209-1999 LTCCITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach .~.us 209-1999 L.T.C. No. LETTER TO COMMISSION October 25, 1999 TO: FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City mmission Sergio Rodriguez SUBJECT: POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE'S ANNUAL THANKSGIVING BASKET PROGRAM This Letter to the Commission is to advise the Mayor and City Commission of the annual Miami Beach Police Athletic League's Thanksgiving Basket Program. The Miami Beach Police Athletic League (PAL) is once again providing Thanksgiving baskets to 400 Miami Beach families in need. PAL works together with the schools on Miami Beach, collecting nonperishable items and canned goods to help fill the baskets. PAL has always included fresh produce (onions, celery, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, apples, oranges) and whatever fresh items that it was able to purchase at reasonable prices. In addition, bread, rice, cranberry sauce, an 8-10 pound turkey and anything in the way of cakes or sweets are provided. The cost for this annual event is approximately $6,000 ($15 per basket). PAL is asking all of its friends in the community to help sponsor this worthwhile project. Delivery of food baskets will take place at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at Nautilus Middle School, 4301 N. Michigan Avenue. If any member of the Commission would like to volunteer, you are more than welcomed. If any member of the Commission would like additional information, please contact Bernie Winer, Executive Director of PAL at (305) 673-7776 ext. 5305. SR/RR(~/PS/MMS F:\POLI\TECHSERVXPOLICIES\COM_MEMO\pal 1999 thanksgiving basket.ltc.wpd