Gonzalez Alfredo/FRU Mgmt Inc 04/12/05 11:38 GREENBERG T~URIG ~ 305 663 9247 NO. 927 002 , ." & - Cty of Miami Beach Office of the City aerie 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION PORM L.obhvkt means ill PflI"lllM ~ or rmIned. wneIher paid ", lIot. by I prlncloaI who 1Mb eo enCIDUI'iIge ttle PlSIIlIge, defeat Off madllaltJo" of ~y ordlnln(;e. resoIutian, KtJan or dedslan 01 atly c:omml"lo,*; ilny IIdIllI'I, dedsion. l'e(Olj"le>.dItian cI the City MaNger or env dly boaftl If cammlal!e; or illIY action, dedsloo or teaxrlII1endaUo of any dty personnel dlll1ng tne time period of tha entire ~ng JlfOCIS art 5Ilctl aCtion, ~ or ItImlMltlldition that Awseeably will be hWd or JeYlewed by the c:i\v alII'lI\'llssJort, Off a ~ bDilrd or COI1llMtee. The!lerm spedflQlly .,dudes the prlllCipal iIIii wetl as any emJl/ovee et1fIi/I!}INi In Iobbyirtg lIdMties. 1IIe ,.,., -LDItbytIb.. Mslll8c1f1c exdllSioN. PIM.. refer tIO OrllnanCII 2D04-J43J. NAME o.c LCB8Yl5T; OreenbelJ Trauric BUSINess NAME AHO ADCItESS 305-579-0588 'T'ELEPHON! NUMBER: GDDZalez (UIt) ]221 Brickell Avenut, (N~ iOCI SIreet) 30S-96J-SS88 F~ ,.UM8ER: Alfredo (FIrst) Miami (CI\y) J FL (5tal1e) louaJczaj@Jtlaw.com !HAIl: (NJ) 33131 (lip Code) L LOUYIST RErAIWID IV: Fl.U Manapmelll, Inc. fWlll 01 PIUNCPAUa.IENT: Cbarles Ouqe BuildillB IIUSINfSS NAME AND ADDRESS 305~'1-S4G7 It:lEPHONE NUMBtR: 4300 - 4332 CoBin. A VClRle Miami DeItCh (NlIINer and ~) (CIty) 305-663.924' F4X NUMBEIt: COpttOf1ill) Florida 33143 (SIiIfe) (2Jp Code) dortadu@llOLcom EfoWL: (0p!J0na1) RI eut tlllIlKtiItn If prfnclpal is. eo.......1II\ 'utnenhlp or TlWt (1ectIH 2-411 (e)] '. NAME OF CHIEF OFFJCR,. PARTNER" OIl BENEflCMY: Jcqc Dorta-Duque JDEHnfY ALL PeRSONs HOlOING, DIRECTlY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5~ OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUOl CORPOAA11ON. PAR'I'NERSHIP (]I. TJlUST; Do ~c UJII.V ISSUE: /J City ..- ~kt It Y1t wn~.,.h ~M IIIiUe to be bled (Describe in derail): Ia. CITY A.UlCllSlDlDIVI~LI TO.. i.OIIlED: (Y PI hi" i O#'f. f ~"""'/ A) ....11 ..... ., Jlldiwidual/TlUe ') _ FItl..aat, '.millal., Profns.lan" ..........p HiSloric: PrcacrvaDon Board 04/12/05 11:38 GREENBERG TRAURIG ~ 3l1l5 663 9247 NO. 927 003 IV. DISDIQ5URI OF TERMS Are AfiIaUNtS or LOIIYISJ COHJIbIIA'TJON (DUCLOSI WHITHER HDUal.Y, IUTIlA7EDIl ~ A) LOBBYIST DISa.OSURE: Cblu'rod) $290.00 Hourly B) PlUNCPAI.. '5 Dl5Cl.OSURE (OF L088YISr CX)MPEItlSA~): (.....lNd). ...s290.00 Hamtv The foItow1ntlnfDnnation muc lie __red: 1) Pursullnt to Meami IIeIc:h CIty Code Secaon 1.... Entitled "PrDhlbItIed CimpeIgn ContributJons Br ~sts On Pn:lanmenr Issues": [) VM ..,..1 AN..... IoI1bv1n8 an _ _-.~ Dr Dendi_ II'" for - eauiafnmIt Or servlcM. ... Dn ~ DI'II!Mftt Dr .....dina .....tar croods. eauiDlIItIIIt ftr 1lI!IV1re, 2) Pursuant to Miami Beach atv Code 2~ EntiUed "Pf'OIlibbd cam,.Ign ConlWtbutions By LdIbvIrD On ReilI estate Development Issues": OYM . ~ AN YOu............. cut ........ ....iaItian for a DeWIIMIMnt ~=~ ::::e: Dr aDllliGltlon far c:r.ana.11II ~Ifta maD ...-a...._ or dIaftGfJ ~_____ _ __ Use Ifai 3) Pursuant to Miami 8nctI CItV Code 2...s4 (It) Art( person (elQpt those exempt from Ihe deflnltJon d "lobbyist" as set forth 'n section 2-481 above) who onfy appear.; as a I1!pI'tI!reIII'a1M of iI not-b'-prafit 'corporation or entity without special compensation or relmbUrtlmlnt for the ~ral1a!r wheIhef dImt, or indirect,. to express support d or opposition to any Ib!m, hi regI5te, with tile dertt iIS requl/ed by this SII!CtIon to, stlall not be requftd to pay any reglstrotlon fees.. [] YM RNo: ~nI VGU MDrltYlltlna. nat-for-lIIDfIt ClDnlDratlon... entitv 1UHhDUt .-nl mft1~Gn Dr ................ . Y. --'lURE "DIll OATH: ON 0CTDaIR 1" OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOHYIST SHALL SUIIMIT TO THE CITY a.ERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDO OATH, US'IlNGl LOBBYING EXPEND RESr AS WELL AS COM'ENSAUON RECEIVED, IN THE CITY OF MIAMI lEACH FOR THE ING NDAR WAR.. A STATEMENT SHALL H FILED EVEN IF THERE HAVI IEEH NO EXPI! OR PElilSATION DURING THE REPoRnNG PERIOD. fllUHCI'AL IDENTlFJCAl1ON: I do solemnly sweer thitt aU of the ro familiar wl1tl the provIsIOns contained requirements. SlgnabJre of t..obbyist: Signature of PrInciPal} VI. o Produced ID o Produced ID ~PersaftaIIv known (~ YD. SlGNATUItI AND Sf~MP OF NOTARY: Form rA identification ~ known (PrIncipal) FOR AnnIHIIllegI5IndIon fie: ( Yes [ ) ilia AIIlount Ulbbylst Registrdan IIorm It!CIM!d anct ventItd by: F:\Q.ell\IAU.\MAAIA-M\lObbV1St\LOB8VIST lORN OS.doc Revised 12J08/04