#302 Estimated repair costs post Hurricane 1926 I . ! f I J .' , == ,,......,,, .,oi' ... J ~~I11AftD OO~ 0'1' nltttlStttTA'n(m&(EmLUSIW.. 0>>' ~WALLfl). amnOD 2. ~t'fT At L~ltGl* nOLtt~D:"q!' flm~Oa f1t . ae.~D6 taM ~ a'~()"ts P1:t$1t Qt. Oee:m 1lrlvc, Shovel 4 Ollttl.t 8 (bl.:l's e ,2.iQ . 2.000.00. I ~ IlL' ~read1D8 ~ a.J.Ong,Oooan DrivoI . llr~1lll1O end , FONfion, . M~o 20 d. itJ 200.00 4,,000.00 I , . ......... " ~~ rqplao~'a,(1t%~ln~~ of lU.~ -B'3aml. ,D1:'). ~b& Otrttar 4!.OOO,,' t.l~'. '. . (I ,1.50 fO.OOO, ;00 nTemEm'. 3.000 ~.7d. 4 ;.009.000.00 Qaoti'l:~ ,1,,000' if · .. 'l~fO 1,600.00 8l4eaalk _ i,OQO ., , .. 2.50 5..000.00 Oll & Sn1:4 lJ..ooo u " 8 .15 :1..21iQ.~ .~ -~ m7& . e21,SjO.OQ . f:BNI- , -r. t9il~ " .. " . L.h..... \ rt~ftD cour 01 r12!JJUtDIZiC 8S.A11At#J:a8t SmtIOrfB 1112.., (UOtUS1VR '01 'tstAfmS II BIT) .'. - I1n.t'_ oOnoreto !~1 .e-tle ' J ,. ,. On.co t m..eo J 41.54 It.. tt ., rcbtU14 ($ " ; 15.00 62,,310.00 I 1215- · Ntlbb1.e, 0.. C 10.00 12.1~.GO 761 It "fJoo4Q tti ~ 10.00 ~ 1'OTAL COa.A2.00 ~ o - r=;;/ /Y) <:/' H;1~06 J~;(.~:b (e,f:; ~~~) '" JOdtS IYtenc:(J'a7i-U(jJ~6 @~4-0 I~ I~, ~ ~eJld /6h a rrd Irrvo Itlk ,- . If) d~ iilf4t>. ~ 14-Cr(), ~ - - €3vm)83<fJutft~ - (p [) driP 1 &D Il10n -8--7hjJ~ ~ Z'lOaM6 @ ~~ J~j OCO , I (!)1-a1 , .~ ~,,- --- rJiF \)!- ~ 73 H1:.o.0 ' {"'. / -or :.., __~_-- .~.:,~o o () Miami Beaoh, Florida Ootober 11th. 1926 Mr. Ed. R. Nef~ Ci ty Engineer Ci ty 0 f Miami Beaoh Dear Sir: .r'l ~ I find the Sanitary Sewers in good condition after the storm. Thers are no sewers washed up, all of the lids remained on the manholes. There is the usual flow through the trunk lines. I have had only two reports of sewage stopped and these were in t}a, 6r lateral. There is a small quan'i ty of sand in the lines.. The sanitary sewers are now operating fine. ' The storm sewers are in good oondition with t.lB - ex- oeption of catch basins. these being full of sand and other materials. In the trunk lines going through manholes,'the water is flowing and very little traoe of sand, whioh shows that the laterals going to catch basins ~e not in bad shape and can be cleaned out with the traveling nozzle. Siphon basins of small type, across Collins Avenue, are in bad shape and in a few instances the pipes are clogged up and may have to be relaid. These oatoh basins should be re- placed with our. new type of siphon1 oatch basin as we ha~e more or less trouble after every rain. As the quanity of sand in both sewers is hard to determine, I would suggest that we purchase a new sewer cleaning outfit at onoe,with the one we have we oould olean out all sewers by the 'first of the year and will be able to keep the lines ~ good shape. '-. Very ~ruly yours, As:~.;er on Sewer. III TJF;D ..r' '. ,; . . - I ~ _all! .e~*. nei-~(il'. O.