#449 Transcripts of meeting held March 26, 915 incorporating the Town of Miami Beach I ~ / _-~1" . ( "', A '<,- ; f ~ --' <flX" 1 \. ~ ''''~\; ; y-ff''-< ) ..F ~/"__ ) \r-i_~ -,~_~i~, j-- ~ ?\,_~ f( ~~ 't)/ ( ~"';~ ~--" _ r~: .)/ ~ t' tt} I '- ( ... H~ ,h-' _,_ t'>f, ----- ! ~ '\ "J -{.' '.-- - \ , '\ ( ":k->d '. ( >- 'J~..., ........ ..""....'/ ....,.l...~~ 'cif....-...... ~ './... ..' ". I. '-~". .' '"'- \.' r ,.,_.-.,." .. . _.. ',," . ~. " .I~' '1' .... i ... . ...., /- m""'I.'SC"Tp.~, 0" pCJr-":~'-"'l'-".;,""C: ,,-,~ "','vrrT'_;r'1 ".'TD I" PU:;>Qnl,1.'('-'" "-'fl -"i'J,;,'r:-~ ,\'T' ':"~."? .l--'-'--"'._', ~.~ ~ " ,',,/,'~ )~-' ,..~ -'~ ......>-__,'.7.. .," !3<'....-;-'';t[..'''.~ ~.. ~~ - - ~ Or:?IC'E :;r '.FE Or, :.,',:'; B~J-.'J~I ;ti!'~1TY COHP!'.IE Hi '.;..'~::', j:ILiII O.t )(IAM~, ON ':'HE 26 DAV '13' ~1\?Ct! 1915' LT 7;30 O'CL0';K P.M. FO?':'l-m PU?:PO>~ O? E;CORPO]A?L:S. T'-I:'; ~O H 'JF MIEH 3~',CH. *...., ^,>r-~'+~_"''i'*Jr-,,''''''''''"'''''''''''''' '''*''''1'''* .A ,Tleeting of the registered and nlalified voters residing at l''[iami 3ench, in the territory nereinnftel'described by :aetes and bOUllc_s,}-cevlng be8n (jul;Y~ and IG:!ally 08.11- ed,filet PUTS,Ul.ut to notic.e at t!J.E! t~me and "pl~\ce de;Jignat!'!d in said notice, and thereupon the fol1~ning proceedings were had; First; Redin-tmd_ Jh (Jauti er was elected chairman and J.F.Q':anov~ clerk to take down and transcribe the minutea ~f said ~eeting. Thereupon a roll of the registered and qualified voters residing in,the territory describ- ed in the notice was called and it was found from an examination of said list.orroll~thet there were thirty-three (33) registered voters resideing in the territory descrined hy ~eteg and bounds in the notice ~nd t~at all of said narties who were liable for the payment of poll tax has paid all poll taxes assessable against them necessary to enable them to vote, and that of Said nu~ber there were Thirty regis~ered an~ qualified Motel'S present,that the number 01' registered and qualified 'Toters present ",ere ~ore than twenty-five in number and constitute(1 two-thirCls of., the registe:::-eo and Cluclified voters resinius- in t:~co proposed cor :porate It-mits. ~hereu:pon one of the no~ice~ calling s~i~ ~ecting. ITith 8~orn pToof o~ pos~,was fil~d "C1ith the clerk.,7r.i<l!l said notice,wi th proof attached tre:roto.are in ~.'..ords ~nd fig'J.res as fOllows,to-wit:- NOTIC.3. NOT'lC2 is herAby given that a meeting Jf -the 1'8 -; 8-'::8:::"'8r" ~.roters r-cr,d q"e.