99-23090 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 99-23090 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0 F MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLEIU;. T ) EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT ARCHITECTURA L AGREEMENT WITH BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, IN THE AMOUNT 0 F $136,300, TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES 1'0 R THE NORTH SHORE OPEN SP ACE PARK DESIGN, AS PROPOSED IN TH IB: CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND C IT!~ COMMISSION; WITH FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM THE $2.1 MILLJO'~ ALLOCATED IN THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARI< S BOND TO RENOVATE NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK. WHEREAS, on July 16, 1997, the Mayor and City Commission approved an agreement wi h Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, to provide professional architectural/engineering services for variOl S parks to be improved in the $15 million General Obligation Bond Program including North 810 e Open Space Park, with an estimated project budget of $455, 167; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved the schemat c plans and the base bid budgets for each project and directed that the improvements to North S101 e Open Space Park be postponed pending the resolution of the North Shore Open Space Park/AJt( s del Mar issues, and the architectural/engineering fees and construction funds allocated in the Pad s Bond for this project be redistributed to other sites in the program; and WHEREAS, on December 16, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved tl e submission and appropriation, if funded, of a grant application in the amount of $2.1 million, te' tl e Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program for the renovation and restoration ( f North Shore Open Space Park; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 1999, the Mayor and City Commission instructed tl e Administration to initiate actions to acquire the Park and west side parking lots back from the ~,tal e of Florida's Department of Environmental Protection, Division of State Lands, Bureau of Lani Management, and proceed with the improvements recommended in the City's Parks Master Plan f( r North Shore Open Space Park with the $2.1 million from the Miami-Dade County :~aje Neighborhood Parks Bond Program; and WHEREAS, the Administration is proceeding with the restoration of the Park and tl e Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners must be amended to reflect an increase of$136.300 ($127,800 for architectural/engineering services and $8,500 for surveying and reimbursab1e~:) 1) complete the identified scope of work to North Shore Open Space Park. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and Ci:y Commission herein authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the CUirre 1t Architectural Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, in the amount of $136,300, to preville the architectural/engineering services for the North Shore Open Space Park design as proposed n the City's Parks Master Plan and approved by the Mayor and City Commission; with fundi] g available from the $2.1 Million allocated in the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks HOld to renovate North Shore Open Space Park. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of March, 1999, ~ MA YOR ATTEST: _~f\u{ t ~ (}.A ~ CITY CLERK M\$CMBlTEMP\NSOPB&A.RES i . .)'y'ED AS TO 1 .. lANGUAGE 6t FOri .::XECUTION 1JL~ "..-. ._._.._'--_._-----~.,_.~----- '2/10/'1 Do1. :ITY OF MIAMI BEACH ;ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 188-99 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co DATE: March 3, P19( FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager 71' SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION 0 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYO AI'\(D CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CU RENl ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENT WITH BERl\-lELLO, AJAlV IL & PARTNERS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $136,300, TO PR VIDE ARCHITECTURAUENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE NORTH ORE OPEN SPACE PARK DESIGN, AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S ARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION; WITH FUNDING A V AILABLE FRO:\l THE $2.1 MI LION ALLOCATED IN THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SAFE NEIGHBO OOD PARKS BOND TO RENOVATE NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PA K. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND: On July 16, 1997, the City Commission authorized an agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & for the design of various parks to be renovated within the City's $15 million Parks Obligation Bond Improvements Program. Included in their agreement was ~orth Shore Ope Sp<:ce Park with an estimated project construction budget of$455,167. The fee to be paid to Be ello, Ajamil & Partners for the design of North Shore Open Space Park. based on their contr tua.ly negotiated rate of 7.2% of the construction cost was $32,772. Since that time the folowing milestones have transpired: . On May 20, 1998, the City Commission approved the schematic plans and the b se bid budgets for each project but requested the improvements to North Shore Open Spa e Pak be held in abeyance pending resolution of the issues impacting the park and Altos el N ar property. DATE R t'-I - 3 4c~_ ACENDA ITEM . Instructed Bermello, Ajamil & Partners not to proceed, and their fee of $32. 77:~ \ Tas redistributed to other improvements in the Parks Bond Program. . Redistributed the $455,167 allocated for the park to the other parks projects. . December 16, 1998, the City Commission approved the submission of an application tn he amount of$2.1 million, to the Miami-Dade Cnunty Safe Neighborhood PJrks Bond progr 1m for the renovation and restoration of North Shore Open Space Park. . January 20, 1999, the City Commission instructed the Administration to initiate action~ to acquire the Park and west side parking lots back from the State of Florida and proceec. \\ ith the improvements recommended in the City's Parks Master Plan for North Shore OpenSp; .ce Park. . February 17, 1999, the City Commission rejected a Resolution amending the Berne: 10, Ajamil & Partners agreement with the City to provide the architectural/engineering wl,rk necessary to renovate North Shore Open Space Park as proposed in the City's Parks l\la~ ter Plan and further directed the Administration to renegotiate the fee structure for this p'oj :ct with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners. The following cost break down was also induced as background information in the 2/17/99 Commission Agenda item. Based on the City Commission's directives of December 16, 1998 and January 20, 199CJ, he Administration is proceeding with the restoration of the Park. In order to accomplish this. he agreement for the architectural firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners must be amended to ret1e:::t he cost of $136,300 for the architectural/engineering services. The following is a breakdown of the '5 .