99-23089 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 99-23089 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) REALLOCATE AN EXISTING $50,000 MPO GRANT, TO FUND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A $62,000 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPAL MOBILITY PLAN (MMP), TO BE PREPARED BY CARR SMITH CORRADINO, THE MMP CONSULTANTS; THE GRANT'S ORIGINAL PURPOSE BEING TO CONDUCT A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY FOR COLLINS AVENUE (FROM 59TH TO 63RD STREET); SAID GRANT REALLOCATION TO BE MATCHED BY THE CITY AT $12,000, USING PARKING ENTERPRISE FUNDS; AND, FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PURSUE THE PROPOSED "ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITION" FOR THE MIRABELLA SITE. WHEREAS, City Commission Resolution No. 98-22689, of March 18,1998, applied [c,r Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPa) funds to perform a 'realignment' study for CollilS Avenue, from 59th to 63rd Street, and appropriated City matching funds not to exceed $20,000; ar d WHEREAS, MPa Resolution # 12-98, of June 2,1998, in turn approved "an amendr1ent to increase funding by $50,000 for the Municipal Mobility Plan (MMP) Study to conduct traffic ar d environmental studies for Collins Avenue from 59th to 63rd Streets;" and WHEREAS, the City has been unable to raise additional funds to complete the fundir g packet for the study, which is estimated by FDOT and City consultants to cost over $200,000; ar d WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to develop an Implementation PlanIProgram (f Interrelated Projects for the MMP Transportation Vision for Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, the Implementation Plan development would be fully funded at $62,000 and would be completed within 120 days from the notice to proceed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby request that the MPa reallocate $50,000 in grant funds, from the development of a $200,000-plus project development and environmental study for Collins Avenue (from 59th to 63rd Street), which is partly funded, to the development of a $62,000 Implementation Plan fo" tIe Municipal Mobility Plan; said implementation plan becoming ready to proceed and fully funded wih $50,000 in MPO funds and $12,000 in Miami Beach Parking Enterprise Funds; and further direeting the Administration to pursue the proposed "Road Improvement and Recreational Open Space Lar d Acquisition" for the Mirabella Site. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 3rd day of March , 11\)9'" ATTEST: i.fut:JM~ 111 MAYOR aJ APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Aiie.IiIA,II' . ~4'~ '~ o~~~ EXHIBIT "A" , . MPO RESOLUTION # 12-98 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO INCREASE FUNDrNG BY 550,000 FOR TEE MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL MOBILITY PLAN STUDY TO CONDucr TR~1i1C AJ.~"'D ENVIRONMEXTAL STUDIES FOR COLL.I:NS A VE~....tJE FROM 59TH TO 63RD STREET . WrIEREAS. the rnterlocal Agreernem c:-::ating and establishing the Met:opolitan Plannir,g O:-gaZ1JUI on (MFO) for the Miami Urbanized Area requires that the i\fPO provide a Str"Jcture to evaluate the adequl;:Y of J1e transpor"...atlon planning and programming process, and V,l}l'..EREAS, the Tra.nspor.:a-:ion Planning Cou..~cil (TPC) has bee;). e,tablished and charged \vi:h he respor:.sibility a.'1d duty of fulfilling the aforementioned functions, and w"HEREAS, tL~e City of Miami Beach has reques:ed an amendment t:J the MiJ.Ini 3~~h MUlllcf. )3.1 Mobility Plan Study pursulUlt to the attached dacume:nt:lticn made a p:t.-t hereor~ ~nd \VHEREAS. the TPC has requested that me scope of services refIe::t that whoever cond~cts the rtu iy - work closely w:m the Florida Depar".rnent of Trnnsporte.tion (FDOT), and WrfER.5..AS, the TIC has requeS--..:d that prc\'lol;s FDOT study recommencations of the :m a :e: reviewed to overcome shortfal13 identified in those studies, and 'W'HEREAS, the TPC fmds that the requested amendment is consistent witI the goals and objectives ,f the T rll1sportation Plan for the Miami Urbanized Area. ~OW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1'H:E GOVER.:'\;"'0lG BOARD OF TH:: METROPOLIT k'l PLANNING ORGANlZA nON FOR THE MIAMI IJRBAN1ZED _.\.RE.A.: SECTION 1. That the amendment to increase funding by $50,000 for the Miami Beach Mu..,id?.l Mobility Plan Study to conduct traffic and environmental st'llcles for Collins Avenue from 59-'.11 to 63 rc! Str~:::t s hcr:by a;:proved. The foregoing resolution was offered bv Board Member Barbara M. Carev. who moved its adopjol . The r:::.ction was seconded by Board Me:nber Miguel Diaz de la Portilla., and ti;:on- being put to vote, the \lOl.