~ific:'J electors resid!i.ng in the district hereinafter set for~,.,.., aT:"! (lc-:ir,w" 07 -"etes a,,(1 bcmn(]s,'j~ hl'lr'b::r oa.llen to oonvene at the office of The CCBs.n 3enC11 ;;8['.1 t:IJOl:1}JSIlY, at Oc(;e.n J~eu)h,~:;\lorP&. in tl:e territory hereina:::ter descri'ned,:JI:. ."rL:ay,~.i1e 20th d5-;' 0::' ;:11.1.:::"01: 1915,8-':: se7en 0'8::"O'~k E'.M. for ti:e purpose of organizi.::1i3" ani i!l[~o="por[lti' a :rur.jc:ipsJ. g):rV8r.:r.:::]f';j~t,',;':~,e sought to be tnc'Jrporater. is ..de:~criber1 by letrH> 8.::::1 b:)::.n"S,f...S ::ol~ O'~6; terri tor:: Beginrtir.cg in vade Count Y.l<'lorF e., s.t a l)oict 'tlherc t::e e:l.s~C;r-" hO\1f'.d2.r:r Tine of the ni"ci'sentCity of ~He:::d,if eX',enaed :::lOTth,':'i',(m'ln be i2:lt.:;rS,G,}tOG b~.ce. lilJG ri]Ci ;!ny e.sst "'-:'10 v1lfest through the center of sectj.ons t'"fe!1t:r-two (2::) ardl t-:;,ent~7-t1-Jrer; (23) 0:: :o''i'j1,{hi-p fifty-three (')3) sOl:th,3ange :"'()rt:.r-t.'!C} (42) .~a':;-:;. '; V:'E:>: ri:n east a~ on" 90.i:'l ellst ami ',nst line t':1rough t:r:e c-;Jntcr of t1ectLons t','.'0r,t:r-t..,'c 122} 'l:>~ t'78Lt/-.':L:ree 12:3} te) t'nB los ",ater :nark of tl:e ~~tlatlt;.c OC0P.n,tr-_ence i.r:: 8., sont1 8Z''-- '::r8C;'~:.')~ 'D.W;;,'l-;;",' "~,'~8 :ow 'vSlter ,1laTk of t~he Ltlnntic JCCM to the eastel'r, ey"~,rero,'~':7 of "C-:C 'j':Ji,": ';1,,]11; 'Jut, !ns DO','" S'.rve',. established ai-,d com1tr~loted,extendirF "reIi :r_:; Atl':cr,":ic -:0 ''-':e ';1;itGrS oi' ;i'JC~B.yne on:posite the City of :;iw,i J thelj(~f3 ;nGardl~ring t:~e 10".' ','!,ter ~!:r?: of t.t.e northe;,lJ shore G'L said '.ro'Tern-nent Cut to the western '~"r:.:.'::'las t:-::Gr,;:;f'.thcn,::a aun .78',;t to t" ''J er'3tern boun"__ line of the -present Ci t7 of ",j <"~L:'., t :ence noy";r_ 1'1::" ons t}: ,'1 eastern bou:r...dary line 0-: t ',(; fret;- eIlt City of ::i8J;:i to the .r}oin~ of beginning. the a~~oT/e described ]l:!:'oper:7 ',,:n;ll"BciLg tile 8':;'_1'~:' half of fractional sf:'ctions t",enty-two (22) ar'il t".'C1.t3r-tl-:ro? (23) and all 0:' --=rae:tio:,ml sections twent~T-six 126) t"Henty-sev8n (87) t\7ent~l-ei3"ht (28) thirty-three (33) and thirty =Ollr (34) in township fifty-three 153) Soutrc,l{ange '"ort;y-t;'70 (42) ~ast.