166-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us L.T.C. No. 166-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION December 8, 1998 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: Implementation of the Ocean Drive Traffic Mitigation Improvement Plan At the September 23, 1998, City Commission meeting, the Administration's recommended mitigation plan for the Ocean Drive Corridor (5th to 15th Street) was accepted by the Commission. The Ocean Drive Traffic Mitigation Improvements Plan, as described in the attached Commission Memorandum is required to correct an existing traffic circulation level-of-service (LOS) deficiency and provide additional capacity within the corridor and surrounding area. These improvements are to be implemented by individual development projects which would utilize the excess operational capacity generated from the improvements. As such, the Administration recognizes that there is no one major project or development that has been identified as capable of successfully implementing the Ocean Drive Traffic Mitigation Improvement Plan. Therefore, the City should become the lead party for the implementation of this multi-party mitigation plan, which will be funded by the projects and development identified in the agreement. The City would establish a designated "escrow account" for receiving monies from all projects and developments identified in the Ocean Drive Mitigation Improvement Plan Agreement. The City will establish each project's fair share cost for funding and implementing the entire mitigation plan, based on its respective number of vehicle trips generated during peak periods. All costs associated with the implementation of the plan would be funded by the identified projects and developments within the Ocean Drive area. The City would reserve the right to assess additional charges from the identified projects or developments, if it is determined that the cost associated with the implementation of the mitigation improvements have been underestimated or that unanticipated expenses have arisen. The City will contract with a consultant for professional services for the contemplated work once sufficient funds have been collected from the new projects and developments on Ocean Drive. The required construction work will be performed in two phases and will be bid out by the City and awarded to the successful low bidder meeting all the qualifications. The first phase consists of roadway striping and installation of signage to modify the traffic flow in and around Ocean Drive. The City will monitor and increase enforcement of the new traffic flow modification before implementing the second phase, which calls for signalization of several intersections on Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue. The final component of the Ocean Drive mitigation plan, involves expansion of the Electrowave shuttle service to the Ocean Drive corridor. The shuttle would be implemented through the creation of a Transportation Concurrency Management Area (TCMA) for the South Beach area, as stated in the Municipal Mobility Plan (MMP) objectives. The creation of a TCMA for South Beach would establish a permanent funding source for operational expenses involving shuttle service within the area and would be implemented completely within (2) two years. The TCMA would employ the level-of-service (LOS) standard that is consistent with the Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan, but would utilize innovative strategies and non-traditional solutions for the accommodation and management of traffic congestion within its Historic Architectural District boundaries. In summary, the City will proceed to collect funds from the identified projects and developments in the Ocean Drive Traffic Mitigation Agreement and will implement the required improvements. The City will also