~ was as follows: Board Mem ber Miriam Alonso Baard M~mbel' Georg: J. Be:-En Board Member Barbara M. Caroy Board Memcer Migue! Diaz de la Pcrtilla Board Member R...-nicr Diu de: Ja PortillA Board Mamber Betty T. F~rguson Boari Member Richard N. Krinzman Board Member Nata.cha Seijas Millan Board Member Jimmy L. Morales Board Member Dermis C. Moss Board Member Pedro Reboredo Board Member DOITin Rolle Board Membe:- Katy Sorenson Board Member Javier D. SoutJ Board Member Raul Valdes-FauIi Chairperson Gwen Margolis absent aye aye aye :.b:s::nt absent absanr absen~ aye aye aye abse:1t aye ave absent a.ye A '\MP".JU!s,,"z.."OC.c. S ^,'l . -_.~....J.i~ __.__ I. . 'tV. ~.LO r. C,.. Co EXHIBIT "B" METROO-' _iiiIIf February 8, 1999 METROPOLITAN PLANNING O~GANIZATION (MPO) SECRETAIRIJ:.T OPPICI! 0' OOUNTY MANJI~C"i R SUITIE g' 0 ", NW FIRST STIREIT MIAMI FLOl=llDol 33'2e.1~i4 (305) 375-4,517 Sergio Rodriguez City Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 FAX and US Mail ~?-'.' Dear Mr. ~guez: On 1une 2nd, 1998, the City of:Miami Beach was awarded S50,000 from the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Governing Board to conduct a Traffic and Environmental Study for Collim. Avenue from 59th Street to 63rd Street. To date there has not been any indi~on on behalf of the City to proceed with this study. The funding assigned to this effort will expire on September 3D, 1999. Based on the guidelines of the grant program. expired fi.utds revert back to the pool of the overall program funds and are made a.vailable for the next round of studies. , Please advise 'us of your intent on initiating and or completing this study before the expiration date. Should you haVe any concerns, please call me at (305) 375-4507. 10 -Luis Mesa, Director 1vtPO Secretariat c. Os~ Camejo Amelia Lopes-Johnson OSCA.lt.C:\T.JP\IIp,9'.MBSOKLBS,SA\{ EXHIBIT "C" Chronology of Mirabella Project November 24, 1993 DRB application filed for 6000 Collins Avenue project. December 15, 1993 Commissioner Liebman schedules item to discuss concerns over safet;' a Indian Creek Drive and 61st Street. January 11, 1994 DRB approves proposed 32 story, 215 unit building at Collins Avenue an< Indian Creek Drive with conditions. January 19, 1994 FDOT letter to Commissioner Liebman advising that Collins Avenue at 6)tl Street will be part of a future project development study to identif) i' additional improvements are needed to reduce accidents along this corrid or February 1994 Letter from City Manager to FDOT to review further curb cuts in the are~ ir addition to the remarkings performed at Collins Avenue and 60th Street aE part of FDOT's Maintenance Program. March 3, 1994 FDOT advises City of the FDOT's mandatory review of all propm:ed applications for development or intensification of use abutting the StIte highway system. May 3, 1994 Commissioner Liebman meets with Trust for Public Land (TPL) to assist 'he City of Miami Beach to acquire the Mirabella site for public use. December 24, 1994 Letter from attorney for new developer of proposed condominium at 6000 Collins Avenue requesting the City vacate existing easements. Proposed Mirabella Condominium: · permit issued April 19, 1995 · permit expires October 14, 1996 January 30, 1995 City Attorney memorandum describing the City's easements which were dedicated by plat in 1937 to be used for utility services. October 12, 1995 City Attorney memo to Commissioner Gottlieb advising of meeting wth Trust for Public Land to discuss Mirabella Project. October 12, 1995 Notice from Grubb and Ellis that the developer is not pursuing the development of the condominium due to lack of financing. Land purchase price for 6000 Collins Avenue is $1,150,000. 1 February 1997 City sets forth legislative priority to secure multi-year appropriation for th: Mirabella Project as a transportation demonstration project both at Statem l Federal level pursuing ISTEA funds. May 1997 City staff reviews impact of new proposed condominium at the Colin: Avenue and 60th Street area and effect on access on northbound Colin: Avenue and whether to redirect entrance/exit to the project in coordinatiOl. with FDOT. May 5, 1997 Board of Rules and Appeals grants extension of expired building permi (contrary to staff recommendation) to October 1997. June 1997 City staff and developer meet to review design changes to propo;e( development plans. June 1997 City staff reviews traffic study submitted by developer in connection ",itl proposed Mirabella Condominium. June 3, 1997 Revised