\Q!b~' 1tk:J 1_- " " klf"!f~ ~t '''~~f ;. '...~t 'CngJ..M er 01'l' 3e~" , 8ear 811.';- ~... , , .. With recard to 'fOUl!' r.trl Ul).\er4r.te €If Oct. 7..- .,. I'~st fo~ t.~t)~tl~l h& 00 BO much ..-lth ~&g1\X'dto .ewer ~_'tS ~ _ ~ ~sr' Qy$~ la ,general. I wau1(l ~p3':'_ia.t8 BORe lnforma:t10lt 11\ rl~~d to 'thi a", , .. ~ -, C'OU?~ Vf!frY tTuly. ID,- ft. lfDF 01 ty '~ngl_er., IRH "I. ' 4 .. II . ' r, , .':,'- .1',:.;-" "J~ '71 ~':; r ~ ~"k {:: l 1 ~ .. { ~.'~:' c. \; T' - , .....-~. .,...-"\...-. --'" r-<; I \. ~~ i~ M:taml Beach, 'fie. Oct ober 7, 1926 ~ Mr. Ed R. Neff Clt y Englneer Cl ty of lfiami Beach Dear Sir: Ooncerning your request for a report on the damage caused to the sewer lines under oonstruction no final determination can be made until the con.. tractors return to work, pump out the lines and find the amount of' sand in the manhol es and lines. At present time ahe damage appears very slight, the worst sufferer being the J. L. Kelley Construction Company, for their oon~aot was in between the Ocean and Indian Creek. , Followlng is the detailed report of conditions as found one week after the storm: September 25th, 1926 J. L. ~elley 30th to 40th Collins Avenue 75 feet open trenoh sheeting destroyed. Line washed up. . Condl tions bad. Kelley: Indian Creek Drive-Manholes at 32 about 3 parts' ~':r full of s8llild." Several trees across line. Open trench 60 feet, probable will have to be relald. Conditions bad. J. J. Quinn 29th st to Alton Rd on .N.' Bay RHd abou1t 300 feet open trenoh about 200 feet ooncreted balanoe will probably have to be relaid. Rollins MoCrary . Lines all seem to be in fair oondi tlen wlth no peroeptable damage to pipe lald. TJJ1.:D Very'.truly yours, ~ , ,~ --... o J CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLA. CITY ~illNAGERrs OFFICE ~ October 5, 1926 I Mr. E.R. Neff City Engineer Miami Beach, Florida Dear Sir I have had a number of complaints concerning the condition of the sewer trenches on Bay Road in the neighborhood of 25th Street, and it is represented that the sewer is com- pleted and with very little work that the street can be put back into passable condition. Although there is no question that the CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN is of more importance than of getting streets into first class condition, if it is true that with very little work this street can be put into reasonably good condition, I believe that it should be taken care of. Will you kindly investigate the matter and if from your judgment immediate action is necessary, see that it is taken. Very truly yours CAR/W ~ CLAUDE A. RENSHAW CITY MANAGER p !t1(.