Minutes of April 16, 1915 April 6th, 1915. Rega1ar meet 1ng ot tile Boarcl ot .&1cle!lll4m ot tile TOWIl ot JU8IIl1 Beach wal helel , o ffIoe ot !he Ocean Beach Realty O<JlDP8l1Y, aDd on call ot the roll the toll owing , were present: Thol. J. Pancoalt, T. E. Jamel, If. E. Brown, H. R. filer, W. E. O. H. Perr'Y, anel F. o. B. LeBro. On motion ot .&1de1'lll8Zl R. R. PileI', Alderman !l'hos. J. PULcoast was nominated ~(tJ14ent ot the Board ot Al4el'lD8Jl. There beiJIg no tvther nominatIons M.r. Thos. ~st was 1D1&111mousll decland. elected. A cOI!JIIlmlcaticm. trom ar. J. J.)~ Mitchell relat1...e to the neC8Baary Orcl1n8Dcel ~s and other au:ndr11tems needed tor the Munic1pal!'" was re&4, and on motion ot n T. E. J.e. the pr..ident appointed three (31 umberl to 4I'&ft nitatale OJldin- The President appointed Alclermen T. E. J.el, W. E. Brown and W. B. Bonon em 1f'W' ~ttee. On motion ot .&1de1'lll8Z1 T. E. James the Olerk was &uthorille4 to ha...e the nec.... ;atIon.1'1 printed tor the Municipality. On motion ot Alelel'lUD W. E. Brown the regular meet1nga ot tile Board ot .&14.1'- .4!nl be helel o~ tile tirlt III1d thircl !uel4ays ot each and. .....17' month. !rher. being no to.rther bullDell, on motion ot .&1del'lDUl R. H. fller the ..et1ng feed to me.' em !aeaclq. the 18til day ot qril, 1915. .--- / / ).~' ~.::';cz....c L- tfl-.-;f'"'--t'JL/~ /, Pl'e t ot the Board. . '. ,. , .- J' '. ./ : \. ~ '~ '"'-& - , <i"~'" . "- ,~. t"." ~- .....~ ~:, ,At,: ";~ :~;~ . . , ':A " "I'~~ .".~'. , :-~r' ., ~. 1i'~~ "~no c:A, ,:j ..' '~