plans submitted to DRB. June 4, 1997 City appeals BORA ruling and itigation initiated between City and develoJel regarding the building permit extension. July 3, 1997 Developer proposes settlement ofthe pending litigation between the City me developer with respect to the Mirabella project. July 23, 1997 Letter from City Attorney regarding ongoing settlement decisions. July 16, 1997 City Commission requests the Administration to procure an appraisal oflhe Mirabella site. August 14, 1997 City procures appraisal report by Quinlivan Appraisal of the 2.43 acre land site known as the Mirabella site located at 6000 Collins A venue estimating a market value of$3,700,000. September 2, 1997 DRB review of revised Mirabella Project. September 10, 1997 Commission Memorandum No. 592-97, requested by Commissioner Kasdin, to discuss the feasibility of developing an open space park at Mirabella site and Commisioner Shapiro requests FDOT explore acquisition of the Mirabella site. September 1997 City staff prepares preliminary cost estimate for park development at Mirabella site ranging between $162,095 - $826,284. 2 September 1997 Request by area residents to the City to ask FDOT to study realignment 0 f Collins Avenue and 60th Street. September 18, 1997 Letter from Jose Garcia-Pedrosa to Jose Abreu (FDOT) to exp]or,: realignment of Collins Avenue and the Mirabella project. October I, 1997 F ederallobbyists meet with Congressman Clay Shaw to discuss Mirabdb site. October 21, 1997 City Commission adopts Resolution No. 97 -22569 designatinl, Commissioner Shapiro as City's liaison to initiate discussions with FD01' with regard to the possible acquisition of the Mirabella site and adjacen properties to straighten Collins Avenue and to mitigate traffic flow an< dangerous traffic condition. November 6, 1997 Article in Miami Today, "Beach seeking a straight solution for intersectior at 63rd Street and Collins Avenue." November 26, 1997 Letter from Jose Abreu (FDOT) to Jose Garcia-Pedrosa stating evaluatlOI was conducted and FDOT recommended against the right of acquisition ane against construction of major improvements due to: Does not serve public purpose Cost-benefit analysis December 16, 1997 City requests funding for Mirabella study to MPO Board. January 12, 1998 City makes presentation to the MPO's Transportation Planning Courcil (TPC). February 12, 1998 Memo from Commissioner Shapiro to Sergio Rodriguez requesting an update on the FOOT study and direction ofMPO - funding availability. February 23, 1998 Memo from Sergio Rodriguez to Commissioner Shapiro advising of 'he City's efforts to submit proposal to MPO. March 3, 1998 Study conducted by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) for FDOT for Collins Avenue at 60th Street including level of service analysis, accident summaries and drawings showing intersection geometry. 3 March 18, 1998 April 9, 1998 April 22, 1998 June 2, 1998 August 26, 1998 City Commission Resolution No. 98-22689 providing matching funds ir at amount of $20,000 to MPO grant request. City's formal request to the MPO to secure funding for the Mirabella study Letter from MPO Secretariat to Sergio Rodriguez scheduling fundin~ recommendation for $50,000 by the TPC on May 11, 1998 and to the MPC Board on June 2, 1998. MPO adopts Resolution No. 12-98 approving an amendment to inCrelS{ funding by $50,000 for the CMB Municipal Mobility Plan study to conducl traffic and environmental studies for Collins Avenue from 59th to 6:lrd Streets. Proposal from Carr Smith Corradino to perform Product Development md Environmental (PD&E) study for Collins Avenue realignment at an estima:ed cost of $280,000 to $320,000. The VHB study provided the basic information; i.e. level of service analysis, accident summaries and drawings. Therefore, the remaining scope of work necessary to complete the PD<,E study is estimated at $200,000. The $200,000+ study would: · Confirm the previous scope performed · Identify improvement alternatives based upon estimated demand · Provide operational analysis of alternatives · Evaluate/estimate the cost of the proposed improvements and establish the benefit/cost ratio of the proposed alternatives, and · Develop a project concept report for the selected alternative 4 -..""-......., \"II~ l..Jrr J.1w PA jE: e2 -.: EXHIBIT "D" DEPARTMENT OF TRANSFOR11~(fION ~II c:IIIu. CIOftIU'IGa 1JIC. lIAS r.1IAQx ok ~ DISTI"tICT SIX DISTRICT $ECREiARY'S Orne!: 1000 N.W. I ( 11'H AVENUE MIAMI, FL.O"IOA .33 I 72 (305) 470-:5 J 97 FAX: o47o-se f 0 November 26. 