~ebJ I A J N:61,116 rO)ooSll2:\ rook -+rOO0 /tXl€3' ft;t- +~eM Of) +h\6 " t C1::):j:::o~der rle6e680~' . s-. " if ,: \'.. I ! ~ ) l 1 .., I ( \ <A .' r, ,..-'\ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLA., CITY MAlIAGER'S OFFICE '^, .. October 5,.1926 Mr. E. R.Neff City Engineer Miami Be~ch, Fla. Dear Sir At your earliest convenience I would like a comparison of the number of men employed in each of the several zones between last Saturday and Monday. .' Very truly your s CAR/W ~~~~/ CITY ViANA GER f 0 .......... . . , . "- ~~,1- Miami Beach, Florida October 4-th,1926 Mr. Claude A. Renshaw, City Manager, Miami Beach, F19rida. Dear Sir:- r ..;. I submit the following data concerning Suction Dredge which I have collected during the past several days,- all figures with regard, to rated capacity are taken from statements by the various Contractors and have not been checked: Contractor ; r ~ ~ ~ , G.O.Reed Hollywood Dredging and Const. Co. Geo. Bunnell / Estimated Cost Date Size Cap. per Hr. Rate per Hr. Avai Per Uu..;Id. able 20" 400 eU.Yd. $75.00 $ .lS3/4- now- 12" 125 It II 4-2.00 .336' now 10" 75 " " 27 .00 .36 30 days 16" 350 II It 35.00 .10 now 10" 75 " It 15.50 .207 10 days 6" 40 " " S.OO .15 6 .dCiYs Straight rate of 25~ pe~ Cu. Yd. Can put two 6" Dredges on this work. Clark Dredging Co. 22" , ~ ~ r l2~ 475 125 67.00 3'2.00 .14 .256 mow It It mow It " Please advise me as to what action I shall take in this matter as I am desirous of closlng up with one of these firms if it is your intention to proceed immed~ately with this work. Yo ERN:K - ---~- ....,_. ,~ ~~~ .~ '1 4 ''E~' ~~~ ~N~~r~4. ~~lfi1o~ ~~~ k 1 ~ + - / ~D ' a; ~ 7. ~~,..?L ~ 7~~ ~ ~ 4 ~ -4 UJCA.../ . I}/r 4/ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ d6-VI ~ -w-<" M ~ ~~~ ~ r c~ ~~4. a/ ~ /!1"-~ ~ ~_ , . ~ do ? ~ ~ ~ 3~~c:.-_ ~ ~~-d-, ,. ~ r.;/~' ~ f ~'JJ1~% ~ v p'~. I -I /" '1 .J.. -t.4 (., == 3 ~ E.! ~.4; / :z.,s- .. . I (7 ~ ' . -..