#328 Mr. & Mrs. Glass divorce 1930s - "'"""' ~' .. , ," -.. I-t"~;f '1 i , } /1 I /' f .II .. (,/1'" ~{///\ /" '-;:"/' ,;}. ( .,," J'o-'b '- ......, .... " ~ oCl .... Jtarch-13, 1930 · ~ 1 (' "'(: -- - - IIII-~"" r l' ... .. r i Tom Glass, 2600 Collins Avenue, \ ~iami Beach, ~la. :1 \ Tom: / ... Pl ease oill a t my office-as soon as :! ';pos5ible. I suggest that you telephone und \ ,...:' '~et me knowrtwhen you are coming, as I want to~ , ", I t\~lk wi th you about ge~ting the ,testimony of ", your y;itnesaes. :' Yours truly, ~ } j " !l If ...... oJ ~ ; ~--- '\ '"\- ,,-.-__1"\. J~Y ..... }. ~.l __ --.. ~ \ . .r..~ "'! ....- \ v ~y 11ft 19W ~~~ ..:",...,-.. , ~; '. .:J i~ .,,; ~F . .~\+-t <~f ". .... l'flln..... , .10_ ___fl. ... t1'OlA ~ 0.1_ .. __ ..JAt..II....r. ..__ two lo~ 111. Fort &n'.~.. t ~4 ..... that :vvu. ebMJe. the ~._pt1. fit t>> J!IO~ to Me tlult the... Ur( ~t. a . .... ...-..t~,(~J;'" 'll,! 'it; .. , :', , .co.,,' .1' .:~. \~ '6.~'.'..'~""..':'~~"",.;~. -.... j ..~~. '.' ,~~ ,;}\;, ,;:.. '.*'''K'.,''','''fJ..,,''*' ~ ,..it ~- .... -.. ,,o<"l","" ',1. .' ,1.':;..e:---~,-;;;.'F*"'i,~;"'{~~.....~'_~ -"'!l!' ;.,.:.~;., _(- J "'"~..'l);~ ; , , , -,t "" ~,~,,~"W\;~' ~ ;;.~,"'.4;~~t .:,,~ .\, * .~..'~#*{ '-M' , ~ ~~, "..;'f,~; .t {,," ';-'..."..~, I>~ J"c'l' .71"~_ - Mo;$:.- "'n~'" ~-~~ ..... ' -.. ~.. l.'~t ~ Bdl.. -"'~~ I.m~. l'1.tda DIMr Uif. ~....tt . :a.,loaad pl...... ft. l1M4 trca ~ eli.. ... 'trl" '.7O\U'Hlt.. eofteu. two lo~ in roR tM'.Ie1-. I 1rWl4.~ 1;hat you eh80t th. ~pt1_ of thct )10"'_ to ... tJu1t th. ... 1.-( ..~,.. r\ Vsq '1'llJ.:" 3'"OU-. '81/1 eD.c.- =- ,'~' '1<,/ f I;---..:.-t~~ " :::::;:::~ t' 4 Ci~\J t~ ;~ '4 ;if! (I/.~ " . d \~' I. j.. ,;'. 50. .. 1, ~ II ~ >' .{~ Miami. Fla. $...J..ff..~.:'. OFFICE CLERK CIRCUIT /.#_~~~OUNTY' FLO RECO~}) v..r~ ~..._.....u..........~1i.7. 00 .!..O?.~..! ---- .--......... ----........................ --...................-......................................... -- --.... .................... -......... --.... RECEIVED' F DEED:f2 MORTGAGE: $- $. $. $. $- $. ---..--------... -..-- ...--.-...- . ... --------.-.-..... ----.. --"v" ....0000.0000..... ...00.... ...........;u!. m_U_ I 00.........,......... ...........u........u...u.m.~z::. ____._1. ______uu___.__._..n___ ". J r , ~ " -/ / . AGREEMENT ASSIGNMENT SA TISF AcfION : RELEASE: ---- .-..--..-..-.. ---- .----' ---- r .1< '"""K~III PIIElI 111"1111 ill 'I In.....~...__............ Court /2" .. . . .._..._~._.--........_.............._.......... ....Coun~' {, ? elJ t f · ~ .~...... h. ........................................~.... ..... , \ 1 ........................................... , ... .. -......... -.....-........ :.._- .............. ~---...._-.-....- ... ., D ft Att ..... ................................ Cause of ActIon.......................... e. orneys . ............. FORM 604 . Printed and fo~ sa~e by Strange Printing ~ MIamI, Florida .......................... ~..................................................................................................... --.................................................................................................. __e. ........_ ......... ___......... vs. Plaintiff. ...................................................................... n \ o~ -......... --........................................................... -............................................................ -. -- --.... -... '.~":;' ~--- '...... '0. '8 ---<~~ ' ~ J:~~j ;'~ 0 f ~ ~~~ .~' :;~d:q.' : ' , J _ I . I .J / _ _ .-. +- I ~~~~~~ ~~ ( ..~~..f ,1tC~ L b ~ A. )) ~1 /. b . ~ ~CA-.;tt. ~ ~~ h~ \ >> ~ 1/ st's=: 3tJ g ~-' L.f. 2. G" I '. " "~r of ,,__ ~ r..{ , I " " -y ()1 ',? '/ ft, '01 p=JJo R'I"'Y .,. Y"Y" 'j""'y ~"'I uo ...", 'YI 0/ ""'1"' ',a'n,w aU'''O]]Of .YI pon /I N30( "01-3 fA .LSH'" '~3^3"IM ':) 'r .LN301S3Hd 'NO.L'~V::l SWO::lM3N Il~~:'~Y ^''''(f; )\';:"$\<~,;'u" >.: " ~~:r' ,';f ; ''''',\ (, ' f I, J '. . '. p /.. ,; y. " .:' . ' . / '~':J' ~j ~ ' ldr \ V. L' 2~A /.' ~~/ . ~\ ~ ~~. "., 1(2..' !J~j I ) / 'r2_{ "- , tJ I I, 03ll.:l 3WIl NOINil .NlI.a~S3(A\ . UOIlU;>lUnwwoa 9lB.J-/InJ B ire pa:manmB.Jl eq II!~ a'sBssaw aSlAUaqlo ~pa.l!sa( a:l!^.Jas JO sS1l(;l:l{:>QtPPlnoqs Stlo.Jl'll,j ~31131 1:l31131 ON3 >133M. IHmN ~31131 3~VSS3W 318V~ ' IHOIN Q3~~3~3a 1:!31131 AVO - - JlJ3H8 ~sva 'ON 31 V" 11 n~ WVI:!~3131 3,aV::l ::l1.Ls:awoa 031:!/S30 301^1:!3S ~O SSV1~ / ./ :( , ,"tJ; ,~~., \;t <v , , /< :~u, fij I" \ f "" , '<<! ~ .,,~ It:.1O. "'; .. - ,}; .:.. ' '." \'. .,1< " cl~; 011"c1.1i oj" G'..u%t Br-O'W".J.l...tt C:.>'U.tXt7 J.\)l"t .!:..<.:':';;':OJ~drJ.()J F1.orida. Door ~:lr ~ V' uclosx1 plonco tlnd..;ar1~'1.ty l>ead hem Tl~ Gls.ee, et ux to T. ;r. PsaJ9sst. which pl... rac..a, 'tnd rGtunl t~ us.'';'. sdo", he.. witb. .tokor ~1.. to COTOr 1.;;~~;cg ~. . '" '1'.... 'V fer 'f1r'U17 .,.... 3lJ.G?tE & ~*,JJ I . :-<,'--# l.!,~~t).'v.~"'r'<<..'4,~~":'i<-~~':.- "",~,_~~ "''''-;~' '('.,:.-,Jt.,r, 'CI i1~~~-.0(?{i''''''';<''7',i'~'rk'~~''''''~'''.'' ....., l' 4 ~.,:'-'A1.~.. i< ""~. ...y_ r".J; ;...' -"'. ~ j~,,,,i';'~" II "'1't ~.. , r I. - ~ I, t / (j / ~ IN THE 0 mOUlT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUD IO lALO mCUIT OF FLon IDA IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY. IN OHANCERY --- JL.-' T'Y No. 28665-0 BEATRICE GLASS. 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) MOTION FOR FINAL DECREE "~I Complainant and; Cross-Defendant. -vs- THOMAS GLASS, ~. /:. Defendant and' Cross9Complainant. ( / ( I J 'l k i Comes now the Defendant and Oross-C'omplainant, Thomas' l ./ Glass, by hi$ und~rsigned solioitors, and represents unto the court that /, ' ;the general ~ster has tiled his report of testimony Dnd findings in the I (/1 :bove styled cause, recommending tha tthat Bill of Complaint fiied by J r:' ~he C'omplainant, Beatrice Glass be dismissed and that an absolute divorce \ ~-e granted to Thomas Glass, Cross-Complainant in the above styled cause I ) /, fImIJ ~ross-Complainant therefore moves this court for the entry of a ,j .u I VinaT ,f\ l /./fil~ 88, 1'1 f ;fWi~h Pr,SjUdiOe and granting a Divoroe, a vinculo matrmmonii. to the Cross- ), lomPl~~,!nant. Thomas Glass. I t - /.~\\ If'.; i ~ j/ 41 Ilk: iij 1\ )' \ Deoree denying the xx. relief prayed for by the Complainant, Beatrioe \ in' and by her Bill of Oomplaint and dismissing said Bill of Complaint /., ~/" I Solicitors for CDoss-Complainant~ I ' II ' ' . \ . r If I ~ ... ~ m Trm:2CD:lClUIT COUlT OF THE E~"'V...l:irfi 311DICIAL OInCUIT OF FLOHIDA nl AND FOR D.A.'1tJ canm. ni CBAl10ERY No. 20065-0 BEATRICE GIASS, ) ) OcrJ.t>lninmt and ) - . croae-dotendtm t, ) ) va. ) ) 1.naas GLASSg ) ) Doten.umt.end ) cro8~J....eoupla1tJant. ) FIliAL DECR~E OF D I V 0 11 C E. Thin CC.1.H:'O can:i.DG on this dG:r to bO hs..'1.l"d 'l!.Pon motion of tho ool"on\l~l:t: und c'r03e-.-oomplainant, Th~a GlnoGf by hia Doliaito~ So::1J?lo C:. Hireehu'tln,l anll upon thO ~loo.dinBO o.nd GanorGl t1tl.otor ~ 0 report at tostimony and findinCl1 filod in this . \ e."ltlGO tor tho en.try of un OCd.Gl~ dGUYix;z the nliof pra.~d fo): by tho ecm:pltdJ;lant a:d ~rose~dOtendant, Bea.trice G1000, in and by 001' bill of cr.m.plaint, and ditmias1ng the Dfl.J.t1 bill of ocmplain",_ and tor the entry of n fin;:J. dOO1~9 of d1vmrco .,a vinoulo matrimonii for tho ol"ooo-eompl&i..na.nt. 'J::.tlcmao G,l3.sn on hie orotlO""bill of cwx.plain:b filed l.u 'thi.o couoo. ('.1111 1 t 8l1.POOX'- ing tram tho !.lo.r(t:Ol~' S r~por'l; of tootimolly tl'ta"c the oqui~tlo.o in this Co.uDO ora wi. th tho OZO es-eoraplainant. Thomas Glasa, and 1 tho Court boing tully ndvisod in th~ prami~8~ IT IS IrmmtroPON upon eo:ns idarrrtl.olt. tl:u:..tlZOof C>.RDERED. J\DJUID};:n AlID DECn.EED that tho l~a1.icJf prt!.~d. far by the complainant, Boatrice Glaes, in 'ani by her bUl of complaint filod in thin OQUSO, bo o.Dd t:he ea:D is ha1'3by d&niod. llnd tbnt ----'- tho so.ld bill ot c anplo.1nt bo und tho Demo 1 s horob1' d ial1i VOGd ,/'" -- ----~ _.- ~'Kl .- .-- ; biU 01 CQr.lPl,oint be and 'tbe Ilfllll,O 1& hGfObl ~tod on4 tMt tbe 'b01l.l1D of tUltr~ 1l.0'Cf antl 'lJ.GlJ'O t0101:O o:;d.Dll iJlS betwon thO 6roa&-oo!:ll)lvi~t. 'rh(!ll!llG Gteso. md tb.e orocs-defO:laant. ~1CQGlt$O. be mtd thO 1la1llf) 0.3>> bIilrobY dlll901VOu. a ~o rontl'uoJlJ.l. w.dtbat the eroaO"'C Ol1IPlainont. Tb.Q!l1l1tJ G1GrtI3. an/!. thO c:;:,ooo_il.efenl'l.cntf :aoat1!1cO GlaflD, bO ani\. thGS' ~ hQ1's'\)1 :to:r~ar d1vareoil.. oach 1:~c& t1;O l.rtlW:c. toNE i1:L~).} cn~ IN c~:ti8 lOt ~i. l)aAa cou.n:t1 $ ilori ~, t-:do _J _ il.a'Y' of UGl'c.'to A.. D. 1920. - ;r U D G E. ~ " IN mE OIRCUIl' CounT OF THE ELEVE1li'H JUDIOIAL OIReUIT or FLOlUDA Il,l A:ND FOR DADE oou.rm. m ClWiOERf No. 20065-0 Iml!mICE GLASS, , . ) ) ). . ) . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) S T I PlfLCA'! I" 0 H .... ..... - ,..-, ,...- - - .- ...,'..... ... C;.JLWla.inant. end ' C~ocn~Dct$nannt. -w- mmMS cr ~qf DCfclidt:.n-lr end Croac-Complr~i Dnnt. It 10 horoby ogrood nnd otipu.lt\tod by end botwoon tho pert10a to thin cauna. bj thair una '~MiC'J1Od oollc1t1O%'G raopoctlvoly. that Boatrico Glnos horoby va1vQO ttotlco of :tl1iua; to'tilo tho ltatsto:t's Roport ot TostimoD7 Gltd I11nd~o; Tfr'1voJJ the richt/nnd tilno wi thin tJhich to tila c%coptlo.ne to tho ~t<n!s :Rop~Vf1 of TootimoD;1 and J1nd1UCG o:ul va1vos not1ce ot motion tor Final DJOl'oO So1.1aitor for Cont'lo.1%lant s1l.G. Orooe-Dotendant. .. Soli 0 1 tors for Defendant o.n4 Oroao---Complninent. ~ t D Tn,?; OIfUJUIT CfjUMOF fif,i; ELE'\;1:;i'1H JrJDIOIAt. C!RCUli: 01%" Jt".LOHIDA, Iii P.JtD Iron. 'DftJlrJ COUl.l11: ,IN Cl!1'uiCi~RY: ~t~iFt'J1)'Il"'l'li' QT ~..r.;r.~! t"'(1:"""';1 .E~~'''lll'\\i''lt. ' ., ~"'h.AAlH...,.....l:"- '~J........\..>, V~i _:';;~.t~JI;&' . and Cr.()f.~a- DerGrl~tj VB I CASE' IiO.28G65-C~'- rOM GLASS, I 1>etendmlt 1Ul<1 C~"oss-Complair;tent, t - GgEllllL ~~T1KRtS PJ5~IOn:r XO fHE HONORr1Bl.1!r JiJOOBS o!t" THE' ABlJv~~A}Jr;,it OOUltl', IN O!lU;J(illrcr ~jI'TrlI~: , i".the uuda;'slpsd OenerSl ij~lfy.W in Chanccery" to whom 'tbe 8.bo'J&-i~tylfXi I , caUS& waG referred, 1>>g Ill'.> reporll that. pursuant to OrJ!lr of R!l:€'e:':'~nc1ll h"l;:,!/in, ! eausoo .a bearing to be Qp_d in my oft1>ee at 2&50 o'clock. f..M.. on Lkmdsy-, Ap~.U 1-4th, 1950, at which t.ime and pl~ea tl,l~;te~~ot1v~ P~ti~:f~~r.s givQll opport.;un! try to ' I ~,?';~',~. - ~_~t. -;, , Pro4ttc,c OOfOl'~~ }11.~ alut.~h '~est1i;w>ny::' ~d ot.h~.rp;t'QOr .tt~th~'y de:.;;i:t.(~ t~'I' th~ pU~Q1Se of. prQvl1~ thJ.i! me.t4erial allegnUon$ or the1:t l~el~poct:i,,"'6 pleadings. :C~stita~ \faS ot.ffjI..ed o:nlyon behalf oi.~ Cro~i~{}mplaiu~ tI, 1'hOil1tJiS Glt~$B. A ttaciled h~r()to Ie a t.rallsenp,t of ~:'u.ehtf;tat4.o~1 .~W13t~ p:rc)ducoo b~foro e .at wdd hai'lr'ing. Fro:!, tJ.'H~ pl(u1l.11na~1 ~ld p~of' her h, I f"!nd and reet4'merdJ. as "f.'ollows: , I 1. It is ~1hovm f:,h~;:~t-l).o ps.rU~1tt~ have r~;Jl(h~:L"1 J)adt1 Ct;>unty, B~o.iidn fo'r tl'1'"O ".l J " ,~ J~~lrG pr:ior t.o t.he inat,i.:tut.iofi or ~'.h18 !l'.n.t, although. I do not tbinkproof thE)raof rraa r~Iuircd in vieri ~i' thl?i fH.imis'dO'n~ Qf' tll(~ f1dm1s~ione of t.h$ f#eriod of re:sidff.'tlca ,., here and th\':l ag~E) o:f hot,h pt:art,ieG eouta1ned in tJ:!fdr 3':l-)l;;lp&oti v'€' l;,l@adings., 2. 1'hat. t.1l"(;~ss-complnin~t hets adfi:-qtts~1y Pl~OVen. the exi€ScHnca cd'l o:n& of the- mtatutDry' grc.~lds for divClrc~ ..alle.getl in his CroiU3-Bi...U, '?:1~, 0At:t'e:Uf..'1 e!~Ia1ty,and iu my op.1nicll he i~ (j,ut,itleq. 'w tlv~ D(,.~rB.:;; ofu.be;~lut.e div'Ort~fs as 1}l'~t,yr3cl. ;:n'r in hi$ Cra~~'8-.ill. 5. I om e.dv1St~d de harstthe .re-ec;:d that a t"~at.J.8f~etjQ17 pJ."'(.lpa:tty r:Jndaonetury setUamHot h~lving OOel'l 5,ff~ieted by lJo:nd ~tw~ thn ;{'ef\p~et!v~ p;ttro!