1997 Mr. lose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Rorida 33139 Re: Impro'Penimts to Co11:ins A:velUle and Indian Creek Road /Jr tlu V"1Cinity of 63" Sind Dear ~"': In r:sponse to your request, tile Departm.eIl[ has conducted a feasibility study to determice whether the acquisition of tlIc Mirabella site and adjacent properties is practical for the purpc se of straightc1ing Collins Avenue, mmgati:cg the traffic flow and removing a dangerous traflic condition. Specifica11y, determine the need for reaJie:oine Collins Avczme from the southe:rn comu:ction of Indian Creek Road and Collim Avexme to 63rd Street.. Based on the Department's prior detailed enviroImJcntaJ smdy of the corridor aDd this investigation, we do not believe that major acquisitions of pLC:^'rtr is justified. The Dcpartmcot.bas comple~ject Development and Environmt"l'l~J (PD&E) Smdy of tte Col1in3 Avenue cotr:1dor, including the 63rd Srreet area. As a pan of this major PD&E effort. the :ea1;g7'Iment of Collins AVCDUC between Indian Credc Rood and 63rd Street was not idemified as a needed impro'Vetncm. therefore horizontal 2ligmnent cll.a.o2es were not recommended. TO' CDSUre that the original cODClusioas of this major study were still appropriate. the Department agreed to reevaluate cooclitiODS along Collins Avenue and Indian Creek Road. A fatal flaw analysis was perfor:med to c'Wlluate the operating level of service on 63rd Street at the rw,) signalized intersections at Indian Creek Road and at Collins Avexme. A review of the level of service for Collins Avenue was also analyzed. . Based on this evaluation, we have determined that Collins A veuue from Indian Creek Road to 63rd Street can be narrowed from it's existing three through lanes to two lanes. This would be companole with the laDfS north of 63rd Stree:: associated with the City's streerscaping effortS of Collins Avenue. This lane reduction will allo'~'r for minor horizoDtal geometric improvements along Collins A venue without the need for ac~ right ofwa.y. ..:~_..J..J( _I ~ ...... ~... .JtI:J-",/l:l-:JOltl r.JU; Dlr.:::.CTORS OFF 1C PA JE c3 '. Mr. rose Ga.l''Cia-Pedrosa November 26, 1997 Page 2 The addition of the nor.tbound movements on Indian Creek Road, south of 63rd Street wi 1 degrade the level of service at the intersection with 63rd Street and would create a lane balanc ~ problem north of the intersection. This would also require tl}e loss of park.i.ng which may not b: prudent because rcplac:ment parking opportunities do Dot exist within a reasonable d.ist.a.nc.~ c r the affected properties. Ac:.::idem: patterns in the area were reviewed to de~:-",,~ne whether a safety p:oblcn. existS alonJ' Collins Avenue between Indian Creek Road and 63rd Street. Based on the records, the e:tist~ accident patterns in the area do not present a major safety concem. An average of three n:por~ crashes have occurred over the last three years at the in1ersection of Collins A ycnu:; and 63rc Street. This is within the average experienced in Dade County for these types of facilities. Ba;cC on a review of the accidems, the cosrs to construct major improvC1Il:ms to Collins A yc:nUf (including right of way acquisition) would exceed the b<:ncfits. The current design meetS pUblic purpose, therefore wc fcd eat to condemn a gr:ater estate in land than needed is an abuse of our discretiomuy eminent don:ain power. We will cont:imJe to mOIJitor the operating conditions along this portion of the State Highway Sy5teI:1, parti...-u1arly as the aes--JIetic and geometric improvcmcD1S arc implemented by the Department ami City of Miani Beach. the position of the Department. Once you have h;J.d an opporrnnity to revic: w glad to d.i.sc-.lSS it with you in more detail. .".., JAJjmlmh r cc: Congressman E. Clay Shaw Stat: Senator Ronald A. Silver State Representative Elaine Bloom Commissioner Shapiro Hany Mavrogenes Fausto Gomez Exhibit liE" RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION & PARKING COMMITTEE A RESOLUTION OF THE TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH URGING THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE crr"Y OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, TO APPROVE THE ADMINISTRATIOI\II'S RECOMMENDATION REQUESTING THAT THE METROPOLITAN PLANNU'~G ORGANIZATION (MPO) REALLOCATE AN EXISTING $50,000 MPO GRANT, TO FUND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A $62,000 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPAL MOBILITY PLAN (MMP); THE GRANT'S ORIGINAL PURPOSE BEING TO CONDUCT A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY FOR COLLU~S AVENUE (FROM 59TH TO 63RD STREET), WHICH HAS BEEN ESTIMATED TO COST OVER $200,000, AND STILL REMAINS PARTIALLY FUNDED