-, /~ ~ ~, r "--- ~ '" j ., I , " j ~ l OJ r- CI,TY '- ~ CITY OF MA.NAGER'S OFFICE r Mr. E. R. Neff City Engim,er Miami Beach, Fla. Dear Sir: MIAMI BEACH, FLA. ... October 1, 1926 <~ J: There seems to have been some misunderstanding about the disposition of two house boats, one of them beached in the rear of the Libe~ty Avenue Fire Station, and the other sunk in Collins Avenue near the Boulevard Hot el. It is the order of Dr. Roche, City Health Officer, that these boats be either destroyed or removed from the City of Miami Be,ach immediately, as a health measure. Will you kindly see that this order is carried out at one e? r w \ , '\ \) " .J CLAUDE A RENSHAW 'City Manager r -.. / Miami Beaoh, Florida Sept. 24th, 1926 Mr. E. R. Nett City Eng meer City of Miami Beaoh Dear Sir: 0- " I find. that 7724 Cu. Yds of filling will be required to oonstruot temporary roadway 30 feet wide with It to 1 slope, on Collins Avenue from a pglD"t 3000 feet north of 44th Street to 63rd Street, beirig opposite bridge at Allison Hospital. Two thousand, one hundred and sixty four (2164) Cu. Yds. of this material oan be obtained from sand whioh has been filled in on pavement between the above menttoned points. , . Respeotful1y, . ~ ~,ZW-~ A Asst. Eng. - ., J f ,.,..:-- ,,--.... ') 'l.4 1M ........fTl'fj. tI1Mh....... ......f ',.' I.. ..... 12.... .. 1 matk ...... ... 1& t:e. ""~. - ( .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .... .. ...... '. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ... .. .. .... ... ..... .. .... .....' .. . ... 1'.'" J'.~ coba. .... .11... ..... . a 1M ,.... - iO -.. I .._._._._.w.~~_..~__._~~_~... - --- ,.,.""" ..... _'.A C.I,...,.. IlII1lIUt .. Mtb st. 6mb llbite IftOi1I · I. JIil, ..... .. lO Ilia f. :' ._-._____..__~__.-.-6~-~..-------- .". ,.... .... ~2a Road Sodh.Oti WaOid~ A....., I; 1nI. IftM .. " utD -_.-.-~~.-.~.~....---~ ,"J ... .'''' ..-- - -: '. .. ...... . - ihl8>>1a i.aIitA ~ Co).l&at. m.oa ft.ll st. to Al.. 10$4. 11 1M, INi1I - 0 lion _ . .. .. ... ... _ .. .... ... (I" .. ".. .... - ~'... .. .... .. .... ..... """ - ... ~'......... .. ....... s~ ..... stan .. OoUuo .... . M st. .. Aton DoaI 1 l1li. IIWa .. 10 ... ._._______--..--.-.w--..---.-....~ lid. A .~t_ _.Ift ftut at 0811.... Aft. _ ... at. te A1ton 8HA 1 ... ..... - , bI. ..... .. . ... ,- ~J , r-- ') .. ....' r"l~n ~ ... I. .... fbwI1I .1 Mat!C Ift01l- 16 -. "Ii'"'; . .. _ .. IffJIIl .. .. .. .. .- _ _ .. - -- -- - .. - ... .. .... ... .. .. - - ... .' .. .. .. .. ...... ~ collt. .... .1 ..0" ... ~' 1 .. ftIaIlI .. at JIeD -~.. - - - - ... - - .. - - - .. ., -- - .. - .. - - '. .. .. ... ..... *'" .. - .. ~ ...,. 1'..... GolllM .... 't'rOa 18th S'_ s01lth. . . , . 119b1tt ~ .. '1 1'a4. ... .. 80 Ita ...... ............... - ""'.. -........... -.. ..... -... .......... ... ..... ...... -./ fttl. ..~ , ftoa J.taeoia BGa4 Stmth OIl ~ A.... .. IrA. ~ .. .. .. .. .. ...... "'" ... ... ... .. ... ... .. - .. ... - .. - ... ..... -............. ,- .. ..... .. .. Dtala 17.... 