Schaab and I live at 30 I Ocean Drive, which is in South Beach, I do not live in North Beach. However, it would seem to me that this project is....and about what a building can or cannot do, I don't think that you could pick a more destructive building for North Beach than this proposed condominium. In many ways the mass of this condominium and the destructiveness of this condominium is more evident if you're on the backside looking at it from the backside of the room. I don't feel that it's and you Mr. Chairman, you in recent times have commented upon the fact that you're become less and less concerned about the internal demands of a project and more concerned about how it fits into the context. There is no reason that this 42 story tower cannot be reconfigured. It does not have to be entirely east or west, but it can certainly be squared off It can certainly be what is supposed to be now in our context here if we're going to have tall buildings they're supposed to be narrow and slender. But we continually get these buildings that are narrow and slender in one orientation and unfortunately very destructive in the other orientation. The other aspect, too I've heard, a comment that it would better that this building face, have the orientation that it has because the pedestrian experience would be much better. The truth of the matter is that the hotel largely hides this building from the pedestrian. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 22 of75 And so the orientation would be still be much better if it were more to the east and west then to the north and south. I also still would urge the board to look at the entrance to the hotel component. There is absolutely no street friendly scale or scope at all to that. You know, in my view to use an existing Publix which is a single story building with a parking lot which mayor may not stay there, to speak of a small shopping center, to sort of throw in the towel and say it's already ugly there why do we have to worry about the street? Well, this is not far south of the, of an area in which the City has made a considerable investment and much time to create an urban friendly and an environment that is conducive to walking and in many ways this project is destructive of that. This project is simply out of scale for this area. I cannot comment upon the problems that the developer has had over time. The developer has owned this piece of property for a long time. My feeling is that the developer though could still go a long way within the context that now exists and within the zoning that now exists, within the density that now exists and with the height that now exists on the side. To be much more respective of the environment and of the beach and of the issue of the ability of the people allover the beach to see the sky and not see a 250 or 200 foot long wall facing them from east to west. Thank you Mr. Chairman. Saul Gross Okay. Thank you Mr. Schaab. Next speaker please. David Perot My name is David Perot and I'm the general manager of the Deauville Hotel and hotel situated about one block south of the proposed Carillon project. Saul Gross F Of the new owner? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 23 of 75 David Perot For the new owner. Davidson Hotel Company. We've had an opportunity in the short time we've been here to look at the projects, to evaluate the neighborhood surrounding the project and feel that the area needs this project. The area needs the people, they need the businesses in the area, both within our facility and in the surrounding blocks, need the amount of people that this facility is capable of bringing to the area. We think it's imperative that this piece, parcels ofland in North Beach be utilized because our whole goal is to bring people to the area so that the businesses can survive. The more people we bring, the more the businesses thrive. Well if we continue to dwindle the amount of people. If we continue to diminish the size of the condominium project, we're taking away those year round residents that will use the businesses when things aren't so good. So I think it's imperative, you know, I understand from an aesthetic perspective, but I can tell you most people when they're walking down the street don't care whether a building is 150 feet tailor 200 feet tall because if you're standing in front of it you can't see anything on the other side anyway. If you go past a two story building, pretty much doesn't matter. So, I feel that or we feel and wholly support their efforts. We think they did a wonderful job architecturally incorporating massive parking spaces, which the area is sorely in need of and we think the whole project will be a boon for the area. And we think that basically people need to look from a financial perspective, from a tax-base perspective what this project can bring to the North Beach area. Thank you. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 24 of 75 Minette Benson F or the record, my name is Minette Benson, I live in the 5600 block of Collins Avenue. So this is pretty much in my neighborhood and I must cope with traffic all the time. I will agree with the speaker, Mr. Schaab who preceded me and won't belabor what he had to say since I agree with much of it. I think it's passing strange that none of you up there insist that this project be turned to face you, Collins Avenue face you. Saul Gross Say that again. Minette Benson I think you should ask that this project model be turned toward you. Seeing it from this perspective, from the ocean is marvelous. Turn it the other way and you, I think it's a strange thing to me that you don't demand it. Saul Gross Well, I agree with Minette. I was going to get up to look from the other side, but. Minette Benson See it, all of you. Saul Gross Why don't you turn it around, maybe you could turn it around for us at this point. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 25 of 75 Minette Benson While they're doing that, I would suggest to you that the white new tower, the notched tower and the two buildings north and south of the project are in an innocuous white so you don't' see density and you don't' see mass. You know as well as I do, that the Collins is very narrow at 68th, or thereabouts, and the only way this project could fly as far as I'm concerned is for the owners to buy up everything that's across the street and set it offwith a green space as well as roads getting into the project the various buildings and egress. I can't imagine how many people are going to have to use that narrow 68th Street and Collins entrance and come over the 63rd Street bridge from the airport and clog up that street, Indian Creek and Collins even worse than it is now. The traffic there between four and six and in the morning is unbelievable as you know now. Do you have an approved traffic study attached to this? Does it meet concurrency at a level of service. It's at an abysmal level of service now. I don't understand, that you don't' take these into consideration. I just must emphasize that you have more responsibility than to just approve or dis- approve" site specific plans. You're supposed to look at the cumulative effect of development. If there was nothing across the street, I would say it could fly if roads and green space were introduced there but I'm sure it's economically unfeasible, impossible. But I must say to you that all those white buildings that you see there are pretty dense, they're pretty ugly and they're not near as innocuous as you see them in the white plastic model. If you are going to look, if you're going to walk on that 68th Street Collins Avenue area you're going to feel the damn buildings are falling on your head and I ask you at last would you please consider this in the light of the cumulative effect of all those things I've discussed. Thank you. Saul Gross Okay thank you. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 26 of 75 John Schubin John Schubin, Schubin and Bass. I am joined here now by <inaudible> Bass, my partner with offices at 46 SW 1st Street in the City of Miami. We are here today representing the Sterling Condominium Association, Inc., Mr. Pablo Mendez individually and as President of the Association, Ms. Amy Hernandez individually and as Vice President of the Association a Mr. Fidel AIvarez individually and as Secretary-Treasurer of the Association, they are all here in the audience here tonight. Minette Benson asked me to preface my comments to you by emphasizing that I am only here today speaking on behalf of the Sterling Condominium Association and the residents. Well, as you can see what regardless of the orientation of the model, the Sterling contains those residents to the south of the project who are probably going to be most immediately affected by the project. And notwithstanding that the Sterling is here today to support the project for a few reasons that I would like to elaborate upon. There was a lot of concern at first when this application was filed. Initially, a year and a half ago the Sterling Condominium Association, a predecessor board recommended the approval of the project. There was some concern among the unit owners with respect to some of the density of the original project and the massing of the original project. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 27 of 75 And it was at that point when the project came before you again that the Association sought legal representation to determine what its options would be. I can tell you that after the first meeting when the association heard some of the concerns of this board, particularly the possible reorientation of the building to an east-west, the possible transfer of massing, from the northern buildings to the southern buildings, the association took a hard look at this project, worked with the developers who were extremely forthcoming, extremely honest, extremely open. And we sat down and, the Sterling determined that it was simply not in their interest as the most affected neighbors to see an east-west orientation and Lucia's correct in saying that we will withdraw our support of the project if the project is reoriented. Saul Gross Why? John Schubin Simply because we believe the reorientation creates more of a massing towards the view corridor that the Sterling presently possesses. Saul Gross You're saying it would block views of the Sterling? I don't get that. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 28 of75 John Schubin Not saying that it would block views, but it would certainly be more apparent if it were reoriented. And for those that live on the north side of the building, it is their preference to see the northern most building on a north to south access as opposed to a east to west access. I could just tell you that based on the representative poll that the neighbors have taken, that is the preference of those who live in the condominium. Now I think it's more apparent and should be more apparent as to why there were some concerns with the original, some of the original suggestions which would be to transfer the density to the southern most building. Forget about what the developer told you about it not being economically feasible. That's something that the Sterling would oppose very adamantly. The Sterling recognizes that there are some sort of property rights and that something is going to be built. They also recognize that what presently exists is in most people's minds a complete eyesore and they recognize that this developer was sensitive to trying to accommodate them while attempting to create a project that was also in their best interests. So for those reasons the Sterling is here to day to give it support. Where we need your support, and the developer has agreed to work with us, is the project is limited in such a way that its loading area, it's operational loading area is on the southern most side ofthe project, the one that is most adjacent to the Sterling Condominium. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 29 of75 The developer has represented to us and we've heard from staff directly and indirectly that there were some concerns from staff and some concerns from the administration with respect to creating a denser buffer, a more dense buffer on the south side because of the concern with the view corridors. Our concern is to create more of a buffer. We're not architects, we're not planners. We don't have all the solutions. We're here to support the project but we would also like your help with respect to trying to create a solution on the south side that does not require the reorientation or the rebuilding of the project because that is not something that we would support. Even if it's something modest, just some sort of a buffer for the operational loading area. The developer has agreed to limit the hours of operation but there's also a concern from those on the north side of the building with respect to the aesthetics. Thank you. Saul Gross Okay, so just to repeat, Mr. Schubin's in favor of a high rise. Is this a first? John Schubin Perhaps you did not listen to what Minette asked me to tell you. I'm here today on behalf of my clients and I speak only for my clients who have to live there. Saul Gross Okay, you're a lawyer. I got you. Okay. Sir, please. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 30 of 75 Lincoln Lopez May name is Lincoln Lopez I do not live in South Beach. I am coming here with authority of living in the Sterling building and with the authority of having bought in 1989. One of the first who bought when the building was not even raised. I moved in 1990 and since 1990 I have been facing from the fifth floor all types of scandals, rocks, alcoholics, low life people. More than dogs barking all the time and plus the sight of a ruin of a building which is every time getting more and more deteriorated. My right is to tell you that this project has to be approved and your duty as a member of the government of the city is to approve something like that to have the area improved in our favor, the people of who lives in that area who has been living for 10 years facing things that my grandsons, my daughters, my wife they don't like to see it. And we've been seeing that for the last 10 years. This will terminate that situation. This is something that will improve the area and it's your duty as the people <inaudible> of the City to approve projects like that. Saul Gross AIl right thank you very much. Lincoln Lopez Thank you very much. Saul Gross Okay, other speakers. Hovi Kramer I'm Hovi Kramer, the managing agent for the Golden Sands. It is the low-rise building to the north of the Carillon project. We at the Golden Sands among other business owners in the area we'd like to let you know that we are in full support of this project and it's architecturally pleasing, especially the fact that the building is going north to south. We feel that it takes away less from our small building by being situated as it is. We ask you to please approve it tonight. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 31 of 75 Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Other comments. Mr. Hyman. I was wondering why you were still here. Martin Hyman My name is Martin Hyman. And I live on the same block for quite a few years that's... Saul Gross 5600 block. Martin Hyman 5600 block of Collins Avenue, correct. I own my apartment. I'm also one of those people that Donald Sharkey referred to on the executive board of North Beach Development Corporation. I'm on the steering committee. I'm on the design review committee, I'm on the capital improvements committee and over the past years we've had many meetings with the developers and the architects of this project. And also on numerous occasions the board has unanimously approved resolution hoping that the City would help approve this project so it could get going. AIl the things that had been said about the economics in the area they're all common sense, I certainly not going to repeat it. Let's talk about some specifics, which you're primarily concerned about. As far as the massing goes, let's keep in mind that Collins Avenue is one way at this point, from south to north. And I think and I don't want to get too far.from the microphone. Saul Gross This is a traveling mike. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 32 of75 Martin Hyman Oh yes. When you have this orient the way it is, north to south, and 90 percent of the vision of this is going to be from someone in a car going northerly, you get down, you will not. I can only tell you that from what we used to call a worm's eye view, right, which in this case is someone traveling in a car that to have this volume, this north tower oriented north- south is the most obvious way to do it, that's number one. Saul Gross Marty, let me just ask you. What about the people who live on Lagorce and Pine Tree and on the interior, how do you think it'll impact them, north- south versus east west? Martin Hyman I was getting to that. Saul Gross Okay, I was just a <inaudible> getting into your next point. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 33 of 75 Martin Hyman Let's just go by the percentage of eyes that are going to see it and how they're going to see it. That's number one. Secondly, this volume is set back significantly from most other volumes up and down Collins Avenue including the Sterling, the original Carillon and all the other buildings. So here we are talking about traveling north in a car, when you get down to that level which I'm not going to try and do again, you see hardly any of the top of the tower. As far as the architectural juxtaposition to me, I would rather see this 90-degree relationship than parallel towers where one looks into the other. To answer your question nothing is static. Yes, if I was always looking at this volume from this point of view I would have to of course, common sense I'm going to see more than if! look at it this way. Let's view a couple of blocks up. Look at the same volume. You say the same thing. You say the reverse. We're talking about thousands of people who have been in favor of this. A lot of the people, I don't hear that many, just a few of the people I hear tonight who are opposed to this project. I have never seen at a North Beach development meeting at any other meeting as far as most of the people are on this Beach are concerned North Beach is null and void and we don't believe that. We're not saying that's the only reason you should approve it. I'm addressing a specific urban point of view, the architectural design and I think it's a plus this way. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 34 of75 Of course this project has to meet concurrency and mitigation of whatever else there is like any other project. We understand that. That's not what we're discussing today. So given those factors and if you'd like to ask anything else, I'll gladly answer I mean I'm not the applicant hefe but we feel very strongly about this and the points that have been brought up we don't feel are 100 percent legitimate. We have every confidence that this architect is an outstanding architect and other items about some relationships, street level, or retail, whatever it might be will be worked out. You've heard from the neighbors, one, two. This guy's got a two-story building. In favor of it. It's on the record. What more do you want? Thank you. Saul Gross Okay, just for the record I just want to ask you this question, I don't want you take it the wrong way. Do you have any personal financial gain professionally.. . Martin Hyman I have no... Saul Gross ...ifthe project is approved? Martin Hyman I have no direct or indirect motive in this project. I have not been commissioned or questioned about it and I don't expect to be because they have an outstanding architect here. Why would they need another outstanding architect? Saul Gross Fair enough. Thank you. Okay, any other comment from the public? Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 35 of75 Sid Kavitch My name is Sid Kavitch and I was almost asleep in bed when I heard some of the negative comments about this project, I was having coffee. I was having coffee with a coffee tray that was given to John Collins who is a relative by marriage of ours, that I inherited after one of the members Collins family died and our involvement in this community goes back to before the turn of the century. I'm not an architectural historian or an architect, although I've been published on architectural history and I'm absolutely appalled that recent residents or people that are here for the short term who don't invest any money in the community who are shall we say, goyas or yentas can spend their time complaining about projects that brings jobs, money, development, into this community. Contrary to what people believe this building was not built by Mickey Mouse, it was built by tax money from developments. In fact, this building is a development. It used to be a parking lot, it used to be nothing, okay. So, the complaint we can't develop is preposterous. This town was conceived by two people as a development it was developed by people. Some developments are ugly, some developments are beautiful. We have a design review board that's supposed to review the design elements of projects. You are not appointed to kill development in Miami Beach. Your purpose is not to play politics with one project vis a vis another project. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 36 of 75 You're not supposed to approve projects that you have friends involved with and disapprove projects that people you don't like have. You're supposed to judge the architectural merits and I have no idea what the architectural merits of this project are. But you're not to take into consideration people's political agendas or yenta like comments of people that are unhappy with the world. I happened to eat and to do business within walking distance of this facility. I passed it several times. One time I got stuck in North Miami Beach and had to walk Collins Avenue from North Miami Beach to where I live on 15th Street about 2 a.m. on a Christmas morning and I saw the outline, the skyline of Collins Avenue from North Miami Beach Sunny Isles down to here. Now I don't like Bal Harbor. I don't like big buildings. I don't want to live in a big building. I live in a small three-story historical building. I've always lived in historical buildings, but there are a lot people in this world who like big buildings, they like it. It's not my taste, it's their taste and I just hope you're not taking a policy position or a political position or a subtext we don't want any development because I don't think it's going to work I don't think the courts will substantiate it. I think your job is to look at the design elements. You are called the design review board, not the economic review board and that's how you should look at it and I think you should disregard any comments that are not addressed to the design review elements which is what you're supposed to be judging. Saul Gross Okay, thank you. Any other comment from the public? Okay with that lead in, let's get some comment from the design, from the design review board. I think the point's well taken. Board comment. Yeah. Oh, George, sorry. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 37 of 75 George Thank you. Saul Gross I know you're waiting there patiently. You wanted to be last. George Martinez I like to be the last. Saul Gross Okay, you're last. George Martinez Well you know my name. Saul Gross Well you have to tell everybody for the record. George Martinez George Martinez. I'm a resident of Miami Beach for 38 years and I'm going to put them in one sentence. You only hear South Beach, South Beach, South Beach. My two boys and my three grandsons grow up there in that area. I remember years ago the glory days from the Carillon Hotel and the morning read in the paper, I read the AIca, A-L-C-A, Mr. Clinton program for the whole America's headquarters going to be here in Miami. I want Miami Beach have a lot of hotel room to accommodate these people. And I think North Beach had not been treated fairly. Thank you. Saul Gross AIl right, thank you George. Okay, Board comment. Douglas Duany I have a question just, not really comment. Has the retail been lowered or is it still set up. Is Bernardo around or perhaps project manager? Yeah, these variances in effect have been done right? Saul Gross Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross CITY eF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. ~)7" - 68(U c8LLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 38 of 75 Yes. These documents are excellent. The retail is still up in some, it's not up at all any more. Just a few steps. Just a few steps, right. It's not on a major pedestal like it was before. It's been substantially lowered. Okay. Yeah just a few steps to put it up to the required level for flooding. .. The flood level, right. Okay. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 39 of75 Douglas Duany I can jump ahead and finish. I was quoted and I still think the Collins streetscape has been very well handled and I think the project has been very responsive. And I'm not enamored of high rises because I think part of the reason why you have so many parking lots across from Collins is in fact because of the original wave of high rises so I don't think this is a permanent solution. But that's sort of a strategic thing. I think the remaining negative is just shade on the beach, but apparently, which is a strong one, but it doesn't override host considerations. So, I'm supportive. There's a technical thing I would like. The pedestal with the waveform is inevitable because of the parking requirement. I'm wondering if palm trees or double tier palm trees can be placed as a screen to the pedestal. To the parking pedestal. Saul Gross It's a pretty big pedestal. What is that about 50 feet Bernardo? 58. Douglas Duany But the side street is well landscaped. I was wondering whether the front can be. It won't detract from the retail, it'll bring more shade in and it will screen the pedestal. And it's a small technical issue, but L. Bernardo Fort-Brescia If you're referring to densifying the royal palms along the street side. Douglas Duany Yeah, you can double tier them like in Los Angeles if you want or use two species. Or you can just double the royals. But what's a bay, what's the on center on the columns? I'm sorry Bernardo. It's like. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes. Yes. I'll get it to you. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 40 of 75 Speaker I remember it's 40. I don't expect you to remember details. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes. In this case, in the arcade level. Saul Gross AIl right welL Douglas Duany I think you can, you should put a palm tree every bay and it'll improve things generally. Saul Gross How are the palm trees? Speaker Every bay. Speaker Every bay, every bay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Instead of every other bay, it should be at every bay relating to the arcade. Douglas Duany Yeah, it'll shade more. It'll screen the bulk. Saul Gross Bernardo. It's already done that way is that what you're saying, or. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah we will do it, yes. Speaker The arcade on our plans are still shown as undulating. Is it flat now? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 41 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia No it is undulating. Currently the trees are located in the... Speaker In the undulation. Bernardo Fort-Brescia In the undulation so, if we're going to double up the palm trees will also undulate. Douglas Duany What you're going, is yeah, you can undulate them or you can put a different species. Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right. Douglas Duany You know, to respond to that. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah, you mean like Wilshire, or like in Beverly Hills. Douglas Duany Yeah exactly. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Where they have the two kinds. Douglas Duany It's never used down here but it's a good idea. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yeah, it's a very nice detail. Saul Gross Okay, next... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 42 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia I like that better than, because of the undulation I think it's more logical to change the species because I think it creates a relation of the landscape to the architectural form. Nicolas Quintana I am supportive of this project. I think that the condominium building is placed north-south, is where it should be. I think they brought down the tower which was the thing I was totally opposed from the first time it was presented and I think it's a very good project. I think it would be very good for the area. Saul Gross Okay Don. Don Worth I'm surprising myself in that I like it more than I thought I would. When I first looked at the schematics I again sort of said to myself east-west orientation blocking the water which is something on a normal basis which is a real, real concern to me and yet when I drove up there and spent some time walking around and driving around 71 st Street and then I looked eastward, frankly it's not a great view corridor. It's not that important as I saw it anyway. And I thought that Marty Hyman's point was actually a good one and one I hadn't thought of which was that by having the building north-south that it would actually be more of an impediment to the view corridor. And when I define a view corridor. .. Saul Gross You mean to reorient it east-west. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 43 of75 Don Worth Yeah, yeah. It might even be more of a problem and frankly as I was there in 71 st Street and Harding, looking eastward I sort of went eh, you know, do I really need to save this? And that was just my visceral reaction. When I walked the street there's not a great pedestrian oriented streetscape. It isn't now, it probably never will be so even in terms of a pedestal I don't know what we're lacking. When I looked at the Golden Sands... Saul Gross Why do you say it never will be, though. Why do you write that off Don Worth Well, because I think, I don't know, I'mjust sort of walking. There we are we got the Publix, we've got the back side ofPublix, and then we've got the Denny's and the other stuff It's not a small and then we've got Collins Avenue. Even with the wide sidewalks, it's just not the small pedestrian friendly scale and I was sort of interested that when I looked a the Golden Sands I looked at the pedestal, I said my God this thing is really going to dwarf the Golden Sands and you can see that it is. And yet it's sort of interesting to hear the owner of the Golden Sands be comfortable with that and it's sort of something that I have to learn which is that I have particular values and the values influence how I might see buildings and in different areas see that and you have people in North Beach who feel in a different way in terms of how they value things. I was interested that nobody in the audience other than Charles brought up the issue ofthe view corridor. It's not important here, it's not important to them, so I just find myself being more sympathetic to the project whether or not the financial aspects, I respect the fact that developers are in for this for a lot, but it's really sort of not what I can go on the basis of I'm sympathetic to it. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 44 of 75 I wish Randall were here just to ask if there were any specific things that could be done to the Carillon that could be worked out with the developer in tenns of enhancing whatever historic value it had. One thing I know I'll miss frankly, the sign. I like the sign. Any way you can save the sign? Saul Gross Is the project still going to be called the Carillon? It is now. Peter do you have any comments. If not I'll entertain a motion of Speaker I have a couple of comments. Saul Gross Oh, I'm sorry. Speaker I still don't understand that arcade because I look at the plan and I look at the model and I understand the model is an earlier version but in the plan that arcade undulates, so does that mean that the wall of the, above it is also undulating or is that, so it is set back as a flat point. Saul Gross Bernardo you need to speak into the mike. Bernardo Fort-Brescia The arcade is not on the same plane. It is... Saul Gross In front of it. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 45 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia Quite a bit in front of it. We <inaudible> our variance in order to accomplish this because the current set back requirements force the building usually to set fairly far away from the curb. So, this suggestion here of this board originally we actually went for a variance to bring it forward and closer to the street.... Saul Gross So the undulation, the undulation is only the portion that's in front of the garage. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Oh yeah, that's right. Saul Gross And it's going to be more pronounced. Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right. Exactly. It's like a plane separated from the building. Saul Gross Yeah, right. Speaker But in the section there's a level of parking also? Bernardo Fort-Brescia Not any more. Saul Gross Not any more. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Under the new section we remove the parking. The parking stayed behind, we couldn't move that parking. And then we set that forward of the parking and lowered it. Speaker CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 46 of75 Because the zonings look awkward the way that they follow the curb. It makes it, they seem kind of erratic. On the drawings that we have it's not on the model. The undulating wall has rectangular awnings and they seem to work against what the arcade is trying to do. It just seems like the whole ensemble works together and the undulations on the facade of the two podium elements work well. They're the only curbs and then you have this kind sign curve. The zoning just seems bizarre. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Speaker Actually the original reason for the undulation was because we wanted to fit those large size palm trees and we inserted them in the recess of the undulation. And we're going to, I can see now that we may introduce a different kind of palm tree in the shallow area because in fact we wouldn't have been able to fit the same kind, and that is what we were trying to do is push as far as out as possible to fit all that retail in the back and create enough space. What you're referring is that we are fighting elevation in floor plan right, with curvatures. A little bit. Actually what worried me was the fact that they were on different planes and it wasn't evident from the model so I was concerned that... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Speaker Oh, I see, no they are totally, they're not touching each other. They're totally different planes. Since you're changing the name of the project, would it be possible. You know we weren't' going to ask that, you offered it. It seems that one of the most... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Has it really been offered for... Speaker Speaker CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 47 of75 No, no it hasn't. I think <inaudible> My only concern about the old Carillon is that one of the really nice dramatic simple gestures is that in front you have the eyebrow with the openings. The minute you put up that large parapet around it to have the Swiss hotel name on it, you lose that. And it could be one of the last remnants of the skyline of the tower. Is that something that could be negotiated? Do you know... Bernardo Fort-Brescia Speaker Speaker That plane where the name of the hotel is continues to exist. Right, but the eyebrow is covered by the parapet so you no longer see the sky through the openings of that eyebrow. It's a minor thing, I'mjust mentioning it because it is an interesting... There are circular openings in the eyebrow. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Speaker Speaker Right. You know it's large circles, open circles. Do you know where that is? I wasn't serious about changing the name. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Speaker Did you <inaudible> No, no. I'm joking about the name. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 48 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia No in fact I can tell you, we... Saul Gross Hold on Bernardo, wait a minute your client's speaking. Andy Groover We truly very much respect and pride which is related to the building as far as I'm concerned the version of the signage of the Swiss Hotel is something that I understand. I agree with you, I don't necessarily like it very much where it is. If it can on somewhere on the other building it's fine for me. If you want to keep the logo of Carillon, not necessarily as the trademark if it's going to be a Swiss Hotel, it's going to be fine but frankly speaking being associated with the Carillon it's not. Not a problem. Saul Gross Okay. Speaker I have a couple comments. Are you finished? Speaker And anyway in keeping, do you know what I'm talking about? How about the, but is it all the way. Saul Gross Speak into the mike. Speaker But the mass is there. And then the last thing is, is there anyway of keeping any portion of the folded plate. Saul Gross In the front of the Carillon is that what you're talking about? Speaker CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 49 of75 Right the one that acts as a porte cochere right now, as a remnant. It's just a suggestion think. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Speaker Unfortunately it happens mostly in the area where we're building the new meeting facilities. And I mean I really like it and we'll explore whether we can keep it if there's a way that structurally we can hold it to while we are building the new thing that we're building but. Or reconstruct it. Bernardo Fort-Brescia I will attempt to do that but I really can't promise it because we have got deep into the structure of the existing building to the extent that I know that it can survive and that's the main reason why it's not there because I think it's interesting. But I would like to address that aspect of the top of the building because I, in fact it does occur where the added floor is because the added floor is where there was already a high parapet and was a fitness center spa on that floor. So it is a floor that is currently accessible by elevator already and that overhang that you're'talking about with the circles it is still there and as long as I can find a place where to put the name of the hotel, elsewhere as he has pointed out I will try to revise it and see if I can bring it up, bring it out again. It's a certain size of the name that we need it to fit. It's <inaudible>what I was referring to. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARJLLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 50 of 75 Saul Gross Make a couple comments. You know it strikes me in some ways funny at how similar the dynamics behind this project are to what those, the dynamics behind the Westin project in the sense that there's a large site that has a very large garage. The parking for the entire site, 1600 spaces is in one particular section ofthis project which is on the north end. And keeping it away from the south end and was driving this as if they're trying to satisfy the people from the building on the south whatever that's called. If the people from the Golden Sands were here and they were complaining about the size of the pedestal, everybody would be saying well okay well, let's redistribute some of the mass from the parking garage and move it south because we've got a 60 foot wall in the parking pedestal that's up against the Golden Sands. But they're not here complaining and so we're not really addressing that issue and I just wonder urbanistically whether you know, this is the best solution with all the parking stacked up you know one on top of the other rather than having it spread out throughout the project. The same thing's true of the massing of the tower. You know, just like in the Westin where they're trying to be a good neighbor to their own building. They've kind of moved the smallest amount ofthe project close to their own building and the building that's objecting and most of the mass is going up against the north end and it's not really that well distributed. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 51 of 75 I take the fact that you've eliminated the mass, which is an unusual step but it's one that's forced know by the zoning code by the reality of having to get to the 4.0 because you probably can't pull the permit in time. And maybe because we're looking at this white block, you know it doesn't do as much justice as if your pretty model had been there and I do like the you know, the vocabulary of your design with the positive and negative of the green and the red glass. I think it's somewhat effective. I personally, I still feel like it's bulked up on the north side and you know hasn't really been at all addressed in the pedestal of moving any piece of it to the south. I mean is that possible? Wouldn't it be to some advantage to have some of the parking on the south? Bernardo Fort-Brescia In this one case I do have to disagree with you, because first of all. . . Saul Gross It wouldn't be the firs time. Bernardo Fort-Brescia ...there are 300 parking spaces on the south. Saul Gross There are 300. Where are they? Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right and all the parking is there. It's, and in addition to that if you look at the cornice line of the. There is a pedestal on the south side as well, it just happens to have only 300 cars and the ballrooms and the trade, and the exhibition hall, but there is a pedestal. Saul Gross How high is the pedestal on the south building? Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well you can see. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 52 of75 '..i Saul Gross It just seems to disappear. Where? Bernardo Fort-Brescia There's a pedestal here, there's a pedestal here. Saul Gross Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia They have both their pedestals on both sides. Saul Gross AIl right, parking there. Bernardo Fort-Brescia No, there's parking below but then they have the ballrooms and the exhibition space. If I would've put more parking on the south side then I'd still have to have a ballroom and exhibition so would I have moved it to the north side then I would have ended up with the same. We found a balance by which we put enough cars on the south plus the ballroom and exhibition space that matched approximately the height of the pedestal on the other side for the balance of the parking and created a sort of podium that is intersected by the existing building. But so in fact the balance is not only achieved by number of cars, it's a combination of cars and the meeting rooms that are very large spaces that have to be column free. Speaker Saul Gross CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 53 of75 So there's another thing about the proportions between different between this and the Westin. This one is, first of all the street is uni-directional and the proportions in the Westin are turned 90 degrees and I haven't seen the new solution but there was a strong fight to try and enter it. This is a more horizontal solution and I don't mind the bulkiness because it's longer and the whole way he's dealing with is it as hits the street, is very different than the last solution from Zyscovich, his was less fluent. This is, you know, because the building is set back and that other way Bernie's was turned 90 degrees I think this makes you less aware of the pedestal. You think that's the whole building whereas with Bernie's you know there's a building on top of it. So I think this is just handled with all the elements slightly differently than that one. AIthough the problem is exactly the same it's just solved in a slightly different manner and I think it makes a big difference. h Okay. William did you want to make a comment, then we'll get a motion. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 54 of 75 William Medellin Yes as not only as a member of the planning staff, but also as a resident ofN orth Beach, I shop at the Publix right across the street every night on the way home that this is my business district, this is my back yard. I look at this skyline every day from my apartment balcony so I'm intimately familiar with. I like the project very much. I think the project is excellent. I think the area needs it, but I do share the concern of Tom relative to the orientation of the North Tower. I very sincerely believe that the North Tower orientation was switched from north-south to east-west with the taller portion being nearer to the sea that would significantly address Saul's concern relative to the massing on the north side of the site because you'd be literally picking up the end of the building. We talk about, well it's only seen from people driving from the south, driving from south to north on Collins Avenue. Well those people don't live there, those people are on their way to Bal Harbor and Aventura and destinations elsewhere. It's the people that live across from Indian Creek in this immediate area and people like myself who look at this skyline every day who are impacted and I will guarantee you each new tower that goes up takes its chunk out of the skyline and out of that... perpendicular to the shoreline rather than north-south. So I think it's a wonderful project. I think the architectural articulation that has been used is one of the finest I've seen brought forward to us. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 55 of75 The color selection, the structural system, the way that has been interpreted into a facade design system, I think is marvelous. I do agree with Randall relative to the Carillon. You know I think the Carillon Tower, you know, designed by one of our own senior members of the design review board, you know Norman Giller, very much stands on its own as a piece of architecture. I think it's unfortunate that we have to take that marvelous expansive eyebrow that <inaudible> reference on the front of the building. I mean every time I go by I look up there to these three marvelous holes in that eyebrow that you look straight up to the sky through and it's brilliant. To put a horizontal parapet there I think is really a distortion of a wonderful piece of architecture that holds its own. The window configuration on the tower north and south the window elevations is it's a wonderful glass curtain wall. It's very Mondrian in it's character and to go to the extent of creating roof sculptures on the roof where they're not even necessary and the same objective could be accomplished with very simple rectangular enclosures which would not try to reinterpret the vocabulary of the building. So I think it's a wonderful project I do want to see it built. The area desperately needs it. I don't know how the residents have survived with the conditions there over the last 10 years. They really are incredibly deplorable. I walk the beach, I walk the streets there. I shop there and the conditions across the street aren't likely to change soon. You have Publix, you have parking lots, you have Denny' s. You have the Pancake House and it's probably all going to remain that way for quite some time so it is very important to have a very substantial well ordered architectural complex in this area. I think it's critical to the kind of the renaissance and regeneration of this area. But I think we'd be, we'd really be going astray if we don't take into consideration the deco period architects and even the architect of the original Roney hotel. East-west is the right CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 56 of75 orientation when you're facing the ocean. You do not broadside it. Saul Gross Just one question to the architect. Can any of William's concerns about the hotel be taken into account in the renovation in terms of preserving the curtain wall, any of the other things that he and Randall mentioned. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Some. We can't preserve the curtain wall because it doesn't comply with a hurricane or energy codes of today and we really have to re-do that whole scheme and the current glass is clear glass. You know we can't, there's no way facing south and the rooms have glass wall to wall, floor to ceiling and it's, they don't have balconies so it'd be very hot in there. So we have proposed an alternate, we had to come up with an alternate method of glazing. However... Saul Gross Do you have a picture of it now, I mean, how come we don't.... Speaker You can do the same configuration, could you not? The saine framing, you could use the same framing configuration. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Well the glass is only about a third of the facade anyway, the rest of the facade is... Saul Gross Bernardo, could you pass it around. Bernardo Fort-Brescia ... is not. As you can see as solid <inaudible> CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 57 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia The room depths in the areas where you see recess are not acceptable to standards of today. The rooms would be extremely very small. They would only fit a single bed and we have to, the hotel's reconfigured to meet the standards of a five star hotel of the level that this hotel is. It is, this is the only way to accomplish a building that meets those standards. I think what I will attempt to do is preserve, the canopy with the holes, I think that is a good point. Saul Gross Where is that? This, if I'm looking at the Carillon, this is the south elevation. It's on the west elevation. Because the south elevation is really not... Bernardo Fort-Brescia it's hidden behind those solid planes, they only perceived from the front but it is truly.... Saul Gross You don't have a... Bernardo Fort-Brescia ...when you look at up you see through the holes up through the sky and it is a very interesting view and I will, I will definitely attempt to preserve that. Speaker There are streets there now. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes, that's right. But, I'm referring to just the canopy that faces the western side. Now with respect to the zigzag down below. I'd say, I really love it too. The only reason I didn't show it is because I couldn't give assurances to the design review board that I will be able to keep it from the structural integrity point of view and once we do the work. If! can, I will preserve it. And, but I don't want it to be part of this because I will have to come back to you if I have a problem. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 58 of75 Saul Gross Do you have a picture of the west facade Bernardo? Photograph. I don't see it in this set. Maybe it was you know the previous submission. That south side is pretty unremarkable. Huh? Well I think given the overall scheme I prefer the solution that he has to the south side. This is from the ocean side. No, we're just talking about the west elevation. Didn't bring it. Okay. Bernardo Fort-Brescia It's an off centered zigzag that intersects the columns and then continues beyond that to the south and the portion that continues beyond that to the south is the one I don't know how we'll support it. Maybe there's a way that we can shore it temporarily. That is the one I can't give you assurances. I think it's more likely that I can preserve the one on top. Saul Gross Okay, you know there's two issues here. One's the orientation, some people... Nicolas Quintana In relation to the orientation I would like to coincide with Hyman. I think that north-south is exactly in the position it should be. A 90 degree relationship to the Carillon. And I think that's a way to be placed. I mean I fully agree the way it is right now. I think it would be a big mistake to put it in the other position because then it would even block more the views of the Carillon hotel. This way it stands out. I think it's in the proper position. I don't have any doubts and the other point I would like to stress is that projects reach a moment when they have to be approved then we could end this. We'll be adding little things to this. I think the statement is already made. The project is a good project, it would be very good for the area and I really would like to move a motion to approve it. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 59 of 75 Saul Gross Well, let's hold on, there's a motion that's been made to approve it. It is subject to the staff conditions or, you have to. William Medellin No, I think we should have Carlos' point, just one or two details. Saul Gross We're going to go through whatever the conditions are that Nick wants to make part of his motion because I-A talks about turning the tower so I imagine you want to delete that. Nick, you want to follow along. Speaker Yeah, you're going to want to delete condition number I-A. Nicolas Medellin Yeah. I would like to delete A. Saul Gross Okay. B is fine, C is fine. Speaker Yeah. Saul Gross D, is that something that they've addressed or no? Speaker Why don't you say what they are? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 60 of 75 William Medellin On number D, which would be renumbered C ifit was to be adopted, the first level of the north elevation of the proposed condominium structure, that's actually should be the first level ofthe pedestal, north elevation of the parking pedestal for the condominium structure. StafffeeIs that.... Saul Gross Shall be redesigned to provide more visual interest. William Medellin You know, we suggested that perhaps they consider putting retail there but what ends up happening is they lose a lot of parking so, if it's not going to be retail perhaps there's something else that can go there. But we felt that there should be more visual interest there. You know I think we can work with the architect to resolve that. Saul Gross Okay, Bernardo. Is that okay with you, the way the condition is? Bernardo Fort-Brescia There is a concern about putting retail there because it's worse to have retail that would be boarded up and not have any takers. William Medellin No, Bernardo what I said was if you can't put retaiL Saul Gross I think the retail in general is still going to be tough. Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right. Saul Gross All the retail. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 61 of75 William Medellin Bernardo, though in terms of achieving visual interest, I think it could be done without retail is my point. If the board just wanted to let us work with staff on it. Speaker Well yeah that's fine, I just don't want to create something that's you know everyone's happy with and force a change. Well what I can do is just delete condition number I-F because that specifically talks about retail. So if you delete that and then condition number l-C just talks about adding visual interest it doesn't specifically call out retail. Saul Gross Okay. AIl right. What else? Two is the landscaping. We've added a condition that Douglas and Bernardo agreed upon... Douglas Duany There shall be at least one palm tree per storefront bay on the west elevation of the storefronts. Saul Gross Right, plus they were going to add a second tier of tree species. Bernardo Fort-Brescia That's right. We can do a double. Saul Gross A double, right. Why don't you articulate that in a way that Tom can write it in a condition. Douglas Duany There shall be at least one palm tree and consisting of a different species per store front bay on the west.. . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 62 of75 Saul Gross No, that's not it. They're going to double them so there's going to have one per bay... Speaker They'll be, the typing will term as alternating. My main concern was shade actually. It doesn't have to be... Speaker Okay one alternating palm tree per, okay, that's fine. Saul Gross Wait, wait, wait. I don't' think that's what they were talking about. Speaker I think what we are referring to... Saul Gross Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have at least one palm per bay. Speaker Right, but they're alternating. Saul Gross But I thought you wanted to double them. Speaker No, no, no. We talked about the precedent in Beverly Hills... Saul Gross Are we alternating or doubling them? Speaker One, alternating. Speaker Alternating species, like one royal and one coconut. Speaker Or different heights. Speaker Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 63 of75 Or different heights. So we have greenery at different heights. They interlock essentially. Okay. Okay. Yes, that's pretty good. Anything else with the landscaping? Public art and! or sculpture shall be incorporated around the garden area to further extent refine these areas. Douglas Duany Speaker Speaker Speaker Well the landscape architect should be here explaining what, what things. Well, he should tell us what he, what he wants modified and the conditions. Well are you opposed to any of the conditions in number 2? Yeah. Do any of the, are you opposed to any of them? Mark Jacobson Mark Jacobson with Bradshaw Giller & Associates I'm a landscape architect. We've looked at all the conditions and don't have a problem with any of them. I would like to suggest when you talk about the alternating palm species maybe could we alternate the height? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 64 of75 Mark Jacobson Height, but not species? Douglas Duany Oh yeah on those, it's been explicit you can alternate height. Yeah you can do that. My main concern was shade in the sidewalk and a little bit of <inaudible> Saul Gross Okay I got it. Now the next condition is the concurrency condition. Speaker That's condition number four. Saul Gross You need to be on the mike, yeah. Speak on the mike. Speaker We do have the option of having different species, right? Douglas Duany Yeah, you have the option of species or height. Saul Gross Okay now the mitigation, there is no mitigation plan at present, is that correct? Speaker That's right. Saul Gross There's no mitigation plan. So in order to get this approved you have to present a mitigation plan which is approved by the staff and then reported to the commission. Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Speaker Speaker CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 66 of 75 I know. I know. I read it differently and I'd like to have that objection for the statement part of this record. Okay that's duly noted. So I just want to clarifY, it's not a contingent order, it's an order with a condition which would be satisfied. Which is different. Right. Okay. Is it different? Yeah. All right, now. Did you want add something about Carillon? Yeah, one more addition, one. Keep the sign if you could and also can we add. Okay, wait, let's not be so glib. If you could is not great language for these lawyers. I haven't quite finished but one element would be retain the sign and also work with... The perforated eyebrow. The eyebrow also, and then work with William and Randall Robinson ofMDPL to preserve as many of the architectural features of the building as can be preserved.. . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 67 of75 Speaker Well that's getting a little broad... Speaker Well let me just add, William are there any other particular things that right now we should account for and agree to? William Medellin Would want to retain the perforated west eyebrow, also would like to retain at least the configuration of the window pattern on the north, north face of the building. Now I realize that you have to reframe it. Saul Gross It's impossible. It'll ruin his scheme. Bernardo Fort-Brescia We have reorganized the rooms to meet new standards of today. This hotel, I don't know if you've visited, have you ever visited one of the rooms? Speaker You can look into virtually every one from the street. Speaker Okay, that's right. Saul Gross So, can you keep the perforated west eyebrow Bernardo? Bernardo Fort-Brescia Yes. Saul Gross Can you keep the sign in some place in a manner to be approved by staff? CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 68 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia No, I think we have to leave the flexibility. Today it's Swiss Hotel and if 10 years from today it's somebody else and I think Swiss Hotel is making a substantial investment here and I think they have the right to put the name on this building. Saul Gross Oh, they're going to put the name on the building. Wait. That's a good point. Can they, can't we, is there a problem with two signs that way? Speaker If it's determined to be, actually. Saul Gross Is the building identification. Speaker What is the building name, the original building name which is the Carillon... Bernardo Fort-Brescia I'm concerned that my client is forced to make a decision on something that's so critical on short notice like this... Saul Gross I want him to have two signs there. Bernardo Fort-Brescia ... without having the ability to have, review their marketing and how they're going to present this project to the world and what is it. They should have the time to think about it. Speaker Well the Lowes, I mean the Lowes Hotel, is a Lowes Miami Beach hotel, however the St. Moritz signage remains on the building. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 69 of75 Speaker Two different buildings. Speaker Just as it will on the Royal Palm and... Speaker Two different buildings. Speaker Yeah. Speaker But this is one building. Speaker But does the signage have to be this... Saul Gross There's supposed to be one building identification sign under the ordinance. Speaker What I'm saying is that you have the historic building name. Saul Gross I've been arguing that for four years. Speaker Which is the Carillon itself Saul Gross It never has won today. Speaker Which is the Carillon itself Saul Gross Right, and that's you know, remember we had that problem with Eugene Rodriguez. Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Speaker Saul Gross Speaker CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 cOLLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 70 of75 Which is a part of the architecture. Where we wanted to give him the Paris sign which is in the Marquis and he wanted to put up whatever his company's called, Big Time Productions. And you were the one that argued that, ifI'm not mistaken that the Paris was a sign for the building and he couldn't have Big Time Productions. But I thought. No, no. I just argued that the Paris sign would have to be retained, that they can have Big Time Productions, too. Remember we agreed that it could be put down at a lower level and both signs were approved. Were they? Yes. Okay. That's because we insisted that that was ridiculous that we couldn't have the historic sign plus... Absolutely. Except this is the historic sign. Basically calligraphy. This is part of the architecture. Right, exactly. Just like on the Lucerne, it will be the Howard Johnson's, but they are putting Lucerne's back because it's such a major part of the architecture of that building. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 71 of75 Saul Gross I just don't want to send them to the zoning board on this issue and I just want, Tom's looking it up. I just want to make sure that they can have both signs. It can be the Swiss Hotel at the Carillon or whatever. Speaker If it is, I believe if it is identified by the Design Review board as an important design element of the building and a part of the original architecture of the building there is a basis for allowing it to be retained. Saul Gross Okay, let's just make sure, Tom's looking. Meanwhile, let's see what other. So we're talking about the sign, the perforated west eyebrow. Is there anything else that's noteworthy in the west facade that we want them to keep that they can keep? Bernardo Fort-Brescia But the sign is on the south facade. It's in the only wall where you can ever put a name if we're going to preserve the eyebrow. So, there would be no other place for Swiss Hotel to put its name, that is, any panel. Saul Gross But you have it there, right. Bernardo Fort-Brescia The eyebrow is, I'm going to remove the eye. Saul Gross Where is the eyebrow? This perforated, famous perforated eyebrow. Oh, so it's at the top ofthe building. Don't break the model, it's not worth it. Bernardo you need to speak into the mike. Need to speak into the mike. CTIY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 72 of75 Bernardo Fort-Brescia Saul Gross Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Saul Gross William If you look at the picture in the post card you'll see that there's only one place where there's a solid wall where you can put the name of the hotel, that's where the word Carillon fills it up edge to edge. Up, down in all directions. If I have to keep that sign there's no other place for Swiss hotel to put its name. Basically because I'm going to remove this parapet to review the eyebrow. What if they take a picture of the sign and put a plaque in the lobby. No, no, no. Or what about put the sign in the bar, you know and reconstruct it in the bar and say this is the Carillon Bar and that was... That would be very cool. Can you put... Saul, they want it, they will put the Carillon sign in addition to the Swiss Hotel sign in the parapet. Excuse me. Wait one at a time, hold on. Let's hear what they have to say about the sign issue. The planning and zoning director has said that because the building is not in the historic district and is not a historic building or historic sign that.. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 73 of75 Lucia Dougherty Lucia, Bernardo, is somebody listening because William is giving an explanation on sign. William Because the building is not in the historic district and is not individually designated the way that the zoning ordinance currently reads, it's not possible to require that the sign be retained but he would like for it to remain a condition if possible and that is what the condition will say that the sign be retained if possible pending further interpretation of the signage section of the zoning ordinance. Saul Gross Okay, that was the problem with the Paris, too. Because it wasn't in the historic district, because it was between the Sand and 6th Street. William I can't fecall whether the Paris was approved befofe or after the district designation. It is in the Ocean Beach historic district, but I can't recall. Saul Gross I think it was before then. William It was there because it was in the historic district. Speaker What if they relocate this sign somewhere else... Saul Gross Okay in a manner to be approved by Staff. Speaker Yeah, a manner approved by staff Bernardo Fort-Brescia But I want to be sure they have the ability to relocate the sign.... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS A VENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12,1998 Page 74 of75 Speaker Tom has suggested language. Tom Saul, how about this, the existing Carillon sign shall be retained and preserved if possible or relocated to another part of the site. Are you comfortable with that? Saul Gross That's fine. Speaker Well. Speaker Okay as approved by staff Speaker As approved by Bernardo. Saul Gross Don't put as approved by staff They'll figure out a place for it as long as it's not in the basement, that'll be fine. Speaker Okay, I think we've got everything. Saul Gross Okay, so that's Nick's motion, is there a second to that motion. Seconded by Peter Blitstein, all in favor say aye. Design Review Board Aye. Saul Gross Nay? Okay, it's approved unanimously. Good luck. Bernardo Fort-Brescia Thank you very much. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FILE No. 9796 - 6801 COLLLINS AVENUE - THE CARILLON HOTEL MAY 12, 1998 Page 75 of 75 JLL -06-98 138: 55 TEL: -=...... ".....Jj R-r~.,. 'A\:;.' ." ,. . .'. #-~-:; ~.''jI ~ i"~ s..~ !...'. \!lI>\\ " 'il Ii '$...'" >;.~~~." ~o"'" CiTY Ci..ERI"\ S 'J,.., I, P:01 JU LOG i933 By BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI.ANNlTAL REPORT.T!me COMMlTIEE NAME: Fllshinn. Fi'm. Televigion IlL Recordil'li Cnrnmittll!Je CBAIRl'ERSON: Karen Da.vis. CIT\' LIAISON: Robert Reboso NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: s~ (7) ACTIVrl'\'~ Mission Statement: To benefit the City of Miami Beam by addreslting the needs and concerns of the production industry encouraging the expansion and well-being of the fashion, film, television and recording industries by making recommendations to the City Commission. Goal and Objectives: To c:duMine and demonstrate to the City and its residential and business communities the benefits of the entertainment and production industries to the City's economic well-being. ACCQMPI.lSHMENTS: Fme tune and reviao the Committee's Mission Statement. Establish the Committee's Goals and Objectives. Created a work: plan and increased budget proposal for and in conjunction with the Office of Arts, Culture and Enlertainment for liSCH! year 1998/99. Chairpenon bas met individually with the Mayor and City Commissioners to discuss the Committee's work plan, answer questions and discuss the futw'~ of the entertainment industry. Met with tbe ChaiIperson of the Miami-Oade Film. Print and Oroadcast Advisory Board to diSQJss future coUabor4tive ways to advertise aud market our communities and enhance government services to the industry. Met with the Cuhural Arts Council to help develop the Council's CUltural Arts Master Plan and insure the entertainment industry's inclusion in the plan. JlL -l2I6-!38 la8: 55 TEL: P:02 Monitor the progress of Mayor Kawin'!t proposal for F.I.U. to conduct an economic impact study. Met with the Comru Company to hear a presentation on the proposed Miami Beach Studio City project. Passed a Rcsoll.&tion rC(l()nunendi~ that the Mayor and City Commission issue an RFP calling for a project that would meet the needs of the Entertainment Jndustry Monitor and participate in the planning process fur the issuance of 811 RFP on three City owned land pll'ce1s. SchedlJled a Roundtable meeting (public hearing) on July 8, 1998 to gather input from the entertainment industries regarding their needs. Passed a Resolution recomID.CnWng that the Mayor and City Commission amend Miami BCl.\Ch City Code Section 39-9, entitled lITemporary Obstructions of public right-of-way ~ permit required. e;1.imioatiJI& the; roquiranc:nt of iJ permit fur filming I1I1d ~ial events. I'IITU 1Ir. Al."TIVITlr..s~ Continue to galhm- information and develop a implementation plan to achieve the Committee's Ooal and Objectives. Continue to monitor and participate in the budget process for fiscal year t 998/99. Contipue to wurk with the MiauIi-Dade t'ilm. Print and Brnadcast Advisory Board. Continue to wod.: with the Cultural Arts Couneil. Continue to monitor the progress ufthe proposed F.LU. economic impact study. Develop an Entertainment Industry Needs Assessmenl report for the CitY ofMtami Beach. Continue to monitor and participate in the planning process for the issuance of an RFP on three City awned laDd paKCls. NO REPORT SUBMITTED FINE ARTS BOARD BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM - ~~ l.D BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: C" ,'" 9 ..,,0 .J'..:. - AM 10: 30 FLOOD PLAIN MANA~~J;,r..", ,.. BOARD -., .J._.....,,\ ~ OrfICE CHAIRPERSON: JOY MALAKOFF CITY LIAISON: PHILIP AZAN (APRIL HIRSCH, SECRETARY TO THE BOARD) NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: (1998) 1 ACTIVITY : The Flood Plain Management Board hears cases where an applicant's property requires a flood plain variance. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: To hear and render decisions on cases, as applicable. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Since this Board was created approximately 5 years ago, the number of cases has been minimal. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: To continue to hear Flood Plain Management cases, as necessary. F:\PLANlSZBAIFORMSIBI-ANNUAFPB NO REPORT SUBMITTED GOLF ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us OFFICES OF HUMAN RESOURCES. RISK MANAGEMENT & LABOR RELA nONS Telepbone: (305) 673-7000. Ext. 6511 or 6512 Fax: (305) 673-7023 or 673-7529 June 19, 1998 William Shaw, Chairperson Health Advisory Committee Miami Heart Institute, 1st Floor 4701 N. Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33140 Dear Chairperson Shaw: Subject: Health Advisory Committee/Bi-Annual Report In accordance with Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2, Requirements, Subsection (m), attached is a Bi-Annual Report Form. Please complete the form and submit it to the City Clerk's Office by Friday, July 3,1998, in the attached envelope, so that the Health Advisory Committee's report may be included with the Letter to Commission (LTC) to the City Commission for the City's other Boards and Committees' Bi-Annual Reports. For your convenience, we have prepared a suggested report for your review and consideration. Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter. Sincerel . /. . ~>J...?nr:; ~ic rd W. Bender Executive Assistant to City Manager/Labor Relations ~~ - \.Cl co -', r ::u c-:. ;= rn . :2 :) .1 i N XI .::- ~ ~ i. , -0 en :r < a m ""T1 .:::- --r, .. 0 n 0"\ ,..., RWB:lsg Attachments a:\COMM-MEMO-98IHAC-COMM98ISHAW//1.RPT _ _ - ---.cc: ------ ---- Robert Parcher, City Clerk BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALe REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: DR. WIllIAM SHAW RICHARD W. BENDER CITY LIAISON: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER (2) April 13, 1998 and NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: June 19, 1998 ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 4/13/98 - The Committee selected a Chairperson, Dr. William Shaw, and a Secretary, Dr. Dalia Garcia. Additional business was to review RFP No. 42-97;02, for providing comprehensive medical evaluations, medical records retention, psychiatric service, immunization program, drug/alcohol testing program, wellness program, employee assistance program, and provide evaluation and treatment for Workers' Compo claims for City of Miami Beach employees and provided recommendations. 6/19/98 - The Committee reviewed the summary matrix prepared for the proposals received in response to RFP No. 42-97/02, and provided its recommendation. An additional item discussed at the 6/19/98 meeting was a memo from Richard Bender indicating that the Humana Health Care rates for Rscal Year 1998/1999 would be increased by 12% for the PPO, 2.5% for the POS, and 2.5% for the HMO. The Committee was advised that the City's Benefit Services Division's Broker of Record, Arthur J. Gallagher, had assessed the reasonableness of the rate adjustment and advised that Humana's proposal was in line with industry trends. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Meet on an as neededlwhen needed basis for the purpose of reviewing and advising the Administration and the City Commission regarding all matters that relate to the efficient and balanced health care for the citizens and visitors of Miami Beach. Provide private sector input and recommendationsto the City Administration and City Commission for the future development of health care in our community. BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL. REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of 2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: CHAIRPERSON: CITY LIAISON: HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY LARRY HUDSON PATRICIA D. WALKER NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: ~ ACTIVITY: The conunittee meets on a as needed basis and has not met this year. , FUTURE ACTIVITIES: The conunittee will meet when needed. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: " FUTURE ACTIVITIES: 19:bd.com.biannuaIIy rpt. JUN-25-98 12:10 PM SOUTH.BEACH.HISPANIC.CHA 01'17/111$ W~ l2S:S7 F.U P.02 !COOl S AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUA~ REPORT FOR.'\! . PAGE 1 of~ Hispanic Affairs Committee Ms. Lil1am M. Lopez Ms. Nadatte Rodriquez i\ if- Hispanic community in assistance and uidance where It will continue doin and active and aaenda alon9- _.- For the month of October, a workshop is scheduled where the community will be invited to partici ate. Re resentatives from Procurement will be invite so we will monitor the situation and do everthing possible to improve the numbers. JUN-25-98 12:10 PM GIS 11'/ Ill! ".t.L'l)~: :) I t i\..~ SQUTH.BEACH.HISPANIC.CHA P.03 ... RErORTFO~~ .PAGE20Fl I i ACCOMPLIS~NTS: rtant rol an insight as to non-Hispanic community of the City of Miami It made a recommendation to the City commission. ispanic Affairs Committee was also very involved in tt ing ~o get the MBPD to hire more Hispanics and had various Chiefs to our our I. FUT the whole community to attend and express any frustrations ACT~1TIES: they may have had in dealing with the City of Miami Thehispanic Affairs committee will start an out reach -.-1 - 5 exi ts and is willin the His anic community in nic Affairs Committee wjll con inue monitoring the number of Hispanics being promoted in the city and will report to the commission on that It will also sponsor more wor~~ho 5 on issueS J ! 19:bd.'~m.biannuaHY cpt. NO REPORT SUBMITTED HISTORIC PRESERVERA TION BOARD CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S ROBERT PARCHER cr CITY CLERK FROM: ,. SUBJECT: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or his/her designee shall bi-armually submit a completed written report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd to be forwarded to the Commission as an LTC. Thank You REP:eg S i"1 :2 ~ :.~' L:: :.