AT $70,000; SAID GRANT REALLOCATION TO BE MATCHED ~Y THE CITY AT $12,000, USING PARKING ENTERPRISE FUNDS. WHEREAS, the Tran~portation and Parking Committee unanimously approv3d the Administration's recommendation requesting the MfO to reallocate an existing MPO grant in the amount of $50,600 to partially fund the Municipal Mobility Implementatation Plan; and WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to develop an Implementation Plan for the MMP Transportation Vision for Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, the Implementation Plan development would be fully funded at $62,000 and would be completed within 120 days from the notice to proceed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, urging the Mayor and CiW Commission to request that the MPO reallocate $50,000 in grant funds, from the development of a $200,000-plus project development and environmental study for Collins Avenue (from 59th to 63rd Street), which is partly funded, to the development of a $62,000 Implementation Plan for the Municipal Mobility Plan; said implementation plan becoming ready to proceed and fully funded with $50,000 in MPO funds and $12,000 in Miami Beach Parking Enterprise Funds. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1 st day of February 1999. BY: THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING COMMITTEE F:IPINGI$ALLUACKIEIMPO. T&P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS O~ THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE URGING THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSOl' TO APPROVE THE ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMMENDATION REQUESTING THAT THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO] REALLOCATE THE $50,000 EXISTING MPO GRANT TO FUND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A $62,000 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIP AL MOBILITY PLAN (MMP): Whereas, the Grant's original purpose was to conduct a project development and environmental study for Collins A venue, which has been estimated to cost over $200,000 and still remains partially funded at $70,000; and Whereas, the implementation Plan development would be fully funded at $62,000 and would be completed within 120 days from the notice to proceed; and Whereas, the Board of Governors of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce supports the Administration's recommendation requesting the MPO to reallocate an existing MPO GraIt In the amount of $50,000 to partially fund the Municipal Mobility Implementation Plan; and Whereas, there is an urgent need to develop an Implementation Plan for the M1v1P Transportation Vision for Miami Beach; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO SUPPORT THE ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMENDATION AND URGE THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS TO REQUEST TO REALLOCATE THE MPO GRANT TO FUND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPAL MOBILITY PLAN. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of February 1999. ~1-CJ:d/qyr~v~~ Gerald K. Schwartz, Chamn3.n) ,--"'. 1920 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: (305) 672-1270 · Fax: (305) 538-4336 EXHIBIT "F" DRAFT SCOPE OF SERVICES MMP IMPLEMENTATION PLAN/PROGRAM OF INTERRELATED PROJECTS February 2, 1 999 Resolution No. 98-22970 directed the Administration to develop implementation tasks for the Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan (MMP). Such implementation tasks, or "Program of Int~rrelated Projects" (PIP), are a direct result of the recommendations made in the MMP. The MMP produced a "Project Bank" of transportation-related improvements chosen in response to the MMP's assessment of the City's mobility needs. The PIP, to be developed by consultants with City input, will analyze and organize the Project Bank improvements and produce the following work products: <> The Project Bank improvements, some of which are currently conceptual in nature, will be refined into a set of specific recommendations and placed im:o four (4) categories: Traffic Analysis Zone (T AZ), Districts, Neighborhoods, and Transportation Concurrency Management Areas (TCMA). <> The boundaries of potential TCMAs will be defined by the City Planning sta':f, while a work program for the planning activities and strategies mandated by State legislation for each proposed TCMA will be developed jointly by the Consultant and City. <> Cost estimates will be developed for each City-identified Project Bank improvement, including estimates for any associated studies or related work that will be required for purposes