<L:'ld Hll of fractioc._ sections three (3) Slid four (4) ana all of fractional section ton (~JJ lying no~th of the Jovernment Cut in townshi 1) fi. fty-four (54) ;-:o-u.th Ear.geforty-t',1o {!',~' I .r:a3t, ane all islr L~b] sand bars and wibmerged lands c.:-,ft 71"f',ters lying bet':ieen tJ-:e above describefl lUDr1 <,.nll the eastern boundp..ry of the present G:l.t~T of j':l~nY'li. All persons wnO are registe!'e6 voters residing in the !lropos8D_ co::-porate limits as a.bove set I'orth a:!'e here~y required to asse;::ble et the 'Place above namea fInd on t~:e ilnte above named to select offiClers and orGanize a !:lunid:p:ll government. Dated this 24th aay of .rl'ebruary A..!J.1915 'It,o:J!,.'y[ii1J.!s;:Jm tbd. rItn1l;iy $WtI!rnl '~Rell awl s.a.y-s tha.t he Pcsted three of the j, I: '.. .. ~1!~lll!.~.9tlll~:I.~ul>l,iCJ'i!;~.ces ~ ~&Iiihw'\i;t'\!};l};l>t .'" - ~ . . '";I '. .;w.<t,",<it.J.N'. "'!1('M""'.&--'J:i'iiit~,"*~it;ix [,"i,'".;;~,.~;-.i:iiili;~,,;i;i'.L''';~"' ,.,",<~~:;:, ':'<'w'@1~i:-t::&~:"ij.wih;~\i,\,.";~::;;.;:,"",,,.;.,c:',;,, , ' "",- B'eg;i:nh-i'ng, in: $aae: ci'9Un*.:!!',ror:ida~:at' a point '\fhere'.'t~e:',:e:a~'t-~i:'k:' ''1 ' . , '-. - - ' '..:. , ", -; ~ r ',Ui:e>p.z'e8.-en~ C:.ftly ?-t Miami. rf' exte:niled north'7wo~liBbe in,tereec-t~'ii by 'a .1:G;i~'1 ."s"'" '" ::!w~:s:,t";'-iji;tDug:h ,the 'o:eutel' of s:ecti~l1S: ti1ent'Y-two, (Z2) and twent1Y.,.t'iU'ee,-,t.2;~:f-" .,' -, . , t:hZ'M::':Hizl_ ,"S:Ouoth.Hllllge' ::f'orly~two l-42J .tlast,theno.e TtUl eaa.t .al-O-M safd' t:hr-()U~1t ,thi!l 'ceriter of sec,tiQl1S'twenty-two (-22) and twanty-thr-e-e t:231 O';f )t~:_ Atlantic Ocean,thence,i;,~ C:! ~:'.:.~: 0.1- '~'; (, t.~ 0:', ;,,:V'OJ:_.),ei' it..", ':)~J;>:O;L :.i,. "1;>.0 <1'-'C+t2~1. e:;{t~G.';ltJ 0~' t;,c ::;'OV-E',:::'::0i,', '}-:.t (,-,;;;: Ij(, 4,r'll tl:;"~1 GX~cS:"" ""-::, -:::1',,::;, tL;. }~~~><~i.-t :.j::-ib~" ',,, t:."; "!:.o ';.(Jt;;; u:~ t:';t. /' '--'" _ I, ,,' ~ ')::'-: .:.i} ~z,.e n: .:..~: tL.~ 1;-;<'; ;';.... te:'." ;,1;.,' ,;. "," t;~8 ::"v 1',i2:1;; ,>TL.,cJ;~l'-!i c:;.t 1:0 to," -; ~''" " 01 ti~ rr.l'~n,:.i ~: t1-"., ':'1;;, ;;c;~_;. ,,;-' t;-,.) .:....;2" ,::,.:t,;i '" ~" -,,,;:..;), ,.~; tl: T-G'''' ",L0.,. ~ CC'.. '::::0 n~,~,,-,.:: :. 0.c.::.0 Of. ~c ~:-,A ~(;:i! '; ';:1.:.-;' h3 ;(,7,',1,,"" J.;":",'H',,, e;",,"r,__~'l....g ",co.' -"",',- (l;.. ~; ( :~ ".) 8- ':. (''"7). ~r. t ,,'-~,' ":12. ;':"":,J. " ~- -;.' c.:'- '::'1.0" ._. (:.13), ~!.. J :C" !".r" ,.~ ~,) ,ix, t'';;.""l .fi ~>t:;---t; j' ,:;e- \ ,:;,] J ...". "e. ~..L~ ~ (;~' " :' ~J -"'" -i:"c",",',-..: "J-e" ''''' "I, c: -; ': ~j "'-103 ,:) \2.:,..l ),,78 _,:,~;,c ~:_t ,,^,', -'.;. q'-~~-:;r (:':-',,) ..~,.~' J~<I~k, t,' (-:~,~) _;".'.: ;'; ,-' r ~:" ,-? "." 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"r:J.~: !h;l.;/ '..F";:,r~eQ':' ';I'h-a1'6u:&ori g _"v-(;j,C;J:l \':'C_:3 :;Dd;; 0.(11 f;~G<j:At';(!. tho t alde:r;me:c aj~G .' clarA: '6rj, Go ~:a ths Bl&X$hsll to & VDt'8 'of' '~Oi; jf.iS ag.odns :t.~ 'f~.)t ,t.te..-~'lteb.t;ioril 8[( tl;e. ,i''9~Ll'''W';'' John ':1. 11. 1.lagin.tds ~~~~r~~::l::,~,~~d <?l:erk I';lrJ,d 3x-o;f'liG'io . T'ti:i: Assessor :::x- C :2:. :-.;'er::.''i/ Ald.e;:"illL[:. iL. .., ]i'ileJ::' A1 d.8JCrJS:i 'r. E. u'b-;::JCi) Al&,;;!':r;:o.::: ":'!'.G<l~ :J. ':::f'.l.:c::,,bf.;'; .il.1(\:;-,:.<-..:'; ". , :'C",':'I~ ~..l,l , .-.,. -, ,. , , ev._ L.!_,l _c. ., , :'': ~0:i ..-:--, ,,-,',J,'.] :.;" \;i~0 .',;t tk., __d -.;;;- .J. .>ti );1, ,:2 ';09. / **"'-"****,I.-*"'''''''*'''***'''k~'*",***", Id '" k A) '~, '.!:;l ',,1'ATE 0"' FLORIDA, COUNTY OF D,\DE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above B:~Hi fOregOin~.%.itnd c..orrect copy '6, a _______ ~~-..--.,---- ~. l' , ~ , ' ~:iieu III my 0 fflee ,~.tbaay oL~~__ ' A~9/od~' ,. .P?'" k In.... ~~__, ana, recQJ;ueci 1 ' 00 , __, atpage..-;1!y.J;?:_. WITNESS2m', hand an;}, Qfficial seal. thi-.2l-day o~_,A.D.19)$::;:;- E. B. L5:/\THEI<:,MAN .Ci~~my;:'U.t: Bl'4'i2_':?r~._._ ,//,. :Deputy C~e.(~ . /-r :Gr::~' (L~' hiG':;~ :E:S 3u_; ,J.N. LDl,.;,'i'DfJ 11j' [.,.,:n,; J ,r', (Ll:;Sg;IAT ~LJG'iI on ~\;l'Dunt ;:J3.ll.L out in b'Btti:lt'': e Jrlol'Ser.:it1:1ts of \/6..:tious ,~i'\r:.i.c c'.sscai.J.tioIi.J :P~li(~" LG..:::O,lJ.e i'oJ' lis':~ of '-'''.l.D.lifiod. vot0r~:~ 'p;:'i:n.ti:!l,~; h'J.nd. "hillr" iJt:c~ EI'_: 10 ;~C:i.J. 'j\iJ"',om I hir0i'1 for 8. ,-Wllt1.1 (Jac},- ]',,',i("' i'or 17 '.',i1.tor:)o':ciJ.es on :.JIection JJ~\r a.::~ct ,,)Jci::jl Ji)ll ~;o DO ",it-;-, t:'J.~'}Jj StaiJ\iS - rr1[dli:r;.;~ crrC-:J.J.?.::'B }=-',.d( :Fef't;:r :m.~inti:1; !iaTH!. 1)511:, etc . .:1 18X,I:;e1'(' ;n;:;,ki:::l' S:.CBoCCi,-08 tt:TO':C' .t._ tJ~,e kn.1.nt~.T "" a;;~'i;Qnlo11:iJ.83 0,:lstlc5_J};.t:'...11 Gi~>c:),l,..::;'s G':::ro1,1}'.UU.t t110 c01.mJ;;~T .c:;'::X:"~8G C~-1':"O-",-"'-, :.;cG})le o:n oos'ts over 1 i ~ce o:::-c;a1.~se',~'cl~:r 3}x::ci:11 ~;',~__:l'<?a :;8i_,.t. c8:rt:-dn ;coI,].e in ya.:riou,s \~'r:.rds l'i:celverl from (jarl ".. 2i&hs-:: ...... 2,OOO.D('. -,- l"ece:lYE:d, :frOf'::: i,il;:.!!:! Oc:e;;;;J TI~~e,'! 0o~. 2~OOOqOO ;':~'n .l::e:""fiOilDJ.ly O':2t O'O'O"ooooO~'~'._.. 1.15iL!..!!JL !';'jE:C.OO 2~OOO.OO 62f5.00 l~UOO,OC 2[;6.00 1,50.00 '0:).,:.;0 500.00 Ij(!.OQ lSO.CC bOG.OO ::,J.55.00