~:;' C!j BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUA REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: eoMmtT--f(:..e 6N ~e.. ItlH€C-CSS CHAIRPERSON: CITY LIAISON: ~";1J/G 5/~ Gee.... NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: () ACTIVITY: -/,/(/5 ~mlfk-e /M6 Jee~ K>Gfb/UJ1/1-#Cd- our ae~m~ JI//A.JG ?ErO~ 'J?l?tJ /~/ a ,u f ~I , ~ '\7j()'!.(JP5 'I- ~PV//1A/-Ik.e.- ~ (),ff)//U~JU:::.E ~ }.)rr OCc.U/2LeD . 71/t3 /1YJ1 15 5r! /rGDuL.G-~ ,Calf- /It..e.. CJit L-'-f I ~b4 _ BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL. REPORT FORt\1 - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: , 19: bd.com. biannually rpt. ~f.fv.;,.;' ... ~:'~.;~ fi!.. 4;';' .J:. ii.:.....-U CITY c:..EfJ:':::; ;:;:;:?T. BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM ~ PAGE ~ij~20 9 198 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: i 1 LOAN REVIEW COMMITTE! . o. TIme \ i ---' i , j -""On./' CHAIRPERSON: GEORGE PSOMOPOULOS. SUNTRUST. N.A. CITY LIAISON: MIGUELL DEL CAMPILLO. HOUSING COORD. NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: ACTIVITY: Committee met on June 12, 1998, and elected George Psomopoulos, V.P. of SunTrust, N.A. as Chairperson. The Committee then reviewed and recommended approval of an application for funding under the Multi-family Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Committee also considered five applications submitted in response to the HOME Notice of Funding Availability (NOF A). One of the applicants, DEEDCO, Inc. was recommended to receive funds under this program. NOTE: Four of the seven committee members were appointed in March. Subsequently, three meetings were scheduled, due to the three committee vacancies, it was difficult to achieve a quorum. As a result, only one meeting was held. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: The Committee plans to meet monthly, or as required for the balance of the year. The Committee Liaison continues to seek eligible candidates for Committee membership. BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 of 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Committee reviewed and recommended approval of an application for funding under the Multi-family Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Committee also considered five applications submitted in response to the HOME Notice of Funding Availability. One of the applicants, DEEDCO, Inc. was recommended to receive funds under this program. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: The Committee plans to meet monthly, or as required for the balance of the year. NO REPORT SUBMITTED MARINE AUTHORITY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH m Interoffice Memorandum To: Robert Parcher City Clerk Marla Sherman~as )~~ Staff Liaison / /l/; / Date: July 1, 1998 From: Subject: Biannual Report for COSW In response to your memo dated June 16, 1998, the attached report was completed by COSW Chairperson Regina Suarez. Also, attached is a summary of attendance at the meetings from January 1998 through June 1998. Please advise if any additional information is needed. MSD:coswrpt.701 ,"", , -- \D ---{ co -< ~ ;0 c: ~ rn r r- fTl I (') ~ N rn :;::.t;: en .." < 0 :x '"TJ - m - ." 0 CJ1 n -.I f"T1 BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALeREPORT FORl\'[ - PAGE 1 of2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: Comud!':!':;nn nn thp St:'ltll!,; of Women CHAIRPERSON: Regina Suarez CITY LIAISON: Marla Dumas NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: ACTIVITY: Monthly meetings - January 22, 1998, February 10, 1998, March ~ 10, 1998, April, 14, 1998, May 12, 1998 June 9, 1998 Speakers - Topics Ivonne Mesa, Director DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Miami-Dade Intake Unit Laura Varela - Director Florida Constitutional Revisions ~~am~-Dade Commission on AMMENDMENT 9 - EQUAL RIGHTS t IP :t:'ltus of Women Jacque Hertz, Chair, CRB We Are MJ.amJ. .tleacn uct:ODer evenl.. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Monthlv meetings July, September, October, November, December BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAr-e REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Womem's History Month Event - Women Worth Knowing Recognized five local women - ~ FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Domestic Violence Month - Workshops targeted to young worn Support local county-wide walk Women's Health Forum . Topics to be announced n 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. N ./ Date J F JY A SON D I Felicia Alev Gertrude Arfa Donna Bloom Be ona Calcerra a Haze Cypen ranees ~ er - Barbara Gil man L Carmen Grallaa : - - i ,/ -D-ale---'Gratz ; v! v; 0/ Lizette Lope'::____~iv'; ,/ ~\.! V. V I ~~::l~:r~~~cus ; - ~- -O._~ ~crv-~~l.: -..----:=--_~.._______._ ..---L-._ ._='.'.=-- v \ v \_.r~-7--o i -Gaia Resnick J ./. 0,- .\ I -D..._.-;---r-.----- Sarita Resnick Ii v; V (,. './; ~ ; -------.. bynn 'RiissiIi-'--- Ellen Shaw v ../ --~--.~=?~~~--1,~-=---=--=~--==~~=~=-~-=-=~~~-~--. Diana Susi _-----=__._~~.:_....~_ Q-,-O__~_____... -. - 'n' . 'i - - --....- -"-. -~---.-. I-'--,~- "-- -- '-' Es ther Feinerman , _ i _ /.../, I/'" ' --5tizTfi--Kainerr' -.---- - _._-~. ~.--==~=-".-.._. - ,-.-..-..--.- ..---.--f-----.--~--n.-._----..-- - Vi ~' .~---___..o....______ v t/' ./ /v" ./ ,;. --~ ... . ,. "ll'P. ~lP#fIt~ d . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE_ ~IAMI ,BI;ACH FLOF3IDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 DA TE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S FROM: ROBERT PARCHER c.(' CITY CLERK ,. SUBJECT: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or his/her designee shall bi-annually submit a completed written report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd to be forwarded to the Commission as an LTC. Thank You REP:eg 0 \.D - co ::0 ---s -< ~ rn G c;-> 0 I I f"T1 m --. w ....., - ~ -0 < C.I' - ~ m 0 r:-:? 1 "'T1 0 -n c.n - C'") ('T\ f'T\ BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL. REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of 2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: CHAIRPERSON: CITY LIAISON: Cultural Arts Council I. Stanley Levine Ronnie Singer NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: ACTIVITY: Develop attached master plan through numErous planning ses:sionE. , City Commission Plan adopted by FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Administer Grants Program ( .kIP ~ I ~ ....;r~,.. A- T[)I.\(..l~ 1) ') Begin joint cultural marketing effort BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL. REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Attached Master Plan " FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Grants Program .Marketing Program Endowment Campaign Ig:bd.com.biannuaIIy rpt. /Vt./'SllilCG" /!fjlJr6fV1&Jr CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH F"'jf~~lICI\. Ie .,,,,,,,",,~i! W ~~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C'~ C:"ERK~S DE:=T. jUf~ 1 E :.~;0_~~ CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 By T' .' ~m.e DATE: JUNE 16, 199~r-----"" -.J TO: CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S FROM: ROBERT PARCHER cr CITY CLERK ,. SUBJECT: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or his/her designee shall bi-annually submit a completed written report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd to be forwarded to the Commission as an LTC. Thank You REP:eg BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUA REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of 2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: _1\ Ul sq \~Ce ~bC\~e<\i- ~ ( d f\ Dt- se \e C W-\1 ~ t . I ,~\/"\ " '~ \ ; 1 -{\..J : '- I'- .. (; V,---, J---.) v. . ,J""-i........... CHAIRPERSON: CITY LIAISON: NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: ~ L ACTIVITY: U 1~~f\O\'~G\ ~ FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Y\ '. I i n 1; +- I"? t......... ...7\- ~\ C CO S-c-i \ I, ! {\{\C\ (' ---U'\C:-... n ex \S+CUl C--Z. L\_ _ '-:C::>?,- \. ~ r: I v : '.....-I;\~ ---'""'"", L--\C~L i ! 1'\,~C .. r\ ~ ~\c'\.. -\-- \J0'-L ,<::.: I \C\i.-U 'I ' i (\ d \ c.. C\..--\-t (\~ ~\J -', SU, (\ c.c r , i t) r,L ^r>.O {', ....L.-. \ f ,....:\. ~! I: ,,-Ii \, "\ \ 0r (\'\ \",c,'Je..- boc\{ 0 . r '--- BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL_ REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: f\ C (\ <-- , FUTURE ACTIVITIES: l ;0n .C - ~~ (n\.(\.C ,LA. \-1\ ~ ri \ 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. NO REPORT SUBMITTED PARK & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES BOARD BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REP t)\GE 1 of 2 For period 1/1/98 -- 6/30/9 S8 JUL -8 Mi \0: 30 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: Plannin~~~~~ ERK'S OFF\CE CHAIRPERSON: Melvyn Schlesser CITY LIAISON: Dean Grandin NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: 8 (5 regular & 3 workshops) ACTIVITY: The Planning evaluates policies required to guide the direction and type of future development and expansion of the City. It conducts public hearings to consider any and all matters referred to it by the City Commission and submits its findings to the Commission. It considers applica- tions pertaining to Conditional Use permits, Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, changes of Zoning District boundaries and Comprehensive Plan amendments. It makes appropriate studies regarding Land Use, Development and Public Facilities. The Planning Board also acts as the Local Planning Agency (LPA) as per state statutes. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: The Planning Board currently has planned the continuation of a public hearing regarding pro- posed zoning changes, rezoning areas of the City and reducing maximum building heights and Floor Area Ratios (FAR's). The Board also has an upcoming workshop regarding Alcoholic Beverage Regulations and Special Events in the City. Several Conditional Use applications are before the Board, and proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance will be heard. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS. . Earlier this year, the Board held a series of workshops in regards to proposed zoning changes, which have resulted in extensive proposals to change the zoning map and zoning regulations. These proposals will be voted on at the July 20th public hearing. The Planning Board also has made determinations on several Conditional Use and Lot Split applications as well as giving recommendations to the Commission on proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments regarding Parking Lots, Liquor Regulations, the Presumption of Equitable Estoppel, the elimination of Design Bonuses for FAR's and other Land Use and Development issues. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: see above C:\WPIPBIBI-ANUAL.RPT CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7411 DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 ,. c-: ill CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S -. co ::0 -< L- c-: c:= m (2(' i r a ROBERT PARCHER re. :-v CITY CLERK :::c 0 m ~ (f) ~ < ::::>: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S 0 \.:;) m "'T'l a .." Ul n .r:- ,." TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or hislher designee shall bi-annually submit a completed written report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd to be forwarded to the Commission as an LTC. REP:eg RECEIVED JUl 1 3 1998 ()~ Thank You B'Y: M.B.P.D. CHIEFS OFFICE BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL. REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of 2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: t,;, '(; { a 7:L~/V.f 4t tc~ (hH7/7?///ZZ. , CHAIRPERSON: ,y?/V~~ L-/i CITY LIAISON: Qh;<.-( f.dll~';) ];{fuJ~ NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: 3 ACTIVITY: f? ~y.. '//1/~~ "~5,~';;5 .fv/2tLc--4"" 74..- 1/6% L- :;;.tlk v: ,. v~'r--;/' .- v/>-/ . / p //-,',4,.' , " ,o.-,a d (l/lr/17< ~ 'C~J 7'.6/~".4 , FUTURE ACTIVITIES: p- "-'/r~ .........J' BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: /J /u."..".';) 4~oL?/..o....I ~(;~/?.L?O~ -"" d#/IA"~-;;f ,. /"-' /$&?--, / " , 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FO~ ~tr S8 JJL -8 AM 10: 30 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: PROPERTY MAIN,TrE~~~~S OFFICE STANDARDS APPEALS1j8ARn CHAIRPERSON: JOY MALAKOFF CITY LIAISON: AL CHILDRESS (APRIL HmSCH, SECRETARY TO THE BOARD) NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: (1998) NONE ACTIVITY : The Property Maintenance Standards Appeals Board rules on cases involving property owners who have received a violation from a Code Enforcement Officer and are aggrieved by the determination of that officer in issuing said violation, thereby appealing that violation to the Board. The property owner and/or a representative, present the case to the Board, and the Code Enforcement Officer also provides testimony. The Board then renders a decision either upholding or denying the appeal. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: To continue hearing property maintenance cases, when requested. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: There have been only a few cases (less than a dozen) since this Board was created approximately 15 years ago. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: To continue as necessary, F:\PLAN\SZBAIFORMSIBI-ANNUA.PM JUL-12-1998 19:34 DDA MIAMI 305 3712423 P. 02/03 BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI.ANNU BQARD OR COMMIT'T1i:E NAME: 98 JUL I ",...../ r'LERK'$ OFfiCE vii \J Transportation and Parking Committee CHAIRPERSON: T. Neil F-ritz CITY LIAISON: JAcq~eliDc Gonzalez NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JAN11ARV: 4 ACfI:\tTfY : Held Committee Orieutation session to orient new members to the progress made dhring the past 2 years by the previous Committee; elected Officers; reviewed S~n8h1nc Amendment/Code of ~th1cs; discussed Committee procedures; set regular meetings. F.UTURE ACTOOTIES' . Review and refine Committee Mission Statement; review Commission Ordinance creating Tran9portation and Parking Committee. JUL-12-1998 19:34 DDA MIAMI 305 3712423 P.03/03 r BOARD AND COMMIITEE BI-ANNu~REPORT FO~ . PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Facilitated the public input process for the MUDicipal Plan, including three public Dleetings held in North Beach, Mid-Beach, and South Beach; participate< in the selection process fo-r ranking respondente to the RFP for private- sector parking facilities; par~1cipated in the selection process for ranking respondents to the RFP for new parkin~ meters; reviewed and recommended amend:mem:s to the Valet Ordinance; reviewed and recommended Lincoln Road Unified Valet Pilot Pro~ram: discussed amendaents to the Towin~/I~bilizati< Ordinatfce. n FUTURE ACl1VITIES: Approval and recommendation of the Municipal Mobility Plan; review of Residential Permit llroj;traIn; assist Parking DeDartaent in develo1)Jllent of a marketing program for Electronic Meter Debit Cards. 19:bd.com.biannually rpt. TOTAL P. 03 3A ~8L\ CoHN~i::{fe CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S ROBERT PARCHER cr CITY CLERK FROM: ,. SUBJECT: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or his/her designee shall bi-annually submit a completed written report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd to be forwarded to the Commission as an LTC. Thank You REP:eg 7Y~(",,~ IT \\,?~. f-- \-t, ~. ~ It ~~ '^ .. '-:- J ' ". "j"- f 7 -:-r'" 0LI'~, !.;....:;~ ~.:t€:~{ ~.:,~t.'