206-1999 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ,-"lTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us 206-1999 L.T.C. No. '1 LETTER TO COMMISSION October 19, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: 72ND STREET RFP Please be advised that as a result of several requests for additional information, the opening date for the nnd Street RFP has been postponed for 45 days from October 26, 1999 to December 13, 1999. Attached is the last addendum sent out regarding the 72nd Street RFP for your information. SRlC~ar F:ICMGRI$ALLIRARIL TCI72STRFP, DEC attachment c: Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Mary Greenwood, Executive Assistant to the City Manager C!TY OF M!A~A! REACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us ~ ,.~a CU~I;~UU'lT el' I~ICN T..II.",I""".. (lgl,. 1 T IlIg Facsimile (305) 673-7851 REQUEST FOR DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS (RFP) NO. 42-98/99 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ADDENDUM NO.4 October 12, 1999 City of Miami Beach RFP No. 42-98/99, Approximately 4 Acre Public/Private Development Opportunity Known as the "72nd Street Site" Located Between Collins and Harding Avenues from 72nd to 73rd Street, is amended as follows: Included in the addendum: I. Amended RFP Opening Date The RFP Opening has been rescheduled for 3:00 p.m. on the 13th day of December, 1999. II. Question received from prospective bidders and corresponding answer. Q1. Are there any past or present environmental studies on this site availablefor review? AI. No, there are no environmental studies available for this site. Q2. Is there any soil boring/geotechnical information available for the site? A2. No, there is no soil boring/geotechnical information available for this site. Q3. Page 6 contains a list of RFP requirements that must be included in this proposal. My question concerns number 2, which states: "Description of representative development project by the team, individually and collectively, from proposal concept to operation, including a detailed situational analysis regarding the area surrounding the development and the market feasibility. " Are you asking us to describe a project that was done previously by the same development team, describe individual projects that have been done previously by each member of the team, or describe the project we are currently proposing to develop? Please clarify the question and explain what type of response is anticipated. RFP No, 42-98/99 Q4. A.4 Q5. ^"! Th,-" T)T:'TI ...,..............,...,.....,..." .................. --1,..........,..._;1...." ..t....... ~,..............1,.....,_..-...,.....'"""+ +.....n........... :,"""rt;""t;"","Y ""'rl-,...."th".... ('V.." _......+ +t...........u""" :~ ... ..1...1.'-' ..4.~ J. .l\",loJr'V1J.u"",, J.J..J,\.6....>... U\",IJ""J.J.lJ"" "J.J.\"; ~"'" V ""'J.Vf-'J.J...I."".&....'" "'...._.........., ........-....'-'..................b .. ......-........-... ......... 0I....'-'\. L.A.A.",!"" J.~ a residential and commercial component and are there separate developers for each component. The response must also describe the program concept and how it will operate. F or example, if there is both residential and commercial, how does the access to the different areas work, how is parking handled, and what is the income stream. The proposal must also included a detailed situational analysis regarding the area surrounding the development and the market feasibility, meaning why is this project going to be feasible and how does it compliment and further enhance the surrounding areas. We would like to obtain the As-Built information for the following sites: a. Existing Sanitary Sewer Pump Station No. 20 b. Existing 36",20" and 12" force main c. Existing 12" Water Main d. Existing Storm Sewer Please see plans included in this addendum. Under the heading "Financial Requirements" you ask for letters of commitment from financial institutions. At this early stage in the development of a project, banks often provide letters of interest if they have interest in financing that project. Please clarify and/or elaborate on the term "letters of commitment". The RFP states: "Proposals shall include letters of commitment from financial institutions rated AA or better, documenting a proposer's ability to secure the necessary funds to complete the proposed development. " A5. Replace the above statement with the following: "Proposals shall include letters of interest from financial institutions rated AA or better, documenting a proposer's ability to secure the necessary funds to complete the proposed development." Q6. I would like to have information sent to me regarding economic development, current area development, and possible growth potential in regards to the North Beach Area. A6. All available information regarding economic development is included with this addendum. Q7. How many City Commission hearings would be requiredfor uses not specified as main permitted uses for the GU District zoning classifications? A7. The subject City land is presently zoned Government Use (GU). The proposed development may represent private or joint government/private uses in the GU district. Pursuant to Section 142-423 of the City Code, any such uses require review by the Planning Board prior to approval by the City Commission. Pursuant to Section 142-425 of the City Code, the City Commission must confirm the development regulations that apply as a result of such proposed private or joint government/private use to be the average of the requirements in the RFP No. 42-98/99 surrounding districts, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Director. Th~ P~anning and 7:oning: OirectM h1<; cietermineci tn:lt thf" rf"0'1l11tinn fnr rOl will :1\''101v for thIs sIte and said development regulations will be confirmed in the Development Agreement, as required by State Statute. The City l..OrnmlSSlOn Wlll nOlU lWU pUUll~ llt,;illUl~:> LU t;llll;;f mta a Development Agreement. Q8. Witlt regards to Section VII oftlte RFP (Special Terms and Conditions p.28) is there a specific time associated with the "issuance of the RFP process" Le. what point in time does the City consider as tlte commencement of the "RFP process" and wlUJt .nn;"t "':!' :~:::.-,'; the comDletion of the "RFP process"? A8. The commencement of the RFP begins with the date the RFP was issued, the completion of the RFP process is considered the date of final contract award. Q9. With regards to Section VII of the RFP (Special Terms and Conditions p.28) how much, approximately, does the City estimate it has spent to date? A9. The City estimates costs to date, excluding third party attorney and consultant's fees which cannot be determined at this time, total $22,821.00 for advertising and appraisal costs. QI0.' With regards to Section VII of the RFP (Special Terms and Conditions p.28) will the City consider a cap on wltat it can spend on the "issuance of the RFP process" to give the proposed developers of tlte site a clearer idea of the cost for which they will be responsible? Also with regards to Section VII of the RFP are the City's costs described in this Section different from the $75,000.00 capped by the City legal/consulting costs mentioned in Section IV of the RFP (p.19)? A10. It is anticipated that the City's third party attorney and advisor's fees will not exceed $75,000, however, the successful proposer is responsible for all costs related to the issuance of this RFP process. These costs include, but are not limited to, advertising, legal, fmancial and any/all related professional costs as required. When submitting your proposal, please note that Addendum No.4 was received. We look forward to receiving your proposal. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH l~Q CZ) Michael A. Rath CPPB Procurement Director RFP No. 42-98/99