8ta:1t Od1SU Aft. . ... st. '0 Alt. Boa4 .. . . I. lid, ~.. 81te. '. .. .. .. ... .. .,....,..'..... .. . .. ... ... ... ... .. .. .... .. ..... -............ ,-.... .' ....- r .. ~~~ at. On OOUtna ~ on M st. to Aiton leal 1 Ial. ~,... lb'" --~--.~-_....-_.~~-------_.--_.~~~... IIIttll. A RalIIJrtttG ....... StuI at 001)'" AYh _ _ It. to .61ton Rod 1 V___ ~ . 1 1D4.. tna .. eo Dal. ( r--- _.J LIST OJl DlSPECTORS BEING USED IN TIQKRRPING DEPARTMENT w. R. Crosby ) ) C. H. Register) ~f1ae , " /- () w. H. Knight Zones 1 & 2 Holmes Zones 3 & 4 Ostby Zone 5 Pope Kelley- Xone 6 }lU 1 ing Zone 7 Kellium Zone 8 LYon Zone 9-10-12-Belle Isle RiTo Alts Isle s. E. Lee North of 05rd street J. C. Brown Zone' 11 1015126-D / _ _-__.....- _ __ ~ _~.~...r~, .~ .!~'.,.Jf r.... i) \ \ ( " L\ l .i,~ \ ,'~, \ h.:- i 1'& bplao~ ...oo~.,(4 tor oara. owu4 ,b7 ... 0'("'\ th. ~ t,y.., 11lMre Ofti".. . .,' UN. __ '" .\,~11 / l' \ U81na th.lr O&re to:' _raeftt,. worW., J, / !,\,. IN. \0' the oonditloA 9f the roau. tl.... were '~t,{ \~~~ and -.4e tl8.1"8~ i \ \~ \ 1, \:" . i L \ ' sl,. ~ . 31 stra+~' ~"~es ,/.1 ,~ ,'\ .<~:\ " 33 x ,,{, "I \'\t~ ." " )'-' "", ! \~' -~.~ "': L f i ~... I ~ ~ J I 'II ~ '\ \ ' ~ '\ .1 '\ '1 \ ! \ - ';~:';;l '\ \ s~ 0; ostby. 1 tin aatU" ! ~ I~ WlnD 1_,. " · .~1 x .~t!5 a' . at x .~'to., 1_" . " JSen 1.1-. .i~ ru Llpp .~, u:\ ~8h'. . , :, 'l r:~ . '. l. - " ,ft It. II 19 x ..;;40 1_ " 1 .. " " n 19 x 4";95 I~~ Cj~ Hl~ " n " ,~. }', .:\ ~ \ 1\ \ ;f,\ \, /' /\ \\, i/ \ \, ,:' ! 0/\ ''\, i?l ". . 1 ~\,\:- \\-. I ~' ,~ \ \',..... !;' ~t\ ' ...." !y . '\ ;: \ \ ill \ ! ':,.. \ I." \', . ",", \'.\ \, l~\ \h ; \ t \ .\ 1\ " I \ ) \ / \ li ;J /, 11' "-':".")0- I, (;] ,\ :1 .'L \' I .L 'iL\ f., -\. 'J ,} ,. 'i j +\ r l " . . .,i: ,~. , ' -~ AP.PBOVBD : Lij' .~ 10/111'-.1> 1: ...... i... , .'1 ~ ..-... " - , , CITIZENS COMMIT~ Name of Oaptain Address of Headquarters Zone Bill Scott 8Z9 ~ 1st st. #1 O. M. R. Graham 242. Meridian Avenue 2 H. A. McMahon 525 ColJ:ins Avenue 3 J. Harvey R&billard l~th & Collins (S.W.cor. ~arage) 4 A. MacAul.Q 1448 Wash..inP:ton Avenue 5 W. Miles Ohisolm 414' Lincoln Road 6 A. L. Bowes 1735 We.shin~ton Avenue 7 Charles H. Hyde 832 Lincoln Road 8 9 10 11 12 13 M. B. AuditoriUIll Wm. F. Sheehan O. B. Bryant Allison Hospital 14 15 16 r-,--.. I r ! .... '. or " ,~ ~ TUESDAY~ SEET. 21st, 1926 RICKS t GENERAL IN CHARGE EDWARDS - JOHN J. QUINN CO. ) ) HOLMES J. W. ROLLINS CO. ) ) KELLEY FISHER OASS CO. ) ) OSTBY McOBERY ENG. CORJ?) l : I.... CHECK UP