\;i'lIS. o:r:1g1nul complcdnt'\nt has,abandon~;;d her claim !;or allmony a:nd/Ol'" Sllit mone-y. I ~HE;.f~BFO({EfiECOUENDth9.ta Decree Qf" (.~tl!$olu.to &1.'?Ql~l-"'e bi: g.r~t~du;j Cro;;~ Co.mplain,ent~ Thomas Glasa. 61ta:1n5tO:rogs-~fp.nrlnTlt,;_ 'B~t:>.tM,""'~ tn,AlC'~~ -n...~ n.....a_.....<T1 4'"" ...t...... INTfIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTll .TUDIClit..L CLl*iCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, DJ CHP.1lCERY: BEAftUCE GLASS, Complainant Hnd.Cro~s-Dafendant, * : : C.AS1~ 110. 28665-0 VB ~ TOM GLASS, Dorendan t, and Cross-ComplaiQant, I, I ~~ \'. r . .. tESTDi01TY TArSi m~:FORE G:BltERP..L IASTE...ft Proce~ding$ biadin the. above-styled caur::e OOfen"a ALONZO i'iILDEa, Genem la~-;tf;;::r in Ch,mC(lry,. in h1s off'i~e in tiam1, Flol"ida., on. !lona..a.1, 1+.1;ri1 14, 19t:O, at 2.50 o'clock P~U. APPF.JJl!i1i{CES: FR1dlK rlI~&iD, Esq., Solle! tor far Complainant ,EDiUuill R. ALLARD, ESq. J of Counsel for Defendant ALONZO lfiLDF..R, General Maater. TROKAS GLASS, Defendant and Croas Coiplainant, called on his ~own behalf, after baing first o.uly aworn, t,.()'stifled as follows: i J I DIREC"l' It''tUtINATIOU BY ll!t. ALLARD A. Thomas Glass. I !. t I ,~. Wha.t is your nrlJla ? Q. Are you also kno~ aB Tom Glass ? A. Yes sir) knO'fl"U as Tom. Gla~Hh Q. The pntt three yeal.s - I mean, have y()U cOlltir!u.ouslyre;.~df.:..>d in l?lorida ? II " 1;.:. Bpw long ha'V~ you resid(3:d in r-'l0 l''iWl ? A. O.~r three jTca~"'3 ? A. Yes, ~1r, right in Flori&"\. Q. F'rom the prei-iell t thie back three :leal's ? A. Ie air. Q.. fmei"e were you ms.:rried ? 1-J' .\ J {.i A. Brooklyn. New York, in 1919. I I i I l i . I ~ I ) ~. I I~ Q. Do ~"'Qtl remember the dato you ~lE':re m~lrried ., A. No sir, I can' t r(3m.ember exac tly the da.te. l~. ~lbat year , ..11. 1919. Q. After you \fere married in New York, wn re did YOll go then ? A. Came to Florida. Q. Hav(~ you 1iv$11 hel'"e €f\.fel" since tha.t l:dme ? ~ . I went to tho Bahama ~~d come back in 1924 to P~orida. Q. You ha.ve :eeilid(sd in Mi~uni} Dade County.. sinoe 1924 ? A. Yes sir. Q. lJ11ml did ycnl ;;it,.,3.l't htAVing' troublr;. \vith yo"U..r rite '1 . A. In 1925. O. Ifill vnu ~'~"'C2~,::, .1,,,,,,,;,, v-'l.l'-'1" ~..t"'I.~':I"'Anf':,(l 4'.)"; H~""t '(;'J';l,~~'" f) ~ tT 1.0.' V<;h -.I.." ... 1.4.... v ,~J....... V ,......Jf'.l:"'~ -." ~. 'I,!,/;.l.<'< 'II ~..(;lo-4 i A. In 1925 I kad trouble '\;11 th hfrr wi t.h mans, over lr:. the B~haznac in 1925.. Q. ~bat wllsth~'lt tl~ciuble ? A. l~hy she v.7ent {fat a..l1d stewed out to ope and two 0' clock - MR. HEAD: We ol)ject. to that; it :l~ immuteri.a1 and unless he saw it" MR.. ALLAHD: r t i~5 m.at-zriru -... MR. fIE!ill: Were you thera, did you see it ? A. No sir" B'lWl. ALLARD: Q.' Did the defendant ever admit she had b$:01l out with other men 7 A. She admitted it. I t~.ll her ehe got; to t,e11 tht1 t~ruth. I was going to leave her; then be1"oro two wi tnesses Sbf~ tlIri te and give me it:! vr.r1't.ing just what happened, and I 160.""6 the house, to 1JJ3 mother. s bones,nnd t.his man who she was accused about, he say th1.tt she get him tho letter Shf~ t...igl;led or he would get in trouble. He tras in the gove~"l1ml~nt employ- Q.. Did she get. toG let ter ? A. Yesl she break the window and went in the house qndtook the letter. Q. Did youbhave any trc-ubla as the outcome, as the result? A. Yes, I d~d. Q. tUlat did she do ? A. She got olJ. the other ;;ide of this llk'ln a,nd had him. ~3ue me for $200~OO. A. Miami, Florida. Q.. After yoil had YOLlr first trouble, when did you have arrJ trouble since that time . with your wife? \ A. 1927 · Q. What time in 1927 ? A. In January. Q. Where did you live - in Uiami. t A. Yes 'sir. What happened that time? L.__.-' She went out at night. She kept going out every night that week and calle in late. .1 spoke about it and she tell me she was grown and she could go out if she wanted to. She called me -- vIall. never miIld -- Vilia t did 'she call" loU, 'a name ? flhe ciliae a son of a bitch. I tell her she donI t call ae tha.t, and she re- peated it over again, and she took up a bottle and thrown it at ae. The bottle hit the'door and: broke ,and cut m.e over t.he eye. What kind of a bottle? Blue glass' bottl~~ Have you got a scar. OVErt". the eye '7 Yes sir; 1 got a "Scar l'ight here (indicating over left eye). ..... Q. And ili you did at that :tue Vias to talke to her about going out - ask her not . to stay out and come home early ? A. 1 tell her she ought ';to stay home more nights - she ought not to be going out ever night. Q. In 1926, where did ('ypu, live ? A. On the beach. ( ,/' / Q,~ \'ili.ereabouts! l:)l A. Sheridan Avenue.i' , / ~,}' _r" Q. Did you have k ;ti~Ubh rith your rife at that tiae ? A. Yes sir. ~:~{J ) Yilis. twas tha ty;',? Q. .~.,. " I A. ,t Q. q. You ran out of tho h use? 11.' Yeo sir. 0.. Wtls M)~bo(Jy pre$ent at that tL"'l.'le 7 ,A. Her moth~r. . .',\ Q.. Who!~c mother , A.. Br~a trice t s motl;w~'? Cl. HEft' motlu:lr lNat;& prf;;)Santt A. Yea, air; she lived rdtll us. Q. . Did you ht3.ve an;;:/, furtbf.":l" tr'oublt::1 in 1920 f A. No sir; in 19:!7. Q.. l.'hi;.'S time in Ja.n11ary, 1927, you said - was anybody pra::.~ent when ~heU:u:,"ew the bottle ? A.. ':loa sir; I7.\Y brJDlther was living?:1 th us th$21. ",\ ,. -"j ~/ Q,. Your bro'tbar ha..d b~.en living with you continuously? .\. '\~el1, un.tl1 she mCf"J'oo eveljf..thing out of the houree JIUld wen t over to. her 00u$1n r s. Q.. {}henwaa that' A. In Ja~uQry, 1927. Q. Did anything ~rurther happen in 1927 ? Ii.' tea sir; ahe movr1d tn.;.) thir.tgs out of the h.Cf11t;te; '<<.azn I went C1Ut,; t'1OV'ed ova? to h9T cousin's hou~e. Q. Wbose things 7 l' A. Tl11nge that I go t her ~ Q. F'tu"I.l1 t.llre, cl-othing , 1. ium! tluras,. Q. Ever~l'thing Y , A. lea oil". Q. Did she cv~ baekafter that 7 A. Hot right awaj". I went to the house she WQ li"ilng in Oll\l! Sundtty night; shQ w~s 11 ving to b f$$.1" eCfJ.~!.i~lt s hotl~~e (:U'"ld anko..d her to COJ1ti9 br~ to mf~. ShfJ said .1 f I Qi,dn tt go from there whp.lt /she WQu.ld do - nIle 'W,$ going to throw the alop jar at me.. I tho'rlght~ ells \<fL1.S Joking, ~ld aha t.ook U'pth& slop Jar !.md thrO?'1 tJ:.i(~ r:l>np on me. 'J:1er cousin laughed. Q. Did YO'J. h;av6 ur.tj" fnrth(~r trot1bln in 1927 ? 1. Yes l:5ir; aft;:));. ahe lottl'after' sbe would :oot come hOU\t'3J I went~ to live, at amy ~"O:utlt.t f1 h~n nQ. nn~ ntrr.r:"\-4."nft' a~" ,~.... ...............'lr oc,,,,,..... ,..,............ u".... '-\.. ..........~ 'T _ ~ .,..&.l. ~.If __' __ A.'t..._ .1 ; ~ . Q. Af~ter she hit you ~ith the stock what happened ? Yhul,my aunt com(~ up and she got fj,W&Y~ fLaybe they wcni).d, hav(~ come to, it, I guass. A. Q. Di.d Y'OU baVf3 ~ny fur thar trouble in 1927 l' A~_ l':n ""..:- tho next time you had tI'ouble with you.r lufe ? Q.. lfuerl ~as A.. In. Sep 't.ember · q. 8ept~be;c:, when t A. s.eptember, 1~~29.. Q. '~l".i,a t happened in 1929 in S$ptember? 19~9, aftt3r' \t'lB moved p.p OIl :;~s't 5brf.Jet, (,he took up goillg to In f~;ptem~e~ '.. . that I gave her to Pas the bills with, Sn(1 to,ok t.be money a.,Od p~U'tu.cs. ~,'r.l.~J.Ys,,' 1 't "'-. ., .. ..."", flt)~),atrice I doni t, think, that is rj.ght~, b,ecause giVt7> nJ.n"tA e~ 0 JOJ..C1. as...., .ot> J ' , n C' i, ~"\" . t"- ~r1 \;.. ....t., t.hi ~ "1:';1'. ce and you aI", e not \'l'O,l',ki,ug. , \oInt:.' gOlf t.30re au.: wa are t.:r."....ng 0 olI1 .... r.;;"l. " . . '. "'. ..t. >::~ ....+ '. ....~. ~ that week be,cau~3e I Yiot:u.d note.gree \'T.1. th tn.,:; p('u J.6'..r. .:.,,~G K€k:P",. A. tl. :MjVt:.hing happen ? tiell, 02:1 S.f~tll1."d:~y (;;'m:;uing, she aud.. !lJ1 au take the. money an.d go em down and.' get, ttha groce)~les, buy t.h~ gr')ce:ri~3fi and pay tll$ biD. you:raelf. ">rhat S:aturday aft~rnool1 1 got home and Trent on dO"lil'l and got 't,;,'i.egrocerJ- 'fi';l1t. t101711 to the, grovery stA)re, bought the groceries and went around and paid the bill and I . put the rest of the chtl.ngf.t down on the eabJ.e and I went ou.t rrrl;;f.?~f - .Prince Bain - '- 't,. Whe.I'(j$ Yie.rt? you going ? A. To a. set.ting up. Q.. Wha.t i$ that 1 A. l1ber(~ they si t ovel'" the dead. Q. Did you go" A. I went with Prince Be.in. I left her home and we left, and 7ihen t. got to the place riher!; the.i:-itting up wai~, we paJ."ked 0:0 the left nine of the stTeet alla wh('m I lookfJd - Prince lookud and he sf.lid, "some'bodYi~ (;mming. l! Q. 'Were you in the l1J11chine at that time? A. Nosir, I wasou'ti:L!lde. I we!l't to 1 ok, and he said, Ut,hat' oS your wife. It and . ahe rushed right up to me.. She used VUI,a languages and she got me t:iud ~)he grabs me onths collar and Bb~; rais~d her hand, arid I looks up and she. ba<;1 a knife end when she br.mg h.er hand down, I got hold of be!' t'lr'ist el'ld twi.5d:.ed it out and the knife dropped in the SDX1d, and then she grabbed onto mEse.nd tol~e up my cloth.Ga, she tore my ~hlr.t off me -- 1... ...., .q. .~ .A. Q. / . j.. house 'I seen. this man, Julian Graves standing in thelOo~, $0 I walked up to .' the doer and put my band. on the sc!"een,9I1d she ,clipped me over the eye wi th l a sod.., bottle full of water. Q. Did you have any scars 1 t.ea sir, I b~s.d threo s ti tches - sears l' - yest ;a;ir. two. 'WbP.~t did you do tr.l.eI1 ? I rushed ini~a the hQu'.se ani! Julian Graves gra.bbed me and she had the conch shell there and i~he r~'cruck me tli,tb the conch shell on the ha.d and I said, "turn me 19oGe, tha.t WO~1l1 'fdll kill me. Have you got !i soarwhereslle hit; j'OU on the head with tho co,nch shell t A. Yos sir. Right here (indicating right sic;l~ of head). Q. The!:l 1'$ha t happened 1 A. ghf.~ left:. the house. Q. You did not hi t her ? A. No .t'ir. Q ,,- .. " , Julian GraVt~S hold ~lOU whi1.e she hit you with the conch Zlhell ? A. Yes sir; th(~n I ran Ol),t of th-e houre. Q. H.as eba ever been h.'ick ? A. She did not como bt1ck to the house unt,.i1the next mOl~ing _ I l:H:.'t&rd her voice~ q. t:'la t did she do .8.t t,he hOUBe ? A. ~tell, she went out on the porch t;Jldsat on the porch :for. & while. Q. Did she ever come bt:lck in th~ tlOUl':.'6 a1"tar that? A. She came back to the houoo ill ~(lbsence. Q. In your absencf:;; ? A. ftnen I am no t the.l'e. Q. Wila t, did she do ? MR. BEAD: We obJ.€;ct to that? A. She took out ell the gl"oc-eries out. of the houEe. f J , l THE MASTER: Objection oven"'u.led. Q. That was t...'1s tirst time she came back into thG hous8 ? A. Yes sir. Q. Wfhat elsi! ? A. 'Well, she tookallche linens, 811 the bed linens and she took t,he curtains that i;-Va[~ up. :) ) ) I ) ) I 1 Q. Did she come back after that? ..~. Yes. MR. HEAD: ,; f Q. fthat happened then , ;1 n A. She 'Qroke the doomppen tUld b.qcked up a, t.ruck snd took the furni turG IJ.'ffay 'l11i1e 1w8.$ at VIork. " I Q. Did you see that - were you there? 1 . 1 I J A.. I s!\wthe i"'urrd. ture in the house she is living. q. You did l1ut dee the t:.r"\;.ck tllere , A. No /lU, l:l'.lt, I knows tuG i'u:rnitlU'G - I see the furniture where she is living. am. H:SAD: I movr::t t:)abrik~a this t~H:~timony. THE MASTER: I ;{ill r':);:~e1."ve ruling. (To wit:nes~) Gt) ahead. HH. ALLAHD: A. Have you s(:on. tl:;a f~:rnib.re ,your wife has in the hOl.U'6 ne..e she is living , -~ft-. ~,.... v....teo ..........L..,... ., iI... Yea sir. Q. She is Evil'!; in the hOll..,;e that h!\s the furniture in it ? A. Yes air. Q,. 