of funding application, approval, design/engineering, permitting, and construction. <> The Project Bank improvements will be prioritized and phasing schemes developed as appropriate, with the input of the Transportation and Parking Committee and City staff. <> The PIP will include the development of each project into a capital improvements program (CIP) item, using the City's preferred formats. <> Potential funding sources will be identified for each improvement, and the applicable forms, regulations, procedures, timelines, matching obligations (cash and/or in-kind), and other pertinent information will be provided for each funding source. Sample funding-application packets will also be provided. DRAFT o A reliable standard procedure and process will be developed for the City to approach State and County officials regarding desired amendments to the 1997 Miami-Dade County Street Closure/Traffic Flow Modification Manual. The most significant of these amendments would est~blish a less restrictive policy for compact urban-infill, high-density areas, such as Miami Beach, and allow for greater municipal autonomy, creativity and flexibility in the use of innovative non-traditional traffic calming tools and techniques. This new approach would ultimately prove to be less expensive and more effective in establishing/enhancing livability in the various Miami Beach neighborhoods. o Consideration will be given to the types of traffic calming techniques and solutions that have been planned, implemented, and proved successfull in residential neighborhoods of tourist destinations such as Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. The City of West Palm Beach has recently received, through the TEA-21 Bill, a $21 million earmark over a six-year period, for continued development and implementation of effective traffic calming measures for its residents and neighborhoods. o Consultants will suggest policies and strategies for combining certain PIP projects to attract the attention of Federal, State, County and other funding agencies, thereby maximizing the City's chances of being funded. o Consultants will identify an organizational structure for the implementation of the MMP, and the roles to be played by the various City departments and personnel in the implementation process of MMP projects and other transportation-related improvements. o Consultants will work with designated City staff as needed for Implementation Plan development. o Consultants will make presentations to the Transportation and Parking Committee, Planning Board, City Commission and MPO. o Consultants will prepare a comprehensive document known as the MMP Implementation Plan, which will include a user-friendly and thorough Executive Summary. o Consultants will produce 150 copies of the MMP Implementation Plan/ Program of Interrelated Projects. NOTE: Under the Concurrency Management System Study, the Project Bank improvements will be analyzed for their cumulative impacts and relationship to one another, prior to finalizing the above-mentioned PIP. This analyses will result in a clearer understanding of the Project Bank as a system of improvements, and the implications of phasing. Timeline for PIP Development: 120 days from the notice to proceed Price quoted by Carr Smith Corradino: $62,000 (to be negotiated) (mmp'spiplaj CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Cln' HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cLmiami-beach.f1.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 1 B7/i'7 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co ission DATE: March 3, 19~ I) FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLU ION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THI: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT THI: METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) REALLOCA TJ: AN EXISTING $50,000 MPO GRANT, TO FUND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A $62,000 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPAL MOBILITY PLAN (MMP), TO BE PREPARED BY CARR SMITH CORRADINO, THI : MMP CONSULTANTS; THE GRANT'S ORIGINAL PURPOSE BEING T('I CONDUCT A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT.u, STUDY FOR COLLINS AVENUE (FROM 59TH TO 63RD STREET); SAil I GRANT REALLOCATION TO BE MATCHED BY THE CITY AT $12,000 USING PARKING ENTERPRISE FUNDS. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND City Commission Resolution No. 98-22689, dated March 18, 1998, appropriated funds, not to exceed $20,000, to match a funding request made to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in the amount of$100,000. The purpose was to fund a 'realignment' study for Collins Avenue, from 59th Street to 63rd Street, also commonly referred to as the "Mirabella Study. II In response, MPO Resolution #12-98, dated June 2, 1998, approved "an amendment to increase funding by $50,000 for the Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Study to conduct traffic and environmental studies II for the indicated Collins Avenue (Mirabella) area. As a result, the funding allocated for the "Mirabella Study" only totaled $70,000. The effective date of the MPO grant was October 1, 1998, and the study was to be completed by September 30, 1999. The MPO Resolution is attached as Exhibit A. On February 8, 1999. Jose Luis Mesa, the MPO Secretariat, notified the City of its intent to re- allocate the $50,000 in grant funds if the referenced Mirabella study was not conducted within the specified time frame (refer to Exhibit B). DATE ~lL 3-3-9 (1 AGENDA ITEM This "Mirabella Study, II consisting of a project development and environmental study (PD&E~, a; required by the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), was estimated by FDOT and th : City's consultants to cost in excess of$200,000. (Refer to Exhibit "C", August 26, 1998 summary. I To date, the City has not appropriated the $130,000 balance required to complete the Stl dy . However, based on the City's efforts with respect to this project and previous recommendations fion l FDOT, it is recommended that the City Commission endorse the following revised strategy wit] l respect to the Mirabella site. MIRABELLA PROJECT Attached, as Exhibit "C," is a chronology of the Mirabella project and the City's efforts with resrec thereto. The chronology describes the various private proposals for development on the subject ;;itl as well as the City's repeated concerns and efforts to seek road enhancements to ensure safety. Based upon the November 1997 letter from Jose Abreu to former City Manager, Jose Garcia-PedDs, (see attached Exhibit "D"), the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) recommended agains the acquisition and construction of the road improvements since the proposed project did not mee FDOT's public purpose criteria and did not yield a positive cost/benefit in FDOT's opinion. Based on this information, the City Administration finds that the expenditure of$200,000 to conducl a PD&E study of the area will not necessarily yield any additional information to persuade FDOl to revisit its November 1997 position. Alternatively, the City Administration recommends the City revisit the Mirabella site as a combined "Road Improvement and Recreational Open Space Land Acquisition" project. Based on discussions with Miami-Dade County, on a preliminary basis, it appears that road impact fees can be utilized to perform the road improvements identified and acquire additional right of way to align the road. The remaining land acquisition for recreational open space purposes may be funded through an application for grant funds with the State of Florida and at the Federal level. With the City Commission's authorization, the Administration proposes to pursue funding to acquire the landbr recreational open space from two grant programs: 1. Florida Communities Trust Preservation 2000 Program through the Department of Community Affairs, State of Florida; grant application due April 1, 1999. 2. Florida Greenways and Trails Program through the Department of Environmental Protection, State of Florida; grant application due April I, 1999. At the Commission's direction, we will also ask the City's Federal lobbyists to pursue all possible Federal funding options. It is anticipated that grant funding notifications will not be received until the Fall of 1999. Likewise, the City could also choose to finance the proposed land acquisiticn; however, it is recommended that grant sources and/or special assessments to residents of the area be exhausted prior to considering any financing alternatives that would adversely impact the Cit/s general funds. Alternatively, the City and residents in the area could explore the establishment of a spe.~ia assessment district to contribute towards the funding necessary to acquire the land. ANALYSIS The referenced $50,000 grant funds were derived from a Federal Transit Administration (FTA Section 9 program, and can only be used for transportation planning studies. The grant funds mus be expended within a 12-month period, and, therefore, the City of Miami Beach must expend tht funds by September 30, 1999. The MPO has the right to make reallocations when the funds havt not been encumbered. The Administration was recently advised that the $50,000 grant may be reallocated to an on-gom~ County transportation planning study ifthe City fails to commit the funds and complete the projec within the prescribed time frame. (Refer to Exhibit 8.) Resolutions were adopted by the City's Transportation and Parking Committee, on February 1. 