~.1 million Safe Neighborhood Parks allocation: . Estimated Project Construction Costs $1,775,0('0 . Demolition of deteriorated boardwalks (Previously approved by Commission) $ 41,8=0 . Miami-Dade County's bond handling fees (1 %) $ 21,00) . Bcrmello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. AlE Fees (5127,800 for architectural/engineering services. based on 7.2% of an estimated project budget of $1 ,775.000 and 58,500 for surveying and reimbursables) $ 136,30) . City Project Administration and oversight pennitting. inspections. conducted by Public Works, Parks and Recreation. Planning. Zoning and other City Departments. TOTAL: S 125.8f :) '52.1 aO.oe () ANALYSIS: As directed by the City Commission on February 17, 1999, the Administration contacted Mr Bermello, President of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. to request a reduced fee for the scope oj work to be completed on the North Shore Open Space Park f'lroject. Mr. Bermello indicated he clearly understood and shared the City's position that the maximum amount of funding availa:Jle should be directed toward the construction of the program. Mr. Bennello also stressed tlal Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. was awarded their agreement by the.City Commission through < city competitive selection process and is in fact working tor the lowest percentage of the three firm~ under contract. It was Mr. Bermello's position that B&A is making every effort to cost-etfectiv~l) design the parks under their agreement, and to successfully accomplish the City's objectives the fel: must remain at 7.2% of the construction budget. Based on this information the Administration offers the follo'.ving options for considewtion: I. Approve the attached Resolution amending the existing agreement with Bermello,Ajami & Partners by $136,300 and authorize them to provide the architectural/engineering ~ervi;e~ for the North Shore Open Space Park as proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan. i This option will enable the project to proceed on the most timely path. It should b~ no:ee that based on past projects of this magnitude it is estimated that the design, revi~w ::.ne construction document preparation process will take no less than tw'elve months ftom:he initial Notice to Proceed. This includes the completion of schematic drawi~gs,:he community presentations, staff reviews, Design Review Board approval, revision~ to:he drawings, completion of the construction drawings and bid documents, issuance of the bid~ and award of bid. The improvements planned for North Shore Open Space Park iriclude ;; new recreation/nature center, renovations of restrooms, complete boardwalk and ~athvra) renovations including the ADA accessibility issues referenced in Option No. III, ~ecUl :t) lighting, new playground and Vita Course replacement, park signage, new irrigation, Ifencn~ restoration, eradication of exotic plant materials and the planting of native landscaping. The funding for this project is allocated from the Miami-Dade County Safe Neigh~orh('oc Parks Bond program. There is a condition that stipulates that the funding must be e~pendec within three (3) years from the award. Due to the substantial scope of this project. th~ tim:nli of the implementation is critical. Failure to expend the funds in the required time puts the City at risk of losing this funding. The maximum exposure to the City if we proce d ",itl' this option is $136,300. The potential risk of proceeding must be weighted aga nst the substantial delays this project has experienced to date, the expectation that the desig revie\-' process could take several more months to gain approval and the time needed for the idd lnf and construction required to complete the project. The approval of this action will better ensure the City complies '.vith the funding requirements and not risk the loss of funding. It should also be noted that the Admin stratLor ~:: reasonably confident that the State of Florida will respond positively in the nee r futltn to the request to return North Shore Open Space Park to the City. In case tb Sta:e'; response is negative. the agreement \vlth Bermello. Ajamil & Partners. Inc. for thi PWec can be suspended or terminated depending on the City Commission' s direction. II. Approve the attached Resolution amending the existing agreement with Bermello, Ajani & Partners by $136,300 and authorize them to provide the architectural/engineering servi~e~ for the North Shore Open Space Park, as proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan, with lht clear understanding that only the schematic and design development phases of the prograrr will be implemented until such time as the park related issues with the State of Florida an resolved. Approving this action will pernlit the program to proceed and eliminate further los time in implementing the project. This scope of services will iRclude the completion of tht site analysis, schematic drawings and related internal administration and sraff reviews. design development documents, presentations to the community and Design Review So:: rd It will also include the work to be completed in Option m. The projected fee for architectural design work for these phases of the program i~ approximately $45,000, and would require approximately sixteen (16) weeks to cqmpkte the scope of work from the Notice to Proceed. The documents will then be submitteq for:he Design Review Board process. This process is anticipated to take no less that tltree :3) months. III. Approve the Resolution at this time but only authorize the design work relate~ to:he accessibility issues including the ADA ramps, handrails and pathways that were de 10lisLed as unsafe structures. Again, authorization to proceed with the remaining work w uld be withheld until the issues with the State of Florida are resolved. The projected fee for architectural design work for phase is approximately $15,000 and would require t n C 0) weeks to complete the drawings and prepare the bid documents, from the issuance date of the Notice to Proceed. It is imperative this work is completed as soon as possible ecause the ADA compliant ramps and all other access to the restrooms has been demolishe . If 1 he City does not proceed with this component of the work there is a risk of an ADA co plaint being filed. CONCLUSION . I The Administration recommends the approval of the attached Resolution and the imPlemjtation of Option I. s~Jk~ I T:\AGENDA \ 1999\MAR0399\CONSENT\NSOPB&A.3ME