'Tha t wus O'.iT~8d .oy you t;we t~oge ther ? A. Yes sir. ~. itas a:ny body present at \:.hi;:, time in Septesber beside Julillll Graves and your w1fe - arl! witnesses ? A. Nobody else.. Q. Where 'Wac, Prince Bain , A. He was right. there; he Vias there for ev€'rything. ~Wol'~~- Q. - Is Princs in town , A. .No l~ir. He has gone to New York Q. You could not get him to come back here 1 A... H,o air, he is working in New York. Q. Did yon have any trouble with :fOUL..... wife in 192.8 ? .'I. No Bir. Q. Did ::~he come ba.ck after that ? A. Yes. MR. HEAD: Q. rihat happened then 1 A. She broke the doomopen and b:'1.cked up a. t.rucksnd took the fur-"ni tWG awf!J.Y while I ~v8.S at work. {~. Did you see that - were you there? A. I snwthe i"'urrd ture in the houf:1e she is living. ,~. You did l10t dee the t:.r"\;.ckthere ? A. llo sir, but I knows thrs furnit.l1.re - I aee the furniture where she is living. MR. H}~AD: I mov(.? tcsbrik'8 this t~stimony. THE MAS'fER: 1;:i11 r"s~:erve ruling. (To wit:o.ess) Go ahead. MH. ALLAi1.D: A. Havey-au S€;BU th.c i'urnit:::re j"C111:r wife hag in the hOUftf: where she is living ? A. Yes sir. .~ '}:\.\ Q. Is that the furnitnre yot: hsd tog~ther ? A. Yes sir. ('} ~. She is l1villg in the house 'that h!'ts the furnitl.tre in it' li.. Ies sir. Q. Tha. t wus oWL.ed by you t~\~O t~oge ther ? A. Yes sir. Q. ita:; any bod~l present at this time in September beside Julian Graves and your wife - any'witnesses ? A. Nobody else. Q. Where wae Prince Bain ? A. He was right '~here; he was there for everything. Q. Is Prince in town ? A. No sir. He has gone to New York #: Q. You could not get him to come back here , ~i A. Ifo air, he is working in New York.. ,I Q. Did you have any trouhl(~ wi th yOUJ.,.... wife. in 1928 ? if A. No sir. .jt~ ~, \ !. No lli1', 1 got.. 011 to or tile 'fffi.7f' Q. Did yt:JU hlJ<"e ,tr'.;y trouble wit.h your: 1Iif'e: in J uJ:y. 1\~Z9 ., A. lee air. Q.. ',~hat h.ap'?Bllfii tbon , A. iihen 1 I'1'l.S done ,\t Louige Newbold'S bouse - A.. 1.ouil'itti Newbold. Th,~r" \'iaa lot.1l of. p<:roltl"s in the hou58, about i''!-ve or s'!-z 111 tttng ;U'O!l.<'Jil. t",1.1d..ng and she r>l1l'he1 in the. hoU(lB, l'igh t ovN' to-,crdlS roe 'll'h(n'" 1 we.!';i &1 t. \:.ing W..tl a. ",\1" gt: fl,bbed llll: 'When 1 wal'i 111 t t,ing ion t.h0 chair and cholt ad l!le,. 1 don't K;rlOVl lri;y she COli!) in thr. hoUE<l &ld do thll\;. Cl. Louise "ho , Q. Did 710'.1 gil1$ her II;ri:J TeMonto do it '7 !.Iio sir. Q. Did $\1<3 gi:.$\ you :\P:;j r",,,,,,,n , <1\. !es .$1'1". A. Lo,d,M ..<<.Pt, u? ~o th') hO'.1MJ and floked h~t' '!'il1:;f Sh'1 OOtl'" ill h'X ho11"'" :;cnd do t.hll. t '/Jay. Lon1.<e 'alld !l~,-r "'U\ 1'1'i ende ,juS t Uk" 11)$ self. 5;1e '~au6etl m,.<> to !we'/l Louise 14~~bold. <,i .. ~,'fu.<a. t .., q. Did Lou.1,!!l) go to your !lOU!!'" n ton :/C'i')' '2 A. 1~o sir.. \ \ I , 1\. ' j.oui,;6 asked her troy ~w.. did i to, 'fib:! (}nu did 111t<t> U'f\t attd she did tell llili%' no thing. Q. 'fJht1t hll.i,p,;nv,d at tM hot\llC' 'I Q. Viere there 0 \:,haI' t1l1laS w'ben yQtl h''l.d .ord~ ;'d thyour wil>;; snd chll"':Hl!l('ld J'''u wi th '111'" ,md "-h.Uli ye 1,\llguage 'I A. yt~t~ rd.t"; t/hat ("'liSime often. Q~ fftittt did do 1 "'\:rr"i'" J w..... ~. Junt. go QUt of the hou"a GI'C et!\17 p.tnl1 f::-c:m h~. '1." f:thy , A. Juat to ~l1Joi,cl Lt'C''J,olen... ~". lour flire i" 'I1Iol,kj.ng, or do you know 1 A. lea sir.. r\ : "\'. . Do 1t.ltl. knoW v;b.eI'{~ , q. Who 'i~1 she living with , A. I believe she got her own house. Q. Have you ever givenyour tdfe any cause to leave your hou~~e 1 A. No sir, no cause at all. Q~ Hoti many t~es he.s zhe left ~rou ? A. This iDthw second t,ime. Q. tfhat happml6\d the ocher tilUe ? A. That' 6 the ti!ue from staying out late and I spoke t() her about staying out late after she Ciilm.:e home aVf;r;/ l'light late,' and she just left and enmo back in my abSenCf] and took the furniture c))'lli. (1.. Did she come back after that, A. I went .and g4)t back of heX" just like a dog and bagged her to come brick. -{[. Did she _CODle back .1 A. ,..les sir. Q. Yourrlfe is a good strong woman is she l10t ? A. Yes sir.. '~";J..O~" :lou pays! cally '::Tj.Jf;':;:lo. ~ A. I - she is cortainly; Bhe can knock me out. YR. AL.LARD: 1'hat is all. CROSS-EYJUlINATION BY MR. BEAD. Q. Did you say you we:c'e m:~Tried in 1919 t A. Yea sir. Q. Your f1:c i:1 t, trouble writS in 1921 t A A. ,1925. Q. Then you had troubla because she vras going out \-vi th otheJ:.~ m8? ., 1\.. Yes 611''; I said I could p~'Ove. all -of that - with a letter in hl~:r writing. Q. She came back to you or you went. back to her 1 A. I did- I begged her to come ba~~. Q. Have any aore t:rouble ? /~. No s-ir, un til I cam.e here in 1~26, 19~~7. /' / I / q. The na~t timEi It'l'5lB when she threw the bot.tle and made a scar over your uye , ..- ,.~!. that is when she attacked me vdth the knife - I ~:.l"ied to get. al1'"8.1. 'J~i,~ Q. T11a t 15 the attack last Bel'tembel"f r. A. Yes sir. I Q. 1 mean back in 1927 ~ when she hi t you TUth thG bottle - did '"Oil do a..'lyt,hlng , .~ A. 11o sil~ ! J" Q. What happsned Just, ~~f4ore - didn't you strike her t A. No air. Wa were arguing, and she repeated thit;load language and I told her, don't call me tllor::e n~01estmd,sha would gat ipa range and So temper. Q. As -& matter of j'act~ you. t'fere running around with other women - that lsthe truth, iso't it ., , 1 ~~ -:} A. No sir, t.bel'e is no truth to that at aU. 'y Q.. She Ju~t hityotl wit.h the bottle - you did not 'touch her, did not bothGr her - did not do a.l!y'thing to her ., ~i'i A. No sir. Q. Then in 1928 - YCluwenf, $long until. 1921 b>&forel!U);l ko~e' trouble, July, 1928' ? A. Ies slr. Q. fher.lsllke. S~jV!1i the first time again t . "<-'.';~!'1.9 A. ,In 3tUJI 1928 , Nos1r, in 1927. Q. You didn't.do ",srvthing to h~)r that time" j ~ . 'j: ,~' A. No sir.. 1 Q. She Just pulled oft and stl'"Uek you for no provoca.tionat all f A. Yes sir. \~. At any rata, you rrent back together t~gain and got along until July, 1929 , A. l~oair, 'lie. h~ld beeD, ha.ving some hard:t~es~ If I give, away-with her, I pess every other ''leek I 'would be arrested~ Q. As e. mat'ter of fact you liere arl.ested llf BePt:~ber, 1929? 11. F01" that neck ., - .No sir, I 'can prove it by Ml.. Panco!'..st - that was 'no '<<:f f~~~t. Q. You gol) arrested thou.gh ., A.. No sir, tbS'ff did not a.rrest me. Q. In 1928, you say'she came over toL9U1z:ie Bevibold' s"house .-.;.. A. 1927 . Q. In July. 'Ie al~C ccmdng up to ttbe p:reaetn t.rouble. In July, 1929, .t:'he c.tme there and found you in Louise Newbold' shouz:e and rushed right in - A. Yes sir, she got Ile in the t4roat and threw me down - Q. Dhethrew you dOlm and tucked out , A. No sir, she d1~ not. o v(hat!, ti.o was it , " Q. At night' A. I believe it wa.s about nine 0' clock. I did ~ot have a. watch.. It 118.5 not late. Q. IN September, YOtl had a big .fight; tlw:t was at Louise Newbold's house '1 A", llo sir. Q.' Or ws it rIght in front ofnher house , A. . ')10 sir. Q. In the S~1Il& tUoek,' some place close? A. No sir - no sir. Q. At whose hOU30W,,:tS 1 t? A. It was on 16th Strea't, nobody. shouse 'irllen. L.'1e fight W'a;39 L'1 nobod-,ft s h01.lse; it was in the a treat. , . .' . , Q. You had beoo home, 3nd left he~ aometh1ng,soD1S mOney to buy _ A. 'No sir.. I bought the groceries myself before I went out. I bought i;4'le groceries .,rtJ3' sell' and took the. home. ' Q~ You left h(~r some money, a'ome change or something on the table and then you wan tout. Wha. t time a.bout was tha. t , A. I oaas down to this wake; that, was ab.out ten o'elocl. Vihen they,keep a wake they ~i t over the dead all night. Q... ~ow long Waf$ thi;s after you left the house 7 About an hour and a half":' I guess. . I , Q. She Justrd.shed down th, I3treet were you were atandiIlg - where jrOU said the car Was :rtanding- ' , , A. l' had just got out of the car. Prince was standing on the out, side of t..l1e ea.r and I was ~ust get.ting out to go in the stting up, both of us. She ran up - rf"Ul right up and hi t you - ). Q. A. Bile did not strike m.e. She used language a.nd grabbed me 1n the colla.r and l'aiaed he:~ hel'ld. \d.th the knife. I looked up and I got her wrist thi~ way (indicating) and turnt~d her wrist and the knife dropped in the ~m1dl then she hit me with her other ~d and grabbed me and tora '1<<3' clothes off ? Iou did not do" anything -myou did not strike her' . ' Q~ A.. I - yea, I hit her to get loose, 50 ahewould let me loof$e. , :;{~ \ Q. ffuat did you hit her with? \. , A. >>1. ' ha.1;lds. Q. With your fists ., A. I slapped her. Q. Jua't~ one t:1me " A.. ,Onee, and'sha turned me loose. n _ _ _' .... Q. You. did not knock h<'~I' ch;),'rm on the ground ? A. I did not knock her on t,ht:,} ground, no sir.. Q. '"So that is \vhere you hand Qut,n - that is what she gmeted you "dth ., A. Ios air. '1,. You had been away nearly every night - did not come in l..milllate. Ne zir; I Join"A thec?'''i hI<' U. orgllnzat;i.on,p)i,ed the violln; SOllletiJlas I 13h;red 3 t "EJ 0, 0~ ; SOlllSt,1m'3G in Coconut Grove" playi!lg. Now 'tJ;J.en, t'ihcn you went back home, did .somebody separate yeJu thel"e , ft... Q. ~. No sir; no~ separated UB; there, \l'as not fight at home .at all. Q. You w'ent back ill the ear ? A. She Jus t went on back, and I ~'CJn t $.head of her. q.. ,You got home before she did"? A. Yes all'. Q. She came irt tho b.Dut~, ? A. Sho did not meet me in tb.0 house ~I.t ill. I told Princ~ I got to get ,ahead or het' and gat t.hese c.loth~s. off. llHurryll. X wan.tt:i1dtoo get a!iq before 00.9 got there. I know ju.st what kind of a Vl0man she is. Q. :.\nd when ~rou got th0re, Julian Gra"1tlS - A. I went up 5creat w.d t!'h~n I e&m bE''lck and looked. Julian Graves Btood in the houre, and I ~f.tid, nlet me out, ! 1m go&ng in there. n mid when I put my hand on trO€} screen, · on r,lle door, I got it over the eYE) with a soda water hottle. ' Q; You d.'td not huve a. black jack or pistol" ? A. Ila sir. Q. 'You did not" threats:r her vd th a pistol' A. .fr!o sir. Q" Did net hit ber wi th a black 3 tick ? A. No air. ~,. You did not hi t h~)l' wi ~h a black jack ! A., No sir, I did not. Q. She did not go back to the house next mornirig ? A. lee sir, she came back, but was outside. Q. Did net t:.uy ar::I thing , A. No 5U", there ?I,as no words. I '\'1,af:Ul1 the bed. I was €lick.. I had Dr. Badge. Q.. How long did Dha f3 hay , Q. She could see me without com!ng ,in the 1"001\. A. That is {).ot 11b.at I asked you. I asked you if you saw her - if she c.ame in the room ? A. No sir, aha did not. I".:'. Could iou sea her rl thout her co.tn,1ng in the room. 7 A. Y as s1~:.; where th~ bod is. She came in the hourse bu tnot _ Q. Iou snid befcrethat she was on the parch. Let us get this straight. Was she: on or did she come in th~.J house ? A. She" cs..e ill the hQuse I but no t, in the room. Q. You did not tell 'her to get away from your house and Dot com.e bJ.).ck there ? A. rqo sir, I did not. Q. f1h~r(;.l is, JuliD.;lGraves ? A. I belic)ve he is living with har - that is what 1 have - that is:> what I hear. ,q. Whll,t yc:,:u h(;~~rd ? 11-. tbn t they wac living 1..'1 ~J pl~oe. q. It3 . haI:hq~, ,~o day ? A. No si, I did not b6e him. Q.. n. r t .uun J.$ ~10 hf;.r'~ t A, No '.iix-. Q. Stdn \tla.~ :m th yeu there in the street when you he,d the fight; then you \'1oot on homo nnd be ';'f.S.sthor-e tiu"vugh it tUl ! A. Yes sir. Q~ Iou did' not three.tf.?.n h~:!r ~i th a p1stol:, and Julia.n Graves did not have to grab70u ~.nd hold you so she could get out of your "ita::! --that did not happen , A., No sir; no air; not that, n'O t.hing ,like that. Q... Iou. mft..nttoned fnrnish1ng~ the bourse. She did not help YO'll pay :for that. t A..,. No"b as 1 btQvl of. Thif.n:'e' was a man' up to I:J€€t m.e saturd~y evening. Q..., , When you and hex~' were Ii ving together, did shoe gi va Y(~tU any money , A..,. 'Sha k~pt ,her Oiffl. money. Q,,I" She did .not pay for that t~rniture or ~ p:!1rt of it' " A." She paid t.he dapa!>! t. I p.9.id 'the rest of the things. I \vorked all the time,. (J.... Bow long ha.ve you been working for fk,. Pancoast? A.." ..Seventeen years. q. ," How mu.ch do you make t A.,' Nineteen dollars.. Q. " .A week 7 A. I have1~':t got it no more. Q. tfuen did you dispose of it , A. Wednesday. Q. This past Wedn$sd!\Y , !q, Yes sir.. It rai'us~d t.':"1 run.. I cCiuld not do . the repair because lowed JAr. P~meoast money on it right along for repair, so I decided Just to let it go. ,).. Up tothe time she left you, she did :not work, I believe you at.sted 1 A., No s~~, she did not. Q. Bu t ,she had bean working con tinuausly, or nea-r-ly all the tizae while you were living together , A., She vt'orked when s.l}e wanted to, but I worked all the time. Q. She nevel" did gi va you }:uv m.~ ? A. No a~r, ,she kept her own Iloney. Q.. Shene~er ce.ntyou r:rrry money from. Massachusetts two or three years ago '! All. No air. Q.. Never made pa,rt of the payments on the houae ? A.. llo t a.s I mow of. " ~:. She never ai\de a:ny' payments - Jl. No sir, 1 paid 1 t all. Q. Never paid anything on the i'-arni ture ., A., I have her the money to pay the furn1,ture mane. Q. ihat is the value of tha.t furniture. she took! A.. Value of tha.t. !urn! ture is arolmd $500.00. I paid' for the piano in cash. Q.. Yau b,Sive a piano f i., .she got. that. Q. She got 'that piano ., A.., I paid tor that ll!jself' cash. Q. Did your wi.fe ev&- ofte:r to comembaclt, offer to return to you , A. No sir. Q. :E;ver t.lllked to hel" since she left! A. No sir. Q. ~:he never ceme back to see you t It't_ _.1_ ,j~j "i l~. :(our wife and yourself? A. Yes sir; the people wan 'uinging in the b:ouse. Q. Iou Bay tJ.la furnit'W"e \ias worth $500.00 - l. Yes air -- ti. The. t is what ~,tou p~:tid , A. Ies sir. Q. ~ben did you buy that n~niture ? A. Ever sinco 1926. " Q. How much did you agree to pay I- $500.00 t !. Yea sir. · Q. HoVl' much did you O;1'e when she left t A.. 1iell. I ~a.y a.he kept the bills; sha keeps ever".ft.bing.' All I did was vfork and give her the mone.y to paY" these bills; she kepteverytJdng.. Q. . You do no t, know ...mether anything has been pnid an the. rum! ture ., A.. Yes) I just quit paying the furniture blll;bafore she moyed out of the b..use, We got s. few littl~ lU"ticles. " Q..l thought you fJa1d 3'ou quit paying - A.~, .rhat 1s after she 1D.OV'edout., Ths'l"e lias a teyt li.'ttle art.ieles Vie lla.d not got through paying for, and I kept thatpaYJWnt. up. Q 4l. How .much did you pa~ t' A., I paid cll o~ "the1'l. q e, How qlch was all t A.: About 160.,00 !, paid. Q.. After a.'I1e moved out ? A2. Not. that amount af'tQr Shf3 moved out" 110 air. Cj.. How 'much 'Wa3 t.he .own paym.ent on the furni. turn you paid $500 for? A., $25.00.. Q., She p:l1d that., You did llot give n(;r that "1 , . ,.,\., I gave her $10..00., Iwta{;:; moving the th1n~,;5 from 'the Be,'Elch, and ! told her to go dO\1n and get the furniture p~ople to t,~e the furniture out to the houso whil.e I W'a~1 rini;:l1ing the moving., Q.. How w..lch did you gi VB harto pay on the rum! tux'c in ~.ll " A., First I gave her $5.00 a. week.. 1. WtM::to pay $S.C.o a week untiln..fter thlnga got a little dead and tt/e begged ti.1e man to out l't do'Ml to $4..00... I ilOuld. give her' the money end she [s-ot the receipt 1 think that, was in her name" just like she started .. n "''ft- !ha t i is in Yt':'JU:r name , No sir. A. c~. It.. Iou have a contra,ct for i~? Nasir. 4", . You hav'e ~dE:" payment.s to:lard it 1 A. lea sir. Q''l :. How much? A. First at" ,und $20.00 a month. .... t.... Row much did YOLl agree to pay ? No answer. Q,. Did you buy on. contract , &.. No sir, I did not ha.ve any cc.utract for ~\at place, juat a ree~jipt; that is aJ.1 I got - a receipt for what I paid. Q. How muoh did you pay down when you bought it l' A. i200.00, I paid. 'l. Donrt you know how In''J.ch you. agreed to pay hall - $2500.00, $5500.00, $5,000.00, $50,-00.00 , A. The ~unCtmltMrs" Pancoast st~t~~ waa $3,000.00. Q. iben did you buy that hous'9 ? A. Janua:ty, 1929. Q.. You paid $200.00 , !. Yes sir. Q. You. paid $20.00 u month since ? A.$2S.00. Q. Have you got.; In.'})''' other prop()rty ? A. Thera is t'ft:O lots at };"ort LauderdQ1e ? 1.. Are thay paid for , A. Yes sir. Q. Any other prop8rt,y besides them ? A. Yea. Got a hour e ovcr at the Bahamas. Q. That paid for , A. Yes sir. MR. HEAD: That is all. ~IRr~CT EX.MIIr1j}:rIOf~ ,BlUR. . ALLAP..D. tl. VI"\'\'1I <:I~...,. 't'!I"""\H 'h.'ll.'\'?r.-' q ^r...........,..... '1.......... ~....'l?....._,f;. T_...,,';i__..::l......,_ 1;-\,"\.....l. _,__ 4'1..__ __-'-.L'L ft ' )- ...... l fl. The last time 1 pr~d ta.xes, they was lraluQ at $000.00 A. I don't know what, I CM get t~dny because things are dOMl. Q. This house, in Nassau, do you ow that " I ~i. My grandmo.thfa" gave me a piece of land, that place to build my house. '~..'.','\ :" c:1 I , ,'~ ", \~ Q. then did you buy them ? 1\.. {'lhy, since 1924. w. Do you know what you 0&'1 get tor them t \. Q. Do you own 1 t ? A. No, Bir.. Q. Who does own it , A. Illy grandmother- Q. B'at ,youj,uat sr~d, you owned it , A. 1 own the bouse, but I dC'.n' town the land.. 1 have no deeds.\,~t all for the land" no deElds at aJ.J. to show. Q. lllia t kind or a. house is 1 t f A. A little stone house. '-l. How lDUch is it \1Orth ., A. That is !forth $550.00 - the house itsaU'.. ,~. Do you know if it is still ttbeI'~ ? A. Yes sir; the ~attime I was there I saw it. Q. Did you ever own a. gun ., A. Yes; I used to 'oiltl one. Q. When t . t A. When I lived on t.he Boach. MR. HEA.D: I object to tne q1.l;estion --' MR. ALLARD: Iou asked bim if he did not bave a gun in his tumd. I juat ,rant to find out if he ever owned a gun. Q. Did you have a. gun in your band in September when you and yoU'!." wife had the figh t 'I A. 140 sir, no gun t-.l t all.. Mn.. liLtAFLDI Tha tis all. LOUISE NEWBOLD, a Ini.?lteria.l witness on behalf' of CroBs-Gomplainant, Tom ala-sa, baing first duly sworn, test.ified as follows: DI'RECT J:'XlWINATION BY UR. ALLARD. . - ~: Q. 'ffl18. tis your nnae , A.' Louise Newbold. Q. Do you know Thom.as Glass and Beatrice Glass 1 A. Jshy yes sir, 1 know them; I was a. .frien~ of both of tbf"..:m.. Q. Do you recall one occasions l"ihen Tom, Glasa WaS at your house and his wife came in , A.' Well, yes sir, lots of timo both or t.hem would be there at our hOUS3. q. In July 1929 f A. Well, in July Bometim(~, I don't know tne date, he stopp(~d in, I know tha.t. Q. 'fill you tell jua~ what happened? Y'iell ,that, no; I don't knOVi Mlf! t it vms all a.bou t. It was to my houze.. Sever other parties waG sitting -msome on the porch, and I an:i Tom and' another arm Urai lived" . 'in the house watt 131 tting down; so Mrs.. Gla.s~~ came t.l:1ere. She choked him, but I d!~ not, may/ whether ahe ~ant &.11)1' hs~rm or not. I wae kind o.r i:nl..."'"PrltH~4 because I 'did not know ~or wha.t it waaa.bout, but I did not. !mOil whether ~ha was made, and after t.hat :me told him ,to take her home. I guess he did t.t1ke her hom.e. And after "t.hat I aaked her \Yhy she done it - I did not like i li, in my house t.he. t ws::! righ t then. I was all right, but I did not.feel. 80 good, so I went to her house and she said nothing wrong, ahe say she Just feel t...~atway.. 'That W-9.S all. A. Q. 1b youknoil 'imether or not Baa~ice Glasa has a reputation in that neoghborhood r~r 'having a. ,riolen,t tc~mpel"" 'I t~ell myself", I don't know. . I have heard people s~she has ugly.! hsvenever 'been in BJ.lt fuss wit.h her. She has alwqs been nice wi th me, both of them. ~. QUEtr.B~OliXAMINATI01I BY MR. HEAD. Q. You thought they were fooling , A. W' ell, she choked him. I don' tknow whether She was ZII!ld or not. I did no t like it, it was'in ., house. Q. '1'he11 ahe told you she was just fooling 'I A. I did not say she told me they were fooling. I did not said tha:t. Q. :But 'they ware Just fooling ., A. I didn t tthink she was ms,de with him. tda. HEAD: Tha t is all Attested: AP1;U 19~O. ' Gan~.t!"al Master JOHN GLASS, a material witness on" hehnlf or Cross-Complainant, Thomas Glass, being first duly sworn, testified ttB follows: DIRECT EXAMDiAl'ION BY KfR.A1LARJ? Ct'. 1)bn~ois1qrour name t A. John , Glass. . f . , Q.Do you know Thom~e.s Glass and his wife ? it. I know both of them. Q. In September sometime, do you recall Thomaa Glass l1Dd Beatrice Glass having a fight? A.. Yes s!l-- J I was c!llled - I never td tnessed the f!gh t. I VIas oall f.rom my home be tween th..e hour of tr/elve and one 0' clock. Q. .Did you Bee Tom at that time ., A. Dhen I went to h::J.s house. Q. What cond1 tiOIl was he in ? A. Ver.y bsd cond1 t1on. Q. i'fua't wae the 1Jln~tert A. Be had two cuts, one over his eye and one in the beck. of hilS head; there was Mead all over - oYer the ba. th room. Q. Was his wi.t~6 there? No sir) 1 did not meet her that time. 'I. Was the doctor there? A. I called the Doctor. Q. iha t did th edoctor do ? A. He <;tressed him, the cut ovor his ere aud the one on his head. That is all I know of tl1e figh t. q. After some dayadid you meet Beatrice GlassJ A. Il;~'g, I aet her at my homo ti few days after. She called me" questioned me about some things pert-tuning to the affnir at their house. I told her just wha. t I knew.. !he shook her hand in 1lt1 eye and I say 1 think sbe ougll t to a.pologize I that .itmwasllo't nice tor her to do as she did, but she explained to me tJ1a.t she mGant to ~ h1m- to my face, E.~he said ahe meant to kill lUll. Q. Do you knOll whether or not Beatrice Glass ha:J the r0pU~;lt1on of having a. violent teapar t 'A. ~Jo sir, I hover he-A wi tnesaed. lit Do you know whether shehn.a~ that reputation ? A. I have heard it, heard several people s~.:y. ti. Out aide ot Tom 'Glass , Q. ft.~ve you ever" hoard ar~thing abc~ut Tomt s l~epute..tion t A.. No t101.e than. she complained to me something about 'Tom staying out late. I always tl.jT to get 8.way... I s'tay at home. If I talk to her she compla.ins to me about biD t?ta.ying aut late at. night. I 's~ e:iililY', and I don' t know what occurs in the home. . - q. Are you Tom's brother' A. I am TQ1l' $ uncle. \~ \:~ Q. Have you ever been a.round his home life very much , A.. Wall, I never go there - Q.' You went there dl,..."lat night because they sent .for you t A. Yes' siTj before the fight, I US€4i to ride with him to the Job. BI' UR. ALLJ\.fiD. q." ,t, ~hat time you ~ere working with him at the Beaoh , A. Yes air. MR. ALL1\.ttD: That 16 all.. 1m. HEAD: No further que0tiona. Attested. April 1950. . General laster. ... .... ... .... ... ~ ..... ..,. .... .... .. .- ...... ... lttLFORD GLASS. a .s..terial witness on behalf of Crose-CoJ1plainantlPThomaa CUas:, being firEd:, i duJ.y' flivom, !;.estitled '15 follows: ' ~ r ~;rRECT ~AfION BY SR. ,u.LARD. I Q. iihat 1'5 your name ! A. Wilford Glasa. Q. Are 'you ac:lY relation to Tom. Glas}5 , ~i.. He is my brother. Q. Do you know Bea.trice Gla:;,;.s , A.' Yes sir I do; she is t1Xf a1ster-in-law. Q... Did you at arrr.f tim~ live nth Thomas Glass' A. Yf~ll S11.. Q.. Vlhen' A. In the year 192.7. t)",,~CI 90 ., Q. During. that yearlf tf..J.l ifthsxe were a:ny umble orf'ights between Beatrice and Tom Glass. What. 'VIa.s the cause ? A.' Yes sir. One :fight that happened, trouble that happened while I was th.G;)re was on .account of her st.iJ.l.ying out at night end he spoke t.o her. Q. What did Ben'tJr!ce say t A. He spoke to her and she said sho wcu1.dat.:w out. as lata ae sbe 1l!llltad to, when she we.nted. ( Q. lihat reaeon did they gil1€~ for hall~ng a figp.t t !. I. ,1 :,~ She called hiJD. - llhe said words. l ~_ Vile words , \ l A. Vile words. ., l1hat did 'Xom do , j Q. ~, A. i \ Ql I · ~ loll te1J. he:!.' not to tell him. tho",e \Yords, if.' !lb.e repea.t those words again he Vlould hit ,her. VIDat. did she do t i..>he re~ea tee. the words and he s tart<,dto hi t her and !!he made - she threw a. bottle at hiJIl. The bot Ue hit the door and pieces COlll6 baCk and hi. t him, e truck him 1 .~ A. f \~. fibere 1 A. On tbe head. Q. nit l't cut' I ! I \ ~ I I I A. Yes, sir_ it cut hiln. q.. Did an:rth1ng elae happen th~..n f 1\. Yes; I spoke to thelll, I spoke to both of them andt.o1d tbe1ll to stop \:.hat. Well. they stopped. After that she ooma out of the bDUllf.: that night. Ct- A't any other time wile you "are prf>aent in their houl'';), did. they have any fights - that is wOl."'da, vUe WOl"d~ ? '., .. Of courne tllEPJ have gUe words'. Q. B~du!ai ever use any towards her 1 Be U$eci Ut.t.lA """..03",. .but never, nothing compared to what she used. _ ~er ~e 'rom o'u to$;> th. ~ tl,.#ft~:,o,,-..c. .L >::! U'""g., "; to a~:td a .tip t t A. A Yes sir. q. You took him out because you fee..red t..1Jey would fight' A. Feared the-.t would get in trouble. Q. ,Did Y'I')U live vdth them in 19~=9 1 A.. No si.r. I did not. I I I I j A.. Ies air. Q. Do you know whether .Beatrice Glass has the reputation of ha'ld.ng a vioJ.ent telll',>er" Q. She haa a. 1"c::putation like that" A. ,Yes sir. CROSS ~rlA1'IO.N BY >>loR. ngAD. Q. Who did you aver hear 001' anything about her _ 10m t A. Neighbors around. Q. Were you tbe:re when ~ey hOO this fight - you left, when , A. 1927. if. fhev were fussing and fighting prettq- well ill the time were they not , A. Oh, yes aIr. (1. But she could u:sebiggar words , 1s that it 7 11. I don t know whether she can, but in my presence ahe did.. n i'!.$.. Her words Vlere s 11 ttle bigger than his , A. Oh, yes sir. ) ~ BY Mft. ALLARD. . I Q. What do you mean by1'lbigger"worda A. ilore vulgar. MH. ALLARD: Tha tis a.ll. MR. HEAD, No further quee.tions. Attie stOO: April 1950. General 1t'J.l2.ter. -................-.............-.............. .ROSALEE P-P.DERtI, a .ma t,6rial. vd t.;.'1esiS on behalf of C:ross-Comple..1n.ant, ThOnt:.i8 Glass, being first duly sVlorn, t.estified its followSI DIRECT EXAnNA1lION BY MR. ft..LLtlRD Q. What is Y01.U" name ., A. flosalee Adder~. Q. I.lo you know 110m Glasa cUld .Baa tri ca f A. I know 1'0m OJ j:H~fa +J,,1.;, f. .;.., __ _ __'-.. / ~ I ,.. {J h.. A. He call lie unt. He is my nephew. Q,. At one time Tom Gla.ss lived at your house' !. Yes sir. ~---J Q.. What year 1f~a thatbf A. 1927.. Q. Do you remember ~.9,t occasion - do you remembGr when his vate came .there t ,. { A. \ :: She came there Tlhere we was living,; aha came up D.nd took the boiler stick out or lIY boilal' And hit him? Did she h.i. t him with the at! ck , Yea air. Q. fihs. t did she gay , A. She earn,s there z-.nd said be had to give her some 110'" - $i!O.OO, e..omething about 130.00 ahe had in the oar and said he had to give it to her. Did TOIl hi t her , Q. .. A. No he dida't, - not in my presence. .. } Q. Do you kl').ow 'wbethar Beatrice Gla.s;.: haa t.he 'T~p1ill.tat"'n '0,1 11_i&e. s. violent w.p~r '1 .. A. Well, I hear folks say, hut aha has never used it on me. She didn't have the chqce. Q. Dould you l1sme any people who sa.id 1 t , A. To~aaid it, and othfJrS - neighbors around there. Jl~. ALLAPj): Tha t i a all. Am. HI~ADa No que..;; tions. , Attested. April 1950.. General Master ) \. 'J ~ a b ~ <tr II U It f \! ' Jtfl a ~ ~4~riff 5 <IDffit~ J\thtrutg for Jlmntiff - A cae- /~ -, " i- c:%~ L ~ aej ..J &f ., .I .. j r~~.IJ~ _~~o#'t,i...... "i I CREDIT _.~LfE 89 I " ~ ofl I I ~-~co ;1 I ~ 4 ..; "'-" #"1 "'~.Tf. ...... ~.I~ ~ II AMOUNT - - -- -- - - 1; - - \ .. II " t. + - ',., \'It ,~ ~ ~ : \ 'f1f ,- -', . - ':::"*.' ~~ :;-;/ .IAN ~ 19~ /~ .:.. ~-o., ~.:1 1..MI..les.........f -1,.( .. "J] ,r'l-il.G rr ..:l ; -~.. - .....~..., il SHEfUH-' wAJE ..;ulb.ilPC t -:V :: ;1trotal. ........ )0;-.,.. ...1I...._:~J ~ 11 .. ;(\o.--~..-~~-40~n.;,;.._~.....,j.......J.....w.j..:....... __.. ............ It .'. 11 ..A..jJ.AI~".I~~~~~JI'~~~'" ....J.A.&.A.I~J.I~~~.I~rtI<..... .... .41.. .~J~.,.. ......- JI..r ~ ..... . P. Ll~HMA..N, Sheriff ~ade ~~u!l.!Y' Fla.-Attorney. "...~ ~. _ _ _ __. -f-- ',eceived J 1 ~ j ,I)--. q Served 'w ~.r-v t . Versus ~. 'ind of Paper ~ ~. 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"'", . y<' , ", " ~-',~:; i., ( I ../ .1 If I '. /"'~ _ f~ ti.~ \f/fP :,f~ . ., .I'~ .. ,/ . ,#''' ~".. , f; ,;: { ';1.. j.., ./I~_A~_ /}~ r-, ;-'f" /~ "~7 "t {. -i- I J..f-- .;I"~.~ ",1",_ ./ ,# " .- , "'fJ j ) "I ~ -'*..t}- .... .. to- 'F'" ,,' t."", " 'f /~ /. / t' , .- l' . I .' . .. ... >..... 'f '.. '1 a'" . '-I (~ ~. .?( 117.,f~ l7J~.l~ ~1."1J~ c::~ f,;;f' -~ 2,fJ1 _...- ~ \ ",Uj .-;: ../ ' .. , I .It - I "; 'f~~~t~_<f'.lJ~~ ~4 ~ -,.- r: #__ ( .:t~. :('"""-.4.,' ~ ... --l~~~~ ~ y.",i - llt~ J f;. , , / f' .......... IV J ~-l(_.'-- ~,..v-~ U At: ~,/ ... _c~.. ~.---' ~.~ c'~ )tI~ -.. ~ )L~ A~ ,.. ~ '!If: - , . ~- .. -- --........ ," .,; I .i IN TIm CIRCUI:r COURT OF THE ELEVENtH JUDICIAL CIRCut! OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, !N CB.ANCERYI BEA:I'RICE GLASS, I Coaple.1J'SUlt 'sd \,> A... - "\t,._ ~r". -~-- \ ....... _.~_.- vs !I"I! -. _.', r !,. .,;' t CA$E &0. 28665 .~-~ THOIAS GLASS, . -.J De.fendant and Cross Complainant I t '. J' lIOI'ICE OF HEARING BEFORE GENERAl, lASTER ~OI MESSRS. . Sl14PLE & HIP$CmtAl, Solieitors for Thr.::tnasGla.SBj and ED1iARD R. ALLARD, ESQ. f . . FPJUiK HEAD, ESQ., Solicitor tor Beatrice Glassl .-/ IOU, AND EACH OF YOU, WILL PLEASE TAKE IiO':rICE That pursu.ant to entry ot Order of. Reference herein, I rulVC appointed Monday, AprU 14, A.D. ~9ro, at 2';5:0 o'clock P.M., as the day and the hour"for hearing in tho above- "::i . st.yled cauua, stwhich time said hearing ~ll be held in my of'fice, 1011 Ci.ty Nati onal Bank Building, Miami, fiorida J, and those en ti tled to do f30 will ( be gi venopportuni ty, then and there, to produce befor~ me suchtestillony and proods as th,ey mar desire. Da.ted, Miami, FlOl"1da, this 8th daa- of APl"il" A.D. 1930. .ALOllZ0 ~l.IJ)ER. leDeral ll!lst.er \ DUE MiD Tnm.I SEa VICE of the foregoing aotice,~g~tbe~ with carbon copy there- of, adaitt.ad .this 8th ~ of Aprll,19,ro. ' aDd Solicitors for ThOMs Qla~a y <"1<_"" ' ~ - . ,...t~.. ~ t 4.~ i"'''):.~~~~'~~1i'{< /' " '-.t ,;oj;< ~~l ""'1". .?' :.a. 't~ 1':= -. , . .~ .. . ~ r- .. ." : ...~~.,. ..., "i:' "'" "'-,..-~ '::: ": .\ . . ~, .,' .c. . '. ....~ ~ " -,. .... AprU '7, 1930 . . ,..' .. '1 .\ . . t';' .' -,;,; /", '1hri:ii~~ . _ ~"c-~~"~^,~,,,-~~~~JV:~.."~1Mr"'~'i~"-<" ,"'~a",':):< ~ - " '_~ ,,~~~,' 1. ::- ~:'-"'1" ..."iI' ,'-"":: %~. G1&u . -- ......~""... .~ Ita".. r~rJAa " '..., -,,'- ,...... ,;',!(' A ; , , Your dl'force oa~. ruu b"fl .$\. top I~t\\g before the s.:a.st,rJ' J.lotlJo Wlld't. on the 1Mb tldot ot tAQ Cl~, Mat 10ral Bank l\t11ld lug in M1a.mL, en Mo.u1ay, Ap~l). 14\h, ..t two thirty o"clock in. the aftG)rnoo.n. ,- !.l] PJ,.eaae oall ~t my offloe be:tore that time and, have y:.our wltu..eee wlth you.. You need. not bring tbem to r:r'f ottlce but you peraonally eome up here.. " -)~'1 Aloo. br 1nt money so thc.t VlO ma,1 pay the l.....tU' h1.. ft.a .nd .,aM.-. '" '~:~;.. ..- ........ .t'tt-. t.w' 'if P,.Otl8 'f1nethe~ _tbla date is Okay. ',~., . . ~: ~.~::.~ ;,';~4:i;t~~u..~J(tl~~.'.;:~/ ,; ',,,:""~"'-- : .j-~~~~If3;~:e.: ",,-4'"!f>, ...... e.o:- ~..,..~ ~14:; '" ~...... :/ IN/~ ~;O'$>- ." . ~ ,\ .... . . II . .. ,_,~ !t. ~, I t J IN T'HE CIHCUlt COtRT OF THS ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA. IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY. IN CHANCERY , No. 28665 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) llO'l'ION FOR J aDER OF REFERENCE j.ND LIMITING TIME FOR TAKING TE3TIYONY~ THUMAtl GLASS, Defendant and Crose- CompJ.,~na!1t, -vo- 13BATR I CE GLASS t Complaina.n't and Cross- Defondant. . 1 .!' Comes noVl Thomaa Glass, by hie undersigned aolictors, t tl. t ,the above styled caUBe i.s now q.nd rd\>rosents unto the caul' 'lla ; r~~oro~ce t~ a genoral master ....~ i.Que and reo.dy for an order of...", ~. moves this com'" t for tho ontry v in thanuery; complainant the~efore , t led nmu QA .". A 1 O1U:e. Vi 11 der , of 6A ardar referring th$ above 0 y , ~- \ one of the gGner~l masters of this court, for the purpose' at ~ L the testimony and proofs of the parties a~l their witnesses and reporting the eame to this court together \1ith ,his opinion upon the la\v and the evidenoe with all convenient speed, oomplainant further moves thia oourt for the entry of' 'an 'Jrdar limiting the time for the ta.king of testimony to, twenty (20) 'd~rs from the date of the signing of the order of referenoe. Solicitors for Dofendant and Cross-complainant. :.- ...~'t'. f . ~~ . Ii 4 ,..,. . ~ ' "; . : .. \ l.f i j ,',C ~ ; ","" t::~..-, "- r . ! · 'I , , ~tu' . . . I ~~ ~j"~ --a . _. ! . L...",.~ ~ ~ ~ '~ I "t ~ ~ I ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.C'{ ~.~. ~. ~~. ~.~. ~ ~ .~~'~ . 101 . ~ ~j! ~ ~ lL; i ~~ - t ~~ J ~ ~J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "~ - .. a 4S'. ~ I .~~ . . ~ ~ ~. L( .,. ,'~ '~, . ~ ~ ....~. " if -- '~, ,J ( -- - ~ ~ 1 $ 1 'is. ~ ,'" ~ 1 .~ ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ , 1 l 1 -)). Li+ II ~ ~ h j ~ , /"<~11_ . ~-'b' 'r j.r) I l~ ~~ , . ~ ~ ~~ ~ l ~ , . "'- ,~~ ~ ~ ~~ \ 1",--L~ 1i~ )0 .' . 6.l8r'tf) Co......'y- l' f"' ((;j ') :J IJ 01 ..)l1bPo~na' , 1 ORIGINAL NO.........I.l........... i :'. IN CIRCUlt COURT ......... - E~Ey~:[H_JUDICIA~CI~~lJ!!_ .~O~R! ..OF - .- ~ PLORlpA. COLfNTY (j'j:f~m~ ." .' 1. IN CHANCERy . '\., t I!'tm":!! N.' G '" (-0 .... ... ......J..JJJl~:III..'vl;'... ;r.o'!;'.... n,o)..... ... ..... ....::...... .......... Ct. . J.l.&'~ ,)!T .......................................................:............................... VERSUS .. . . ..... . . . .T. (.;:: .. '(l.Ll,.:,; .~:: ..... .. ... . .. . . '.'. .. . .. ... ...... . .. . .~. ::. ..... . . . 11A1t:.. . J ro }..: 'it . ....................................................................................... To first Monday in ........................................................ ......................................................................., 192........ ..... . .... . r11 .\rJ"'~' . ~ :}!;I''\: I). ...... ..... . .:.... .;......:.: . ... ... . Complamant s Sol1cltor. McCluney Ptg. Co., Inc., Miami .. I' Received this summons .. ..1................. .................. .... ... 1 92. .. . .. .., and served the same ........................................ . ~ - 1" f h f t 192......... hy de lvenng a ttl copy t ereo 0.................. ............................... ............ ~.......................................... f the within Q'a~~d defendant. . . :r ~~4:' ". .1 .... ;. r ~,;:~ f'-ft.., . ~.~ >fr ;7. .- .", ...{. ".f .~ ... \ ;~ ~~ j' , .. - '~~~~T> ~~ : .' I (J! " '>> ''":It.:~-~ ~ --...,..~ .1 . ~ """."........ ~'~-.f.*-... ~ ..-... ."7."';......: f;......"...~ . 1, ~ : ", :~,' ...."'''... -,- .. ,/".: S~eriif of .. ..f;..................:..... ;..................... County, Fla. ., , . ,{ By........:.................. .......................................... Deput.y~Sheriff. 'e a ~ ~ ~ ~~ ;:? .~~ <: o i:2 o ....J iL. iL. o ~ [-< ~ tI.) ~ ::r: [-< iL. o tI.) iL. iL. i:2 ~ ::r: !~ tI.) ~ L.= ::r: ~~ ,[-< '-: 0( ~ L1 c ~ <: ....J 0 ~ ~w': .J l? ...: LL. ~ LL. tI.) 0 0 W Z ~ <: I- ....J (I) .....l W <: ::t 0 0 I- [-< f-c tI.) l? Z ~ ~ ~ - ~ 0 \:) ... 'a u "" U ... ..-"l : - ",,0 ~U : . ~ "" o fl: :3 u ;a =' ...., ..c:l = <1/ ,> <1/ ~ ~ <1/ .s "" ~ u ,"" =' o SJ ~ ,.s ~~ elf "" .2 <1/ .Q "" '" <1/ 0. 0. '" >. = =' o U ~ 0; '" - o <1/ ~ o . :r:.,....... - ~ ... "" =' o U fJ~ :~ ~ ,.~ '1 . 11.:' tel s 0$------- ~ I ~ 0 ----...... .~ : ~ ~ w __ 0 ::5,,'""", ~-:~~'"'"G ... <II ~ B ~ cJ ~ 5 .s : ] :,s CIS J~~: ~ 0 J:~: ~ ~~ ~~ = c:: ... "'~ a :; := ..; .... 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I, L (.~ ~~y~G-.-;-~-vr~...1 ~-~ ___' . ~ ~y Jf/id-.~l <~.~- " tv .Li(~~~~-Z~F~.~l ~--_. I - tIV"'-- ~ ~ f...,l.()J..r~ /, 'r : ~. ~ . - ; ~ ~JI. t.f.~ ,.~ ~~V~C.. -- ~ 1- ~ ~.t~ ~~.~~~~.. . ~"-~~r (j t4-.. - '~!:,,,;~~ ~~l~L'\.~?_lt.. ._~ o---.~ I'-'{~L~l r;. ~1~~ (1Y<i - Ii !j fr- Ii ;1 " II 'J}_ II :i - ~ -tL r Ii ~- -u-_ _ _ __ 11 Ii II iI - - n ij it- II " 11 it iI - 1/ !i !I II it - Ii -11 q 'I 't " 01 t1 ji Ii * , Ii - +t- - - -... r -~ - I I ~ t - - , '1'U M G LAS::> Defendant and Cross Complainant, -vs- Bl!.;A'I'RIC.E GLASS, Complainant and Cross Defendant. CROSS BILL FOR~RCE. Comes now Tom Glass, defendant and cross complainant in the above styled cause, by his undersigned solicitors and brings this, his Cross Bill of Complaint against Beatrice Glass, complainant and cross defendant in the above styled cause, and thereupon complaining, says: I. That the said cross complainant and the said cross defendant are over the age of twenty-one years and have been for more than two years next preceding the filing of this cross bill of complaint and/or the filing of the bill of complaint in the above styled cause, residents of Dade County, .!rlor iOO. II. That cross complainant and cross defendant were legally married on or about the '24th day of ~eptember, A. D. 1919, in the City of Brooklyn, State of New York. " :"'~ .;-.; III. ) j N That except such periods as the cross defendant, without cause, left the home provided by your cross complainant, the cross complainant and cross defendant lived together as husband and wife until the 14th day of September, A. D. 1929, when they separated for cause~ hereinafter stated and that your r.. t. j cross complainant was at all times a kind, true and affectionate husband to the cross defendant. IV. That your cross complainant charges the cross defen-dant with extreme cruelty by the cross 'defendant to cross complainant, in that on or aQout the Itlth day of September, A. D. 1929, while stand ing on the street talking to a friend, one Prince Bain, the cross defendant ~attack~our cross complainant ^ ..... '1~~ attack y~oss ccmr::..inant b~ striking .him.,w.ith her 'ha.n<l..\~d fb,A. and ~~l!.& .Ris ~/~:J~.Rie shilh I.(/"Ih~as. Yst.. ~'~OD U"plRiJlant ~ere"pOq ~et'll:~Q" tll hj~ home, iQ~Jl&Il.i.l Qj~'l~..t~4~'w~e 1>eoCe'. Thereafter your cross complainant returned home and as he entered the dOD'if. was struck over the eye with a water bottle throWn by the cross defendant, which blow caused a deep arid painful cut. That the cross defendant -~ ul aid ~ PicKAuP a large conch shell and that your cross complainant attempted to reach the cross defendant and prevent her grom throwing said conch shell, but your cross complainant was grabbed and firmly held by one Julian Graues, a friend of the cross defendant and thereupon the cross defendant did again attack ycur cross complainant by striking him on the head with the sharp edge of the conch shell causing a severe and painful wound and that it was necessary for your cross complainant to be attended to by a physician. The said Julian ~raves allo\red your cross complainant to go free as the cross defendant .complainant. wi thout any cause on the part of your cross complainan~.~ . ~4'. ~ <-4' · ~~. ...+--r~~ '"l!. __ ..... .. :: ~ ~ ~ ~ - .~...t-.:.. ~~/f ~f" /. . -7. ,;~/J; '~.' "7~. . "tv-',/......... . /' -~ " ~~/~~~ : ~ ~~~,'frp,~~~ ~L~~~~ Z ~~~~~d~~ ~~l~~~~~\ ~C~~ ran from the house and that said cross defendant left the home of your cross -- ,/( ~ , lj 'I (/~.'<f f : j Ol? THE ELEVENTH IN .t\ND FOR DADE COUNJ. . \ hBA1'HlVE GLASS t ) COu:r:,AIUA.:NT, ( , i ) fi'Ol: GLASS, 0 nEFENDAl~T;. ~,), '';; .. nltIJ FOR ALI!~o.t;1Y t'J:!D SUIT l~ONEY. vs. '" 1 13IIJL OF COMPLltINT. . I I TO ~rHE HOllORADI;;~ .TUDGES OF TIlE l.:aCYE !\fA~D COUHT t OR .ffiITHER OF Tlr~;'1f, IN Cl!A.NCXRY SITTING: Comea now, 'the a.bove n~ed complaina.nt, :Bes,trice GlaasJ by her solicitor, Frank Head, and brings this her bill of complaint a.gu.inst the. ~1.bove. named defende.nt, Torr.. filass. ,~nd oomplainin.';; says: I. That said complainunt a.nd. said defendant art"1r eac.h over the age of tt/cnty-one years, arid tha.t they are, tlndhavt ".Jcen for. I more tbz~n two y'ears ne~:.t prece,eding the filing OJ." this bill of complaint, residents of Dc.~e Uot~nt,y. li1J.o ri de.. · II. That on or about. the ~~4th day of ~eptcmber ,; A. D., f':: 1S)1<,) , complainant and defendant were lawfully marriod in t.he City of Brooklyn, in the State of New,york-. III. _ T}~t the said complainant has at all times since her ; marriago to the said defendant attempted to make of hexshlf a. loynl, dut,i :f.'uJ. and.......;?a..s-p-Q.e.t4:4:1 tri.fe.. fCb at oo.m.e- time d.urina the _m.onth of l~ay, 1929 t the said defendant 'bt;:gan to neglect the oom;rlaina.nt and '1!iould often times remain away from hom.e 4luring the greater part of the n!bgnt ~ d"tLring '\ihich time it was commonly 'calkod by divers persona in the neighborhood that the said d€fendar~t was . .,. ~. _.., _ _ _ .r ..... .... " t,. .,... '" oj n 1< ,. " ,.. Cl P . ~'{J I \~ !lY l I ' J -2- Uke evening, the said oomplainant notioed the said defendant's oar parked in front of one Annie Morse's house. That when the o~lninant accosted the said defendant and inqUired." him what he was doing at the. other tTOIDn' shouse, the said defendant struck cOmplainant with , his ''l'iat, knocked the complainant down , and severely beat and bruised the suid complainant. That the COl!l:rlainant left the scene and went to her own home, and the dcfen~t came home and renewed his attack Upon Compla~no.nt; and when the coniplainant defendO~hcl!l'.('pejson to the beat cJ ~ ~ . of he:rabilitp against hif;l attacks, the said defendant tinally SCcured an ice :pick and threatened complainant wi th it compelling the,.complainl to flee and leave her home in fear ,.for her personal safety, and s1nc~ that ~me the compla1~~nt has remained away from the defendant's horne exoapt for an q~C8sional viai t,whlle the defendant is away, and for the p urpoa e of a tt%nding. to her"1/ers onal bel ongi ngs. And c omplai nant ", "',: ' '\'~ . "al1,e8'Os that lehe said defendant, bY:'.fhi~oonduot as aforesaid, eo ~. ,) -"?!'" cruelly and brutally treated c~ln1nant that compln~.nt V!ns coapelled .... ", '", to leave hie home.and that oOl'l\Plninan~ could not live with the said ;; defendant age~n without being in ear of' bOdily inJnry at the .'~~ ..fJ ~~~.' ~l IV.fl" r' ~ Complainant further alleges that l~tl?e said defendant, by , ~~ as afOr€B!.lid" hue dri lIon ;"'the comp1.ainn,nt :from his home and '\.., handa of the said defendant. '.. ,lhis:oonduct I\.]j' ' '~,' , left hex D tho said c0l11:\la1nunt~ wi thaui ,\ ..' { l-.no b (,)(In c omp e 110 d to 8e e Ie at.lpl oymen t fo. Carl!l:& 1. i vel i hood. That the 1l1eaS8 of au,,,;'pcrt anu thet C on1IJlainl naid defondant owns an automobile, vmieh oomplainant helped him to purchase, tind that Lhe Gaid defLndant has eteady e~loyment :from wh.iolJ - --- - - ..- - .....- - - . at.a..A- '~no I.loney with which to pay her oolicitor for his ,1fS,S" that the said defendant oul;ht to be oompelled to I ' I he receives twenty four dollars per weCk, and 1s amplU able to prOVide ro OOlirpldnant's lllaintenanoe. Complainant further alleges ~at she gl'1e services herein, und ~ IH1Y the same. / ~7}1ERHtl(ORE D y r~vn ~hD+ +~~~ u____ ~~ ~.'-' - -- '... , ( -3-. T7:'.1 · . Court shall Deem Just. and ,to .L1IllU1 ty shall appertain. ~r..\y IT I'LaASE THIS RONO~ COURT to grant unto complninu.nt the State fa most gra.cious wri t' ,of Suunons in Chancery .- direoted to the defendant, TOl! OLASS, commanding him to appea.r to this bill of compla111t and true anawer make, but not under oath, tJ1.e fmeYler under oath being hereby eepress1:Y waived. and ctJl;'1I.1L.1ni~nt 1n dut)' l;,ound \'1111 over :p"ra;v. BOffo1 t,or for the-oomplaint :nt . '- --,.., ..........-- ~-- /. .":; " 01, ---- - - - ---- ... , . ,/ , I L ) . I ' \ e~ I \ \ \ ~ IN TEE CIRCUIT COURT OF' TIm ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY It IN CHANCERY ....... "- ....... No. 28665-0 BEATRICE GLASS, Complainant, , -vs- ANSWER OF Dl::jrJJ;NDANT TOM GLASS TCM GLASS, Defendant. Come$ now the defendant, Tom Glasa, by his undersigned solioitors, and reserving unto himself all right right ot exception to the Bill ot Complaint filed herein and for answer thereto,\\8a7Sl \ The defendantsadni1 'be the alle~8tl0J18 contained In (I) Paragraphs I and II of the Bill ot Complaint tiled here~n. . .. . . .......... .'1."OIl' "'COIna1ned 111 .. JIIlIIi. Paragraphs III and IV ot the Bill ot Complaint and dEllDaIlds strict prott thereof. I (III) ~Urther answering the 8111 ot Complaint this defendant woald show unto the Court that the Complainant has been guilty ot extreme craelty towards this defendant in that on or about the 14th day of September 1929 the Oomplainant attacked this defendant with a knife and threw e water bottlr athtm otr1kill€ the defendant in the head just above the eye causlitaga severe and pain- fUl Wound, and on the same day struck this defendant on the back ot the head with the sharp edge of a large Conch 81811 C8US'nina deep wound and that it W8S nece8- sary tor this defendant to be attended to by a PhySiCian. That the cor.1ple.inant on numerous other occass1ons has stuck the defendant and on one ot such gggUV'&'UA4- ----~ a severa and painful wound. And this defendant further answering denies that the r in said Bill of is entitled to the relief or any part thereo , said, Hill of Complaint be dim1ssed ai the complainant Complaint dumanded and prays that cost of 'the Complainant. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDIOIAl CIHOuIT IN AND, FOR DADE COUNTY" FLORIDA IN OHANCERY, I T(J( GLASS, DeteDdant and CroS8-0ompla1narit. Va. BEATRICE GLASS, Domplalnan t and Croas-Defendant. CROBS-BILl. FOR DIVORCE TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THE ABOVE STYL1!D C CVRi': IN ClJANOERY Sm lNG: plainatt in the .above atYled cause. by his Ulldera1gned solicitors and .;; Canes nav '1'0111 Glass, defendant and cross-com- plaill8l1t and drosa-detendant in the above stYled cause. and thereupon / brings this, his cross-bill ot CCllllpla1nt, against Beatrice Glass. com- Complaining, sayss I. That 'tee said cross-complainant and the s a1d cross- deteD4ant are over the ase ot twenty-one years and have been tor lDOre than two years next preCeding the tilbe ot th1s cross bill ot canplaini and/or the :filing o:f the bill o:f complaint in the above stYled cause. rasidents of Dade County. Florida. II. --0-1...,.--- That eross-cQmnla of t.lDn of: AnA ft___ ..:l_-"__.:l ..It City of' Brooklyn, State of New York. III. h -1cxU as the oross-defendant, That except sue pQl,. "; . ' lainant the cross- ft the hame provided by your cross-comp , wi thout cause. le ~, til -d t ndant lived together as husba,nd end wife un complainant and cross e e ldnd. true aDd attectlonabe husband to the cross-defendant.' iV, " That your cros8-ccmplalnant charges the cross- defendant with 'extreme cruelty by the cross-detend8J1t to cross-complain- ~ ' ant. in that on or about the 14th. day of September, A. D. 1929, whUe standing on the street talking to a fr1end, one Prince Baln, the Cro8S~ 'defendant attacked youi- cross-comPlainant with a knife and your crosa- complatiiailt 1~oroed the cross-defendant to arop sa 1d 1cn1'fe by twisting , \X \ her wrist, and thereupon the said croSs-deteDd~t did attack your cross- ,k ccmplllnant by strUdng b,Di scratching him VI 1 t~~\~m.ahha.Ii.dS, and kicking , I! ~<l\ - him with her teet. T~ere8tter your cro~S-Comp1a~~t returned home and as he entered the door was struck over the eye with a water bottle L. I thrown by cross-defeniant, which blow caused a deep and painful cut. That the cross-deten4ant than picked up 8. large conch shell and 'thet your aross-compla1nant attempted to reaoh the croas-defendant and pre- vent her f'ran throwing aaid conch ahell, wt ywr croaaecomplainant was grabbed and firmly held by one Julian Graves, 6. friend of the cross- defendant, and thereupon, the cross-detendant did again attack your cross- complainant by striking him on the head with the sharp eage ot theoonoh shell, a8.usiz:g a severe and painful wound and too tit was necessary tor your cross-canpla1nant to be attended to by a phys1cian. The said Julian Graves allowed your cross-complainant to go free as the cross-da'endant ran trom the house and that said cross-defendant left the home ot your cross-complainant without any cause on the part ot your cross-campla1n- ant. v. Your Cross-C~plainant further charges the Croas- Defendant with hubi tual indulgence in violent and ungovernable tem.pe:r in that during the married life of the part1~a the Cross-Defendant without oause , ~1 or about the month of July. 1926, without ar:: cause on the part of your cros~~ tr:: oomplainantthe cross-defendant picked up a ~lling Pin and was about to throw it at your cross-complainant who ran !ram the house to avoid being hit by the ~ _ ''\~Yltth~ cross-defendant,. and in or about the month ot February 1927 ,when your orOss-~. .~~ v.J ~1~ compla1aant critcised his wife for staying out late at night. the cross- ~ defendant used vile and abusive laDgl1age toward 10ur cross-oomplainant and ~ threw a water bottle at your cross-~ompla1ant, striking him over the eye ~~ oaus;" deep and painful 'Wound and that during the swmnar of 1926 the C1'~:- ~. de:renl18nt threw a cigaret stand at your cross-complail18Jlt but your cross- A \I'"" c( complainant avoided being hit and in July 1929 while your cross-compla!B~ .~ was visiting at the hamoof a friend and sitting at a table the cross- dof- V~l end ant entered the house and w't.hout cause grabped your cross- comPlainant by the throat andohoked him until he w~s unable to breath and then left \'1 th- out explaining hsr actions and on the 14th day of ~eptember. 1929 the matters ^\ set :forth 1n Paragraph tv of this cross-bill ot compla1nt Gccured. That the cross- ) defendant on divera other eccass10nsJ both in the privaoy of the home of the part- r lea to this suit end among friends cruolly end ablis111ely treated your crosS- complainant. .. 9J1;vJ a~,u~~ . VI ____ Your cross-oomplainant w~ show unto this court that the cross-defendant is about five feet nine inches in height and weighs about one hundred and eighty-five pounds and is a very strong and powerfully built woman and that your crose-complelnant is about the same height and weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds and is not in robust health and that tbe cross- defendant through the married l1fe of the parties and particularly during the ~aat four years has been habitually so abusive in her action and so vile in 11 sl;ghtaat provooation that 1~ haa ~e ere ,on the very "'" your lein.ant and is endangering Qur cross-camp life an intolerable burden upon y his life and health. , 1 inant being without remedY in WH.1mEFO'RE, your cross-corn:p a. .~_ _~ftvA that the cross-Defendant, ~ hereby expressly "alVed; that a deeree may be entered absolutely dlssolvlng the bonds ot matrimony now exlstlng between your crosS-complalnant, Tam Glase and thecross-detendant, Bea1l1l1ce Glass, and that your crosa-compla11l8J1t may have SUch other and further rellet as .l!:quity may reqt1re and to the court shall seem \ , meet. the pre1Uscm. MAY IT PORTHER iPLEASE T11IS ROJlID1JABI.E COURT to srllnt unto yoUr crosa-compla1nant the State' ~ most, graclous IVri t Olf Subpoella ln Chancery.. ! i . Ii. / ' I ' requiring the cross-defendant, Beatrice Glass, to appear and 8l1SIfer thls crose- ' '. ' , J \, " \ r blll of complainant, ~nd to iJtandt1~. a~~de bY\\8.~ perfo~ such other and further order, dlreot10nor decree, that th18.rlo~rable Court may make ln I' ,_ ;..;, !., . \:, ~\\' .\ \ I '1 ' I i4\ I , \ : ( ! '- , ) , i \ " ''\ Solicitors fo~ Croa&-Camplainaat ,- AND YOUR CROSS-COMPLAINAN.r AS Oro8a-C~la1DaDt " /#. ,/'/'1 /I/l ~ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Oli' FLORIDA IN AND FOR DADE COUN'l'Y. IN OHANCERY No. 28665-0 BEArmrCb; GLASS, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 5 T l'P U L A T ION. Complainant and cross- defendant, -vs- l1luL:Ao GLAS~ t Defendant and cross- complainant. rlt IS HEREBY AGREED AND STIPULATED by and between the , parties to thio cause by their underolgned solicitors respeotivoly that the above entitled oause "may be amended so that the name of ~om Glass as defendant and cross-complainant as ap~eara in~the riles - > and records of this cause, may be amonded gO tha.t, the satll':l shall \ \ read ~homaB Glass in place and stead ,ot ~om Glass and that the answers filed by the defondant and eroas-def~ndant respectively uhull be taken for and as answers to the bill of oomnlaint and cross- ~-~~b.l~~" . bill of oomplaint as amended, and tl't..a~aaid amendments to the bill or compla int and cross-bill of complaint may be f'iled without further notice to the parties hereto. It is further agreed that the above entitled causa may be referred to Alonzo tiilder, general master in chancery ot this J \- court and that the tima for the taking of test1mony may be limited ~.... 1.1 ~_...-.... Ja-.,._& ~.AMA .....k.... ....l-...L....... n..~ 4J:J..-.b. ~~~....a ..-. .,...~,......~,~.........~_ A," .-,...-a.-. -~- Solioitor tor Beatrioe Glass. Solicitor for Thomas Glasa. -\ , << ~. t I i -, ) ~. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, 02' THE ELEVENTH JUDICII\L CIRCUIT OF .F'LORIDA IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY. IN CHANCERY No. 28665-0 13$ATRICE GLASS, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) AUENDMENT TO OROBS BILL OF COMPJ..All~T . Complainant and croDs- defendant, -vs- 'l'HUMAS GLASS, ~ Defendant and cross- e omplaina.nt . , Uomas now the cross-oomplainant by his undersigned solioitors ~~oas- and files this his amendment td the/bill of oomplaint herein. . ! I. ..~ That tho na.ma Tom Ghsa in tho caption or th..,.' cross-bill of ' oomplaint horoin be changod to Thoma.s Glasa. II. That the OWlS Tom Glasa in the introduct ton of the cross- " ""'~ bill of compla.int hare in be changed to Thomas Glasa. SOLICITORS FOa COUPLAINANT. ~ ~ / I . '~\r~" .... .- .,.... " ~~l , t V -- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH J'UDICIAL CIHCUIl' Qlt FLORIDA IN AND FOR DADE COUWry. IN CHANCEHY No. 28565-0 IAllA'mICE. GLASS. ) ) Complainant and oross- ) defend~t, . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER GRM~TING LEAVE TO FILE AME1IDMENT TO BILL OF COM,P-UINT. va. 'tHDfJAS GLASS, .... Defendant and 01'oa6- compla.inant. ....~l;.. ,,' Th1. e causa ooming 'on this day to. be hoo.rd upon lfi6t iN ~ '& f '1'k~._" M 1-:.11 "'lid- upon .etipu r on for the entry of an order granting laave to file amendme t. , 0 the bill of complaint amending and t.h~ C.olt~ b".La<< ~,~l, ""'y~" ... pr...',... 4!!.~;~- IT IS THEllEUroN upon consideration 'thereof OI!{D.RED, ADJuOOgD AND DI~CRE~D that the defendant a.nd cross-complainant and' '..:::.:. the complainant and crosl-deteu4a.at 'N- b...by granted lea.ve 1:.0 fila an amend.ment to tho o)'o...bW or oompla,1flt and bill of complaint D9spectlvely and amending 8.14 pleadings so that the nwme of Tom Glaoe ahall be and read Thomas Glass. DONE AND OiUliRED IN C11ALmERS at Miami. Dade County, florida, thl. ., 01 March, A. D. 1930. J tJ D G ~. " ". f' :"-~. .'~:{ ~,."~~..&.: ~:- '\ .iA...." T~ . , . I '..\. ..~'."IlI ~. ,~'.. I .. ~.l/ I .. f ,. J r lit l:lrort t..IL r-Gl rlY TIDSE PImSEt1.fS, That If DE.'l.TRICE OJ..t.rz.: f I \11 ft., of ThornzlG Glasa. do llO~ by 1'oJ.. OaCOt roni DO end :::orciro~~; dii)ch~xt'eo tho eui d,-Tho:mas Glas8~ his ~11'$, .. oxouU'lOX'!i1 'co.d "..i1miU1otratoH Of una iran 011 ~1* of t:..ctionc u.."1.i. (!uWOS of aet1onn. suit 0, dob'to, uuoa, aeeUlntSt 'bVI.l.U:3" covcncnta, oontraota, ngroomon1;a, :tuasmo:o:ts. cla.irIJ end dor:nn4n whattJQOvar in ].0." 031 1n oqu1t'.r Which accinot t '~ ao.1d Tho:ltltJ Glaoa I hav~ had, nott hn-vo or "hi oh I or rr./ l:"J.lu:o, o::ocut~rs, adInini atro.toro or o.ceigllD 0:.' any of them. heront.~or cun, c.luJ.l1 or t!lY ha1"O, 0';11 by l'l.OOGOn of ' any COIlIXl. nc:l;tr.r 01' th1Jle 1rl:latsOllVOl' trOl:1 tb.o bog1~ 01' too "':"o1'1d to tho date of theao Pl'Cocnto. &.."l4 I 0.0 1u1'tl-Dr o.omowloc1go 'thE:t I hu.vo x-E>ceivod Bct1L\taotion in full for ell ClAii"X;' wb1ch I !!JSY ha"l'& a.ge.iust thO ~d fJ.'h0tVJ.8 Glams \, tor support and tor &u1 t fOOD 'in n c erto.ln ct.lJJa noW' :p6tla1ng' in t"Jo C'iruu! t Court, ~do t:ou.nty:. !'lor ldt., by no int.t 1 tuto4 f~ d.ivo~-OOt nnd tb;ltthirJ rolec.Go 10 lnto:udsd in addition to 011 matt01'D. to 1nobudo tJ11 olcJ..'Z1S 1;0;: e.l1to.ony r.n4 support. I turtbo,r aeknoldcdc$ t1nt uU nchtoro horo:ln- bo:torc e;'jt ~01~ hnvo boen Dottlod by him \Tith m to r:t:I ontire oatlotnct1on. IE 'ftlmESS TiBEJ;.EOF, I' hc:ra ho~au.!1to UJt mg hand a.ud GOo.l thi B day of April, A. D. 1930. (SiW, ) . S'.rATE OF FLORIDA. ) ) com11Y OF Df\.DE ) 83. I HEREBY CERTn~Y That on this day porsonally appeared before me, the, underaiened eu.thori ty, BE.t\.TRICE GLPES, the wifo of Tho:rm. s n lass ~ to IOO we 1t known and kn.own to me to bathe imiivi dt:tal dOf3Cl"ibod in and. 'Rho executed the foregoing instrmoont ~ end Be knovd.edged the execution tbe;t'eof to be her 1':rac act and deed for the uees and purposes tl10rain mention'1d; a..'1d the said Beatrice HlnDS tho wife of the aai d Thomas Class on a separate end privato examina.tion te.ken and. me..da by a.."1d before me, and '.. separately end tlpm-.t frcm her Baid husband, did acknowledge that' she made herself a. puri;1J to said inb--trmnollt :tar -tho Pll1.iJoa<3 of renour'1.Cing, rolinquiahin8 and con~Jing ell her right, title and inte"'.t~of.rI;, whether dowar, homc,ptoad 01' of S91?s.rate property, statutory or equitable, and that she executed said lIB tJ:."tInl0nt freely en d volun:'Garily and wi thctr'ti any oom~lu.laiqnt c ouat:raint, apprehonsion or fea:r of' or from. her said husband. \'TIUk138 f33 S 19no.tu 1'3 8...'l1.d 0 ffi c1 0.1 sa?-l at Miam. in the Coutlily of Dado and, State of Florida, thin day of Lprll, A. P. 1950v , nOTfJ.1Y PUBLIC grATE OF FLORIDA AT LAHGE. MY C a.fUSSI ON EXPIRES; '"----- - (' }'\')}l MID lit CONSIDERla.'IOH of the own of Ton DoUers tL~d othor vol.uo.ble considerations to ,tho undurslGl1B4 DEA'.rRICn GIJ.SS in hand paid by '1'honno Gloss, tho receipt lYooroot ..1Bhoroby aola1OT1ledGod, the U,.",Q.orsianoa. Beatrice Glo.GS 400'0 covonnn1; to tlnd with the tl 0.1 d Thomas Glaos that eo will mo.kB, exoouto. o.oknol'iLed(,-o and doli ~r arq end 611 inGtrumonto of ovary kind nul no.turo \7h1oh '/fJD.'Y booomo noco8oary for tho purpOS3 of transtorrina end qui t-elo.1tn1na to tho said IrhomOS Glaso O.\1y right, title Q.!