~,J;'a~TR~GJI ~) /. l"Oj,: ~ ffi~~, ',' ~ ~~ . .';" J1. ::~!;',;)jt' L, -, ,:,,-, -:. . BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAL_ REPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of 2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: -~;:~ C".",~,HF <-- ,/JIV~ ~ &~ ~/~tX /0 CHAIRPERSON: CITY LIAISON: NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: FUTURE ACTIVITIES: NON.e=> v BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUA'-e REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ,. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: N{)I'\\'C:- ~ Ig:bd.com.biannually rpt. - ~DPr' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH City Manager's Office Interoffice Memorandum to To: Robert Parcher City Clerk Date: August II, 1998 From: , I / ~;};/ Michael Aller /f1jJctv:,/~ Tourism and Convention Coordinator Chief of Protocol Subject: BI-ANNUAL REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEES I apologize for being so tardy in responding to your request, but as you can see, we just finished all of the information included the first part of August. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted. r-', \...0 ' ' -. .. C) ---, ""'......._~ ~ .~~...; .~ J .~J . - .'^""\ ~ " ,. , w ;T1 ~ fJ') :::-.. <J:,r-' -.:.. '- 0 6 In '"Tj 0 -n N n co rrl MA:jh Attachment c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager F:\CMGRISALLIALLERllu.LER98\PARCHER811 BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAI4J REPORT FORl\1 - PAGE 1 of 2 BOARD OR COMMITTEE NAME: Miami Beach Visitors and Convention Authorit Lisa Cole, Public Relations Director Fontainebleau Hilton, 305-535-3226 Michael Aller, Tourism & Convention Coordinator/Chief of Protocol CHAIRPERSON: CITY LIAISON: NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD SINCE JANUARY: ACTIVITY: Please see Mission Statement, Objecti ves and Criteria , FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Wednesday, August 5, 1998 through Friday, August 28, 1998. BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUAItf REPORT FOR1\( - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The vear 1998/1999 actually does not start until October 1, 199~ and ooes through September 30, 1999. Miami Beach visitors and Convention Authority has had meetings to put out guidelines and timetables, the application form and the mission statement. , FUTURE ACTIVITIES: We will notify you on a bi-annual basis if you require that. Please inform. Respectfully submitted. Michael Aller, Tourism & Convention Coordinator/Chief of Protoc 01 Ig:bd.com.biannually rpt. 07/24/98 10:30 ft @002 Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority Mission Statement The Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority' $ (YeA) mission is to support, maintain and develop quality programs which generate, satisfy and enhance the year round tourist attractiveness of Miami Beach. Objectives and Criteria The veA encouniges. develops and promotes the image of Miami Beach locally. nationally and internationally as a vibrant community and tourist destination. The VCA strategically invests its resources en a balanced manner, fostering existing programs, stimulating new activities, encouraging pannerships, and contributing to the uniqueness of Miami Beach. Through the careful allocation of resources and its overall portfolio of programs, the VCA ~upports the continued growth of Miami Beach as a tourist destination. JUL-24-1998 11:50 P.02 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA .:It .~~6 "If' STEPHEN P. CLARK CENTER July 27, 1998 CUL TURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL SUITE 625 111 NW. 1st STREET MIAMI. FLORIDA 33128.1964 Michael Spring Executive Director TELEPHONE: (305) 375-4634 FAX: 375.3068 TO: Lisa Cole, Chair and Members, Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority FROM: Michael Spring, Executive Direct~t rPtad. )pMno/~ Miami-Dade Cultural Affairs Cou~ciIv-rr . , 0 SUBJECT: Draft Timetable In order to proceed with the advertisement and distribution of these materials, the following timetable is proposed for your discussion and review: Thursday, July 30 VCA Meeting to review and finalize Guidelines and Application Forms Wednesday, August 5 Mailing of Guidelines and Application Forms Weekend, August 7 Legal Advertisements Friday, August 28, 4 PM Annual Deadline: Category I - Tourism Partnerships Category II - Special Events (Recurring) 1 st Deadline: Category ill - Special Events (New or First-Time) Category IV - Major One-Time Events Category V - Development Opportunities Please note that Categories III, IV and V will have ongoing monthly deadlines with the requirement that applications must be submitted at least 45 days prior to an upcoming VCA meeting for scheduled review at that meeting. Thursday, September 24 VCA Review Meeting F or the purposes of maintaining reliable deadline and meeting review schedule, it is recommended that the VCA establish a regular monthly meeting schedule (e.g. the 4th Thursday of each month at 9:00 AM). MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL GUIDELINES AND TIMETABLE 1998-99 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT GRANTS PROGRAM FOR THE NEEDS OF CUL TURAL ORGANIZATIONS The Cultural Affairs Council is pleased to announce the eleventh year of the CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT GRANTS PROGRAM for the needs of cultural organizations, Initially funded by a major three year grant of $300,000 from tht;, National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Locals Program and designed to be matched by county, municipal and private funds, this program has as its primary purpose providing support to not-for-profit. tax exempt cultural organizations tu purchase, renovate and/or equip neighborhood-based cultural facilities. At the discretion of the Program Panel and the Council, only a limited number of facilities planning projects and neighborhood-based extension facilities of Miami-Dade"> major institutions may be eligible for consideration during this year. The Council encourages applications from primarily small and medium-sized organizations whose growth depends OJ: access to and control of adequate facilities for optimum implementation of programs, These programs must be accessibk and promoted to the general public, Facilities improvement projects should be designed to improve the artistic capabilitit;~ of and/or the audience ability to experience programs in the applicant facilities. Priority will be given to existing facilitin that submit applications for projects to implement improvements regulated by the Americans with Disabilities Ac' (ADA). In the interest of ensuring that cultural organizations have the resources to adequately plan for their capital needs, the Capital Development Grants Program will consider a limited number of requests for funds to conduct facilities planning andfeasibility studies. This cycle of the Capital Development Grants Program is scheduled to fund projects taking place between October ] 1998 and September 30, 1999. All funding recommendations are contingent on Board of County Commissioners approval of the Cultural Affairs Council's 1998-99 budget. REVIEW CRITERIA Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to eligible organizations. . In addition to meeting all of the technicai requirements of the application, the Capital Development Grants Program Panel will evaluate applicants in light of the following criteria: total funds available targeted geographic distribution of grant funds benefit to the general public accessibility to other cultural organizations of the facilities under consideration matching funds committed to the project proposed use of grant funds management. programming and marketing capabilities of the applicant organization All funded facilities must provide equal access and equal opportunity in employment and services and may not discriminate on the basis of handicap, ethnicity, culture, creed, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Additionally. programs and facilities must make every effort to significantly comply with the mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 504 of that Act. ELIGiBILITY Applicants must qualify as a political subdivision of Dade County or one of its municipalities or be a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) cultural organization which controls or intends to purchase a building in Dade County. Organizations having received previous years' funding from this program are eligible to apply. Organizations can apply to the Capital Development Grants Program only once a year. Programs in facilities for which grants have been provided must be accessible and promoted to the general public. DEADLINE: Applications must be received by Thursday, August 20 at 4 p.m. Postmarks are not acceptable. SUBMIT TO: CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT GRANTS PROGRAM Miami-Dade County Cultural Affairs Council III N.W. First Street, Suite 625 Miami, Florida 33128 Attn.: Rem Cabrera Applicants must meet requirements outlined and must schedule an appointment with Council staff prior to making application. Please contact Rem Cabrera at 305-375-5019 for further information and assistance. GRANT REQUIREMENTS . Letters of commitment of matching funds from municipality or from organization's board . ArchitecturallEngineering Study . A minimum two (2) year facility management plan and budget . Maximum possible public and/or private match . Control of facility (ownership or a lease of a minimum of 5 years) . Preferred attention will be given to organizations with at least one full-time paid employee . Applications requesting funding support for portable equipment will be taken on a case-by-case basis TERMS OF MATCHING FUNDS The matching terms of the Capital Development Grants Program are designed to act as a catalyst for organizations to obtain increased levels of local government (e.g" municipal) and applicant organization funds. This establishes a targeted dollar for dollar match from the municipality or jurisdiction in which the facility is located and from the applicant organization to be eligible for the county grant funds. The applicant organization is encouraged to secure local government/municipal funding participation as part of the targeted match for grant funds. Applicant organizations can use funds derived from earned and contributed income including foundation, private sector and other public sector capital improvement funds to satisfy the "applicant organization" portion of the match. All grant and matching funds involved in construction projects supported through the Capital Development Grants Program are subject to compliance with provisions of applicable laws, regulations and rules. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM GRANT AWARD Per project. the maximum total county grant award can be $50,000 and would require a minimum match of$50,000. Minimum grant awards usually will not be less than $5,000 and will require the same above-mentioned matching requirements, July 13, 1998 July 13, 1998 to August 18, 1998 August 20, 1998 4:00 p.m. October 22, 1998 October 28, 1998 January 1999 TIMETABLE Guidelines and Application Forms Available Consultation with Council Staff All applicants must call the Council office to schedule the required meeting with staff during this period. Staff may request a walk-through of applicant's facility. GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE. A facility walk-through by panelists will be required before the Panel Evaluation. Panel meets to review applications. Cultural Affairs Council Formal Review of Panel Recommendations Board of County Commissioners Final Approval All funding recommendations are contingent on Board of County Commissioners approval of the Cultural Affairs Council 1998/99 Budget. Additional meetings of the Grant Program Panel may be called throughout the year as needed. The Capital Development Grants Program Guidelines and Application are available on audio cassette or in large print upon request. Persons who are hearing impaired may request an interpreter for the required consultation and/or panel meeting giving five work days written notice prior to the scheduled date. :MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL GRANT APPLICA nON 1998-99 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT GRANTS PROGRAM FOR THE NEEDS OF CULTURAL ORGANIZA nONS Please refer to the attached Guidelines and Timetable and complete this form fully. Submit one (1) original with one set of attachments outlined in section # 14 plus nineteen (19) copies of the application with attachments outlined in sections # 12 and # 13 on or before 4:00 p.m. AU1!ust 20. 1998. Please type responses clearly: M10UNT REQUESTED $ NAME OF FACILITY: I. Application Organization: Address: City, State, Zip Code: 2. Year Legally Established: 3. Federal Employer I.D. Number: Miami-Dade County Commission District State: Telephone/Fax: Federal I.D. # U.S. Congressional District Florida State House District Title: Florida State Senate District 4. Contact Person: Address (if different): City, State, Zip Code: 5. Organization's Primary Activity: Telephone/F ax: 6. Present Number of Paid Employees: 7. Property Profile: Name of Facility: Address of Facility: City, State, Zip Code: Municipality: General Specifications of the Facility: a) Date Constructed: b) Facility's Configuration and Dimensions Including Square Footage: Projected Number After Project Completed: Telephone: c) Current Condition: d) Status of Existing Equipment: e) Other information: Neighborhood Revitalization Impact: 8. Bank \\'bere Organization has Account (s): Type of Account( s): Savings Checking Other Acct. No. Acct. No. Address: Acct. No. 9. Credit References (List Credit Sources): Name/Address: Account Number a) b) 10. Maturities of Outstanding Loans: Financial Institution! Loan No: Address/Amount Terms (Fixed Variable) a) b) c) 11. Are you currently applying for or have you ever received a loan or grant for capital improvements? (use additional sheets as necessary) Source/Purpose Loan/Grant Year Amount a) b) c) 12. Brief Analysis of Use of Grant and Matching Funds: Grant Funds Matching Funds a) Permanent Equipment b) Rehabilitation $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ c) Purchase of Facility d) Other (specify): e) Subtotal f) Total (Grant Funds plus Matching Funds) $ REVENUE SUMMARY: g) Total Grant Request $ h) Amount of Municipal Matching Funds $ (if applicable - may be equal to at least 1/2 of Total Grant Request) i) Amount of Organization's Matching Funds $ (should be equal to at least 1/2 of Total Grant Request) j) Total Project Budget (should be equal to l.1fJ $ . ........-.....,,-., _40~ 13. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Attach no more than one page for each of the following items to the original and to each of the 19 copies of the application). Please headline each section: a) Brief description of purchase, rehabilitation, equipment and/or facility planning aspects b) Cultural needs and audiences project will serve c) Summary of prior equipment purchases and/or capital improvement work to facility. Describe progress as a result of prior Cultural Affairs Council capital development grants. Please include an outline offuture capital improvements beyond this project. d) Outline of facility/equipment management plan (address staff and job responsibilities. and statement regarding policies for facility/equipment use and accessibility to the general public and to other cultural organizations) e) Outline of facility/equipment progranuning plan (address kinds of programs and projects andfrequency offacility/equipment use: please provide SUPport materials documentinrz the organization's artistic directions and goals) , f) Outline offacility marketing plan (address amount offunds budgeted. media placement & public relations plan) g) ArchitecturaVengineering study and/or equipment specifications/price quotes h) History and description of organization i) ADA Supplement (attached) 14. BUDGET INFORMATION (Attach the following items to the original and to each of the 19 copies of the application): a) Organization' s complete financial statement for last completed year b) Organization's total budget for current year (1998-99) c) Projected facility operating budget for two years (1998-99 and 1999-2000) d) Detailed project budget identifying exact use of grant and matching funds 15. PLEASE AITACH ONE COpy OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING TO THE ORIGINAL APPLICATION ONLY: a) IRS letter of Tax-exempt status b) List of Board Members. Please identify any members of the Board who are county employees c) Letters of commitment of matching funds from municipality or from organization' s Board d) Copy of existing or proposed lease; copy of title or purchase agreement, copy of any other financial arrangements under this transaction 15. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, ALL OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION AND THESE ATTACHMENTS IS TRUE, COMPLETE AND CORRECT, AND FURTHER I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ALL OF THE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN WILL BE PUBLIC AND STAND PERMANENTL Y AS PUBLIC RECORD. AU1HORlZING SIGNATURE: TITLE: 1YPED OR PRINTED NAME OF SIGNER: DATE: ====================================================================================== ~ MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CUL TURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL III N.W. FIRST STREET, SUITE 625, MIAMI, FLORlDA 33128 All funding recommendations are contingent on Board of County Commissioners approval of the Cultural Affairs Council :5 1998-99 budget. Programs/Projects which receive funding from this program must include the following credit in all promotional marketing materials related to this grant, including public announcements, press releases, programs, print and broadcast media. ThIS project is supported by a grant from the Miami-Dade County Cultural Affairs Council and the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners. Council programs are made possible with the support of the National Endowment for the Arts, the State of Florida through the Florida Department of State. Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Arts CounciL as well as from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for its Cultural Renewal Initiative. Miami-Dade County provides equal access and equal opportunity in employment and services and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its programs or services. This document is available in alternative format by calling the Cultura: Affairs Council at (305) 375-4634. Please be advised that as a recipient of Miami-Dade County grant funds you are required by law to provide equal access and equal opportunity in employment and not discriminate on the basis of disability in your programs or services, MIAMI BEACH VISITOR & CONVENTION AUTHORITY 1998-99 Tourism Advancement Program APPLICATION FORM Please submit one (1) original and nineteen (19) copies of the completed application form and applicable attachments to the Miami-Dade Cultural Affairs Council, 111 N. W. 1st Street, Suite 625, Miami, Florida 33128 by the required deadline date. Indicate One Program Category for Your Application (Program Categories are outlined in the VCA Guidelines; Council Staff will provide organizations guidance with Category detenninations): LJ Tourism Partnerships LJ Major One-Time Event LJ Special Events (Recurring) LJ Special Events (New or First-Time) LJ Development Opportunities 1. APPLICANT ORGANIZATION Title of Program Amount Requested $ Location(s) of Program Date(s) of Program Alternate Date(s) If Program Is Canceled By Weather, etc. Cancellation Insurance Yes No Organization Address City Telephone: Year Legally Established For Profit Not-for-Profit State FAX State of Incorporation Federal 1.0.# Zip Code 2. GRANT WRITER/CONTACT PERSON Address City Daytime Telephone: State Zip Code FAX: Page 1 / 1998-99 VCA Application Form 3. List any other 1998-99 VCA Awards List VCA Awards for 3 Prior Years: FY Organization Project Budget VCA Funding Project/Event Budget 1997-98 1996-97 1995-96 4. List previous public sector grant requests and awards, other than VCA, received in the last three years from Miami-Dade Cultural Affairs Council, Municipal, State or Federal agencies (use additional page if necessary): Year Grants Program Amount Amount Awarded Requested 5. A. Area of Miami Beach In Which Activity Takes Place: South Beach Middle Beach North Beach (55th St. & above) (Lincoln Road & below) (17th St.- 55th St.) B. Voting Districts of Organization: Miami-Dade County Commission District # State Congressional District # State Senate District # Federal Congressional District # (for assistance, please call the Miami-Dade Elections Dept. at 305-375-4600) Page 2/1998-99 VCA Application Form 6. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Please cover: 1) description of the program, including the number of activities, key participants, and the significance nationally and/or internationally; 2) specific location(s); (3) the markets and audiences to be served; (4) why your program should receive pUblic funding from the VCA; (5) how you would allocate any VCA funds awarded at this time (this allocation must match itemized requests on Application page 10) Page 3/1998-99 VCA Application Form 7. TOURISM IMPACT A. Describe the program's capability to develop and promote the image of Miami Beach as a sophisticated destination with excellent tourism attractions and outstanding visitor services. B. Explain how this program addresses the need for off-season and holiday activities. C. Explain how this program will help expand the impact of tourism into under-developed geographic areas of Miami Beach. Page 4/1998-99 VCA Application Form 8. PROMOTIONAL AND MARKETING PLAN A. List the specific methods to be used in promoting this project regionally, nationally and/or internationally. Please reference the required attachment of a detailed Marketing/Media Plan and indicate with an asterisk which expenses are prioritized for VCA funding support. B. Describe any previous experience and track record for in carrying out the same or comparable program, especially in regard to your demonstrated track record for generating significant national and/or international publicity and visitorship. C. Describe commitments secured to produce tourism benefits including but not limited to television coverage/distribution, media sponsorships, etc. Please mention specifically whether this project is a TV origination. Page 5 /1998-99 VCA Application Form 9. State the projected attendance to the program Admission: Free Gated Price Range Percentage of TouristsNisitors Percentage of Local Residents from Miami Beach Please Provide More Specific Demographic Breakdown of Attendees If Available: Number of hotel room nights reserved for your project (attach copy of hotel confirmation) Upon what do you base your projections? 10.Describe your organization's efforts to comply with the Americans with. Disabilities Act in its programs and facilities. Be specific. Describe special equipment, availability of interpreters or facility renovations that serve to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. Describe marketing logos or other strategies that indicate that program/facility are accessible to persons with disabilities. Page 6/1998-99 VCA Application Form 11. Be sure to contact the appropriate agency for support in the neighborhood in which your project is planned. All support letter(s) must be sent directly to your organization for attachment to this application. Ocean Drive Improvement Association 760 Ocean Drive Suite 9 Miami Beach 33139 531-9478 FAX 531-8663 Miami Design Preservation League P.O. Box 190180 Miami Beach 33119 672-1836 FAX 672-4319 Miami Beach Development Corp. 1205 Drexel A venue Miami Beach 33139 538-0090 FAX 531-8804 Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 1920 Meridian Miami Beach 33139 672-1270 FAX 538-4336 North Beach Development Corp. 300 71st Street Suite 502 Miami Beach 33141 865-4147 FAX 865-4175 Greater Miami & the Beaches Hotel Assoc. 407 Lincoln #10 G Miami Beach 33139 531-3553 FAX 531-8954 Middle Beach Partnership Colonial Bank 301 41 st Street 3rd Floor Miami Beach 33140 535-9441 FAX 535-9240 Lincoln Road Marketing 301 41st Street c/o MBDC 1205 Drexel A venue Miami Beach 33139 672-0078 FAX 538-0064 South Pointe Advisory Board c/o Development and Historic Preservation 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach .33139 673-7193 FAX 673-7772 Page 7 /1998-99 VCA Application Form 12.C/TY SERVICES Applicant Organization Program Date(s) of Program All City Service estimates must be obtained from the Special Events Liaison. Call (305) 673-7577 for an appointment before submitting this application. Cash Expenses In-Kind Police Fire Rescue Fire Prevention Permit / Application fees Rental: Name of City Facility Other Personnel (itemize) Sanitation Building Maintenance Dumpsters Metered Parking Other (list) Totals DEPOSIT $ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Estimate of City Services Signed Off by: Special Events Liaison Date (The above estimate is not valid unless signed by the Special Events Liaison). Page 8/1998-99 VCA Application Form 13. PROJECT BUDGET - List Project Expenses and Project Revenues below: EXPENSES In-Kind Value Personnel- Technical Production (# of people --1 Personnel-Administrative (# of people --1 Personnel-Programmatic (# of people --1 Travel Marketing/publicity: Advertising Printing/Design Space Rental Insurance Miscellaneous Project Expenses City Services: (from page A 8) Other Expenses Cash In-Kind Expenses Value TOTAL EXPENSES ------ ------ ------ ------ CASH REVENUE Secured Anticioated Admissions Contracted Services, tuitions Corporate contributions: List sources and amounts: Local grants: (excluding amount requested here) Note: Total Cash Expenses and Total Secured & Anticipated Cash Revenue MUST EQUAL. DO NOT INCLUDE IN-KIND DOLLARS IN THESE CASH TOTALS. Page 9 /1998-99 VCA Application Form Foundation grants Private, individual contributions Govemment grants: (List sources and amounts) Federal grants: State grants: Other Revenue (itemize) Applicant Cash on Hand Amount Requested Sub Totals TOTAL SECURED plus ANTICIPATED CASH REVENUES ----------- ----------- 14. GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED Itemize Expenditures for which VCA funds will be used. $ ITEM EXPENSE Personnel - Technical Production Personnel - Programmatic Marketing/Publicity Space Rental Insurance City Services Other Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL GRANT REQUEST: $ 15. CERTIFICATION: I certify that all information contained in this application and these attachments is true and accurate. 16. A FINAL REPORT must be submitted within 45 days of project completion. Authorizing Signature X Title Typed or printed name X Date 17. DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS: Any award approved by the Board requires that $500 be withheld from payment until a satisfactory Final Report is submitted in a timely manner. If this is not received within 45 days of the project completion, the $500 is non-refundable. Organizations that have not complied will not be considered for future funding. THERE Will BE NO WAIVERS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Page 10 /1998-99 VCA Application Form CITY OF MIAMI BEACH City Manager's Office Interoffice Memorandum to To: Robert Parcher City Clerk Date: June 23, 1998 From: / " . . " 'tt //1A~ /,! '/,/ ~. /, 'I th - M. h 1 All ; t'i/jflfp /, .. . . IC ae er,' i /1 v '1 City Liaison to the Miami Beach Visitors and Convention Authority Subject: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEES On Wednesday, July 8, 1998, an all-day seminar is being held by an all new Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority chaired by Ms. Lisa Cole, Public Relations Director, at the Fontainebleau Hilton. They have no mission statement and their focus has not been geared as of yet. I see that this Report is due by Friday, July 3, 1998 but that meeting will not be held until Wednesday, July 8, 1998. After that meeting I will be able to more formally present the mission statement, activities, accomplishments, and future activities. If you should have any questions, I shall be out ofthe country until Tuesday, July 7, 1998. Respectfully submitted. MA:jh c-: '-'0 -, c::> ;0 /' L- -......., m c:-:' :2 (") . N rr-; rn :n :- :;:r; - -0 < (..0 :3: c - rn ...... .. a ...., n (J'l rn c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager F\CMGR\$ALLIALLERIALLER98\P ARCHER623 ~~""".~ " ."<~...::~I.;.;/}......_."" .~~. :0..~' . .:;lJ~ ,.......\1 t._ dt'..... "~'.h..~ JlkJ '__.' .... . . >,!,.~ .:~ '.: '.~. . .,.... .' . . CITY-OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7411 DA TE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: CITY LIAISION OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S FROM: ROBERT PARCHER C!r CITY CLERK ,. SUBJECT: BI-ANNUALL Y REPORT FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEE'S Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-3086, Section 1.2 Requirements, subsection (m) states: The Chairperson or hislher designee shall bi-annually submit a completed \ovritten report form to the City Commission and the Manager. Please complete the attach form and return it to the City Clerk Office by July 3rd to be forwarded to the Commission as an LTC. Thank You REP:eg L ~ :8 ! r-l L J ~ ~.-';1~ ~~ j BOARDS AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUALeREPORT FORM - PAGE 1 of2 ACTIVITY: , BOARD AND COMMITTEE BI-ANNUA~ REPORT FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: , FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Ig:bd.com.biannually rpt. Flam: .elU'DNlCY To: "ettY Nell_ CIte: 711W8 Tn $:H:54 N.l f'aSlt 2 un , L 8OARDSANDCOMMmEIBI.AM<<14UPORTfOItM. PAGE 1 oU I SP....RDOR COMMITTEE NAME:. Yout" Center Advisorv ~oBrcl Jedi@ K"n~1(y CHAlRPnl50N: CITY..f AISOIl(: Fllp.n VAl:'g~ NIJM1ItR 0'" MEI::TlN~S HI'.LI'l SINe'E JAN'U~q,y; 3 (note that 4th mtQ in July was cancelled due to no quorum) AgIVITYo . l. . n of new board members -. ..;> nf . . p~es.ntation and reView of Youth Center renovltion/remodel plan Cramn of meetina schedule (monthly) FuU board building tour Set agenda with long and short term goals for this board Estabfish system of communicating SRYC actiVities and events to board From: J<:d-IlCnoftky To; J.ny NctlOII Ol:e: 1Il5IH l'IIN: .;~;~..IN P8l1"3 of3 I ' , r-- BO.um AND COM:\1~E .eANMIAt4t,UPORT FORM ...... .. PAGE:lOfl ACCOM.LISHMEN1'S: After three meetinas. this board is aettina to know the fecilitv and RAt:" nt"Ar '" J'UT1IRE ACTIVITJESl Th- · future activities need to be channeled toward settina an advisorY agenda to best serve the staff and the kid$. 1,:W.~.bi.nnuallr rp&. 8/24/98 NO REPORT SUBMITTED 1. BUDGET ADVISORY 2. CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION AUTH. 3. FINE ARTS BOARD 4. GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD 6. MARINE AUTHORITY 7. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FAC. BOARD 8. TOURIST AND CONVENTION CTR. EXP. AUTH. 9. VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY