LTC 104-2005 63rd St. Bridge Rehabilitation/Flyover Demolition/Construction of At-Grade Intersection/Improv. to Indian Creek CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Letter to Commission No. o4-2oo5 To: From: Subject: Mayor David Dermer and Date: April 22, 2005 Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez ,~,-~ City Manager i ~" 63RD STREET BF-/IDGE REHABILITATION / FLYOVER DEMOLITION / CONSTRUCTION OF AT-GRADE INTERSECTION I IMPROVEMENTS TO INDIAN CREEK This is to let you know that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has awarded subject project to Gilbert Southern in the amount of $14,679,758.00. According to FDOT, Gilbert Southern is an excellent contractor who has completed several projects for local FDOT districts including the complete replacement of the 2"" Avenue Bascule Bridge. The awarded contract has a mandatory start of April 17, 2006. The good news, the contractor will receive a $400,000 bonus to complete the total project in 380 calendar days and an additional $60,000 incentive to finish in 370 calendar days, compared to the 580 calendar days originally estimated by FDOT. More good news, there is another $400,000 bonus to complete all the right-of-way improvements on Indian Creek from south of 63r" Street to Abbott Avenue in 230 calendar days. Per FDOT it would be best to have the initial project Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting once FDOT has received a preliminary construction schedule from Gilbert Southern and has selected a consultant who will assist FDOT in the administration of the project. FDOT estimates it will have the preliminary construction schedule and the consultant by August 2005. Until such time, I recommend you select two representatives each to be appointed to the FDOT subject project CAC. Please feel.free to contact me should you have any other concerns or questions. c: Fred H. Beckmann, Director of Public Works F:\WORKSSALL\(1 ) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\0LUCY LLOPIS\LTC\63rd Street Bridge.doc