055-1998 LTCCITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http :\\ci. rn iarn i-beach. ft. us 7 L.T.C. No. 55-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION April 29, 1998 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: lVlayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodrig//· City Manager DESIGN REVIEW BOARD PROCESS With the recent influx of Design Review applications, resulting in longer Design Review Board (DRB) agendas, the Administration has taken steps to prevent the overly long meetings which sometimes have lasted up until 2:00 A.M. In this regard, monthly agendas which are deemed by staff to be lengthy have been divided into two (2) meetings; this has been very effective in terms of allowing Board meetings to conclude at a reasonable time, as well as being a preventive measure to ensure that Board members do not become exhausted, possibly affecting their decisions. The February and March agendas of the DRB were divided into two (2) meetings; the April land May agendas of the Board, while somewhat lengthy, will each be able to be accommodated by one (1) meeting, hopefully ending at a reasonable hour. It is anticipated that once all of the non- contbrming projects submitted last December get through the DRB process, the monthly agendas 2?;fd will return to a more manageable size. c: J. Gavarrete D. Grandin W. Cary T. Mooney F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPITA\PLANNING\DRBpROC.LTC