proceed with the development of the South Beach TCMA, pursuant to the MMP, for future expansion of the Electrowave. S~~/~/jj enc. cc: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Dean Grandin, Director of Planning Diana Grub Frieser, First Assistant City Attorney Julio Grave de Peralta, Director of Public Works Mercedes Sosa, Assistant Director of Public Works Joseph Johnson, Senior Planner -Ab~. ",b.::.22 BER\..LW i. ~~tLL PH. .::: 1... PIJ2': 2 SEF'.x 38 H:j;(jJ COMPOSITE EXHIBIT B ~ ~ -~ ==- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ S~ ..9 ~ TO: Mayor NeiHlI O. KudID ... Me.be" or the City Co .iaio. DATE; September ~.1'9I SVDJECTI Oeea. Drive FROM: ScrIio RDclrlIua Ocy Ma....r R~rn~ATlON The proposed traffic mitiptioo improvement plan for the Ocean Drive oorridor bctwc= 5th and 1 Sth Streets is put forth in order to adsfy tba City. concurrency requiremCllt for tratBc circulation and is attlC~ Hmo) for iDformatioDaJ purposes. Said plan involves th~ removal of a limited number of parkiDs IJ** (eat. side of Ocean Drive), the installaUOD of sianalizlaon at five (5) critical imenecticma alq Ocea Drive ad Col1;ftll A VeDUe, the imtallmon of DCW ItreCt marltina aDd stripins, implementation ofltrMt flowmodificatioas (OJ>>-WB)' pairs)) the strict emorccment of new traffic movement restrictions with me of new siPle durina peak periocb, the iMtallation of left-tuming lanes at critiea1 imenections. the expmsion of the Electrowave service along Ocean Drive. the creation of (3) three desipted pusqer drop-ofti'pick.up bays for the expanded Flectrowave Wave shuttle service IUd mubetary contribution towards the future expansion of th~ Flectmwave Ihuttle by the effected deveIopmeat projects. MCKGRot~ It has been determiDecl by the City'. "-.in, Department, Public Works Departmeot, Police Departmeat, PuIdDs Departmeat. the Mai-o.de CoUIlly Public Works Departmat. Civil Works Inc.. Post. Bucldey. Schuh.t. Jernigan, 1Dc., lC.im1ey.Hom a Associatea, and the city's M\II1icipel Mobility Plan Conmltant (Carr-Smith ComIdiDo) that tbczoe CUlDDtly exists a defid~ with resard to the tmffie clrcn1.fton level-of-service (1.OS) for a segment of Ocean Drive. More specifically, the segment of Ocean Drive ~ 5th Street and 11th Street is deficient, with the existiDl LOS operatina at"E" duriDg AM peak-hour IDCf "P- during P.M. peak.bour. This LOS problem iI also present during the PM. off-peak period and on weekends. Citywide, the adopted LOS for all roadways (Artaials. Collecton. Loc:a1) is "D". The Ocan DJWe corridor is quably one of1he most scenic and widely JeCOgn!zed tborouahfarea within the City and South Florida. It is located in the beart of the Historie Architectural District. . ThJs existina LOS deficiency will be furtber exacerbated and expanded alona the eorridor north to 15th Street by a number of projects CUI'NDtly under construction as well as by other projects (both major and minor in nature) which have been recently apJrOved by the Joint Desian Review /Historic AGENDA ITEM B q.:r3,9l 566 DATE _ill"'> . , b.:..':'L. bi:.t<,-lJ.,.J 60 r<J-1...tL.L f-H. ...:..i....l 1<<:;""'.':" .:.c;- -*.J :1C .u'''-,-, PrNervation Boercllftbeze i. DO oomprehcuive traftlc miugation improvement plan implemented for the corridor, tbea 1be exiJfi.", LOS for the Ocean Drive colridor will coudDue to delP'lde ftJrtber, in DOn-complianoe 90rith the City's Comprehensive Plan. ANALYSIS The traffic analysis oftbe subj~ corridor, olearly shows that the hiibcst peak-hoW'S (or the trafflc volumes are oceurriDs c:turiDs the midday time period of12:00 - 1:00 P.M., the c:venini time period of I~OO - 9:00 P.M.1Dd the late !light time period of 10:00 P.M. - 2:00 A.M. The segmmt where the mo!t leVer! traffic eoaaettion aDd pecIeIuian oonflicts arc occurrin& is from 5th to 11 tb Street. More particularly, at the iDt.enec:tioDl of 5th, 7th, 8th , 9th II1d 1001 S1rccts. There arc DO westbound left turn lanes or If-nr,a .