\.d intccoot which ihounders1~Qd Boatrico elesa naY lltlD cz may he:roaftor havo in e>>:~. to en,. pr<)portYt Whother PWDCI1tll or roo.l now otm<ld. pOODOS80d or to \dliab. tho saia ~tt GlaDS rf.rJ.Y be Gnt1 t104. or which he ~ c.:rtc::'P""'.....:rd.a bocO:nO soizod, posool3ood or ontitlod to. 1:1 WITltlSS ,~1iER' OF, I havo hCJ:\:n.mto cot r:ry hond fl."ld Dnt~ thia dny at April. A. D. 1930. (SEAL ) \ STATE OF FWRIDA ) COUNrr OF DADE ) 00. I II:ili.ID' CRl\TIl1Y i'ho.ton thia day paraco.ally nppocrod. b ofom ,me, t!lDuun~rBigned wthorl ty, DEATRICE GlADS, thu 'kifu 0 f Thomecs Glass. to:oo wall mOM). and. knov1n to mo to be tho individual doecr1bed in tnld \'Jho exoouted. tho forogoill8 instrtm\.nt and ucknowlodBo4 th~ ozocution i,hO]1o,J err 1;0 be hl~' t::oe act and doed tor -thO u.o~a ani purpCS.D th01'O 1n L'Dl\'eionad) ~ ilio ooid Eoatr1eo Q.l~..ao thO w1fo of tl::.o acid T'Jl~O GlaDo on t1 COt)03:'ato ~ 'P \"'1 "ut:) oxm::n.llO.tion taken ant m:1do 'by aDd bofore me, end aopa:c.t~ly and apart fr (%1l he!' onid hu ebsm t did ao 1:nolJledco tllut aha malo harocalt c. l'){.:J.-t:y to caid inotrltClrm for tho p'l..7ZpOCO crt rOX1.OunciI!G, ~~l'J'P,lr:hinc troll ciJn?~,yi%l(; all hGl! right, tit])) and 1ntorest. 't1hotbr.J"l't d.o'C1r. hctJi't~'to&1 or of oopcro:to '~{Y9ort.!. ota1;utory or 01u1 t:blo, un\.! thL1t Ghe 03:0c\ltod cuili inot:t lI".;:)nt *t.ely . c.n<l y'o1u:~t,~ily end without cny e(.t~ulolo11.. conot::.o.int, ~1"Ohon('1Qn or to~ of, or ,f~t1. her said bu.d><.l1l>..1. \i1TU~n I\y oi~tu:re c..ni off'"l.cioJ. or:al at M:i..n..1'1i, ill tho OOU:'1ty of Dade am Stoto of Jtl~r-i dc, thin day of A~l1. A. D. 1000. "ifuT!.'RlPtIDLIC STATE OF FLORIDA. AT Li\nGB. 1.11" CO!:dI;LIO~1 I~t?In'SI '\ ~/ FOR A:ND IN CONSIDERATION - of the sum ot Ten Dollars and otha.r valuable cone1d~a.tionQ to the undersigned BEATRICE GlASS in hand p~1d by Thonns Glass, the receipt whereof is hereby a.oknowleclgad. the Undersigned Beatrice Glass does covenant to and with the said Thomas Glass that she will make, execute'. aoknovdedge end deliver a.rq 6lltl. all instruments of every kind and ne.ture which "[i);3.':f become necessary for the purpose of transforring end quit-claiming to the said Thomas Glass any right. title and interest whiCh the undersigned Beatrice Gle.ss naf haa or may hereaftor have in and to e:ny property, wbather personal or real now owned. possessed or to which the said Thoma Glass may be anti tled, or which he ~:y afterwards become seizod. possessod or anti tled to. n~ WITlESS Wm~BJtOF. I have hereunto set my o hand. and seal this day of April, A. D. 1930. (SEAL ) J..- I STATE OF FLOR IDA ) COUNT'l OF DADE ) SSe I mm:EBY CERTlJiY That on t.hi s day pel"s anaUy appeared before me, thDuundersignad authOR ty, BEATRIOS GlAGS, tho wife of Thomas Glass, to me well known end mown to me to be the individ.ual. described in nnd vtto executod tho foregoing instrument and a.oknowladged tho oxecution . ' them of -to be her froe act and doed tor the uoaa and purp03 a8 thero in oontioned; and tho ~oid Beatrice Gle.os tho wife of the said. TbOTJJaS Glasa on a. separate t-uuI p:ci vate examination ,I ! takon ,-,Iii mado by and betora me, and sepa.ratoly and a.part fran h<:r 6ui<1 husbtU1d, did acknowledge that sho m.ade hm"salt t\ party to Said instrum<?.nt :for the purpose of renouncing, ro~i~uiohinc and convo~;1ng all hrr right, tiiile and interest, whf)tlwr dower, homatead or ot separato pl'oporty J statutory or oquitable, end th...qt she exocuted su.i~~ instru:ont freely and voluntarily and l"lithou't any compulsion, constraint, 8PprehoDsion o'r :roar ot or from. hex. said husbaxJd. wmu'Ss my signature and of.ficiol seal a.t l~imtd, in the County of Dade am Ste.ta of Flori Oa. this day ,of Apl'ilil~ A. D. 1930. HOTARl !>lJBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA. J\T LARGE. MY COMMIS;3 ION EXJ>IlES 1 !NOW AI.L MI!:t1 BY THESE pmS!t4TS, That It :er~Nl'RICE GLASS \'11to of Thonna Glaos, rasidiD('; in Dada County. Florida, in oa1aiderat ion of the sum. ot Ten Do1.l.lJ.rs and othor valuable oanoldoro.tions to mo in hand paid, tho recoipt whereof 1s horoby nckno\TJodc;od. do noreby 8~ant, romiso, ralooSG and forever quit- claim unto tho said Thomas (}1G.D~, hi S 0011'13 end aGsigns forever aU dowo:r. right, titlo and :intercst of ovory kind and ne.ture whatsOGvor I have or may horeaf~ acquire in law or in equity in and to en,. of tho lmds (1Jt omtracto for landa now ow:rlod by tho oa.id Thomo Glaaa or which my heroatter bo ~cQ.u1rod by him, am. do horoby gran"c, remise, rGleaao and forevor quit-claim ~n right, title and intarsst in am to f'~l lands, toJ.'temants, bared! tements and rotd ostate of which th0 said Thomas Glass is now seized. pOGQessod aad/or Gnti tled to, or ?biah he may horoaftor become seized, pee 002sod a.nd/or ontitlod. to, 00 that net thor I nor my he11"S, exeoutOI'Sf a.dministrators or assigns nor any othez pC)l"DOn or porsons tor 1110 or on TJ.'f1f behalf or olaininz through. me,shaU ha'V& em:y claim, donnnd, right, ti tle or in wrest or right of do.r in and to anv such lands or tJ.rt9' port thtlreOf. but that I e.nA/~ 'fil9' 11OirD, logal raproaentativt'JD am assigns sholl be uttorly bel'red and exo ludod tOJ1ovor. I1~ VlITNIi'SS l'lBEfIi OF. I have hereunt 0 Got my hand end oosl thi 0 dnyot A~U, A.. D. 1930. ( SEAL) ,........-- a -- ~ ElUTE OF FIJJIi]J)A ) (jounJ.1r OJ DADE) as. I RERll'Eff OERTIFY 'fhnt on tb1 s dq pC\"sCI1alJ.Y c.ppocred boforo me. tho unilorsignnd cm~horttJ'. 13F..AmICE GI.ASt.~, the wife ot Th.()!D.tlS GlanD, to me nU known and known to 110 to bo 'thO 1nd! vidual deeer1bed in and who (jxocu~e.d tb.~ torogo1ng instrument, and o.cknonlo480d tho execution tharoof to be hatt 'freO Bct o.n4 dood tor the ueon md purpooee thorein mMltlonedJ end too ao.1d Beatrleo GloSS tbD ld..te or the soid ThO'I!GB Glo.oo on a ooparato anA 1)1"1 vnto G~t1t ion tnkcn end 'QtlC1o by t'U1d bo1'ore mOt and tlopn!'o:toly and apm:t fram. hur ~nid husband, did ncknoulodS(t tbat Dha mnClo horealf t\ party to 00.1 d 1m tmn'O:o.t 'toJ: tho purpooo of ,1'snounc.i113, rGllnquiahing end eon"m"';ing aD. her r1eht, t1 tlo end interact, wliethor dovor. h01nCstead or ot 9~tG p1'\3pOrty, &tattlto~J C1: oq,nittiblo Ona. that sho oxocu.ted &aid inatrumont troo17 a:ld voluntarily am T1ithout er;.,r conqluloion. eonatraint, app;ellonm.on or to~:tot or tran her said l1usb;md. . Wrr'tmSS r;q siGna.ture and official soal at ;Jirotd, in tm C~tn7 of Dado and S'tato of Flw1dn. thin ~ of AprU, ""'0 D. 19130.' - ~-v 110t.A1f! !'UBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA. AT IARGE. UY. cCtI!MIHSION EXPIR1!S$ / mow AIL MEN BY TIES! PRESENTS, Tha.t I. BEATRICE GLASS, wife of Thomas Glass, do horeby release, remise and 1'ore:ver disch81")ge thasai d Thoms Glass, hie heirs, ' executors ond administrators or and frOll all manner of nctions and causes ot actions, suits, debts, dues, acecunta, bonds, oovenanta, contra9ts, agreem.9nts, jUdgments, claims and demmda wha.tsoovor in law ,or in oqui ty Whioh against too sni(l Thoman Glass I ha-ve bnd.,n.ol1 have or \7hich I or my ~1r3, executors, admini otrators or Ci.<JSiells or any of them hereafter 0<=.1..11, aball ar may have _ or by l"aasdh' of any CCllOO, matter 01" thing; whatsoevor from thebag1nning of t~ Worl<l to 'the (late of those ptesen-ta. &..."ld I do fur.tner acknowledgo too.t I ID.lVe :t-oce1vod satiafa.otion in full for 0.11 claims which I may have against tho said Thoman Glass tor support and for Gui t toes ill a cortain Ctlt-Je now pending in the Circui t Cour.~, Dade Eounty, ~i.Ol:-i(la, by me instituted for divorco,'Qnd toot thieralaMo is intendod in addition -to all matters, to inohude all clalma for a.llll'1ony end support. I furthe);' ncknowlcdge that all matters herain- l)efcro net forth have boen oet<tl,od, by him with me to I113 entiro oatinfnction. IN l;ITNESS WHEREOF ~ I have horeunto sot nry hand and seal this day 01' .t'-1)l~ilf A. D. 1930. ( SF..AL ) STATE OF FLaB IDA ) COUNlY OF DADE ) SS. I fW...JrEBY CER'ffFY That on thi a day pera Mally . appoared. befora nio. the undersigned e.uthor:L:ty, BEATRICE GLASS, the mfo of Thmnes Glass, to me woll known,and known to me to be tho individual described in and who executs.d tho for.egoing instrumen. t, and aOknowledged -tho execution thereof to be her :U'ree act and. deed for tho uoos end purposes therein !1lOntionod; end the said Bea-trice Gluas the wife of the eoi d Thomsa Glass on a separate ,and pri vats examinat ion takon and made by and before mo, and separately and a.part tran har said husband, did aclmowledgo tha.t she made herself a party to sa! d ins tru:rront for the purpose of renouncing, relinQ.uishing l~nd . conveying all her right, title and ,interest, "/bethor dowor, homestead or of sapnrats property I statutory or equitablo and that m16 executed eaid inst~wmont freely and voluntal'1ly am without any compulsion, conotraint, approhension or foal' or or from her oaid husband. '- umoos my B.igno.turc and official soal at__ ilium, in tl:e COU1liJ.y of Dade and State ot: Flcrtda, this _ day of April, A. D. 1930. J;TtYr.ARl PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA. AT LARGE. MY COMMISSION EXPIR!S: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PBESmTS, That It BEAilRICE GLASS wife of Thoms Glass. residing in Dade County, Florida. in ccnaiderat ion or the sum of Tan Dollars and other valuable considorations to me in hnnd paid, the receipt vtherGof is hereby acmo\"iJadged, do hereby grant, remise, release and forever quit- claim unto the said Thomas Glass, his heirs and $3signs forever all dower, right, title and interest of every' kind and nature whatsoevor I have or my' here~ter acquire in law or in equ1 ty in and to any o~ the lends or contracts for lands ~ow owned by tho said Thonna Glass or which may horoafter 'be acquired by t1m: and do hereby grant, remise, raleaoe 8~ forever qui\-claim all right, title and intersf,rt in and to ell lands, tenements, horedi tG!uenta and real estate of which the said Thomas Glass is now seized, possossed end/or anti tled to. or vAlich he may hereafter become seized, pCB sessed and/or on'~itled to, so that nei ther I nor IffY heirs, executors, adm1nis'trato:t;'s or assigns nor any other person or persons for me or on my behalf or claiming through me, shall M-ve any claim, demand, right, title or interest or right of dover in and to any such lands or any part thereof, but that I anfl/or nw heirs, legal l ( representatives am assigns shall be utterly barred and oxcluded forever. nq WIT1:T.&$ \"ffiEBEOF, I have heraunt 0 set my hand end teal thi B "day of April, A. D. 1930. iA~ " , ) ( SEAL) f '~~ . j .... --- .... I I I I I ~ , ) ) .) I II ........--- STATE or FtOlUDA. ) ) OOOJlfr or Dt\.DJt: ) 00. I 11EIIEBY CERTIF-I Thai; on this day persanally a:woorcd b&tQPO mf}. tho undorDiened author! "7, ~CE CLJ13S" tho t11to r4 Thom~ GlaaD. 1;0 J1'O \TOll Imonn and knotnl to co to be tho indJ,vtduol dOOOl.1bod in m1d 11ho oxocutod tho forogo!ns inntrtmOnt nnil tJ.cknollodgod the oxooution tho:t'cot to bo hor froo aat and , deod tor the ueoa end purpooua themin mon"hi.o:WdJ Dnd tho said BoutncQ Glt.na tho t1itO of the am4 ?.aOI~O Claco OIl a nopnra.to and :;ri'Vt"l"!io o~m.1tltj)ti<g'l .~t~Jo:':" t'luG. t'~ <<b~l~ p-o tn,t, tJ.Dd ,., . . . sapc.l\....:t:ol:tL.d .~(.tt-t ~tt%3 be naid hl'tr.nnnll, (lid ~u1k....0t71oe.ca 'that oba 1.1'....C." !,,)r.eolf c. Y4ty' to c'11d inotrtV"'An'(; 1.<.;r.t 'GILO pu:pf)Q..t,) of ;,-o;'1<1JL'2CL(', 'l".e11nluio..1tinc CZ1{\ G co~~7:1nr; t~l her rieh't, it tlo nnd 1nt~.,r;tJ \ihotho~ do~. hotlOl::ltond or of l.!OPG:'o.to p!'OportYI t~t:1tut~:r 0-'; uqultnblo, and, that oh$ oxooutsit oo.1cl en truoont 1'roo 1Jr ~ ".. d v".>luntt;:.t-ily nnd T.ri tb.0'..r~ MY ~u.lL':1014 0 C!lGtra:in t, o,!>1\Jhonaion or ~("t'" of 0"$ r~a;;\ hf4~oa1d hU.:lbH:./r~ l:I'II1:r~o tW n1gnntum au4 of'ticlr:.l t)oc.l at Ulam1, in the Cou.:t.t:I of Dado 0J1.d Stato of? Florida; 1fh.:i.s <1n:v. or Lprillf A. D. lnZO.. llOT1J1! !#l'!!r..IC sr p~ OF r'LOnInA .ft T lJU'tGE.. BY O<1t'r,1DerOW :&xPI~; - 6, .,