92-2825 Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 92-2825 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE SECTIONS 25-37.9 ("EQUALITY OF RIGHTS") , 2 5-78 ("RACIAL AND RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION IN PLACES OF PUBLIC ACCOHHODATION"), 25-79 ("SAKE - DEFINITION OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION") AND 25-80 ("SAKE EVIDENCE OF VIOLATIONS") ; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. SECTION 1. That Miami Beach city Code Sections 25-37.9 ("Equality of rights"), 25-78 ("Racial and religious discrimination - In places of public accommodation") , 25-79 ("Same Definition of public accommodation") and 25-80 ("Same - Evidence of violations") reading as follows are hereby repealed in their entirety: Soo. 25 37.9. Equality of riqhta. (a) Equal rights. Equality of rights ohall not be denied or abridged on account of oex by any public Of private peroon or entity within the City of Miami Beach. Cender baoed diocrimination founded oolely on moral and religiouo groundo ohall be exempt from thio oection. (b) Criminal and civil enforcement. ~iolationo of this 1m.. ohall be prooecuted by the Miami Beach Municipal rrooecutor, and oubject to fine and jail oentence not exceeding five hundred dollaro and fourteen dayo, reopectively. Any peroon injured by a violation of thio lau may bring a civil action and ohall be awarded punitive damageD and attorneyo fees in appropriate caoeo. (Ord. No. 81 2248, ~1.) Soo. 2S 78. Raoial and roliqioua diaorimination In plaooa H public aooommodation. It shall be unlawful for any peroon in the city, ao owner, leooee, operator, manager, ouperintendent, conceooionaire, cuotodian, ;1gent or employee of any place of public accommodation, reoort or amuoement, ao hereinafter defincd, to place, poot, maintain or dioplay, or knowingly cauoe, permit or allow the placing, pooting, maintenance or dioplay of any written or printed advertisement, notice or oign of any kind or deocription, which advertioement, notice or sign is intended to or tendo to diocriminate directly or indirectly againot, or actually diocriminatco againot any pcrso~ any religion or of any religiouo belief, scct, race or dcnomination in the full enjoyment of any adyantagcD, facilitico or privilcgco offered to the general public by placeo of public accommodation, reoort or amuoement. (Code 1950, S22.59.) See. 25 79. Same Definitien of publie aeeemmo4ation. A place of public accommodation, reoort or amuocment, within the meaning, intent and purpooe of thc preceding oection, ohall be deemed to include inno, taverno, roadhouoeo, hotels, apartmcnt hotelo, whether conducted for the entertainment of tranoient gueoto or for the accommodation of thooe Deelcing health, recreation or reot, and reotauranto, eating houoea or any placc whcre food io oold for conoumption on thc prcmiseo, buffeto, oaloono, barroomo or any otore, park or enclooure ~here opirituouo or malt liquoro are oold, or where beverageo of any lcind are retailed for conoumption on the premioeo, retail otorco and eotabliohmento, diopenoarieo, clinico, hoopitalo, bathhouoeo, barberohopa, Bcauty parloro, theatero, motion picture houoeo, airdromcD, roof gardeno, muoic hallo, race couroco, olcating rinlco, amuoement and recreation parks, fairo, bowling alleyo, golf couroeo, gymnaoiumo, ohooting gallerico, billiard and pool parloro, public librarico or educational facilitico supported in whole or in part by public fundo or by contributiono oolicited from the general public, and public conveyanceo operated on land, air or water ao well ao the otationo and terminalo thereof. (Code 1950, ~22.60.) 2 See. 25 SQ. Same Bvi4eBea af 7ialatioBs. In any prooecution for the violation of ocotiono 25 78 and 25 79, the production of or proof of the dioplay or maintenance of any ouch written or printed notice or advertiocment purportinEj to relate to any place of publio aooommodation ohall be preoumptivc evidence that ouch dioplay or maintenanoe wao authoriBed by the peroon maintainin~ and operatin~ auch place of public accommodation. (Code 1950, ~22.61.) SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 3. REPEALER All Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its a option, on December 2 , 1992. ATTEST: "ff~ ~.~ CITY CLERK 1st reading 11/8/92 2nd reading 12/2/92 JKO/jal (a:\res ord\com.memos\CHAP25.ord) FORM APPROVED ~~~~~~~!~ t .~.Ij:/ By /. . ti.q,.V-.!9 Date 3