#412 b Things We Never Knew About Miami Beach Before 1940sTHINGS WE NEVER Kh~W ABOUT MI;2!I BEACH BEFORE: 1. Bay used to lap right around Drexel Avenue. 2. On dedication of Biscayne Bridge over Biscayne Waterway, Mr. Tomlinson was asked how it came into being -- he said that Carl Fisher came in one day and spread out in front of him a map of that section of Miami Beach. "To~, he said~ "We have to have some more ocean front property" and with that he took out his pencil and made a circle - and that circle is now Surprise Lake - then he said, "We will have to have some way to get in and out of that lake for yachts and boats" and made another dash, and that dash became Biscayne Waterway ..... and withanother dash of his pencil he created Surprise Waterway - 3. 1920 census had 6Z% people living in Miami Beach - at that time the section where City Hall now stands northwards to Lincoln Road was laid out by the Mi~i 0ceanView Company Just like a park - with streets and flowers and a person standing on 5th Street could see all the wa~ up to Lincoln Road as there were just flowers and streets. ~few of the buildings were Bro~m&s Hotel at 2nd St, and 0c~anDrive, Hibiscus Apts. at 1st and Biscayne, the Woo~brd Hotel and the Breakers. 4. Miami Be~ch was connected to the mainland by a long wooden bridge, at the location that is now VenitianWay. About a year later the Flamingo hotel w&s started - Mr. Tomlinson laid out the pilings for it - and while driving friends past the sight, the opinion was expressed that it would never prove ~rofitable. 5. When Mr. Tomlinson arrived in Miami[t~heywere p~mping out the property that is now Baysh~e Golf Co~rse and it was Mr. To~linson's job to lay out the bay line - Alton Road was a mangrove line which he used in shaping the bay. 6. They used to have regattas in Miami Beach which were watched from a pavilion that ran along llth and 12th streets - these regattas were started by Pete Chase and were big events on the social calendars and yachts from all over participated in them. Things I Neve~ Knew Abeu% Miami Beach ----- ~ Miaai Beaeh was in~erpera%ed in 191% the territary had enly 33 registered vete~.e. Thirty ef the~ atteaded the "maes meeting~ at w~ich it was de~_ded te c~eate a legal ~l.ge ... j. N. a~d J. E. Lwmu~ whe were ame~g %be earliest develepers ef Miami Beaeh, never ~ade large fe~tune~. Beth are ~ livtug and past 80 ... The first ~eney they berrewed te fiaaaee their develepmmit was $1~0,000 free Carl O. l~lsher, fer whioh t~ paid eight pe~ cea% ~-~teres% a~d gave l~aher 10% asree ef swamp land aa a beam. Teat lasd late~ was filled aad sew is werth a fertuae ... Me~t ef the large betels first e~cted at ~ia-~ Beaeh were ea the sheree ef Bieeay~e bay. New betel b-~_~_~er~ get as clese %e the eeeaa as passible ... Whea Miami Beach was att~'aeting aatteaal atteatiea in 192~ during the Flerida lamd bee~ the maJe~ betels c~uld be c~uated ea eaes f~nger~. New the~e are 37~ he%els ... First ef the ~aJer eceawereat betels at Miami Beaeh~ the Panceaet was sew sad stylish 2~ years age. New it is being deaelished te ~Ake ree~ fer a ~e~e metiers st~uetmee ...The Reaey Pla~a here1 was the first ia the ceuatry te have eabe~as. New aearly ~l~ the new Flerida sea~ide betels have First aeettag ef the Mlaai Beaeh Chamber ef Cemaeree was held in fittingly, u~der a beaek mabrella ... Miami Beach paid $10 a freer feet fer Lm~aus park, i%~ le~ge~t bathing beach, less than 40 years age. New it is werth $4,000 a feet, er 40 ti~ee its erigiual test ... M~ami Beaeh,s Ce]~= park was dedicated %e the ei%y ef Miaai by mistake, a~d it requi~ed years fer Miami Beash te eerTeet the errer. First dewelepaent ef Miami Beaeh was a Spaaish ~issiea in 1%67. The aext was a eeeea~t plamtatiea ia 1870 ... Beth failed, erie d~e te baekslidiag Iadia~s, the e%he~ %e baekalidi~g eeeenu% priests