-ea pnMDt, which rewltl in tho blocka&o of aortbboUDd and lIOuthbouDd throuih movements on Oeean Drive, when there is . grater demand for loft tuming movc:ments. The ~ mitiption improvemeDt requiIed for the conidor involves removiq &\ limited Dumber of the on-street parkiDs on tile east side aIoas Ocean Drive, which would be used to improve the traffic low throuahout the eorridor by some I'OIIdway md intenectiOD reconfiguration. street flow modification&. increued tnmait le!'Viee and tnnIpOrtatiOD ayltem lDJ~ement practi~. The removal of the pIIkiDs IJ*S will allow for new street markma aDd stripiq and iDstal1atioa of severalleft-tumiq lara for westbound botmd movemeDt at the most congested iDIenections. inc:reuina both their opeD1icma1 caplCity and efficiency. This mitigation improveaat will also provide a ~lnnllre& for watbo1md. left turn vsucles, therefore reduciDa the bJockaae of the northbound and lOudlboUDd thnnJeh traftic movements on Ocean Drive_ The new left U'AlaDes would be ICCOmplllied by the installation of uew signal control dmces on Ocean Drive at the intm'sedioDs of 7th. 9th and 11 th Street and modifications to the street flow directiCll (one-way) OIJ 7th. 81h mll4d1 Street between Ocean and Washinlton Avenue. There are CUIrCDtly ODIy two (2) tlrJiwd iuba~ aloua the entire Ocean Drive eorridor at Sth and 10th Street. Some additioaal JipalifttiOD alona Collins Avenue at the 7th and 9th Strett intersections would be iDdudcd u part of1be 1rIftic mitiptiOD improvements. The new traffic sipls would be able to be opcnted 1UIIPJIlly by the Police Department, as needed, for improved rnaoagement of late-aight IDd ...-"'.., tra:fBc ocmaestion. The implementation of all of the traftle mitiption impIOvemeI1ts would also prOYide Ilr liter pc:datrian and eoordinsted )eft ft~1 ~ from Ocean Drive onto 1be side streets. while dramatically improving the level-of-service, operational efticleDCy and reduce tr8ffic cmgestjm within the corridor. Alona with 1bc I&Ftion of rttW lcft-tunl storage lanes at the most conaested intersections, A portion of1be ~.in~ east side pwJd~ spaces will be used to create (3) three desianated vehicle dmp- offipiek-up bays 1brougbout the Ocean Drive conidor. These bays would be desiped to 1t"~~mOOlU the exc1uaivc use of aD by aD expauded Electrowave transit service on Ocean Drive and for police (vehicles poIitioGed to mauqe traffic congestion). No other vehicles would be permitted to use these passeqCl'drop-off1pick-up bay areas. The proposed expanded shuttle route Will Ocean Drive (DOrthbouDd) would nm from 5th to 13th Streets, tumina west onto 13th Street to pick.upldrop off ~ at the 13th Street parlcing garage, then proceed across Collins .o\veuue to Wasbiqton Avemac and ~ alon& the existing Washington Avenue route. This traffic mitigation improvemtl1t plan (see attachments) will Dot only correct the existina level of service deficiency, but will be sufficient to accommodate the projected additional DeW vehicle trips to and from the followina pmjects: CarlyeHotel- 1250 Ocean Drive; Edgewater Hotel-1410 Ocean Drive; Bentley HotcllFriday's Restaurant - 510 Ocean Drive; Victor Hotel ~ 1200 Ocean 567 -'w-..... I c.i<:....:....:.. t:-Lr...~J~_,..::. ~.}--.t_'t:.I-~ r H. ..:.l ~ r L~ ..:. SEP 3) '98 : <: ; ~ Drive; Breakwater. 