103-1999 LTC &'()~' .--J CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 hltp:\\ci. miami-beach. fJ, us L.T.C. Nofl /0 ,'] - ,p.;~ LETTER TO COMMISSION May 7,1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: Meeting with Palm View Neighborhood At the April 28, 1999 City Commission meeting, I was directed to meet with the Palm View Neighborhood and report back to you. That meeting occurred on Wednesday, May 5, 1999; in addition to the neighborhood representatives, in attendance also were Assistant Police Chief James Scarberry and Executive Assistant to the City Manager Ronnie Singer. The Administration will expedite implementation of most of their proposals. The opening of the movieplex at Lenox Avenue and Lincoln Road is of particular concern and has added urgency to their requests. The Palm View residents have submitted a detailed plan which is being reviewed by appropriate City staff. Some of their requests will require approvals from Dade County. In the interim, a series of action-steps will be immediately implemented: - Pending Legal's opinion, temporary street closures on 17th Street (Lenox Avenue, Jefferson Avenue, and Michigan Avenue) during peak traffic times will be initiated by the Police Department. Ingress and egress will be from Meridian Avenue at 18th Street and 19th Street; - There will be a separate AOR (Area of Responsibility) created by the Police Department; - Public Works recently increased street lighting in the area; - Parking Department installed a series of tow-away signs and will increase prompt enforcement of illegally parked vehicles in conjunction with a residential parking program that will be developed with the residents; - Appropriate street signage will be added designating the residential character of the area; - The Sanitation Department will increase service to neighborhood. Ronnie Singer will continue to work with the neighborhood to serve as their liaison to the Administration. SR:RS:pw c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, ACM Janet Gavarrete, ACM Christina Cuervo, ACM Matthew Schwartz, ACM Ronnie Singer, EACM James Scarberry, Asst. Chief of Police f:/ cmgr/$all/ronnie/movieple/neighbor .iss