TIME,TRUCK AND OTHER EQUIPMEBT MORNING.NOON AND NIGHT AND SEE THAT ALL ARE WORKING MEAN- WHILE. TURN:m TO CITY TTM"ffiTClm11'PERS AS SOOH AS :POSSIBLE. TUBN IN DAILY REPORTS OF COMPLETE TIME AND COST SIGlIED BY THE SUPT. AND YOURSELF. FIRST STREETS TO CLEAN UP: FIFTH STR'F.'Rll', ~%; WASHINGTON AVENUE FIRST STREET 15th STRE&T COLLINSA\[~U~t FOURTH SrrR]ZT 11th STEEET 63rd STREET MERIDIAN AVENUE. ALTON ROAD DADE BOULEVARD LINCOLN ROAD, BISCAYNE STRElm 41st STREET BROOKS SUl?ERVISIOB BISCAYNE, OCEAN DRIVE AND VIOnIITY 6th STREETt ALTON ROAD TO COLLINS AVE. COLLINS AVEt BISCAYNE TO 11th STREffiT;- EXTEND THIS TO 23rd S~~T. OlaRLES BROOKS: 15th STRET, COLLms AVENUE TO BISCAYNE BAY. GANGS NOW ASSIGNED: CONTRAOTOR J.W.ROLLINS CO: 11 J.J.QUIlm CO: ,., JAMES: . BELLE ISLE & FIRST ISLAND WEST & CAUSEWAY IN' BETWEEN MERIDIAN A VEt BISCAYNE TO COLLINS CANAL 7th and 8th STREETS. COLLms AVENUE TO BAY. . ,.J. . CA T.T.A.H AN ~ ROSSITER: ~ (~ \ ~ '\ TUESDAY CONTID PAGE 12 FISHER CASS CO: LINCOLN ROAD. COLLINS TO BAY AND ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NORTH TO COLLms CANAL. '" GANGS NOW' ASSIGNED: SUPERVISION OF mFBERG J .B.MoCRARY ENG. CORP: NORTH OF COLLINS CANAL AND WEST OF INDIAN CREEK.. T.B.McGAHEY PAVING CO: COLLINS AVENUE., 23rd STREET NORTH. GANGS WORKED TODAY: (APPROXIMATE) SUPERINTENDENT MEN TRUCKS CHARLES BROOKS 17 2 ! JAMES 19 .2 CALT.AHA,N ..... ~r -,,- 24 5 /' ~ ROSSITER 11 2 FISHER CABS CO. 52 4 ~ JOHN J. QUIJ:iN 10'1 11 J. B. McCRARY ENG. CORP. 42 3 PIERCE "l 3 Teams . 279 29 ... 3 Teams ~\ \ , , ,. " \ '\ v ~~';Jo~h t ';'~h&l-d,J Kad- p~crP ~haB, J/~tbn -(~u1u~lvo aP$;o~ In ~o~~p,,(~~ 7f;r;> ~~ +0 C~quaK1:5blt6n ' I' . Ex~k0~V6 OPe9,d(j woll~ ) . I Le~h 4+00++ · . I (reGOvor;Qqrr~;J.l=:v,'l19--r' ~ IOC)f)(f) C-u. yo. "~xCOYcmDn @ otEO ': ~(!){)OJ e50 J)ra;n~(j / D&{). t5f) at-al . GDOD. ee- I (as ~dm6+ Gas/- aP ~,ld~ lMo~.18'}/;do Ji?"ZM.~ ~ Go JIt'n6 Av(!) . .N)'ml~Good ~rr1 C5f.afton CJ f/d IIoJt(J """&fJjt!-e f!.omp. Faiorrort In) : Lees+h 18'Z:O ~~ , , 'Z 71>0 ~ ~. 1\~lJrPa6lc.g q.. 6, J,~ @ o. $0 .. . I 3 $'0. C>() Gdltn~Ayc. North ~ HQ'rdl'Sl~n61+" (Nd- ~rrn Va M2qed) . I 4o~~~et- . 8 ~ 00 c9'J.,' yd. ~ U~61L:l q,61,'Qg @> C l$O , (cco (!), &e) ~ 4a~c /to-~ ...-- Ha,d~nYo .l'b+h ~~~,_(rem? ~VSMon\-\n) ZCOO ~yd: 1~~(j1l!f'1-~111J(S @l/,o-D ZOM) · ~ - I GoN,'n6 Avo.. Jnd'QnBsooh ~ub. +0 ~sd~, ~ I ' I ~o~h noo #'. . ~~~.yd, !9vdme,,+- ;(,omp}de, @ I.~ q~.~ 14"'-A1J\ # 1':::t....'1J\ ~Cu k\ ~~60"a+'OIl @L 0 -\60 I t>-fr() ,o-u f;II1U u-u u-u ~ A\'8 1$l~/nd;an G~okDrlvo ~+th fo~. , ~ 1~ln ft,Curb Qnd qu#or@ '.c.