940 Ocean Drive;.I Maneo's Tropical Cafe and Hotel - 900 Ocean Drive; 1051 0ceID Drive: 1458 CXean Drive; Ocean Five. 458 Ocean Orne; 1350 Collin.. Avenue; 226 Ocean Drive and Ocean Parcel - Ocean Drive and S. Pointe Drive. Furthermore. these traffic improvements will add sufficient capacity for some additional projects development and redevelopment in the affected area. The plan beina reported today fully addresses the existing and projected LOS issues for the Ocean Drive corridor resulting from cbanaes in population, demographics. seasons and special events, as vw:11 as development and redevelopment activity in the immediate area and the City as a whole. The CQJJ1u1ative eft'ect from the implementation of all components of said mitigation plan will ensure that the Ocean Drive corridor will coDtinue to operate acceptably well iD10 the foreseeable future and will be able to meet the City's traftic ciJcuJation CODCUrreDcy requirements. The intention of the plan is consistent with the findn,g, and recom."ended traft1c solutions within the draft Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan, which is cUlT8lltly nearing completion for adoption by the City . CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing background and 8DBlysis, the Administration has concluded that the proposed trafJic mitiption plan for Ocean Drive between Sth and 15th Streets service is a<:cep1Ible. As such, the Administration is ...c)6ed 10 develop and execute a Mitiaation Aareement with the devclopen of the above described projects, thereby setting in motion a request to the appropriate agmcics for coordiDation aDd ~ of this plan as soon u possible. All costs associated with the implementation of the prescribed traffic mitigation imIxoVea1ems will be paid 101eJy by the deveJoper of the above mentioDecl projects and any other futme project developers which utiliz.c the operational capacity created by the effectuation of the subject mitigation plan. The Administration is required to only report mitigation plaDs to the City Commission. No action is required. EDc.~ ~~ JG~Jj . -' 568 Ocean Drive Mitigation Calculation Methods 1. Background information Existing traffic volume (Ocean Drive -5th to 15th Street) - 1144 vph (Bi-directional) Existing upper traffic threshold volume for LOS D - 1059 vph Projected upper traffic threshold volume for LOS D with mitigation improvements - 1719 vph 2. Estimated cost of Ocean Drive Mitigation Plan (w/o ElectroWave component) $435,770.00 3. Estimated cost for increased Police presences (15 months) $75,000 4. Estimated total costs associated with the implementation of the Ocean Drive Mitigation Plan $435,770.00 + $75,000 = $510,770.00 5. Existing level-of-service (LOS) deficiency: 85 vph Existing traffic volume - Existing upper traffic threshold volume for LOS D 1144 - 1059 = 85 vph 6. Trips Consumed by Committed Projects: 83 vph Villaggio (1461 Ocean Drive) - 73 vph Bancroft Hotel (1501 Collins Aveune) - 10 vph 73 + 10 = 83 vph Excess capacity available for new projects after mitigation improvements: 492 vph Projected upper traffic threshold volume for LOS D - Existing traffic volume - Trips Consumed by Committed Projects 1719 - 1144 - 83 = 492 vph Estimated cost per trip: $1,038.15 Estimated Total Costs associated with the implementation /Excess capacity available for new projects after mitigation improvements implemented $510,770.00/492 trips = $1,038.15 Trips Consumed by New Projects: 433 trips 11+46+24+ 136+29+ 17+ 14+59+28+4+24+ 13 + 11 + 17 Breakwater Hotel (940 Ocean Drive) - 11 trips ($11,419.65) Edgewater Hotel (1410 Ocean Drive) - 46 trips ($47,754.90) Carlyle Hotel (1250 Ocean Drive) - 24 trips ($24,915.60) Victor Hotel (12th & Ocean Drive) - 136 trips ($141,188.40) 1458 Ocean Drive - 29 trips ($30,106.35) Mango's (9th & Ocean Drive) - 17 trips ($17,648.55) Mayya Restaurant (Lincoln Road & James Avenue) - 14 trips ($14,534.10) 1058 Ocean Drive - 59 trips ($61,250.85) 510 Ocean Drive - 28 trips ($29,068.20) 226 Ocean Drive - 4 trips ($4,152.60) 320 Lincoln Road - 24 trips ($24,915.60) 1350 Collins Avenue - 13 trips ($13,495.95) Ocean Five (458 Ocean Drive) - 11 trips ($11,419.65) Ocean Parcel- 17 trips ($17,648.55) Total - 433 trips utilized Total number of trips remaining for other future projects (not yet identified) 492 vph - 433 trips = 59 trips