1999, and the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Governors, on February 2, 1999, urging the City Commission to pursue a reallocation of the $50,000 in MPO funds to fund:he development of an Implementation Plan for the Municipal Mobility Plan. These Resolutionsm herein attached as Exhibit liE". The Implementation Plan for the Municipal Mobility Plan will refine and recommend specitic transportation related improvements within the City based upon the project bank in the initial pLm. These recommendations will address key intersections, develop cost estimates, prioritze implementation and phasing schemes and assist with funding applications to implement the City's desired improvements. There are four alternative uses available to the City for the $50,000 grant funds: 1. Maintain the $50,000 grant funds as allocated and appropriate an additional $130,000 so that the City can advertise a Request For Proposals and seek responses to conduct the PD~,~E study for Collins Avenue, estimated to cost in excess of $200,000; 2. Request that the MPO reallocate the $50,000 grant to fund the MMP Implementation Study. Attached is a draft scope of services for said Implementation Plan (refer to Exhibit "F") 3. Request a reallocation to partially fund the transportation component of the Master Plan Jor North Beach. In this case, a scope of services and cost estimate would have to be prepared immediately. The same matching funds allocated for the "Mirabella" study (from the North Shore Project) would be utilized for this purpose. 4. Allow the MPO to reallocate the funds as they have indicated for an alternate project as indicated in the correspondence from Jose Luis Mesa. Based on the Administration's analysis of the Mirabella project, as described above, tile Administration recommends that the $50,000 MPO grant be reallocated to fund the Implementation Plan for the Municipal Mobility Plan (MPO), for the following reasons: Based on the Administration's analysis of the Mirabella project, as described above, tht: Administration recommends that the $50,000 MFa grant be reallocated to fund the ImplementatiOl. Plan for the Municipal Mobility Plan (MFa), for the following reasons: 1. As stated in MPO Resolution # 12-98, the $50,000 grant allotated toward the "Mirabell: Study" was issued as an increase to the original $78,500 allocation made to the MMP itsdf 2. The MPO deadline for using the $50,000 in grant funds is September 30, 1999; 3. City Commission Resolution No. 98-22970, dated November 18,1999, adopted the MhlI and directed the Administration to develop the Implementation Plan; 4. At a cost of $62,000, the MMP Implementation Plan would be fully funded utiliz n~ $50,000 in MFa funds and $12,000 in Parking Enterprise Funds. The City can proceed witt the JvIN1P Implementation Plan upon approval of an amendment to the existing Carr Smitl: Corradino contract. The Implementation Plan would be completed within 120 days of (] notice to proceed, and within the MPO/FTA fund deadline of September 30,1999. 5. The MMP Implementation Plan and the capital improvements program (CIF) would be completed in time for the City to submit applications to establish our priority projects, under the 2001 funding cycles of FDOT and MFO, or directly to the Federal agencies. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends approval of the Resolution/grant reallocation request to the MPO, which is also supported and recommended by the City's Transportation and Parking Committee, and the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Governors. The Administration further recommends the. City Commission direct the City Manager to pursue the proposed "Road Improvement and Recreational Open Space Land Acquisition" strategy to implement the Mirabella project. If the City Commission does not wish to endorse the proposed "Road Improvement and Recreational Open Space Land Acquisition" strategy for the Mirabella project, the City can contract to perform the PD&E study, as previously described, and resubmit our findings to FDaT for an alternative review and consideration. Funding for said study can be obtained from road impact fees, based upm preliminary discussions with the County. c..w... SR:CMC/jph Attachments T\AGENDA\ I 999\MAR0399\REGULAR\MMPCMS50. WPD