&O ~,-~ 'Z.oo etJ..,,'P' &'/dewal)~ ~ Z:.,\6"O ~I~ ~ I~ II 'II \ aVSM(3n+tS ~ 1: ~.O-:O , " 3C{SO.Dt) - ~ t ~ I 'COH~M Avonuo -z:+fh +0 44t}, I (' E x r l/ } /," A ,JJ ~ : ,f.- . ., -. t J ~ "" \ (Nd- 6fr>rm .u, ('r)Q~ .. . . ~C3~ ~-te'e;f- - . . 8lbw ~'J.,' yd, ~ur9x;,~q,6II'Q9 @J 0..80 - ~ HQrd~n've .l'ior+~ ~~~.-(rom? ~eM\Nl\-\ol 'ZCOO ~yd: ~rroo'!!J",D'\\I(g @ I.~ - - Goff ,11")6 Avo .. Jnd,anBs~h ~ub. +0 ~sd c!'51-. ,- ~o~h 7tDO fl.., ". ~~~lyd, I9vomeryi- lComr)~ @ 1.0() q~.~ ~uU" ~~o~ydHOfl $_ 0"\.60 /1>-fr(J.0-{) . -y ~~~ ,4-,J8 ~1,Jfndt~n Grook~r.vo ~+th 1-0~' " ~ L\Y\ ft. Curb land qu1tor@ },<.EO 4-c5"c,~ zo-o ~C/J' y;/' &td e we I}~ ~ t:. . ro ~ j ~ I~ II 'II \~\It1ment~ ~ : ~lo-t) .. I , . 3C(SO,yt) - ~t~ . ,CoJ/;n.1 AYdnU~ z.++h to 44th .) (ExcJu6',yO oiCSideU)()!I<6) - r\O~u;red +0 nnt6h nD-t lnolt..d~ 6'~~EaeJofLC:>>)Ii~ - ofeamC5ho'lot and <oTftJJ~6 ;. f ~Y":,l,'~ ~toe. c)() ~"()().Ot) <D~r.ne and 8TrUl'&<t l<qrJer Sdo3~ @ ;jjoE,1>() . le~'~ -45"DO'~ - ~racc It~ zoo-:D . ~ tGl:rO-e> I ~ ~ ;t /0 /:,')4 6O\laIo c!JI.r~dd ~ad- tJ ~Jtflj and 6'Jew(J/~ c5&'OO · ff(J Dr~'If/S Approx;rrdojy ;;;:~Gu.yd. - [)~o!ie"j.{/I Tcf.&J/ 1C M() · (}() r .... ....... .~. --""--'. r I ~ ~ ... ESTIMATED COST OF REPAIRS TO STREETS AND SIDEWALKS SOUTH OF SURPRISE WATERWAY ~6o... Lin :ft ourb Be gutter ~ 1200 Sq yds 10" Rook Base 1200 r "I'h.'" PtU1-'dXen. Rook 450 . r:' ~/1}. " Ken Rook 1875 r ~ sidewalk 150qa r r oil &I sand To tal Plus 15% . I BOTE: @ 1.25 @ 1.40 @ 1.60 @ 1.60 @ 2.25 @ .__/~cf: 1.075.00 1.680.00 1.920.00 720.00 4.218.'15 Bee .90 ZZ.;o,() Q I / "3. 7':'- .9.811_" / '1.t97_~ 117'l~C, ., , ..! n _ 11' / ~, " '/-l. ~ I ~....."t;;... 011 estimated above is for Ooean Drive north of 6th Street where shovels and graders have damaged 011 surfaoe. Y No seawalls damaged outside of Ind1an Creek seawal~s reported by Mr. Winn. 550 yards of Kentuoky Rook not reported is for Belle Isle and is oovered by agreement with Qu1nn. Above report does not inolude. seotion reported by Mr. W1nn. " .... -oj" 10/7/26-D ~\ c r ES!IMATED COST OF REPAIRS TO STRUTS ABD SIDEWALKS SOUTH OF SURPRISE WATERWAY 860 LiD ft ourb & gutter 1200 Sq )"d8.. 10" Rook Baae 1200 r ",1t 1\n.000Ken. Rook '50 r .. I'/~" lCen'Rook 1875 r.. aide.alk 15000 r r oil ~ 8and g 1.25 @ 1.4.0 (I 1.60 o 1.60 g 2. 25 .~ i>> .-J; 1$9-- 1.075.00 1.680.00 1.920.00 '120.00 4.218.75,. --- TS 2.~.:r(;). ~ f) te. ilB. '18 /7 t! ~.3. 7 J- -j.M'.~ 1779,.:r'- tll.199.81 1..3~J/.J. ~I I Total Plus 15% BOTE: 011 estimated aboTe is fGrOo.an Drive north of 6th Street where shovels and graders haTe damaged'oil surface. Ho 8eawalls damaged outs ide of Indian Creek seawalls reported by lIr. W11m. 550 yards of Kentuoky nook not reported. ,is for Bell., lsi,e and 1s ooveredDY agreement wiih Quinn. . Above report does not inolude section reported b.1 Mr. W~ ~~~ E.. S Loft g Ass' .Eng neer. I lO/7/26-D I j , i r--'-- ~ ~...,..,..,..~.- ._.~" .".- ~ C)J~ I ~~ ----.... ./ M1 ao~orida ~~m~ 1926 ESTIMATED CO OF REC~UCTING SEAWALLY" ~YElJ""BY HURRICANE 386 110 ft ooncrete sea walls Re-tie @ 2.00 . 772.00 4154 r r r r r He-build 15.00-62310.00 1215 ':' ~ r Rubtne ':' -:- r 10.00-12.150.00 761 r r Wooden r r ~ 10.00 7.610.00 ta2, 842. 00 ? TED COST OF RECONSTRUCTING ZONE 11 300 ft curb a 2 sq yds sidwalk ,000 sq l'ds pa vetman t 300..001 -500.00' . 25QOo 00 .. f3300.00 om pavement and plaoing d 'trucking of same from , $6850.00 Lot cleaning est ted from d ~fi111ng es.timated 100.000 to o~lete-lOOOO.OO , joOOO.OO tl42.992.00 ~ -'--..... ,/ .; ~~~cd- o-fl1\eh<1.b;IAuhDD '~I ~ ' .. (exuluo/lYO o~6~CJU)all~'\ . ~atrDn 4- ~ , c; 1-6 a+ LOf3o eXeilu6;VG o-9~ j I ~mOY" QS~nd -h-om6he..sb e-cd- o-f2 OOe.'Jn~n'vc I I ~ . 8 ~6 -c5noYGI ard oJfJ@~ d~ Z,,,c,M. Jj~- "Zooo.oe i c55pret3d Ie!) 6and elDQg '~f) !DrIve : at!J dce!:16 g)~hno ard afDrrkofl. &~:J @~ 00. 0{) 400() · ~ I _ : <:t:,o n~ ra t Rep Ie\Gom 0 0+6 - 1'" t:,.." Iud \v 0 ~ /t1;a M j Bea"h {) r:vo ) I z.~ )..J J'n j w.: Gur~ ~rd 6u#er @ I f~l) lo::D .~ ~Iyd, fdve,mon+' ~ ~ 9 ,~ , Ice>()" " C5u r:f-OI3e e I, ~ i I · e.tl .2.~ "" &,Clowolk@> ~..sc ~ · ~ : 1~ I'" O'tl and 6ard @ f)IJ~ i ~$O. 0{) z.--f)- ~ s: 0 · Z)c Z. J c-o-o · ~ ~ ~af'~k CSheei) r:6+'m~ ~+o.p.~,ld'}D' . UJO\;~~ 0t5cJ,'DM 1 ~ ~(cXOk~6',ve JJ 1olcH~ If) ~) (C~F8 w;~~ %~IMa1o) r-- IMd-eci _~r +O~rY\pl~oC~nIQg up froM ~bor k~f ~l:b +0 C())(Y)pb+,6n trOMt?at ~6+ Iq~~ 5FnJi~urG61-to n:t~~~~ ~+8 I IQ'Z-0 I. (Mr. ~(;iIr;J~ 1 e~ ~~~) , HtO~~, I 'i\eCLU,ra1 +0 ~fY)f\Je _ . . ID/)061-q..!z.- .~hl)~,,9J ;rI('l de J . ! Errt\ro ure\),) l~@ g 11 00 44~,~ g J 1. ~b - , Lone 7 - ~6'c5br-GG6S . . I j . ~ (')0 En1'lrO Grew ~"o~i3@ :3/0- LDfte4 - ~h(\l)tf\;;\tM . . I Ilru<:,f~ <4-10110 I) r cia ~ @ ./[00: r , 7- ~ () e Q, - G"t~ ,fEr-de $ 0Ja rYlM and ~crlbhQ/'t) . TlJ.)DGr~UJ6 I d~@~38e.o . Lone 8 ~ (SIb fi;r6<5~ .,f.- . 0(7) . [n+lre GreLO.1 d~@ ..3't~' LDne tl - 5, L I Bsr:-L\Mcn '. [n+~r6 Crew ,IDda2)€>@{ i;J?J ~o ..41(Jf),~" 'z. DnO~ q I I Ocf'1:1 .:...'70 Je dono beY Ctb Fbr60~ - ~f\'IM' Calla~a~~. Ih reo CretlJo locb.t 6 @ pi f 5'.00 . d J.. .Iio ~Oj 1 ~~ I , ' u . ~ .... /ffsol , q ~(},pl) , ~'O, 00 (, 0 I /J. 3.$~ / S'IJ' (') () ..... ,/' . J)A/~~~